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My grandma does that all the time. I doubt she knows how to text. She can barely figure out how to use her cell phone, LOL.

Here's my pet peeve: my eye doctor's office told me the other day that my contacts are discontinued. Boo.

They said there are a few other brands that people who wore my brand like, but one of them is Accuvue, which I really don't like--they don't stay on my eyes for some reason.


Good news though, they said that since I couldn't get an appointment to see them until the last week of the month that they would GIVE me all the samples they have in the office in my RX of the brand that was axed! :cheer:

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My grandma does that all the time. I doubt she knows how to text. She can barely figure out how to use her cell phone, LOL.

Here's my pet peeve: my eye doctor's office told me the other day that my contacts are discontinued. Boo.

They said there are a few other brands that people who wore my brand like, but one of them is Accuvue, which I really don't like--they don't stay on my eyes for some reason.


Good news though, they said that since I couldn't get an appointment to see them until the last week of the month that they would GIVE me all the samples they have in the office in my RX of the brand that was axed! :cheer:

I couldn't wear acuvue either! They just wouldn't stay in place. Right now I have the sofview contacts, and they aren't bad.

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I wore Ciba Night and Day. We'll see what else I can find that is okay to sleep in. I've been taking them out every single night, but I like to be able to sleep in them if I fall asleep on the couch and need to crawl into bed.

Aqua, it kind of feels like they don't right right or something. They feel like they're inside out, or whatever. I can always feel them. I wore them once for probably a year, and I hated them. Ugh.

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I wore Ciba Night and Day. We'll see what else I can find that is okay to sleep in. I've been taking them out every single night, but I like to be able to sleep in them if I fall asleep on the couch and need to crawl into bed.

Aqua, it kind of feels like they don't right right or something. They feel like they're inside out, or whatever. I can always feel them. I wore them once for probably a year, and I hated them. Ugh.

I sometimes have that problem and have to take them out and put them back in again, but they fit OK in the end. Weird. The bifocal kind on the other hand, useless--worst of both worlds, distance vision looked misty and I still needed reading glasses. I'm trying to persuade the eye doctor to get another brand for me.

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I think you'd be better off just getting the long-distance part corrected with contacts and then using the reading glasses.

I'd much rather deal with only one vision in glasses. Especially when you only have to use them when you're reading.

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Yeah, Aqua...I hate to say it, but I don't want to wear them either. I think the time's coming for me soon, too.

I usually lay down when I read, so wearing glasses puts a cramp in my style.

I bet you Buck"eye" Doc can tell me if getting lasik can solve the reading glasses thing.

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I wore Ciba Night and Day. We'll see what else I can find that is okay to sleep in. I've been taking them out every single night, but I like to be able to sleep in them if I fall asleep on the couch and need to crawl into bed.

Aqua, it kind of feels like they don't right right or something. They feel like they're inside out, or whatever. I can always feel them. I wore them once for probably a year, and I hated them. Ugh.

I damaged the cornea of my eyes quite some time back. I almost never got to the ER. The eye surgeon asked me a few simple questions.

1. You work in labs?

2. How many eye doctors or surgeons do you figure wear contacts?

3. Do you value your eyes?

He said quit wearing them and if I didn't I got to hear him and all the other medical professionals I knew bitch.

Girls, get some bitchin frames you will look very cool in them compared to not being able to see one another. He did say he treated 2 or 3 fashion models and he could see how they needed them for work.

Let's pretend you enter a room with solvent vapors somewhere>>>>>



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I wear contacts everyday and I don't plan on switching back to glasses anytime soon. I don't like glasses.I hate seeing the rim and not being able to see out to the sides. I have some really nice frames, they are copper coloured. they are rectangular and the arms are v shaped. I also have them in purple. I just don't find frames comfortable, never did.

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I wear contacts everyday and I don't plan on switching back to glasses anytime soon. I don't like glasses.I hate seeing the rim and not being able to see out to the sides. I have some really nice frames, they are copper coloured. they are rectangular and the arms are v shaped. I also have them in purple. I just don't find frames comfortable, never did.

Same here. I would have thought that if contacts were so dangerous, medical professionals wouldn't prescribe them so widely, but what do I know.

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Same here. I would have thought that if contacts were so dangerous, medical professionals wouldn't prescribe them so widely, but what do I know.

Lol. I remember vividly how an elderly eye doctor once yelled at me, with his face red, about the potential dangers of contact lenses some years ago. He was right though, as I have a bit dry eyes and contacts don't do them any good. I guess when they are used properly and in moderation, contacts suit most users just fine, but for some of us they are an unnecessary health risk.

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I prefer to wear my glasses. My mom tried to get me contacts when I was a teenager, but I didn't like them at all. Glasses aren't really all that much more inconvenient. Unless you're going to get into a fight or something, then you've got to take them off first....

