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Yeah, and I also either was mad or just did it for no reason broke something that belonged to my great-grandmother that was my mom's back around the same age. It was a plant holder that looked like Mary and it sat on top of my toilet in my bathroom and I just pushed it off, I feel bad about it now.

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Yeah, true. Especially if you're a child when it happened....well, here goes I guess.

You already know what kind of kid I was, I was a mean bastard, but it was the damned ADD (even on medication, lol Ritalin)

I used to be babysat by this lady who ran a babysitting business out of her house, and there was this room in the back that had all the toys in and it was also the "baby room" where (when it was needed) a baby would sleep in a crib. I feel so bad about this, but I did this quite a few times, where I would take a few toys and throw them into the crib onto the baby's head. I feel like such a fucking asshole, and to be honest, I can't truly remember why I did it. I did it quite a few times...maybe...3 times in total or so. The baby would cry and they would come in and say what happened and I'd say I had no clue because I took the toys out of the crib by then to make it look like nothing happened. I feel so fucking horrible, I started thinking about it about 2 years ago and i thought that it's one of the worst things I've done in my life and I wonder and HOPE that I didn't give the kid brain damage.

Doublenecker, that took a lot of courage to admit. You know what is a good thing though? NOW you know it was wrong. You were a kid, you did something mean. I'm sure you didn't give any children brain damage, forgive yourself. You are a good person now, and that's what counts. Everyone has done bad things, at least you realize it was bad. You'd never do it again. I hope getting it off your chest helps you to forgive yourself.

When I was 2 and my sister was born, I'd have her on my lap and pinch her to make her cry and act like I didn't know why she was crying. I was jealous over the loss of attention from my parents and took it out on my sister. We are the best of friends and love each other deeply even though I was often bratty to her! Forgive yourself honey, and move on....

Love and Light to you... :hippy:

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Doublenecker, that took a lot of courage to admit. You know what is a good thing though? NOW you know it was wrong. You were a kid, you did something mean. I'm sure you didn't give any children brain damage, forgive yourself. You are a good person now, and that's what counts. Everyone has done bad things, at least you realize it was bad. You'd never do it again. I hope getting it off your chest helps you to forgive yourself.

When I was 2 and my sister was born, I'd have her on my lap and pinch her to make her cry and act like I didn't know why she was crying. I was jealous over the loss of attention from my parents and took it out on my sister. We are the best of friends and love each other deeply even though I was often bratty to her! Forgive yourself honey, and move on....

Love and Light to you... :hippy:

Absolutely, We all have skeletons in our closet. Don't dwell. Move on to higher ground

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^In that vein, I have another confession:

I used to be obsessed with Harry Potter. In fact, I used to take part in something called the (relation)Shipping wars, on the side of those who thought Harry and Hermione were destined to be married (also Ron/Luna, Neville/Ginny... even Dumbledore/McGonagall).

Of course, I stopped liking the series at book 6 and lost all my respect for J.K. Rowling after her rather childish and immature interview with the owners of Mugglenet and The Leaky Cauldron (only a couple months after the release of book 6).

My not liking of books 6 and 7 actually has very little to do with my shipping preference and the fact that I was wrong. That said, I admit I still think JKR was going to put H/Hr together after book 5 then bowed to fan pressure in books 6 and 7 because of major personality changes of every character except the one who needed to change the most, Ron.

But I'm done with that and I refuse to get into debates about it again... so... yeah...

Now that that's off my chest... lately J.R.R Tolkein has become my all-time favorite author. And I'm rather optimistic about Christopher Paolini and The Inheritance Series (you know, Eragon, Eldest... the Eragon movie sucked, though). I wish he'd release book 3 already, but still...

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^ Sadly enough, it's HP that I read fanfiction of. It's James/Lily shit (I can not believe I'm admitting this), and because they aren't really frequent characters I can read some fantastic writing (because there really is some great stuff out there) and completely forget it's Harry Potter. So, I kinda figured, that it wouldn't seem quite to cringeworthy.


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^ Sadly enough, it's HP that I read fanfiction of. It's James/Lily shit (I can not believe I'm admitting this), and because they aren't really frequent characters I can read some fantastic writing (because there really is some great stuff out there) and completely forget it's Harry Potter. So, I kinda figured, that it wouldn't seem quite to cringeworthy.


I'm not the biggest fan of the HP fanfiction because it tends to be too sappy. I did ship the pairs, but I can only stand so much sap before I'm gouging my eyes out with a fork.

So yeah, the epilogue of book 7, while making me laugh harder then I ever have before (Albus Severus? Was JKR that desperate for names?) also made me nauseous.

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I actually have all 7 books, but I don't really rate JK Rowling as much of a writer. If you've ever been brought up in Britain you'll just cringe at the fact that she's so cliched with the language.

I don't watch the films, either, they're just terrible. Cannot stand Daniel Radcliffe.

But, there are some genuinely talented writers in the fanfiction world and they really can do a hell of a lot better than she does. And they get nothing for it.

So...I suppose my second confession would have to be: I read a lot of sappy fanfiction.

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I actually have all 7 books, but I don't really rate JK Rowling as much of a writer. If you've ever been brought up in Britain you'll just cringe at the fact that she's so cliched with the language.

