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Other Led Zeppelin Kids

Mud Shark

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First off I would like to say that I'm 15 years old, and Led Zeppelin is by far my favorite band. No band can touch them. They've honestly changed my life. From my looks to completely remolding my musical taste in general. I seriously can't get enough Zeppelin. I love them.

Everyday I just wish I could travel back in time to be able to see them Live. I would sell my soul to see Zeppelin live. Hell, I'd even give my left nut. I just hope that someday I will be able to see them live. Probably won't be possible outside of a world tour(My family doesn't have the money to send me to London and buy tickets). :P

How many other kids out there feel the same?

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First off I would like to say that I'm 15 years old, and Led Zeppelin is by far my favorite band. No band can touch them. They've honestly changed my life. From my looks to completely remolding my musical taste in general. I seriously can't get enough Zeppelin. I love them.

Everyday I just wish I could travel back in time to be able to see them Live. I would sell my soul to see Zeppelin live. Hell, I'd even give my left nut. I just hope that someday I will be able to see them live. Probably won't be possible outside of a world tour(My family doesn't have the money to send me to London and buy tickets). :P

How many other kids out there feel the same?

I feel exactly the same- i love classic rock and my 2 fav bands by far are aerosmith and Zepp. Ive seen Aerosmith 2x at Jones beach and would LOVE to see Zepp-hopefully there will be a tour-things are lookin up.

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Yes..i am 18 and have been a big zep fan for about five or six years, everyone my age doesnt mind them but dont appreciate there music as much as i do. I love more then anything just exchanging nowledge with people that know them also..but dont find it very often. and always daydream about being my age about 35 years ago to really enjoy zeppelin invading the u.s.

I dont know how i would be able to pay for the tickets if i ever got one(that is IF i ever get the chance) to go to see them but i would find a way

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I was your age when I first got into Zep (14 or 15) and it hasn't gone away.

As I said in another thread today - I learn something about Led Zeppelin every day, whether it's something I never noticed in the music before, or I learn a part on guitar, or a fact or figure I didn't know. There is a world of Zeppelin out there to explore and I never get bored of it.

Zeppelin has been with me through some good times and will be for many more good times to come.

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:D:D:D Im really happy to see the younger generation into zep im 46 and was fortunate enough to see them in there prime in the 70's dont give up hope you younger guys and girls I have a feeling we will be seeing zep again in the future. Have faith and if they tour again grab a ticket at all costs believe me it's worth it. :D:D:D
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First off I would like to say that I'm 15 years old, and Led Zeppelin is by far my favorite band. No band can touch them. They've honestly changed my life. From my looks to completely remolding my musical taste in general. I seriously can't get enough Zeppelin. I love them.

Everyday I just wish I could travel back in time to be able to see them Live. I would sell my soul to see Zeppelin live. Hell, I'd even give my left nut. I just hope that someday I will be able to see them live. Probably won't be possible outside of a world tour(My family doesn't have the money to send me to London and buy tickets). :P

How many other kids out there feel the same?

im 19 and i feel the exact same way, i cant get enough of Zeppelin, 99% of the music i listen to is ZEppelin and just like you, i would give anything to Zeppelin Live.

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WOW i looked at this earlier and hesitated to reply, but i see some of the older generation has so i will to. I was born in 73 which would put me at 13 in 1986 which is around what time i started to get into Zep. I have read your younger guys comments about going back in time and i can so remember feeling the exact same way. Except in my day i felt ther was NO hope of ever seeing them in concert. But i'll tell you this i always felt i was part of the 1st generation to kinda carry the baton of the LZ music ya know to help pass it on and i hope i dont sound like some sort of elitest but i turned many of people on to LZ and thats something i am quiet proud of, and to see this younger generation carrying the torch well theres a piece of my heart smileing proudly right now!! It truly means the world to us that this younger generation carries this music on you'll never understand till you get to be older but you definately will appreiciate our apprieciation one day and thank you!!! :thumbsup:

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This post finally drove me to register for the forums, which i should have done a loooong time ago. (I've been snooping around the Led-zeppelin site since mid 2006) I'm 15 and i started listening to them when i was 13 when i heard a live performance of Heartbreaker on the radio, I was completely shocked and my life changed after that. I also started playing the guitar after hearing Page's incredible work.

