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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Wow! Where did all that self confidence and oomph go?! I guess she can't walk and chew gum at the same time either. It's clear she's getting crash courses...."It is my belief" Translation: "They're telling me"....PAH!

How would you do if 301 million people were forming opinions on each and every word that you formed? Yeah, she's not ready to be VP or POTUS, but I feel sorry for her for having to endure such an unfair beating at the hands of the liberal populous. I really don't think that she is a bad person and that probably a fine executive. It's too bad that, during election cycles, humanity is dismissed by politics.

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^ yeah, that's the interview I meant, thanks Medhb. ooooooooh good Lord I feel bad for you guys. You're potentially one heart attack away from her representing your fine nation.

Whats really scary is that if McCain drops dead now, Obama would be president. Think about that, the most liberal, most inexperience president ever. Palin would atleast know what making a decision is and holding too it. above my paygrade would not work.

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How would you do if 301 million people were forming opinions on each and every word that you formed? Yeah, she's not ready to be VP or POTUS, but I feel sorry for her for having to endure such an unfair beating at the hands of the liberal populous. I really don't think that she is a bad person and that probably a fine executive. It's too bad that, during election cycles, humanity is dismissed by politics.

Reactions are extreme, no doubt, but that's probably fueled by supporters trying to argue she is competent. But the bottom line is that you need capable people running your nation, and now that she's on that stage, she's got to be ready to handle everything being slung her way, fair or not.

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How would you do if 301 million people were forming opinions on each and every word that you formed? Yeah, she's not ready to be VP or POTUS, but I feel sorry for her for having to endure such an unfair beating at the hands of the liberal populous. I really don't think that she is a bad person and that probably a fine executive. It's too bad that, during election cycles, humanity is dismissed by politics.

Oh! Poor Sarah! She's the first candidate to undergo this type of scrutiny! Oh, the unfairness of it all!!

Unfair beating? I think a fair beating would be to put her in a cage with a wolf without a gun in her trigger happy hand.

Yes, I am an animal lover and yes, my father is a hunter. We grew up eating pheasant, rabbit and venison...of course, we ATE what was killed. Oh, he did it the old fashioned way too...NO HELICOPER! Imagine that!

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Whats really scary is that if McCain drops dead now, Obama would be president. Think about that, the most liberal, most inexperience president ever. Palin would atleast know what making a decision is and holding too it. above my paygrade would not work.

I don't get that last part...

These are scary times all around. I get that Dems want BO and Reps want McCain and why each defends their respective positions. But can you honestly, honestly tell me that you would prefer Palin to Obama? Think in terms of not only for your nation but for its global position.

I know he's lacking experience, but I think his answers have been reasonable and specific as I've followed these debates. And I thought some Reps running for that ticket were more articulate and would've been better choices than McCain to represent the Rep party. As someone not from the U.S., my interest is less in siding with a party and more in who is the best candidate for the job, because that choice affects my country at least in part, too. And so as someone who's perhaps less biased, I'd choose BO.

I trust Palin to make a decision and hold on to it. I trust Obama to make the right one.

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Oh! Poor Sarah! She's the first candidate to undergo this type of scrutiny! Oh, the unfairness of it all!!

Their hypocrisy, let me show you it. They're all for scrutinizing EVERYONE ELSE, but the nanosecond you turn that spotlight on their own, they scream and cry. "OMG, you sexist pigs! How dare you question precious Sarah! She's a beautiful angel sent from God to save us from the EBIL LIBRIL DEBIL."

Lest we forget how they reamed Hillary Clinton a new asshole and didn't give two shits about whether or not it was "sexist". Oh no. It's okay to treat Democrat nominees like garbage, even going so far as to imply that one of them is a ZOMGSEKRITMOOSLIM. But don't you dare question our completely inexperienced, over-her-head, out-of-her-league VP nominee about basic shit she should know off the top of her head. HOW DARE YOU.

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Oh! Poor Sarah! She's the first candidate to undergo this type of scrutiny! Oh, the unfairness of it all!!

Unfair beating? I think a fair beating would be to put her in a cage with a wolf without a gun in her trigger happy hand.

Yes, I am an animal lover and yes, my father is a hunter. We grew up eating pheasant, rabbit and venison...of course, we ATE what was killed. Oh, he did it the old fashioned way too...NO HELICOPER! Imagine that!

Is it possible that because of the lack of predators and civilization closing in on them that the overpopulation of wolves is the reason that hunts with helicopters is being allowed? Where I live mountain lion/cougars are eating peoples pets and small children are in danger from their presence in suburban areas. Is it possible that is actually a good thing that man is allowed to hunt certain animals? I don't hunt, but I support those that do, especially those that have your Father's attitude.

