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The Duggars. <_< So, it's OK, to breed like bunnies, but Gawd forbid the chick who's doc 'knocked' her up with TOO many embryo's :angry:

Screw the Duggars.

There's a difference you're completely ignoring here. The Duggars, while they have 18 kids, live debt-free and not on government assistance. They can afford to care for all 18 kids and give them a quality of life that while I don't agree with (home-school, uber-religious), works for them and who they are.

Have you watched their show on TLC? I find it fascinating. They have this huge lovely home, really care about each other and while I don't agree with their religious views, they're happy. And Jinger is a hoot. I watched the episode where she learned how to drive and she had me in hysterics. I only have one sibling, and I always wondered what it would be like to have more than 1 sister in my age group. I'm a little envious of the girls in that respect. And they have a deli and fountain soda machine in their kitchen. Come on, that's cool no matter who you are.

Octomom has 14 kids she can't care for, is living at home with her mother and owes tens of thousands of dollars on her mortgage. How can you even compare the two situations? She's resorted to starting a website to ask for donations from complete strangers. She is mentally ill. Michelle Duggar is not. It is completely irresponsible to pop out kids left and right if you can't provide even the basic necessities for them. The doctor who implanted those embryos should lose his license.

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I had heard that she started a website in order to solicit donations from people for things like diapers and formula and God knows what else. I heard it in passing on the news a few weeks ago.

Not to mention, you notice who she's had plastic surgery in order to look like? She's nuttier than a fruitcake.

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Mcdonald's French Fries

Remember in days long gone when a freshly prepared batch of McDonald's fries were so good that by the time you got home with them they were 3/4 all gone? Then the health police intervened, putting pressure on McDonald's to stop cooking them in beef tallow and instead use vegetable oil. Now they taste like cardboard with a bit of salt on top. People don't order a hamburger and french fries as part of a health regimen. They order them because they want a treat. Cripes, let people decide for themselves what they want to wolf down at lunchtime. Treat adults like adults.

I want me some fries :(

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Mcdonald's French Fries

Remember in days long gone when a freshly prepared batch of McDonald's fries were so good that by the time you got home with them they were 3/4 all gone? Then the health police intervened, putting pressure on McDonald's to stop cooking them in beef tallow and instead use vegetable oil. Now they taste like cardboard with a bit of salt on top. People don't order a hamburger and french fries as part of a health regimen. They order them because they want a treat. Cripes, let people decide for themselves what they want to wolf down at lunchtime. Treat adults like adults.

I want me some fries :(

Do you wanna know who to blame for this bullshit? Those idiotic retards who ate at McDonald's every day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for such a long time they got ridiculously fat. When they were so fat they could no longer leave their house without buying bigger doors, they realized they didn't have the money to get bigger doors because they had spent it all at McDonald's. So, they sued McDonald's for making them fat, and won(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Now they can buy their bigger doors, but in the process, they ruined the world's greatest fast food french fries.

Have you ever seen that movie "Supersize Me?" The biggest piece of scare-tactic tripe I have ever seen in my life. Most people don't eat at McDonald's or Burger King or any of those places like that. Most people (or so I hope), only eat fast food when they're hungry, all they have is $5, they have little to no time, and a McDonald's is the closest place to 'em, just around the corner. So most people don't have to worry about the worst case scenario presented in that pathetic excuse for a documentary.

And yet this "documentary" succeeded in scaring the shit out of people who had no right to be scared, and the "health police" stepped in and attempted to fix something that did not need to be fixed, thereby destroying perfectly fine fast food.

Since when is fast food healthy? The fastest food in the world is Ramen Noodles. Are they healthy? HELL NO! They have more carbs and calories then fries fried in beef fat! But they're good, and their fast, and when you're hungry, have very little money, and even less time, Ramen Noodles are perfect. And I guarantee you eventually some liberal dickwad (like Michael Moore!) is gonna come out with a documentary on why Ramen Noodles are bad, when they really aren't, effectively destroying the college kid's best friend in food.

I love America, but I'm sick and tired of the idiots living in it. This country is full of the dumbest, most idiotic jackasses to ever grace the face of the Earth. People who absolutely refuse to work and support their own because they'd rather rely on the government handouts (Octomom, anyone?). People who eat at fast food restaurants all the fucking time, get fat, and sue that fast food restaurant for making them fat. People who drink fresh-brewed coffee and sue the restaurant for burning their fucking tongues (it's fresh-brewed you retarded, bastardized idiot! Of course it's gonna be hot! Ever heard of fucking common sense you moron?!?). Groups like PETA who will sue a man for killing an alligator who nearly killed his only son.