Although we never got to see them in concert in their heyday maybe one day soon we will see them again for a last time, but who really knows?

I'm really liking the input from the adult members of the board on this thread, looking forward to more. :)

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I have been a Zeppelin fan since I was 12 and now I am 35. Coming to this board, I have learned so much more about the band from other posters who have been generous enough to share their experiences about seeing the band during it's heyday and at the O2, as well as their solo efforts and what it was like to see them up close and in the flesh. Now I have all their CD's except for LZ I, II and III, but will be adding them to my collection very very soon!! I also have their 2003 DVD performances on VHS. They are by far my favorite band of all time and I like a whole lot of other bands and styles of music, but I must say that NO other band moves me or interests me like they do!! It is so great to see the younger generation embracing them and seeing what unique and talented musicians they are! :):DB)

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Hee.. I'll be 29 the end of March, my fella was born in 77, and I just recently really got into Zeppelin in like October. I liked Stairway... doy... and In the Light, but that was about it, till me fella put on the DVD one night in October and I was like... whoa baby! Percy, where in the hell have you been all my life?. We are convinced we were born in the wrong decade, or at least the wrong end of the one we were born in. :D

My fella has been into Zeppelin for years... I mean, he gave me mixed tapes including Kashmir, The Rain Song, In The Light, Ten Years Gone, and Stairway in the early 90s. Which would have made him about 16 or 17 or so.

Little did I know that Sea of Love, the first song I fell in love with the lyrics (I was, like, 11 years old!), was sung by Robert, and I didn't find that out until recently.

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I wish too that I could have seen them live in their prime, there aren't that many young people that I know (let alone girls) who are huge fans like I am! It's nice to know that there are kids who know good music! Of course I have to admit, even though it's embarassing, that my mom was the one who introduced me to Led Zeppelin and many other classic rock bands. :D

Edited by OverHillsFarAway
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First off I would like to say that I'm 15 years old, and Led Zeppelin is by far my favorite band. No band can touch them. They've honestly changed my life. From my looks to completely remolding my musical taste in general. I seriously can't get enough Zeppelin. I love them.

Everyday I just wish I could travel back in time to be able to see them Live. I would sell my soul to see Zeppelin live. Hell, I'd even give my left nut. I just hope that someday I will be able to see them live. Probably won't be possible outside of a world tour(My family doesn't have the money to send me to London and buy tickets). :P

How many other kids out there feel the same?

Well, I suppose my 17 - year - old daughter beats all of you. She remembers a time when she was crying. She says I put a pacifier in her mouth, but that didn't help. There was music playing in the background. She stopped crying and listened. It was "Ramble on" that was playing. She liked it ever since. She thought it was her dad playing because he can play quite well. But it wasn't him playing. Ever since then, she has developed a passion for guitar. She now plays, sings, and cries. And, get this, her name is Darlene. She compares herself to the girl in "Goin' to Californis". She wrote a poem about it. Let me know if you want to see it. It's really good.

When I was young, in the 70's in L.A. the radio station was GIVING away concert tickets! Now you can't even get one from what I'm hearing. I also have a 10 year old daughter who loves Robert. Yes, virginia, there ate still some young Zep heads out there. Cool!

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Well, I suppose my 17 - year - old daughter beats all of you. She remembers a time when she was crying. She says I put a pacifier in her mouth, but that didn't help. There was music playing in the background. She stopped crying and listened. It was "Ramble on" that was playing. She liked it ever since. She thought it was her dad playing because he can play quite well. But it wasn't him playing. Ever since then, she has developed a passion for guitar. She now plays, sings, and cries. And, get this, her name is Darlene. She compares herself to the girl in "Goin' to Californis". She wrote a poem about it. Let me know if you want to see it. It's really good.

When I was young, in the 70's in L.A. the radio station was GIVING away concert tickets! Now you can't even get one from what I'm hearing. I also have a 10 year old daughter who loves Robert. Yes, virginia, there ate still some young Zep heads out there. Cool!

She doesn't beat me- we tie. Loved them since I was a baby too.

