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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Wow, he saw a prostitute. Big damn deal. I don't even know why prostitution is against the law anyway. As George Carlin said, sex is legal. Selling is legal. So why isn't selling sex legal?

As long as peoples' sexual preferences don't involve children, animals or the dead, I don't bother faking moral indignation. Adultery sucks, but lots of people cheat. They suck, but they're hardly "pieces of shit". Murderers, rapists, child molesters.....they're pieces of shit.

You know Liz, I may have agreed with you if it was just an average Joe. But that is not the way it works in politics. If you want to be the president someday, and he did, this just cannot happen. And how would you feel if you were one of his daughters and what would you expect your mother/his wife to do? Be realistic for once here. You know damn well he let his wife and daughters down and his party down. dont you see this?

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I'd be pissed and I'd expect my mother to deal with it her way. I wouldn't get involved past that. It's her marriage, not mine. I'd still love my father and want my father in my life, but I would be angry he hurt my mom, but in time I feel I'd get over it. People make mistakes and they deserve a chance to atone somehow.

As for "letting his party down", fuck politics, this is a family matter.....unless they determine the Mann Act was violated, then it's a federal matter and that makes him a stupid douchebag instead just a plain old douchebag.

Again, they need to legalize prostitution. It's a victimless crime. The only time I would demand laws is when it involves children or women forced into white slavery. Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me.

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I'd be pissed and I'd expect my mother to deal with it her way. I wouldn't get involved past that. It's her marriage, not mine. I'd still love my father and want my father in my life, but I would be angry he hurt my mom, but in time I feel I'd get over it. People make mistakes and they deserve a chance to atone somehow.

As for "letting his party down", fuck politics, this is a family matter.....unless they determine the Mann Act was violated, then it's a federal matter and that makes him a stupid douchebag instead just a plain old douchebag.

Again, they need to legalize prostitution. It's a victimless crime. The only time I would demand laws is when it involves children or women forced into white slavery. Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me.

Youare telling me to fuck off because I expressed my opinion on this? You really are a pathetic bitch. There is no winning with you . It is not just about family. It is about politics if you are in his position you simple minded youngster. You have much to learn about life. I have been on this earth twice as long as you and I do have a college degree. Why are you so nasty. I try to have a civil discussion with you and every time you insult me and tell me to fuck off. What is your motive behind this? You are being quite ignorant. Why dont you lose the attitude? What is your problem??

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"Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me."

Do you know what that means? That means, "As long as the prostitution is not between children or women forced into it, have sex. You're not hurting me."

You don't bother reading the post, you take two lines and assume I'm saying something I'm not.....then you launch into some ridiculously bitter tirade about absolutely nothing. And you said I'm ignorant and simple-minded? That would have been funnier if you hadn't completely mis-read what I said.

Edited by Electrophile
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Well It WONT be Spitzer. Hes up shits creek without a paddle. Id rather be in downtown Bagdad naked with dollar bills taped all over my body than have to be in the same room with his wife tonight.

I feel really bad for Mrs Spitzer. :( At the press conference today she looked so sad and disappointed.. not to mention humiliated. And yet there she was standing next to him as he gave his statement. Imho, her standing next to him was more than he deserved in that moment.


But anyway.. Spitzer's not a presidential candidate,

so this issue doesn't really belong in this thread.

Well.. except for the fact that the lying, cheating, federal law breaking,

soon-to-be-ex-governor is a Hillary Clinton supporting superdelegate. :whistling:

Tomorrow Obama will take Mississippi.. rack up more delegates..

widen his lead over Clinton.. and continue his run toward the nomination. :cheer:


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Hopefully the next president of the US will be none of these candidates.

I'm interested in your perspective as a non-American, Bonham. yesnod.gif

Why do you hope Barack Obama won't be the next POTUS?

and.. who would you like to see be the next POTUS? (and why?)

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I'm interested in your perspective as a non-American, Bonham. yesnod.gif

Why do you hope Barack Obama won't be the next POTUS?

and.. who would you like to see be the next POTUS? (and why?)

In researching about Obama I feel he entered politics with good morals but has been "bitten by the vampire" so to speak because he's jumping ship. Anyways, lots of people support him so here's a little article I found by a guy named Aaron Mann:


A lot of writing ahead!