We are a pathetic lot, and it only gets worse from here.

Your fries are not coming back, Reggie. This country won't allow it. We've forgotten common sense. We've forgotten how to be independent people.

Edited by Nathan
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This is just disgusting!! The media keeps giving this wacko all the attention she is craving then want to act like all of America is so interested!! Give me a freakin' break!! What is sad is that you have some idiots out there feeling sorry for her and are probably willing to donate! I actually feel sorry for those poor kids she can't even support on her own! She needs to go away already!!! :angry:

Another pet peeve is when you politely hold the door open for someone, they can't even say thank you!! WTF!!!! From now on if that happens again, I will just turn around and say "you're welcome" to them just to put them back in their place. Where have all the basic manners gone? What a pity this world has come to! :angry::mad:

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Another pet peeve is when you politely hold the door open for someone, they can't even say thank you!! WTF!!!! From now on if that happens again, I will just turn around and say "you're welcome" to them just to put them back in their place. Where have all the basic manners gone? What a pity this world has come to! :angry::mad:

I used to do that, too. Then this happened to me not too long ago:

I held a door open for an older lady at a restaurant. She didn't say thank you, so I said "your welcome." Then she turned around and said this:

"I do not recall asking you to hold the door for me. I never said 'excuse me, sir. Could you please open the door for me? I'm an invalid and utterly incapable of opening the door myself.' So you'll forgive me if I don't thank you, but you did nothing that deserves a thank you." At which point she turned around and walked off.

Now I'm a lot less inclined to hold doors open for anybody, considering...

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This is just disgusting!! The media keeps giving this wacko all the attention she is craving then want to act like all of America is so interested!! Give me a freakin' break!! What is sad is that you have some idiots out there feeling sorry for her and are probably willing to donate! I actually feel sorry for those poor kids she can't even support on her own! She needs to go away already!!! :angry:

Another pet peeve is when you politely hold the door open for someone, they can't even say thank you!! WTF!!!! From now on if that happens again, I will just turn around and say "you're welcome" to them just to put them back in their place. Where have all the basic manners gone? What a pity this world has come to! :angry::mad:

It is really frustrating when you extend courtesy to someone like that and they can't even thank you :( Even if you didn't ask them, it's just a polite thing to do. I don't get where manners have gone either.

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Most people have shit manners anymore. It's frustrating. I mean, I don't have to open a door for you, or hold the elevator as you're running toward it or step aside if you have small children so you can get on before me......I do that because I was raised right and it's just my human nature to do those things.

I don't expect a "thank you", but it would go a long way to showing me you weren't raised by fucking wolves.

Even worse than those kinds of manners are people who have horrible table manners. Food belongs on your plate and in your mouth, not all over the table, the floor and your clothes. Chew with your mouth closed, don't talk with food in your mouth and don't take huge gargantuan bites. How have so many people gone through life with no table manners?! It astounds me.

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Oh I hate bad table manners. My Nana chews with her mouth open, but it isn't her fault. She has fake teeth in the bad and they slide around but otherwise it's nasty. I eat lunch with a kid who puts his gum on top of his cup for later and chews with his mouth open, and he takes huge bits and the noise it makes grosses me.

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This sounds horrible, but if on a first date we go out to eat and you have shitty table manners.......I won't eat in public with you again. At least not anywhere nice. That is just so embarrassing. I'm not saying I'll dump the guy, because for me to break up with you I need something more severe that bad table manners.

But that's just one step closer to a deal-breaker.

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I used to do that, too. Then this happened to me not too long ago:

I held a door open for an older lady at a restaurant. She didn't say thank you, so I said "your welcome." Then she turned around and said this:

"I do not recall asking you to hold the door for me. I never said 'excuse me, sir. Could you please open the door for me? I'm an invalid and utterly incapable of opening the door myself.' So you'll forgive me if I don't thank you, but you did nothing that deserves a thank you." At which point she turned around and walked off.

Now I'm a lot less inclined to hold doors open for anybody, considering...

I would've told her "Forget you then, I was just being polite". Sounds like that woman just didn't appreciate someone showing her a common courtesy and that is a real shame! Who knows, there probably was a time when she wished someone had held a door open for her and they didn't, that would serve her right!!

Edited by Melanie_72
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Jason - please keep opening the doors for others. I always say please and thank you. Society has forgotten these two special words. :yesnod::yesnod:

You can gather more with honey than vinegar - an old saying like that.