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I was introduced unwttingly to the World's Greatest Band at age 7 on their '77 tour in the Kingdome in Seattle. Still not sure what my 10-years-elder sister did to incur our mother's wrath, but the Solomonic punishment handed down for the transgression was the pronouncement that if she and her boyfriend wanted to see the show, they'd have to take the annoying little brother along for the ride. For my part, I was just happy to get away from the desolation of the middle of nowhere we lived in and thus rode happily in the back of my sister's Datsun B210 all the way to the concrete hulk mouldering away next to the Puget Sound, unaware of my karmic rondevous (I was born and remain a musician from that day forward). I remembered seeing a Mariners game there with my father the previous year and asked if we'd be close to home plate, with much eye-rolling and head-shaking constituting the totality of my answer. I've read much about the electric atmosphere that prevailed at Zeppelin shows and recall that exact sense vividly as we made our way across the sea of cars to stand in line with tens of thousands of ecstatically stoned teenagers. The seats were scraping the nosebleed section, but with a grand view of the biggest stage I'd ever seen to that point in my young life. Amidst a swirl of herbally intoxicating aromas, the lights finally dimmed and and the majestic opening chords of what I now know to be "The Song Remains The Same" chimed and echoed through the stadium accompanied by the absolute LOUDEST crowd roar I've ever experienced, bar none. I stood up on my tin bench to gaze in wonder over the bandanna of the Joe Dirt lookalike weaving and bobbing to the music in front of us at the explosion of light and sonic fury unfolding on the field below. John Bonham's sticks were a staccato blur, rolls and fills spilling from his arms while rainbows shattered and reflected from his clear Ludwig kit...Page was dancing with the double-neck Gibson with Robert, both of them relishing the adulation, their joy clear to see either through our binoculars or on the huge video screen that hung over the stage....Jonesey was a gently-smiling blond Valiant in the background, emerging at various points to add brooding keys to "No Quarter" or pick the triple-neck on "Going To California" and "Ten Years Gone" (all titles learned in subsequent years, of course). The high point was Jimmy standing in the pyramid of lasers, bow raised to the crack in the stadium's ceiling, guitar magick filling the massive space entirely.

I know now that Seattle '77 is considered to be a low point in Zep concerts...certainly there were mistakes (I recall Joe Dirt laughing that Page was "higher than giraffe pussy" after a particularly dissonant chord during Nobody's Fault But Mine, and the bootlegs certainly don't give much room for argument), but the experience was one I wouldn't trade for a temple of Aztec (or even Acapulco) gold. Frankly, I will always be thankful to be one of the few "Gen-Xers" out there to have experienced the greatest band in the world in its heyday, face-to-face. Or face-to-screen, if you prefer. Q2 was undoubtedly mind-blowing and I'll be working like a truckstop crackwhore to score tix if the boys come back this way, but until then I'll bask in the warm glow of cherished memory and the knowledge that I don't have to suffer the dreaded "You-shoulda-been-there" disease with most of the rest of the fans my age.

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I've been into Zeppelin since last November so I'm definitely a noob, lol. I've always liked "Kashmir" and one day I just decided I wanted to listen to more of their stuff. I'm so freakin' glad I did! I really wish I would've gotten into them earlier. To be honest I thought they were seriously overrated before but now I totally get all the hype. :)

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First of all, I am very pleased to see that there are still young rocker out there. Especially ones who know a good (GREAT) band when they here 1. I've been "Rock & Roll"n since the summer of 75, I was 14 when my brother bought "Physical Graffiti" and asked me to play it on my brand new, sansui 9090db stereo, kick ass & loud @ 125w per channel. Well I was at first hesitant as, I'm ashamed to say, only disco was played on my equipment. I felt that hard load rock he liked would hurt or blow out my speakers,but he persisted and I gave in. The rest was history, all my disco records flew out the window. I was blown away at the sounds and style of this band, he laughed at me and said "I told you about this group and how they F&^*K'n ROCK. The very next day I spent all my savings & bought the first 5 albums and never stopped loving them.

Like to here from the young zep heds on their first zep experience.

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I'm 15 years old, and i started to listen led zeppelin when i was 13 years old,

I loved to listen stairway to heaven and sang it with all my soul, super inspired, once i cry with that song i don't know why.. and i still love to hear that song and sing it with all my soul.

In my bad times, the first thing that I think is to listen led zeppelin because they make me happy all the day no matter what.

They have touched my soul.

Today i was nervous because i had a presentacion of my school (I played guitar :D) and i listened led zeppelin 2 cd then i was super relax B)


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