Article Follows:

Barack Obama, Patriot or Fraud? --Topics also include: Israel, War and Media Deception

(sensitivity warning)

Democratic Illinois Senator


Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

- -


This article was written entirely by Aaron Mann and is NOT at risk of violating any copyright laws. Rather than quote or copy material from other web pages, I have hotlinked those sources so I encourage you to follow the links and read what I have read so that you understand how I have come to my conclusions on these issues. The site's I sourced have all been reviewed by me and I can therefore give a 98% assurance to the fact that the author's content is G-rated content. I can not speak for the reader comments that you may find on the page as I do not read those reader comments. Of course you may run across disturbing images or suggestive speech at points so if you are under the age 13 then I encourage you to stick to the article presented here and to not follow the links, or to divert from the page you followed to if what you find is offensive to you, or simply go read something else. I am not to be held responsible for any personal discomfort or psychological effects this material may cause for an individual or group. All I have done here is point out commonly overlooked information.

- -


I believe it is important in the world today to

like Ron Paul. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that Democratic Illinois Senator, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., is probably not that person. All you have to do is read between the lines of his speeches and media coverage and see that ON TOP of telling people what they want to hear, there is also this other side to Obama who says the same things the rest of the pro-war politicians say. He says we need to continue war in the middle east, but you need to read between the lines to see it because he also says that "If elected as president I vow to end the war in Iraq", which is the rhetoric you see in mass circulation by proponents of his candidacy. I see Obama parroting the "Iran is a threat", "Israel needs more money" and even "We need more homeland security" dialogues, as I will demonstrate throughout the rest of this article. This suggests to me that Obama is no different right now than the Bush family of past nazi supporters who want to take away American civil liberties and use American troops and resources to continue the disasterous extermination of the Islamic muslims/arabs in the middle east in order to help secure "the holy land" for Israel.

Even the WIKI and Answers.com point out the BBH & Nazi connection. Just look at all the web pages that pull it up on Google.

- -

The Mass Media Lies and Plays Games:

A harsh accusation according to some, but when you only give attention to western media, you are only getting half of the story, and the story from the west is very redundant and one-sided. When you can collect the news from both west AND east medias you can begin to get a better sense of reality on the middle east crisis. Visiting news sources such as al-Jazeera and the Turkish Press are good places to start in getting "both sides" of the middle east's many stories. Another good practice is to not lock yourself in to only the mainstream of American press because many of the large media corporations in America have a zionist CEO, a zionist news chief or is owned by a multimedia conglomerate who has a zionist CEO. The media you recieve through your television here in America is filtered and biased. It is very important for people to understand this before moving any further in exploring facts about issues in this country because it is forcing those of us who "know" what's up to put forth a bit more effort in finding true, unfiltered, non-biased news reporting, which, at times CAN be found in the mainstream. But usually the stories don't get much airtime when they do get it, the story gets touched on then dropped forever. You can believe whatever you want, sure, but when your beliefs and 'opinions' are being shaped by corporate interests who's goal it is to mislead and placate the general public into support of unethical agendas than you must question if your beliefs are truly well-founded. Do your beliefs come from being well read and well researched on the topics or did they simply come from what you see a lot of on television? Here in America right now you can rely more on companies like PBS and C-span for less filtered news, just to name two.

The United States isn't the only nation suffering from controlled media right now, it is a big problem in the UK as well.

Some mainstream media outlets like Fox News have run smear campaigns on Obama. I believe these have been run to encourage more support for the man from his supporters. If someone attacks your cadidate then it causes you to grow more defensive of that cadidate which you have already come to believe in based on all the good highlights he has gotten from the press prior to the smears. Very quickly after Fox's smear against Obama for being a muslim was aired, CNN came along and neatly debunked it for them. This is what I've come to see as hollywood acting in politics through the media. You can get a real good play-by-play of what's been in the media circus regarding Obama from a web site called Crooks and Liars.

- -

Obama supports Israel and the unregistered Israel lobby:

Barrack Hussein Obama has financial connections to Israel through the major Mossad Fundraiser, Lewis Susman, who is also tied to this money laundering and embezzlement of U.S. Treasury Funds through his noted Box Company in Chicago, the Sara Lee Corporation.

Don't let Obama's talk of lobby reform in Washington fool you, one lobby he couldn't stop even if he wanted to is AIPAC, in fact, he supports it. Barack Obama is in support of Israel and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, commonly referred to as simply A.I.P.A.C., and it has been called the current largest foreign lobby in Washington DC. He spoke there last Friday as a matter of fact. Here's a transcript of the speech. It should also be noted that at some point, Obama has changed his stance on the Israeli / Palestinian Conflict. He also frequently reminds us of how he believes that Iran is a threat to both the US and Israel, and he is in support of military force against the country of Iran. In spite of his claims widely circulated by the mainstream media, Obama is openly pro-war. If you would read my article on Iran you would see is totally absurd.

