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For the 50 and over crowd


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But you had a time when all those things happend. Just like you I will have a time when those things don't happen. Well the except the chick thing, cause I am a chick.

Thanks, but.....I made so many mistakes. Don't follow my lead. I should have gotten married in my 20's. Nobody was ever good enough for me. I was too busy partying, not being serious about a career and being insecure. I got married for the first time at the age of 45. Too old to have children. Now I have to put up with insensitive remarks from co-workers, friends, everybody about "why I don't have children". They just can't figure it out. First thing I do in the morning is read the obits. My dad died in 1983 at the age of 65. Most of the men in my family died young. I just worry about cancer, aneuyisms, strokes, you name it. I'm a mess. Help me if you can I'm feeling down.

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Thanks, but.....I made so many mistakes. Don't follow my lead. I should have gotten married in my 20's. Nobody was ever good enough for me. I was too busy partying, not being serious about a career and being insecure. I got married for the first time at the age of 45. Too old to have children. Now I have to put up with insensitive remarks from co-workers, friends, everybody about "why I don't have children". They just can't figure it out. First thing I do in the morning is read the obits. My dad died in 1983 at the age of 65. Most of the men in my family died young. I just worry about cancer, aneuyisms, strokes, you name it. I'm a mess. Help me if you can I'm feeling down.

:) Don't let all that sh*t bother you man.....there are far worse things going on around your colleagues and pals they should be worrying about......good, sound INDIVIDUALISMis key word man....NEVER follow the sheep!! :)

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Best advice: Live each day to the fullest.

Just because men in your family died young doesn't mean that you will too. If people want to make remarks about your not having kids, just ignore. Do they think they're perfect in every shape and form?

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Thanks, but.....I made so many mistakes. Don't follow my lead. I should have gotten married in my 20's. Nobody was ever good enough for me. I was too busy partying, not being serious about a career and being insecure. I got married for the first time at the age of 45. Too old to have children. Now I have to put up with insensitive remarks from co-workers, friends, everybody about "why I don't have children". They just can't figure it out. First thing I do in the morning is read the obits. My dad died in 1983 at the age of 65. Most of the men in my family died young. I just worry about cancer, aneuyisms, strokes, you name it. I'm a mess. Help me if you can I'm feeling down.

My Dad died at 42 from cancer from his job. My brother always use to think he would die at that age or around too. Now he is in his early 50's. I use to get pissed because if you keep thinking that you will create it. It's all a mind set. You don't have to be like all the other men in your family.

As far as kid, that's a choice most of the time, it's none of anyone's business why you do or don't have children. ;)

Edited by KashmirDevi
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For me it's a mixed blessing. On one hand I feel happier with myself and my daily life, on the other I'm saddened by the fact that so many old friends that are having health problems and such. It makes you appreciate how fragile life can be. Live it well

Edited by ally
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For me it's a mixed blessing. On one hand I feel happier with myself and my daily life, on the other I'm saddened by the fact that so many old friends that are having health problems and such. It makes you appreciate how fragile life can be. Live it well

Thank you!! That was the original intent of the topic. Each of my three best friends are struggling and it comes out as insults and rude behavior. I don't think they realize it. They never really ask about me, they just ramble on about financial problems, job problems, etc. I took a break from one. He constantly complains about money and quite frankly it's all his fault.

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Age is all in the mind, it is how young you really feel, and taking good care of yourself.

most importantly is Calcium, I take a formula, very expensive of this drink it every night,it puts back, and most importantly cushions your joints, I have just sta rted to take it, and it is working, mind you I am not 50 not quite, LOL

That together,with good moisture for your skin,fresh air,exercise,water, fresh fruit,and vegetables.

People should put their health before anything, after all if you do not have your health you have nothing.

Edited by peppermint
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it didnt bother me at all. i just have never thought about my age. i still like to do things younger people do. i'm very active out doors. in fact i out perform others 20 years my junior, hiking, paddling, scuba diving. it's just sometimes when i start talking to a 20 something hot chick, i go "whoa," it'l never happen. so i give up. 12/21/57

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Thank you!! That was the original intent of the topic. Each of my three best friends are struggling and it comes out as insults and rude behavior. I don't think they realize it. They never really ask about me, they just ramble on about financial problems, job problems, etc. I took a break from one. He constantly complains about money and quite frankly it's all his fault.

It's the price we pay for being good listeners. Your friends must feel you care and, you become the sounding board for them. It can be frustrating and rewarding. Some of my friends have told me that I have a lower threshold of tolerance these day's. They're correct to a point. I need to save my energy for more frequent and, more serious issues that confront us. It's a matter of prioritizing the real need and letting the minor things look after themselves

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Well, I haven't reached 50 but, over the past year, for the very first time, I haven't lived solely in the present or the future. I have started to look back and remember. I have also come to the realization that it is very possible that I have more years behind me than I do ahead of me. :( For all of the sadness and bad times mixed in with the happy and wonderful times, I love the life I've led - sometimes I wish I could rewind it like a video and playback/relive certain special moments. Until science and technology advance enough to allow this, I go back through my memories - something, because I was always living in today, I hadn't done before this year.