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I have a light prescription and really just need glasses for night driving and occasionally for presentations/movies. I tried contacts about 10 years ago but the PITA factor wasn't worth it considering I really didn't need to wear them all the time. But I am due for a new pair of glasses and want to get some really cool frames :)

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2 Warnings:

1. Long rant ahead

2. This is for the politically correct, kind-hearted, virgin-ears lot: There is a bit of a homicidal fantasy in this one... it is NOT serious. I repeat... it is NOT serious.

3. If you do not download or torrent bootlegs, then this will probably seem random and out of place to you, as you'll have no idea what I'm talking about. If, on the other hand, you do download/torrent bootlegs, then you will understand completely.

Okay, so... my rant:

I honestly have to cringe every time I see the "Do Not Convert This to MP3!" disclaimer at the end of an info file. Makes me wonder about the person who shared it, insofar as... why does (s)he think (s)he can control what people do with it after they've downloaded it?

Let me be frank. I hate MP3 as much as the next bootleg/music collector. Maybe moreso in some cases. While I admit that, with the exception of the MP3's that are below 128 kbps, I can't hear the difference, just knowing how MP3 compresses makes me want to get a time machine, go back in time, and kill the asshole(s) who came up with the idea before (s)he or they can come up with it, thereby saving the world from absolute idiocy (and then I would go to the people who invented FLAC and help them ensure that FLAC would be the standard compression type, instead of MP3, which wouldn't exist [along with all other lossy forms of compression]).

With that aside...

You can NOT control what people are going to do with something once it's in their hands. It is simply impossible, simply because you are not God.

As I said in the other thread I posted, I will NOT take MP3 for myself for bootlegs, or any music if I can avoid it. However, if someone tells me that FLAC is simply not an option for them because their hard drive isn't that big, and MP3 is smaller, as long as the compression rate they request isn't below 192, I'll compress it for them, though reluctantly and angrily, and they will get an essay from me on why MP3 sucks and should be damned to the deepest pits of hell.

I think the statement "don't convert to MP3" is selfish and holier-than-thou. They will do what they do with it.

Once it is out in the public domain, people will do whatever they want with it, and that's a fact. You can't control that, other than never releasing what you have, but why would you do that? Unless what you have is new, others have it already anyways, and isn't the music world about sharing?

So who cares what people convert it to or do with it after they've downloaded it? Let them kill the quality of their music if they want. It's their right, after all. Let them have their MP3, and stop with the "don't convert to MP3" disclaimers. In the end, it's just childish.

Rant over...

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Same here. I would have thought that if contacts were so dangerous, medical professionals wouldn't prescribe them so widely, but what do I know.

None of my eye doctors have worn them. I have numerous nurses, and medical professionals as friends and family too. The way it was explained to me is....every heard of making money?

Your eyes getting fucked up does nothing but put more money in their pockets. So go for it :blink:

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Yeah, Aqua...I hate to say it, but I don't want to wear them either. I think the time's coming for me soon, too.

I usually lay down when I read, so wearing glasses puts a cramp in my style.

I bet you Buck"eye" Doc can tell me if getting lasik can solve the reading glasses thing.

Hi Mandy,

Thanks for the question! :)

Lasik does not solve the reading glasses problem, which is called presbyopia ("old eyes" in Latin, LOL).

Presbyopia is caused when the crystalline lens in the eye becomes hardened and inflexible due to age, and thus cannot increase in power anymore to give you the extra power that it takes to see up close. The closer something is to you, the more power the eye needs to see it. This is called accommodation and the eye naturally increases it's power, accommodates, when you read. When the lens hardens, in your forties, you cannot accommodate your eyes anymore to focus at near. You then need reading glasses to do the focusing for you.

Lasik takes away extra power from your eye by flattening your cornea. If you are nearsighted, then your eyes have TOO MUCH power, not too little. (That is why your contacts have a NEGATIVE power, example, -5.50). So the lasik works by taking away the extra power by burning away the cornea tissue to make it flatter. It cannot to any extent give you extra power, which is what you need to read at near. Also, the loss of near vision is due to the crystalline lens inside your eye, not the cornea, so that is another reason why lasik doesn't help, it doesn't affect the lens.

Contact lenses are perfectly safe if you use them cautiously. In general, you shouldn't sleep with your lenses on. You should clean them daily, change to fresh solution in your case daily, keep your case clean, and take them out if you are noticing red eyes, blurred vision, pain or light sensitivity as these are warning signs of trouble.

Also, most bifocal contact lenses of any type suck. Like Aqua said, poor distance vision with them and not the greatest near vision with them so you still need reading glasses. Monovision, where you wear a distance lens in one eye and a near lens in the other works better for most patients.

I use Acuvue lenses mostly in my practice. The original Acuvue lens did not fit well and may be the ones that you have had problems with, Mandy. The newer Acuvue Oasys lens is comprable to your Day and Night lens as it can be worn overnight. It now comes in two curvatures to better fit more patients. It does pick up oily deposits so you have to be careful with eye makeup as it smears the lens and can't be cleaned off very well.

Hope this info helps everyone! Glad to answer the questions. :)

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Hi Mandy,

Thanks for the question! :)

Lasik does not solve the reading glasses problem, which is called presbyopia ("old eyes" in Latin, LOL).

