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Jimmys lack of intrest in the occult.


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Well, everyone dies, don't they?

We disagree, is all. To me, "supernatural" just means not yet fully understood by human science, and "occult" just means "hidden". (Wisely, given how nasty established churches can be about sharing spiritual truth and power with all but a very small group.)

Good post, SunChild.

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Hey, Nirvana!

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out.

Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about.

Well the names have all changed since you hung around,

But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.

Who’d have thought they’d lead ya

(Who’d have thought they’d lead ya)

Back here where we need ya

(Here where we need ya)

Yeah we tease him a lot cause we’ve got him on the spot,

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

Hey, I actually remember that show....thanks Steve!

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Hypothetically speaking, an heiress could work as a waitress. I didn't say I believed

she was an heiress, I said it was an angle I hadn't heard before but highlighted the names don't match. It's quite funny to consider though.

Oh, I understood you didn't believe that, Mr. J. My question was more of a rhetorical one, not really directed at one person. Sorry if the post sounded ... harumphy or something (I can't think of a suitable word). Anyway! It's not important. Her waitressing days are long behind her, drug store heiress or no.

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Hey, Nirvana!

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out.

Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about.

Well the names have all changed since you hung around,

But those dreams have remained and they're turned around.

Who'd have thought they'd lead ya

(Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)

Back here where we need ya

(Here where we need ya)

Yeah we tease him a lot cause we've got him on the spot,

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

Oh my,what large bold letters ! Adaring splash of color even! Welcome to the Revelution! :D

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Word from Jimmy directly, actually, and what you say here about AC is demonstrably untrue.

I wasn't speaking for the man. Just read that he was interested in Crowley's work - and Crowley's work is extremely flawed. I won't get embroiled because people have their minds made up when it comes to these topics, but from what I've been able to tell, the testimonials they offer for success in any given religion or practice are the same that can be found in lottery techniques - some get money and some don't... but everyone has their own system.

The flaws I point out are actual however. For instance, I've spent eight years trying to sort out which notorious jerk taught the Muslims that Azrael was the name of the Angel of Death - because they taught that to everyone else and it's a blatant lie. I got to the bottom of it and have collected official decrees from the religious scholars to order an end to that... but it doesn't help the cause of anyone who used the name previously. It just makes them look silly. Crowley used this name - and he mispelled it because he didn't know Hebrew grammar.

But, straightening that mess out is about as far as I intend to go in this life, however. It was a very nasty ordeal for me. As for the formal cults that have come up, who focus their work on the book, the Necronomicon, someone else will have to prove to them that Paradise Lost was a work of fiction.

The Ninth Scribe

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Maybe an occasional lightening bolt; there are stories.

Ok, I'll go along with an occassional lightening bolt, since that's what started my research too, but I'm just saying, even after that bolt of lightening, you still have to following it up with that thing called... work. B)

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I think that you need to read a fair amount of someone's work before you decide that it's "deeply flawed". One can hardly make this assertion based on what you've decided is a misspelling. In point of fact, transliterations are rarely consistent. Spelling, furthermore, is not the same as grammar. You may have a beef, but don't take it out on AC!

I wasn't speaking for the man. Just read that he was interested in Crowley's work - and Crowley's work is extremely flawed. I won't get embroiled because people have their minds made up when it comes to these topics, but from what I've been able to tell, the testimonials they offer for success in any given religion or practice are the same that can be found in lottery techniques - some get money and some don't... but everyone has their own system.

The flaws I point out are actual however. For instance, I've spent eight years trying to sort out which notorious jerk taught the Muslims that Azrael was the name of the Angel of Death - because they taught that to everyone else and it's a blatant lie. I got to the bottom of it and have collected official decrees from the religious scholars to order an end to that... but it doesn't help the cause of anyone who used the name previously. It just makes them look silly. Crowley used this name - and he mispelled it because he didn't know Hebrew grammar.

But, straightening that mess out is about as far as I intend to go in this life, however. It was a very nasty ordeal for me. As for the formal cults that have come up, who focus their work on the book, the Necronomicon, someone else will have to prove to them that Paradise Lost was a work of fiction.

The Ninth Scribe

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I think that you need to read a fair amount of someone's work before you decide that it's "deeply flawed". One can hardly make this assertion based on what you've decided is a misspelling. In point of fact, transliterations are rarely consistent. Spelling, furthermore, is not the same as grammar. You may have a beef, but don't take it out on AC!

Agreed. If spellings are, as you say "rarely consistent" then the work that is based on them is also rarely consistent ~ which is why I believe that "anything goes" with this subject. I personally believe it was Crowley who needed to read more books, but more importantly... he should have learned how to read them first. That's my main "beef" with him, but I'm not particularly big on the whole occult thing anyway. I've read the books, but some of this stuff is way too amusing for me to take seriously. For instance, in a Wiccan book I read that to protect yourself from evil, you have to surround yourself with water because evil can't cross water, but if that's so there should be no evil on any land because every continent is surrounded by water, lol.

