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OMG! I can't believe how much attention my stubbed toe/blue underwear got!

Silly people. :lol:

But it's serious business! A blue vulva should never be ignored - it could lead to all kinds of other problems! Seriously, people, if you notice a slightly cyan or aquamarine tinge in that area, DO NOT hesitate to see a doctor!

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He plays one on TV.

...and I already answered his questions via PM....and then told him that is Mrs. Babs comes after me, it's his fault! ;)

Oh yeah, and Babs, I meant to reply to the PM, but I accidentally deleted it--then I forgot my reply. D'oh! :slapface:

Edited by manderlyh
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He plays one on TV.

...and I already answered his questions via PM....and then told him that is Mrs. Babs comes after me, it's his fault! ;)

Oh yeah, and Babs, I meant to reply to the PM, but I accidentally deleted it--then I forgot my reply. D'oh! :slapface:

No problemo Manderlyh. I mentioned a pillow fight for the ladies and you giggled and said something along the lines of that's what we always do when the boys aren't around. :)

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I like the ones where they give you free stuff for the application. I put wrong info on them, get the gift and grin.

Oh yeah Pet Peeve. Fedex not delivering on the due date. Seems to me for what they make to ship an item it should get there about on the due date. I'm gonna have to run more tracers, grrrrr.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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I hate stupid dreams that freak you out. I guess that would be a "nightmare," if you want to get technical, lol. Anyway, I had a dream that my best friend died, and for some reason I had to give away all his stuff, and for some reason he was living in the old auto shop my dad used to have. All his clothes were hanging from the metal A-frame that my dad used to hoist up engines...it was very oddly convenient, really. But it sucked, obviously, and I went outside and started crying, and then I woke up and felt like crying for real.

The weird part, though, was that it was kind of symbolic in a weird way. His and his girlfriend's baby is supposed to be due this week, and in a way I guess it's kind of like the definite end of the guy I used to know. I mean, he's changed big-time before now - he moved four hours away, became a police officer, etc., but this makes it pretty official. And I mean, I'm proud of what he's done; graduating from the police academy really made him mature in a big hurry. He's always been kind of a goofball, but that made him grow up and get serious right quick. At the same time, though, I miss the kid I used to do countless laps around the pool with on his Big Wheels, and who made the hugest dork out of himself dancing at high school dances. It's majorly hard for me to believe he's having a kid himself now. Sorry to go on and on about this, but it kinda helped to get it out of my system, so thanks for letting me take up space with this.

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At the same time it does not have to be that way. Just because you have a job and get married and have a kid doesn't mean you have to stop having fun and going out with your friends. We get a couple of our married buddies away from their family life sometimes so they can relax and have fun.

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At the same time it does not have to be that way. Just because you have a job and get married and have a kid doesn't mean you have to stop having fun and going out with your friends. We get a couple of our married buddies away from their family life sometimes so they can relax and have fun.

You sound like a lot of fun to hang out with..... :whistling:

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^I can totally relate though. It's a part of growing up, even if we don't want to face it.

I really don't know what else to say, other than what I've already said. ;)

Thanks! Yep, you're totally right...it's growing up. I definitely don't want to face it, though, lol. Well, okay, I can face some parts of it, but this kid thing is really throwing me, especially because it's him. One of my ex-friends from elementary school recently had a kid, but I'm not weirded out by that at all because she's been talking about popping out babies since 3rd grade. On the other hand, I just can't believe that this guy who is basically like my brother is not a kid anymore and is, in fact, having his own. But yep, that's growing up, plain and simple! The dream thing just kind of freaked me out is all...

Ok, moving away from my issues...who the heck listens to Rascal Flatts? There must be a lot of tone-deaf, blind soccer moms in the world, because I can't imagine who else would consider buying their albums. I thought there must be a hot guy in the "band" who was attracting all the attention (that's what I blame Keith Urban on), but then I saw a picture and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD are they the ugliest bunch of fuglies I have ever seen! They make the Rolling Stones look like Peter Frampton, for pete's sake! So now I'm just confused, because it obviously can't be for the music.

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Thanks! Yep, you're totally right...it's growing up. I definitely don't want to face it, though, lol.

Most of my friends have kids now. I guess that's not uncommon, given that I'm 28, LOL.

It still freaks me out to think that I'm old enough to have kids who are in school!

Hell, my sister who is 5 years YOUNGER than me made me an aunt in October...

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People who don't follow simple but important signs. Now, not all are created equal, like stand right, walk left on escalators. Sometimes people block the flow and it's annoying, but no big deal. But I was visiting a friend in the hospital and coming out I saw a lady having a smoke right under the sign at the entrance that said, "NO SMOKING WITHIN 20 FEET OF THIS ENTRANCE." It was the cancer ward. Fucking stupid cow.

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I have a friend that I had a fling with when I was a sophomore in high school. I am now a senior in high school and we are pretty good friends. It's a long story but we are going to prom together and we just like to hang out with each other but her boyfriend thinks I am trying to get with her when I haven't done anything!

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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Ok, moving away from my issues...who the heck listens to Rascal Flatts? There must be a lot of tone-deaf, blind soccer moms in the world, because I can't imagine who else would consider buying their albums. I thought there must be a hot guy in the "band" who was attracting all the attention (that's what I blame Keith Urban on), but then I saw a picture and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD are they the ugliest bunch of fuglies I have ever seen! They make the Rolling Stones look like Peter Frampton, for pete's sake! So now I'm just confused, because it obviously can't be for the music.

Can't say I really care for Keith Urban's music a whole lot but he is a hell of a guitarist, I will give him that. He also chose to have Brad Rice (Whiskeytown, Backsliders, Son Volt, Ryan Adams, etc.) as a guitarist in his band so he can't be all bad. As for Rascal Flatts, they pretty much fit the mold for what passes as "country" music these days, meaning it seems to have more in common with pop and 70s style rock than actual country music. In this day and age it's very unlikely that someone like Hank Williams, Sr. would even get played on country radio, that's how we ended up with Darius Rucker getting airplay on country radio. His new solo record may have a hint of country to it but it has much more in common with pop. Thank goodness for what's come to be known as "alt.country" because what passes for country music these days (at least on commercial radio and CMT) very rarely resembles the real thing.

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Most of my friends have kids now. I guess that's not uncommon, given that I'm 28, LOL.

It still freaks me out to think that I'm old enough to have kids who are in school!

Hell, my sister who is 5 years YOUNGER than me made me an aunt in October...

I know how you feel mandy, I had a late start too! Got married at 29, first and only child at 39 and my 6 year younger brother's youngest kid just turned 18 :blink: I'm old enough to have one graduating college and he's only going into the 6th grade :o

Life's like that sometimes. :slapface: actually no pet peeves about it though :D

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I have a friend that I had a fling with when I was a sophomore in high school. I am now a senior in high school and we are pretty good friends. It's a long story but we are going to prom together and we just like to hang out with each other but her boyfriend thinks I am trying to get with her when I haven't done anything!

Are you the same person that was going to play a wimpy song to a girl when you ask her to the prom? Because that's how it is supposed to be done? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

if so i can see why her boyfriend would have a problem with you.

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My sister loves Rascal Flatts. She's seen them in concert about 5 or 6 times and as a member of their fan club, she gets first dibs on seating when they come here....she's always been in the front....about 4 rows from the stage.

I don't care for country whatever kind of country they call themselves, but they have a few songs I like. Now Carrie Underwood? I've seen her about 4 times. Love her.

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