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Pet Peeves


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Since I work in the computer field, I'll comment on this. This is a typical response from a "user" who does not want to use new functionality provided to them. They just want to do things the same old clumsy way. C'mon ninelives, if you are smart enough to COPY the youtube link, then you can use the insert link functionality. That is unless you are typing every character of the link.

BTW, what does this mean "I'm not on a PC"?

Excuse me? You are the only one with an issue about how links are posted and there isn't a board rule that says I have to post the way YOU want. I'm on a Mac and the commands are different than a PC. Your way doesn't work on my computer. Has nothing to do with not wanting to use what's provided. I don't really need the derogatory remarks thanks.

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Excuse me? You are the only one with an issue about how links are posted and there isn't a board rule that says I have to post the way YOU want. I'm on a Mac and the commands are different than a PC. Your way doesn't work on my computer. Has nothing to do with not wanting to use what's provided. I don't really need the derogatory remarks thanks.

Uuuuummm, I'm also on a MAC.

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Links to video that appear as such.......

...as opposed to (a bit more elegant) using the insert link functionality, at least you know what you are getting.....

I almost never click on anyone's links, especially since this pc can't play U-Tube stuff - so at least I can see what the poster is referring to, this way. Thank you, JT!

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Honestly, things that have been posted in this thread as of late are on my list of pet peeves today.

Ninelives, I really don't care how you post a link. As long as they work, that's all that matters.

The "titling of links" is nice, but it's not that important, IMO.

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Honestly, things that have been posted in this thread as of late are on my list of pet peeves today.

Ninelives, I really don't care how you post a link. As long as they work, that's all that matters.

The "titling of links" is nice, but it's not that important, IMO.

Thank you. I don't see what the big deal is either.

Edited by ninelives
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I hate when you go to the dentist office and they keep you waiting for like an hour as if your time doesn't mean anything!! :angry: On top of that, what they wanted me to come back for wasn't all that important anyways (polish a tooth?, not exactly an emergency) so I told the receptionist I may reschedule someday soon (which I will not). I understand that emergencies come up, but the least they can do is call and notify if there is a back-up, I just don't like using up my vacation time unless I just have too.

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Thank you. I don't see what the big deal is either.

I'll just quote what you once said to me. "Because you're stupid". Why waste somebodys time by making them click on something they have either NO interest in or have seen before. You obviously don't get it AND obviously don't want to use the functionality that this chat forum provides. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IF YOU OWN A COMPUTER THAT USES A MAC OR WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM!! AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR?

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I'll just quote what you once said to me. "Because you're stupid". Why waste somebodys time by making them click on something they have either NO interest in or have seen before. You obviously don't get it AND obviously don't want to use the functionality that this chat forum provides. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IF YOU OWN A COMPUTER THAT USES A MAC OR WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM!! AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR?

Yes, but not in the way you think. <_<

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Look, most others appreciated learning how to spruce up their links. He took my advice way too personal and could care less about making life easier for others.

It's not the point you're making that's the problem, but the attitude with which you're expressing it. I think you're making too big a deal out of this, not ninelives (who is a she, incidentally). The advice (especially Dzldoc's tutorial) in itself is welcome. No need to insult others over something this minor, however.

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It's not the point you're making that's the problem, but the attitude with which you're expressing it. I think you're making too big a deal out of this, not ninelives (who is a she, incidentally). The advice (especially Dzldoc's tutorial) in itself is welcome. No need to insult others over something this minor, however.

How did I insult her? I merely pointed out it was typical behavior for somebody learning new computer skills. Jesus Crackers.

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Hey Jethro, I think I recall you saying somewere that most people who meet you for the firt time don't like you, and when they get to know you they dislike you even more.Intended or not, sometimes you come off like an arrogant prick.

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Hey Jethro, I think I recall you saying somewere that most people who meet you for the firt time don't like you, and when they get to know you they dislike you even more.Intended or not, sometimes you come off like an arrogant prick.

LOL!! From here on in and just for you I'm going to start being more touchy/feely.


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Really? Is this current fight I'm seeing for real?

Please tell me y'all are going to laugh and post "oh, we were just joking! We're not really lame enough to be fighting over how to post a link. Honestly. It was all just a planned joke!"

This site has seen its immense share of lame and stupid fights, but I think this one takes the cake. Who the hell cares? Seriously? Just post your links and get on with it.

Don't we have enough problems in the world not to be fighting over how somebody posts their links on a freakin' forum?

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Sorry if it's been mentioned before, but one of my biggest pet peeves is when you're getting your change back and they put the coins on top of the paper money, and the coins of course slide off. You would think that after doing it a couple million times the idea of putting the coins in your hand first might have crossed their mind. :slapface:

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Let me see if I get the last few posts:

--having to click on links to find out what they are is time-consuming and therefore, a safety hazard

--PCs and Macs have the same functionality in many ways

--learning to make text links to off-site finds is beneficial

--apparently ninelives is stupid?

Is that all? I want to make sure I didn't miss any of the witty repartee.

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LOL!! From here on in and just for you I'm going to start being more touchy/feely.


You didn't label your link. I just wasted a mouse click. <_<

I'll just quote what you once said to me. "Because you're stupid". Why waste somebodys time by making them click on something they have either NO interest in or have seen before. You obviously don't get it AND obviously don't want to use the functionality that this chat forum provides. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IF YOU OWN A COMPUTER THAT USES A MAC OR WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM!! AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR?

Fuck off.

Why do you insist on being such an a-hole all of the time?

Let it go!

Edited by manderlyh
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LOL!! From here on in and just for you I'm going to start being more touchy/feely.


You are coming across as a prick JT. Why ? Believe me, your wishes and wants are so far down my priority list I will never get to them. There are people on this forum who face challenges everyday. Meeting your expectations is not one of them.

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pet peeve ?

people who assume waaaaaaay to much about others without investigating further.

we are all ( or should be ) friends here, because we all have the love of the mighty zeppelin in common.

we should all take a breath. life's too short to argue over trivialities.

peace, love and all that nice mellow stuff.


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Here's a pet peeve: I called my doctor's office today to make an appointment to see them. I am not feeling well, so I kind of need to get in soon. They NEVER called me back! What the hell? :slapface:

I hate that with a passion. Especially because my doctor books for the following week !!! Hey, I'm sick now dude...lol

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I'll just quote what you once said to me. "Because you're stupid". Why waste somebodys time by making them click on something they have either NO interest in or have seen before. You obviously don't get it AND obviously don't want to use the functionality that this chat forum provides. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IF YOU OWN A COMPUTER THAT USES A MAC OR WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM!! AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR?

I don't recall referring to you as stupid but apparently you feel I am. I don't think until now, I've had much interaction with you. I really do not deserve your insults or shouting at me. I'm not very good with computers - some people get it and some don't. I don't. Should I not ever post a link now because of that? I tried to follow your directions and I couldn't figure it out. Perhaps instead of insinuating I'm stupid, you could have offered to help me further. I'm done with this conversation.

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