Oh believe me. If she was flying by the seat of her "writing talent," I doubt Harry Potter would ever have even been published. I know I would never have gotten past book 1 (and that's when I was 11 years old, too). It was her story-telling ability that kept me enthralled. Of course, when book 6 came out, I lost respect for her story-telling ability because apparently she forgot that Hermione was no longer 11 years old, Harry hated who his father was as a kid (and also couldn't care less about Ginny), she had introduced a new character named Luna Lovegood (who had a crush on Ron), Dumbledore was a strong wizard...

Oh, and she apparently forgot what her lesson was... about how it's our choices who make us who we are. Because apparently Voldemort didn't make a choice. He was born evil. That was the second biggest disappointment for me. I was hoping Voldemort would be a deep character, someone who had a dark past and made the wrong choices. A true villain. Instead he turned out to be a 2-dimensional, cliche, shallow bad guy. Hell, I've seen Disney villains with more dimensions then Voldemort. And don't give me the "what about Snape?" Yeah, I know, but I would have rather seen that in Voldemort. I was disappointed when it turned out that Snape was/had been evil. I was kinda hoping he'd turn out to just be an ass teacher, but a good guy, and a damn good good guy... if you get what I mean. You know... so at least Dumbledore's policy of second chances could be placed correctly in at least one person.

Dumbledore was the biggest disappointment, as he was my favorite character until book 6. In the first 5 books, he was basically your favorite grandpa, and really, really, really strong. In book 6, he was egotistical, rather not grandfather-like, and really weak. And it also turns out that he was stupid, because he always misplaced his trust, and never once did he give his second chances to someone who would actually use them wisely. Then it turns out, in book 7, that he was, in fact, more of a bad guy then a good guy?

Oh, and don't forget... after book 7 was written, and with absolutely no clues to this being the case, JKR decides that Dumbledore is gay. I mean, I'm sorry, but it seems to me she came up with that nugget to create some controversy to keep the books selling and for no other reason... because, you know... the whole Christian controversy wasn't enough.

I don't watch the films, either, they're just terrible. Cannot stand Daniel Radcliffe.

I actually rather like Daniel Radcliffe as an actor. I think the worst actors were Tom Felton (Draco) and Bonnie Wright (Ginny). I think Emma Watson has had the most growth, though.

But the movies pissed me off because, well, for starters, they ruined my favorite book, book 3. And then they ruined book 4 and book 5. You'd think after Lord of the Rings and King Kong time constraints wouldn't be such a problem, but no... gotta kill the book for the sake of a timely ending.

But, there are some genuinely talented writers in the fanfiction world and they really can do a hell of a lot better than she does. And they get nothing for it.

I know at least 4 fan fiction authors who could write Harry Potter way better then JKR did, especially books 6 and 7.

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I actually rather like Daniel Radcliffe as an actor. I think the worst actors were Tom Felton (Draco) and Bonnie Wright (Ginny). I think Emma Watson has had the most growth, though.

But the movies pissed me off because, well, for starters, they ruined my favorite book, book 3. And then they ruined book 4 and book 5. You'd think after Lord of the Rings and King Kong time constraints wouldn't be such a problem, but no... gotta kill the book for the sake of a timely ending.

I was very upset with the 3rd movie too; I felt that Cuaron had not even read the book; and the movie was more about his artistry than the storyline :( I was not crazy about replacement Dumbledore or Lupin's casting either. :unsure:

Newell's GOF was a bit choppy and disjointed, but I have to say that the graveyard scene was exactly as I imagined it.

Columbus really nailed the wonder of the wizarding world in the first 2 films. Yates (the OOTP director) seemed to have taken pains to get it right too; I thought OOTP was overall very well done and felt he had read the books and enjoyed them. He is also directing the 6th and 7th movies, so I am hopeful.

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I was very upset with the 3rd movie too; I felt that Cuaron had not even read the book; and the movie was more about his artistry than the storyline :( I was not crazy about replacement Dumbledore or Lupin's casting either. :unsure:

Agreed on all counts.

Newell's GOF was a bit choppy and disjointed, but I have to say that the graveyard scene was exactly as I imagined it.

Also agree.

Columbus really nailed the wonder of the wizarding world in the first 2 films. Yates (the OOTP director) seemed to have taken pains to get it right too; I thought OOTP was overall very well done and felt he had read the books and enjoyed them. He is also directing the 6th and 7th movies, so I am hopeful.

I have to disagree with you on Yates. I thought he kinda ruined book 5. He couldn't split movie 5 into two parts or do a four-hour movie with intermission (which I have actually seen done, before)? I also found it disjointed and I also think it was the worst acting I have seen from everyone except for Gary Oldman, who I have to admit can take even the worst rolls and make them at least decent. He's an incredible actor.

Plus, I don't think any director can make 6 & 7 good. The books were so terrible that it'd take a miracle to make them good. IMHO, of course. Others may disagree, and I respect that. But I'm definitely not seeing movies 6 and 7 (parts 1 and 2... they are splitting movie 7... they should have done that for movie 5).

Okay... I think we should either stick to PMs from here on out or, if the rest of the board's okay with it, start a new thread.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic... Confessions. :D

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