Many people have a false sense of reality concerning the state of Israel and who could blame them. The mainstream media here in the US and in the UK regarding the issues is totally filtered. Israel is currently occupying Palestine and kills Palestinians daily to make room for their Jewish "settlements" there which they hope in time will establish them as a legitimate Nation. Do not misunderstand me, I am not "anti-semitic", I am in support of Israel having a nation to call home, but I am not in support of the mass murder of the people who have lived there and called it home for centuries before Israel arrived and turned the Palestinians into prisoners in their own land. Israel is establishing a nation by stealing away another nation and exterminating any of its' indigenous people who stay to resist the grand operation / oppression.

I could demonstrate to you, how Israel is such an important issue, but the information that surrounds it is so vast that it will have to be saved for a different article. The topic here is Obama but understanding the complexity of the issues surrounding Israel will help in understanding what it is, exactly, the choices that Obama is being faced with right now. Simply follow this link and spend a lot of time reading and refining your search. There are some other things I want to point out.

- -

Obama supports War:

Obama serves on the Foreign Relations Committee (foreign policy) and the Department of Homeland Security Committee (domestic policy). See the Official Sentate Page for verification.

Senator Obama believes that greater attention needs to be paid to the nation’s homeland security. To that end, he has supported efforts to distribute more funds to cities like Chicago most at risk of a terrorist attack. He has also introduced legislation -Alt. Link 1- -Alt. Link 2- to strengthen chemical plant and drinking water security and to enhance disaster preparedness. The disaster is trying to lock the public out of public facilities such as water treatment plants. Last I checked, Chicago was in the northern center of the country. I don't see how that makes it a potential terrorist target like New York which in on the East coast. This is what's known as "fearmongering" in the homeland. If you can keep people worried that a real threat exists and that you are here to protect them then their approval ratings go up. If there were no threat and no need to pose as a hero a lot of these guys would never make it in politics. This is sadly the way the game is played these days.

Am I suggesting that threats are manufactured here at home to sway public opinion? Absolutely. We haven't had a "terrorist" attack since September 11, 2001, yet it is a constant calamity in the media. The constant fear and worry of "the next potential attack within US borders" is just another political farce that is used to drum up support by the people who really know what's going on in the world, to play on the people who don't.

Obama, like the rest of the congress majority, voted in support of Israel's assault on Lebanon in 2006. It is important to separate fact from fiction regarding the Israel & Lebanon issue. Israel has attacked all of its' neighbors, and the invasion and capture of southern Lebanon caused the rise of a group known as Hezbollah. One of Hezbollah's purposes is to drive the Israeli soldiers out of southern Lebanon. Hezbollah has been labeled a "terrorist" organization by a majority of Israeli, US, UK, Canadian, Australian, and other European medias, but in reality Hezbollah is nothing more than a political organization who is in retaliation against illegal assaults and captures of territory. Much of the southern-most area of Lebanon has been destroyed or damaged by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). While Hezbollah defends their home with whatever small arms they can get, Israel has the backing of the United States who outfits them with all the same sophisticated, hi-tech planes, tanks, bombs, arms, ammunition, medical supplies and soldier gear that US troops have available to them. It is a very unfair battle, and a horribly depressing daily reality for arabs there. The reality of it is if arabs are becomming terrorists, then it is because the "western world" is causing it by killing their families and friends in their own home towns.

- -


I don't care about the color of Obama's skin, I'm not racist. I care about the evidence which suggests that he is pulling the same "lying to the public" scheme that we have seen so many other politicians use in the past. Right now Obama is only concerned with getting himself into the president's seat and I don't have faith that he will follow through with all of his talk of "Washington reform" when, and if, he gets there. I believe that Obama is now being used as a shill for the Republicans. It looks like he's getting ready to jump ship. I believe that a few years ago Obama was the man. If I would have caught wind of him before he became IL Senator I might be supporting him right now too. All of his policies on the issues were correct and my research demonstrated that he comes from a good moral background. My research showed me that something has happened over the past couple years with his increasing involvement with homeland security groups and foreign affairs committees has positioned him amongst some of the elite in this country. They have had an influence on him it seems, and right now I doubt which side Obama is really on. If he does become president, I hope he reaches back into his mind and remembers how he got his start and remembers that he's a candidate for the little man. It would be a shame to see another good man get the wool of corruption pulled over his eyes like so many others have for far too long.