Yeah, the helicopter sounds extreme. What does this have to do with her beatings by the liberals? Methinks you are reaching a bit here! :D

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And you believe the government is capable of running our lives? The same government that is asking us to pay for them not realizing that Freddie and Fannie is a ticking time bomb.

Running our lives? What?, you mean like deciding if we can have a rapist's baby or not?

We need schools, that's government. We need, police, that's government. We need regulations on lending so that companies don't give new buyers 4,000 pages of paper to read when they buy a house(you know the ones that you automatically sign at closing hoping to God the Broker is on your side?) Regulations so that credit card companies don't quadruple your interest rate making it near impossible to make a payment. You know those little change of policy brochures that no one reads.

Government isn't all bad, you just have to pick and choose what you want them to control.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Their hypocrisy, let me show you it. They're all for scrutinizing EVERYONE ELSE, but the nanosecond you turn that spotlight on their own, they scream and cry. "OMG, you sexist pigs! How dare you question precious Sarah! She's a beautiful angel sent from God to save us from the EBIL LIBRIL DEBIL."

Lest we forget how they reamed Hillary Clinton a new asshole and didn't give two shits about whether or not it was "sexist". Oh no. It's okay to treat Democrat nominees like garbage, even going so far as to imply that one of them is a ZOMGSEKRITMOOSLIM. But don't you dare question our completely inexperienced, over-her-head, out-of-her-league VP nominee about basic shit she should know off the top of her head. HOW DARE YOU.


Hillary was my choice... she reamed OBAMA pretty good. It's the Dems that are crying "sexist"!

Your post made absolutely no sense....AS USUAL. :rolleyes:

Edited by JimmyPage1977
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I don't get that last part...

These are scary times all around. I get that Dems want BO and Reps want McCain and why each defends their respective positions. But can you honestly, honestly tell me that you would prefer Palin to Obama? Think in terms of not only for your nation but for its global position.

I know he's lacking experience, but I think his answers have been reasonable and specific as I've followed these debates. And I thought some Reps running for that ticket were more articulate and would've been better choices than McCain to represent the Rep party. As someone not from the U.S., my interest is less in siding with a party and more in who is the best candidate for the job, because that choice affects my country at least in part, too. And so as someone who's perhaps less biased, I'd choose BO.

I trust Palin to make a decision and hold on to it. I trust Obama to make the right one.

I would choose W. over all of them. I believed McCain was a pain in W. ass for the last 8 years. But Over Palin and Obama? If Nancy Pelosi wasn't the speaker and the dems didn't have absolute majority in both houses, and Obama ran in 4 years and didn't base his entire campaign as the antiBush, then yes, i would concede that I would have to give B.H.O. a chance against Palin. Still, you don't elect a president, but an administration. Palin, like Bush, would have people around her. I was born and live in Chicago. I very well aware of the politics in chicago. I know who Obama friends and Wright, Ayers, and Rezko are not the ones that scare me.

Condi. Rice does a hell of a job and I think Palin is as good as her.

I don't believe McCain will seek reelection in 2012 as POTUS, but I do know, by then, she will no doubt be ready to lead.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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I would choose W. over all of them. I believed McCain was a pain in W. ass for the last 8 years. But Over Palin and Obama? If Nancy Pelosi wasn't the speaker and the dems didn't have absolute majority in both houses, and Obama ran in 4 years and didn't base his entire campaign as the antiBush, then yes, i would concede that I would have to give B.H.O. a chance against Palin. Still, you don't elect a president, but an administration. Palin, like Bush, would have people around her. I was born and live in Chicago. I very well aware of the politics in chicago. I know who Obama friends and Wright, Ayers, and Rezko are not the ones that scare me.

Condi. Rice does a hell of a job and I think Palin is as good as her.

You bring up a good point about voting in an administration, of which McCain and BO are the figure heads. But that's not a small task, figure head (and I'm not implying the position is inconsequential). And whether domestically or on the international scene, that administration is more important than ever. Based on how they're each being advised (and not knowing the political issues in Chicago as well as those there) it's hard not to want BO to win (what's the H for, by the way?) given his responses. He may be less experienced, but comes across as far more prepared.

Agreed on Condi Rice; couldn't disagree with you more about the Palin comparison. Come on, now, you must know that one's not even close right?

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Hillary was my choice... she reamed OBAMA pretty good. It's the Dems that are crying "sexist"!

Your post made absolutely no sense....AS USUAL. :rolleyes:

Not only did her post make sense, but it was absolutely correct as well

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I would choose W. over all of them. I believed McCain was a pain in W. ass for the last 8 years. But Over Palin and Obama? If Nancy Pelosi wasn't the speaker and the dems didn't have absolute majority in both houses, and Obama ran in 4 years and didn't base his entire campaign as the antiBush, then yes, i would concede that I would have to give B.H.O. a chance against Palin. Still, you don't elect a president, but an administration. Palin, like Bush, would have people around her. I was born and live in Chicago. I very well aware of the politics in chicago. I know who Obama friends and Wright, Ayers, and Rezko are not the ones that scare me.