Presbyopia is caused when the crystalline lens in the eye becomes hardened and inflexible due to age, and thus cannot increase in power anymore to give you the extra power that it takes to see up close. The closer something is to you, the more power the eye needs to see it. This is called accommodation and the eye naturally increases it's power, accommodates, when you read. When the lens hardens, in your forties, you cannot accommodate your eyes anymore to focus at near. You then need reading glasses to do the focusing for you.

Lasik takes away extra power from your eye by flattening your cornea. If you are nearsighted, then your eyes have TOO MUCH power, not too little. (That is why your contacts have a NEGATIVE power, example, -5.50). So the lasik works by taking away the extra power by burning away the cornea tissue to make it flatter. It cannot to any extent give you extra power, which is what you need to read at near. Also, the loss of near vision is due to the crystalline lens inside your eye, not the cornea, so that is another reason why lasik doesn't help, it doesn't affect the lens.

Contact lenses are perfectly safe if you use them cautiously. In general, you shouldn't sleep with your lenses on. You should clean them daily, change to fresh solution in your case daily, keep your case clean, and take them out if you are noticing red eyes, blurred vision, pain or light sensitivity as these are warning signs of trouble.

Also, most bifocal contact lenses of any type suck. Like Aqua said, poor distance vision with them and not the greatest near vision with them so you still need reading glasses. Monovision, where you wear a distance lens in one eye and a near lens in the other works better for most patients.

I use Acuvue lenses mostly in my practice. The original Acuvue lens did not fit well and may be the ones that you have had problems with, Mandy. The newer Acuvue Oasys lens is comprable to your Day and Night lens as it can be worn overnight. It now comes in two curvatures to better fit more patients. It does pick up oily deposits so you have to be careful with eye makeup as it smears the lens and can't be cleaned off very well.

Hope this info helps everyone! Glad to answer the questions. :)

Which is safer for your eyes in your opinion? Glasses or contacts? Well plastic lens glasses?

I had my contacts blow out of both of my eyes one day with the sun roof down too. I had to pull over to the shoulder ASAP. Luckily I had a pair of my glasses handy with me...freaked my father out :D

Whoosh, ooops there goes 2 pedestrians.

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None of my eye doctors have worn them. I have numerous nurses, and medical professionals as friends and family too. The way it was explained to me is....every heard of making money?

Your eyes getting fucked up does nothing but put more money in their pockets. So go for it :blink:

Hey Mary Hartman,

Just about every Optometrist that I know, including me, wears contact lenses. In alot of cases, getting contact lenses in high school is what made them want to become eye doctors. That's what did it for me. And my sons also wear contacts.

And I have hundreds of patients who are nurses, doctors, orthodontists, dentists, physical therapists, lawyers (LOL) and other health care workers and medical professionals who wear contacts without any problems.

And glasses cost way more than contact lenses, and are more profitable to sell, so if I was only interested in making money then I wouldn't waste my time fitting contact lenses. It is absurd to think that is the only reason why doctors fit patients in contacts. It is the only reason why 1-800-contacts sell contacts, though! :lol: It is a little known fact that the guy who started 1-800-contacts was in the porn business before he started this contact lens selling business. He used his contact lens business for money laundering of his porn money.

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Which is safer for your eyes in your opinion? Glasses or contacts? Well plastic lens glasses?

I had my contacts blow out of both of my eyes one day with the sun roof down too. I had to pull over to the shoulder ASAP. Luckily I had a pair of my glasses handy with me...freaked my father out :D

Whoosh, ooops there goes 2 pedestrians.

You must have been wearing hard or gas permeable contacts as it would be extremely difficult for soft lenses to blow out of your eyes, let alone both of them at the same time.

Anytime that you put something in your eye, including eye drops, you change the physiology of your ocular surface and thus run a risk of causing problems that you would not get if you were only wearing glasses. So in that respect, you could say that glasses are safer for you than contacts.

But there have been numerous cases where the contacts have protected the eye from injury, and thus were safer in those particular situations than glasses would have been.

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You must have been wearing hard or gas permeable contacts as it would be extremely difficult for soft lenses to blow out of your eyes, let alone both of them at the same time.

Anytime that you put something in your eye, including eye drops, you change the physiology of your ocular surface and thus run a risk of causing problems that you would not get if you were only wearing glasses. So in that respect, you could say that glasses are safer for you than contacts.

But there have been numerous cases where the contacts have protected the eye from injury, and thus were safer in those particular situations than glasses would have been.

Thank you. I just value my eyesight and actually I was wearing semi permeable soft bis....that blow out didn't get me so much. But after that lengthy lecture from the eye surgeon?

That was enough. He said I had gorgeous blue eyes and he didn't wanna do a transplant on me..I like the wind in my face when driving anyhow and stopping to put drops in was a pain.

I think more girls wear them than guys do...that you would know more about than I. I like simple things if I can get away with them and there are very light attractive frames nowadays. In the old days they were all ugly and heavy. An eye doctor I am not.

I was just trying to help :)

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