I didn't write this article to defame a good man, I wrote it the way I write every one of my articles, to shine a spotlight onto dark places within people, organizations, corporations and governments, in hopes that eventually people like me can leave no place for darkness to hide. Maybe the day will come when all men are honest because they there will be in place, a system of truth that leaves no place for lies to hide and go unnoticed. Groups like the Freemasons know about illumination, but sadly, they choose to keep most of their knowledge to themselves. Not too many people are willing to learn enough in their lifetimes, and even less of those are willing to teach or demonstrate what they've learned. No one is inherintly evil but we all have the potential. Corrupt men make the choice to do what they do, just as I make the choice that I make to expose it. I believe that Barack Obama is a good man at heart, but the article above aimed to exploit the one weakness that's beginning to show through with him, and he isn't the first one to ever be affected by this. History books will one day teach us the truth (more or less) about what we are living through right now, but while we are living through the atrocities the general public needs to be kept in the dark about certain aspects of it in order to allow it to run its course. I went into this article without bias. I went into it with a troubling awareness that I felt needed to be addressed. Although I went into this with a central issue to hone in on, during the research I read a lot of information about the man and came out of it with a greater understanding and a little more hope than I had going into it. He is not as bad as I had originally thought but this issue needed to be addressed. Be critical when viewing political material because politics is a wolve's game. Don't let your guard down and try hard to stay informed.

The Israeli lobby, AIPAC, is one of the greatest problems in this country right now because it has the US sending Israel approx. $10,000,000 a day, and its been caught spying on the US. The state of Israel itself is the most controversial subject in the world today, and I only hope that the history books will be able to look back and commend the creation and protection of the new Jewish state of Israel at the expense of what will undoubtedly become tens of thousands of US and 'coalition' lives and the lives of millions of arabs and other indigenous people of the middle east. I hope the people of the future will look back and say it was all worth it.

If I had to deliver a message to Barack Obama it would be this: "Don't let those clowns bully or bribe you, sir. Follow your heart and do what you know is right and see the goal through that you had set for yourself years ago."

If you are a religious supporter of Obama I would deliver you this message: "Pray for him, because right now he is beginning the roughest part of his political journey."

Thank you all for your time in reading this. More articles will be posted as they are written.

If you don't read, you don't learn!

Edited by Bonham
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To electrophile:

I'm with you as far as Prostitution is concerned. It is a victimless crime and, IMO, it being illegal is as stupid as the Iraq War, the War on Drugs, the 21 drinking age, and Pot being illegal. However, when it comes to someone like Spitzer, you need to understand something.

Spitzer has created for himself a certain image. That image includes honesty... he has painted himself as a man to be trusted. A man who cheats on his wife and betrays his family the way Spitzer has cannot be trusted, and I've no doubt any woman on this board who has been cheated on will agree.

If Spitzer cannot be trusted to remain true to his family, how can he be trusted to remain true to his politics? For the average Joe it doesn't matter, but for someone like Spitzer, if he does this to his family, whose to say he won't do something similar to his country? That's the problem.

To Bonham:

You should know that while I do support Ron Paul I am a staunch supporter of Israel and even though I think their politics are rather fucked up I do fully believe Israel is the legitimate holy land of (primarily) the Jewish people, (and also) the Christian people, and even the Muslim people and it should be protected as such. It should be given money to defend itself. It is one of the reasons I will vote Barack Obama if Ron Paul does not get the Repub nomination (which he won't, unfortunately), because it is true that he also supports Israel and wishes to see the end of terrorism.

Even Hillary knows we can't completely end this war. Her thing is getting out of Iraq, as is Barack's, as is Ron Paul's (as opposed to McCain who thinks we'll be in there for over 100 years... idiot... that's the last thing we need). But ALL the candidates know our fight with terrorism is far from over and we need to keep a front against terrorism to prevent not only another 9/11, but also terrorist attacks around the world.

That article is okay but it highlights things that I and many others support in Obama. Why do you think Obama has a large Jewish following? Because he supports Israel. As a Jew and a supporter of Israel, I appreciate that.

Ron Paul does not bother me as far as his stance because he's not actually against Israel. In fact he's stated that his policy would also be good for Israel because it would take America's reigns off Israel leaving them free to defend themselves in their own fashion, something America at the moment does not completely allow. I can go along with that, too, as long as Israel is not adversely affected, which it would not be by Ron Paul's policy.