Yes I agree, most times I get a thank you some times not. If I don't I won't say anything and just go on about my business.

The other day I was at the hospital for some tests and when I was leaving as I approached the elevators to the parking garage there was a young woman in an electric wheel chair waiting for the elevator, she was obviously a stroke victim or had some form of debilitation.

Well by time one of the elevators arrived several other people had walked up and when the doors opened this young lady was trying to manuver her chair so she could back in.

Don't you know these son's a bitches that walked up later rushed to get in the elevator ahead of her and by time they finished piling in there was no room for her to get on. :angry:

Although there was still enough room I could have stepped on, I stayed and waited for the next elevator and held the door for her to get on. There was no way I was going to get on that elevator with those bastards! Unfreakin' believable :slapface:

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Jason - please keep opening the doors for others. I always say please and thank you. Society has forgotten these two special words. :yesnod: :yesnod:

You can gather more with honey than vinegar - an old saying like that.

Absolutely. It's the nice thing to do and it takes no effort on my part to hold a door for someone. I know I appreciate it when others do for me and I always thank them. Again, it takes no effort to do that either.

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There's a difference you're completely ignoring here. The Duggars, while they have 18 kids, live debt-free and not on government assistance. They can afford to care for all 18 kids and give them a quality of life that while I don't agree with (home-school, uber-religious), works for them and who they are.

Have you watched their show on TLC? I find it fascinating. They have this huge lovely home, really care about each other and while I don't agree with their religious views, they're happy. And Jinger is a hoot. I watched the episode where she learned how to drive and she had me in hysterics. I only have one sibling, and I always wondered what it would be like to have more than 1 sister in my age group. I'm a little envious of the girls in that respect. And they have a deli and fountain soda machine in their kitchen. Come on, that's cool no matter who you are.

Octomom has 14 kids she can't care for, is living at home with her mother and owes tens of thousands of dollars on her mortgage. How can you even compare the two situations? She's resorted to starting a website to ask for donations from complete strangers. She is mentally ill. Michelle Duggar is not. It is completely irresponsible to pop out kids left and right if you can't provide even the basic necessities for them. The doctor who implanted those embryos should lose his license.

I'm not ignoring anything. My point is anybody who has that many kids is irresponsible. The Cali mom's DOCTOR is to blame IMHO. Now that they are here, it is the children we need to focus on getting help, (and the mom...deprived of siblings) :huh: . NOT spewing hate towards her like she should be lynched or something. I think the doc should help provide. In a BIG way.

And the point that why on earth should we glorify huge families in an economic mess.

Yeah, I've watched tiny bit's of it, but the mom makes me ill, so I have to change it. Those feckin little girl blouses...OMG. They'd do well in the Mormon componds.

I've also watched 'Jon & Kate plus eight.' Again, glorifying the wonder..of modern medicine and golly ain't it neat? No..they got all kinds of free stuff, along with a television series. K'ching!$$$$$

So, screw the Duggars.

I stand by that. LOL!

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I do that. We have a Greenhouse here and it happens all the time. These aren't the real last digits of my phone, but the numbers are like mine: 1131 and theirs is 1113. I;m just going to start taking orders and then telling people oh wait you wanted the Greenhouse? Then why did you call here?

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I do that. We have a Greenhouse here and it happens all the time. These aren't the real last digits of my phone, but the numbers are like mine: 1131 and theirs is 1113. I;m just going to start taking orders and then telling people oh wait you wanted the Greenhouse? Then why did you call here?

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I do that. We have a Greenhouse here and it happens all the time. These aren't the real last digits of my phone, but the numbers are like mine: 1131 and theirs is 1113. I;m just going to start taking orders and then telling people oh wait you wanted the Greenhouse? Then why did you call here?

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Lol! Yeah, isn't it annoying? And do people just call up and start saying, "Yeah, I'd like two peonies and a rose bush" without ever saying that they want the greenhouse? That's what happens to me - I say "Hello," and people answer, without any introduction, something like, "Hi, do you know when Ozomatli is playing?" and I'm like, uhhh, no...why, do you want to take me or something? And then I realize that's it yet another telephone-impaired HoB caller. :rolleyes:

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I appreciate the suggestion, but honestly, I think that might cause more trouble. My mom doesn't even know her own cell phone number, so I'm not sure what she'd do if we changed the number they've had for 35 years, lol. Besides, how could I fund my CD collection, if not with illegally obtained credit card numbers? (just kidding!)

That is a good lesson, though. If you're ordering something over the phone, be ABSOLUTELY sure you've got the company you want on the line before you give them your credit card number.

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