Age is just a number. It's your spirit and soul that count.

Amen! :)

For me it's a mixed blessing. On one hand I feel happier with myself and my daily life, on the other I'm saddened by the fact that so many old friends that are having health problems and such. It makes you appreciate how fragile life can be. Live it well

Well said! I lost a good friend in December and I am just beginning to realize the full impact of no longer having her in my life and, because she died young, of all the things that she will miss in this life.

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Well, I haven't reached 50 but, over the past year, for the very first time, I haven't lived solely in the present or the future. I have started to look back and remember. I have also come to the realization that it is very possible that I have more years behind me than I do ahead of me. :( For all of the sadness and bad times mixed in with the happy and wonderful times, I love the life I've led - sometimes I wish I could rewind it like a video and playback/relive certain special moments. Until science and technology advance enough to allow this, I go back through my memories - something, because I was always living in today, I hadn't done before this year.

Hey, they were showing us how that can be done on last night's episode of LOST! :thumbsup: The secret is that you have to have a "Constant", something or someone that is very special to you that is/was available to you at both times.

:D Just kiddin'. I know what you're saying. And it seems to me, from the little I know you, that you do have lots going on in your life presently and lots to look forward to in the future......it's rather nice to look back now & then too.

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I turned 50 a couple of years ago. More so than any other milestone birthday, this one really gets you thinking.

Here is a Jethro Tull song from the Benefit LP on the subject with some song commentary

from Cup of Wonder

A Time For Everything

Once it seemed there would always be

a time for everything.

Ages passed I knew at last

my life had never been.

I'd been missing what time could bring.

Fifty years and I'm filled with tears and joys

I never cried.

Burn the wagon and chain the mule.

The past is all denied.

There's no time for everything.

No time for everything.

This must surely be one of Ian Anderson's earliest retrospective songs. "A Time For Everything" is about looking back at all those years gone by from the perspective of advanced middle age: "Fifty years and I m filled with tears". (Oddly enough, Ian Anderson must have been in his early 20's at the most when he wrote this song. Perhaps that explains the fact that it contains only two verses: was I.A. a little short on the subject matter at the time?). The song is about the musings of one who is considering the wastefulness of his life, the reflections on what could have been: "Once it seemed there would always be a time for everything" as opposed to what has been: "Ages passed I knew at last my life had never been". He could have achieved so much, he is saying. But all his early aspirations were lost along the way: "I'd been missing what time could bring". However, musings aside, the song ends in a pragmatic vein and the singer seems to come to terms with the need to put an end to pointless reflections: "Burn the wagon and chain the mule" he says. The wagon and the mule, being the vehicles on which he has slowly shuffled along through the passage of time. "The past is all denied", that's it! What was is no longer relevant. The closing line of the song put the lid of acceptance on the issue: "There's no time for everything. No time for everything".

The lyrics of JT-songs are the BEST ONES!!!

Edited by Vanessa
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Wait. You'll see. People ignore you, make fun of your clothes, gray hair, double chins, bifocal glasses, friends who don't call or care about you anymore. Now I have to buy relaxed fit jeans. I can't remember the last time I caught a chick staring at my ass.

I am thinking of Ian Anderson now - he looked like 50 when he was only 30...

Now he is 60 years old and very good looking - some people get better looking when they get old. BUT of course I always loved Ian, when he was young and now!!!

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How about these lyrics by JT:

"Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young To Die"

The old Rocker wore his hair too long,

wore his trouser cuffs too tight.

Unfashionable to the end --- drank his ale too light.

Death's head belt buckle --- yesterday's dreams ---

the transport caf' prophet of doom.

Ringing no change in his double-sewn seams

in his post-war-babe gloom.

Now he's too old to Rock'n'Roll but he's too young to die.

He once owned a Harley Davidson and a Triumph Bonneville.

Counted his friends in burned-out spark plugs

and prays that he always will.

But he's the last of the blue blood greaser boys

all of his mates are doing time:

married with three kids up by the ring road

sold their souls straight down the line.

And some of them own little sports cars

and meet at the tennis club do's.

For drinks on a Sunday --- work on Monday.

They've thrown away their blue suede shoes.

Now they're too old to Rock'n'Roll and they're too young to die.

So the old Rocker gets out his bike

to make a ton before he takes his leave.

Up on the A1 by Scotch Corner

just like it used to be.

And as he flies --- tears in his eyes ---

his wind-whipped words echo the final take

and he hits the trunk road doing around 120

with no room left to brake.

And he was too old to Rock'n'Roll but he was too young to die.

No, you're never too old to Rock'n'Roll if you're too young to die.

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