Any who, I'm sure it works for some people :rolleyes:

The Ninth Scribe

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I would guess it's because there's just way too much garbage in occult works. Word on the street was that he studied the works of Aleister Crowley. This man wrote tons of stuff on occult theology, but a lot of it was flawed because the man never bothered to learn the languages he based his work on ~ and there are some who study Kabbalah, who still claim you don't have to even know Hebrew! It's a great pity because they would learn a thing or two. For instance, the Geburhim were a Hebrew army. The Nephalhim were not "giants" (Greek error), but were rather cross breeds - offspring of inter-marriage which, according to the Torah, was forbidden, even between the tribes of Israel itself (because it caused dissent among the people). In fact, that was the first written "prenuptial agreement" that was ever recorded. The Raphahim are also mentioned. People, for reasons unknown to me, have confused the common title, Bene Elohim (sons of God) with the Malakhim (Messengers), which the western world calls Angels.

Some of these mistranslations have even caused wars, such as the dispute between the Jews and the Muslims... it's so bad that I've even had to create a special program on my computer to keep track of them all. There's a lot of this sh*t going on and it's almost bordering on rediculous!

When you come of a certain age, you realise that there is no magic pill to swallow and knowledge comes from dedicated study, not some divine bolt of lightening. More importantly, these studies are a journey, and you need to allow yourself the TIME to enjoy that journey.

Maybe that's what went missing with some of these so-called authorities. They were so focused on the end, they missed a lot of sights that were on their way. There's quite a lot to take in if given enough time.

The Ninth Scribe

this is the most reasonable and truest post on this thread..

well done.

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For what it's worth all of this is why I generally avoid discussing these topics in this forum.

True or false, agree or disagree, rightly or wrongly it's just Non-Zeppelin Content.

And judging by what has been posted, I shall be happy to leave everyone else to wallow in his or her own obvious total ignorance and utter lack of intellectual discernment. Those of us who actually fucking know something because we've actually made serious, sustained study of it will always know that you're just wrong. Cheers to the lot of you.

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And judging by what has been posted, I shall be happy to leave everyone else to wallow in his or her own obvious total ignorance and utter lack of intellectual discernment. Those of us who actually fucking know something because we've actually made serious, sustained study of it will always know that you're just wrong. Cheers to the lot of you.

I simply mentioned however fascinating it may be it's Non-Zeppelin content, and as such best examined within Ramble On. No need to presume others know nothing about it.

Your cute when your frustrated. :)

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...Haven't we all !

Yeah, there's good stuff and bad stuff everywhere. I know very little about AC. I saw a book about him and skimmed through it in a store. I know he was in the Golden Dawn, but I forgot what they were about. All I remember are some funny pictures he drew and that he had a fundamentalist upbringing.

I know enough about Wiccans (at least the ones I know) to understand that they're overwhelmingly positive in the way they do things. If I could be religious, that's about as close as I could get, I think. I've always hated the way anything occult or pagan related stuff is portrayed in the media. Talk about stupid. But I think it probably goes back about 2000 years at least. Why do people always assume it's about affecting others, when it's actually about affecting yourself? DUH. Or did I miss something.

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I simply mentioned however fascinating it may be it's Non-Zeppelin content, and as such best examined within Ramble On. No need to presume others know nothing about it.

I was talking about beatbo and Ninth Scribe, hence the "everyone else"

And many thanks to Suz and nirvana for raising the level of discussion here.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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Yeah, there's good stuff and bad stuff everywhere. I know very little about AC. I saw a book about him and skimmed through it in a store. I know he was in the Golden Dawn, but I forgot what they were about. All I remember are some funny pictures he drew and that he had a fundamentalist upbringing.

I know enough about Wiccans (at least the ones I know) to understand that they're overwhelmingly positive in the way they do things. If I could be religious, that's about as close as I could get, I think. I've always hated the way anything occult or pagan related stuff is portrayed in the media. Talk about stupid. But I think it probably goes back about 2000 years at least. Why do people always assume it's about affecting others, when it's actually about affecting yourself? DUH. Or did I miss something.

No, you didn't miss anything...it's an old fear of the unknown that creates these silly media backlashes and jokes about pagens and Wiccans over time. You seem to have gotten it right - pass it on!

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I was talking about beatbo and Ninth Scribe, hence the "everyone else"

And many thanks to Suz and nirvana for raising the level of discussion here.

Not meaning to send you twenty claws into the ceiling (again), but I work hard in my research and have dealt with many serious disputes between notable scholars, so this statement you make about "raising the level of this discussion" seems awefully one-sided to me. Anyone who agrees with you is great and anyone who critiques the work is afraid? The media does not attack Wiccans and Pagans - it attacks everyone... where faults were found they are brought to light... and it was mostly other occult scholars who found problems with Crowley's work, not just Jewish Cabalists. Critiques make one's work stronger, by the way, so they shouldn't be avoided like the plague.

With that in mind, the topic was "Jimmy's lack of interest in the occult" and I was merely pointing out what might have been the cause of his lack of interest. Not what the cause of your interest is. This wasn't even about you. Contrary to your post, I did mention that there is a rate of success with EVERY path from the purely mundane (lottery technique) to the ultra-ethereal (fairies), which is why I say anything goes. So put your claws back.

Though I agree, you are cute when you're frustrated. B)

The Ninth Scribe

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