In fact, the way this person who wrote the article talks about Obama's support of Israel seriously bothers me. It seems to me like the person is, in fact, a terrorist sympathizer and possibly anti-semitic, but then I've never heard the name and I'm only going by what I've read in the article, so I could be wrong.

Either way, I like Barack's support of Israel. He'll still get us out of Iraq, but he'll defend us and help defend the world against terrorism, which is the path Bush started on but lost somewhere along the way, and is the path we need to be on.

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I feel really bad for Mrs Spitzer. :( At the press conference today she looked so sad and disappointed.. not to mention humiliated. And yet there she was standing next to him as he gave his statement. Imho, her standing next to him was more than he deserved in that moment.


But anyway.. Spitzer's not a presidential candidate,

so this issue doesn't really belong in this thread.

Well.. except for the fact that the lying, cheating, federal law breaking,

soon-to-be-ex-governor is a Hillary Clinton supporting superdelegate. :whistling:

And he will lose in Pennsylvania and the Supers will pick Hillary. go Hillary!!!

Tomorrow Obama will take Mississippi.. rack up more delegates..

widen his lead over Clinton.. and continue his run toward the nomination. :cheer:


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"Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me."

Do you know what that means? That means, "As long as the prostitution is not between children or women forced into it, have sex. You're not hurting me."

You don't bother reading the post, you take two lines and assume I'm saying something I'm not.....then you launch into some ridiculously bitter tirade about absolutely nothing. And you said I'm ignorant and simple-minded? That would have been funnier if you hadn't completely mis-read what I said.

I read it as you were telling me to fuck off. How am I supposed to read it.

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I read it as you were telling me to fuck off. How am I supposed to read it.

She told you already. But she's basically saying "if Spitzer wants to fuck, he can fuck all he wants." It isn't hurting her (I disagree, but there you go). She wasn't talking about you at all.

Correct me if I'm wrong, electrophile. :)

Edited by Nathan
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I feel really bad for Mrs Spitzer. :( At the press conference today she looked so sad and disappointed.. not to mention humiliated. And yet there she was standing next to him as he gave his statement. Imho, her standing next to him was more than he deserved in that moment.


But anyway.. Spitzer's not a presidential candidate,

so this issue doesn't really belong in this thread.

Well.. except for the fact that the lying, cheating, federal law breaking,

soon-to-be-ex-governor is a Hillary Clinton supporting superdelegate. :whistling:

He will lose to Hillary in Pennsylvania and she will get the nomination from the Superdelegates.

Tomorrow Obama will take Mississippi.. rack up more delegates..

widen his lead over Clinton.. and continue his run toward the nomination. :cheer:


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Regarding that long article by Aaron Mann, posted by Bonham. I did a search/find on the word "Israel", and found that it appeared 28 times in his article. And "zionist" appeared 3 times. It's pretty clear what his point of view is...

Exactly, which bothers me. He's anti-Barack because Barack supports Israel and this Mann does not...

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And he will lose in Pennsylvania and the Supers will pick Hillary. go Hillary!!!

None of the remaining primaries are winner-take-all (delegates). That means in order for Hillary to catch Obama in the delegate race, she has to win every remaining primary by capturing approx 65-70% of the vote.. in each and every one of those primaries.

It aint gonna happen, bud.

Barack won Wyoming; today he's gonna win Mississippi; he's also gonna win Oregon, and probably N Carolina. When all the Texas delegates are finally distributed, he will have won Texas. The states Hillary is likely to win, she will not win by big enough margins to overcome Obama's delegate lead. In the end, the supers are gonna line up behind Obama.

It's all but over for Hillary.

The only question remaining at this juncture is: how much damage is Hillary willing to do to the party before she finally steps aside? Based on the low-brow tactics she's been using the last few weeks, it seems she's doesn't care how much damage she does to the party. <_<


OBAMA! :cheer:

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None of the remaining primaries are winner-take-all (delegates). That means in order for Hillary to catch Obama in the delegate race, she has to win every remaining primary by capturing approx 65-70% of the vote.. in each and every one of those primaries.

It aint gonna happen, bud.

Barack won Wyoming; today he's gonna win Mississippi; he's also gonna win Oregon, and probably N Carolina. When all the Texas delegates are finally distributed, he will have won Texas. The states Hillary is likely to win, she will not win by big enough margins to overcome Obama's delegate lead. In the end, the supers are gonna line up behind Obama.

It's all but over for Hillary.

The only question remaining at this juncture is: how much damage is Hillary willing to do to the party before she finally steps aside? Based on the low-brow tactics she's been using the last few weeks, it seems she's doesn't care how much damage she does to the party. <_<


OBAMA! :cheer:

Obama is not going to get to the magic number either and you know it. Hillary has won the big states like Cal, NY and Texas. That is what it will take to beat McCain and the Supers know it. That is why they will chose Hillary.

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Regarding that long article by Aaron Mann, posted by Bonham. I did a search/find on the word "Israel", and found that it appeared 28 times in his article. And "zionist" appeared 3 times. It's pretty clear what his point of view is...


And as our friend Bonham said: "If you don't read, you don't learn!"

Well,.. I looked up Aaron Mann.. to read and learn more about him.

*Aaron Mann* and from that site, a link to *this site*

"I took the google ads down too for now because they won't stop advertising Clinton, Obama and McCain for president and I'm tired of this brainwash. Ron Paul is the only decent candidate who has any morals. The other candidates (except Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich) are immoral shills for big business, more population control, endless war, limitless debt and overall, less personal freedom. These people don't care about you, stop caring about them. They are crooks and liars just like you'd expect from Washington. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich (and some others) are exceptions to the mob of 535 on capitol hill and their partners in crime.

Turn off your televisions. It is owned and programmed by corporations that want to control your behavior by controlling your thoughts. Television is a great invention, it's marvellous, and I hate seeing it used to such devious ends. If you want real news and facts then turn to internet searches, for the time being, they are less censored and controlled than what you can pick up on the public airwaves. " ~Aaron Mann

No disrespect intended to Mann, but.. he's just a guy with an opinion.

[..and obviously he's a Ron "cookoo for coco puffs" Paul supporter.]

Surely you can some up with a less-biased source of information upon

which to base your opinion/rejection of Barack Obama,.. eh Bonham? :whistling:

Wikipedia is certainly not above reproach, but at least the *Barack Obama* page at wiki has thorough source citations.. sources that can be further explored to assist one in forming a more well-rounded opinion of Mr Obama. B)


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And as our friend Bonham said: "If you don't read, you don't learn!"

Well,.. I looked up Aaron Mann.. to read and learn more about him.

*Aaron Mann* and from that site, a link to *this site*

"I took the google ads down too for now because they won't stop advertising Clinton, Obama and McCain for president and I'm tired of this brainwash. Ron Paul is the only decent candidate who has any morals. The other candidates (except Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich) are immoral shills for big business, more population control, endless war, limitless debt and overall, less personal freedom. These people don't care about you, stop caring about them. They are crooks and liars just like you'd expect from Washington. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich (and some others) are exceptions to the mob of 535 on capitol hill and their partners in crime.

Turn off your televisions. It is owned and programmed by corporations that want to control your behavior by controlling your thoughts. Television is a great invention, it's marvellous, and I hate seeing it used to such devious ends. If you want real news and facts then turn to internet searches, for the time being, they are less censored and controlled than what you can pick up on the public airwaves. " ~Aaron Mann

No disrespect intended to Mann, but.. he's just a guy with an opinion.

[..and obviously he's a Ron "cookoo for coco puffs" Paul supporter.]

Surely you can some up with a less-biased source of information upon

which to base your opinion/rejection of Barack Obama,.. eh Bonham? :whistling:

Wikipedia is certainly not above reproach, but at least the *Barack Obama* page at wiki has thorough source citations.. sources that can be further explored to assist one in forming a more well-rounded opinion of Mr Obama. B)


Your boy Obama will not get the Supers. Hillary has won the states that you need to beat McCain. NY, Cal, Texas, Ohio and soon Penn, Do you think they are going to give Dems a reason to cross party lines? He (Omama) cannot get the magic number of delegates either and you know that.

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She told you already. But she's basically saying "if Spitzer wants to fuck, he can fuck all he wants." It isn't hurting her (I disagree, but there you go). She wasn't talking about you at all.

Correct me if I'm wrong, electrophile. :)

You're not wrong, he's being obtuse.

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I still would love to know how you think me talking about how I feel prostitution should be legal has absolutely anything to do with you. You read it wrong, you completely insulted and degraded me for no reason.....and you've yet to apologize for it.

"Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me." "Fuck away" means "fuck to your heart's content" not "fuck off". If I was telling you to fuck off, I would actually use those words. I would not use other words that could mean something else entirely. Ask anyone here.....I'm blunt.

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