Condi. Rice does a hell of a job and I think Palin is as good as her.

I don't believe McCain will seek reelection in 2012 as POTUS, but I do know, by then, she will no doubt be ready to lead.

LOL, like McCoward, at age 76 is going to be in any shape physically or mentally? That is truly funny.

As for comparing Palin to Dr. Condoleeza Rice, are you kidding, again?

This is 4 years ago, so many more achievements (don't get me wrong, i don't like her Bush connection, but that doesn't take away from my respect of her as a person and she is INTELLIGENT, Palin is NOT!

Biography of Dr. Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor

On January 28, 2005, President Bush attended

Dr. Rice's swearing-in ceremony as the 66th Secretary of State.

President Thanks Secretary of State Rice at Swearing-In Ceremony

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

Dr. Condoleezza Rice became the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, commonly referred to as the National Security Advisor, on January 22, 2001.

In June 1999, she completed a six year tenure as Stanford University 's Provost, during which she was the institution's chief budget and academic officer. As Provost she was responsible for a $1.5 billion annual budget and the academic program involving 1,400 faculty members and 14,000 students.

As professor of political science, Dr. Rice has been on the Stanford faculty since 1981 and has won two of the highest teaching honors -- the 1984 Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 1993 School of Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching.

At Stanford, she was a member of the Center for International Security and Arms Control from 1981-1986 (currently the Center for International Security And Cooperation), a Senior Fellow of the Institute for International Studies, and a Fellow (by courtesy) of the Hoover Institution. Her books include Germany Unified and Europe Transformed (1995) with Philip Zelikow, The Gorbachev Era (1986) with Alexander Dallin, and Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army (1984). She also has written numerous articles on Soviet and East European foreign and defense policy, and has addressed audiences in settings ranging from the U.S. Ambassador's Residence in Moscow to the Commonwealth Club to the 1992 and 2000 Republican National Conventions.

From 1989 through March 1991, the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she served in the Bush Administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 1986, while an international affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, she served as Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1997, she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender -- Integrated Training in the Military.

She was a member of the boards of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors. She was a Founding Board member of the Center for a New Generation, an educational support fund for schools in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park, California and was Vice President of the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula . In addition, her past board service has encompassed such organizations as Transamerica Corporation, Hewlett Packard, the Carnegie Corporation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Rand Corporation, the National Council for Soviet and East European Studies, the Mid-Peninsula Urban Coalition and KQED, public broadcasting for San Francisco.

Born November 14, 1954 in Birmingham, Alabama, she earned her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded honorary doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in 1994, the University of Notre Dame in 1995, the National Defense University in 2002, the Mississippi College School of Law in 2003, the University of Louisville and Michigan State University in 2004. She resides in Washington, D.C.

July 2004


and then Ms. not so bright:

Palin education took her to five colleges

The Associated Press

Published: September 4th, 2008 01:20 PM

Last Modified: September 4th, 2008 01:20 PM

SPOKANE, Wash. - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin attended five colleges in six years before graduating from the University of Idaho in 1987.

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Federal privacy laws prohibit the schools from disclosing her grades, and none of the schools contacted by The Associated Press could say why she transferred. There was no indication any of them were contacted as part of the background investigation of Palin by presidential candidate John McCain's campaign.

"Our office was not contacted by anyone," said Tania Thompson, spokeswoman for the University of Idaho in Moscow.

Palin, the governor of Alaska, was born in Idaho. Her family moved when she was only a few months old to Alaska, where she was raised.

She began college at Hawaii Pacific University, a private, nonsectarian school in Honolulu. She attended only as a freshman during the fall of 1982, school spokeswoman Crystale Lopez said.

Then known as Sarah Louise Heath, she was in the business administration program as a full-time student, Lopez said.

"We're trying to track down someone who knew her," Lopez added.

From Hawaii Pacific, Palin transferred to North Idaho College, a two-year school in Coeur d'Alene, about 30 miles east of Spokane. She attended the college as a general studies major for two semesters, in spring 1983 and fall 1983, spokeswoman Stacy Hudson said.


"We were not able to track down club affiliations or anything," Hudson said.

The school identified one of her professors but he did not remember her, Hudson said.

Prior to her selection by McCain, the North Idaho College Alumni Association notified Palin in June she would be the recipient of its 2008-09 Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award.

From North Idaho College, Palin transferred 70 miles south to the University of Idaho, the state's flagship institution. She majored in journalism with an emphasis in broadcast news. She attended Idaho, whose mascot is the Vandals, from fall 1984 to spring 1985.

She then returned to Alaska to attend Matanuska-Susitna College in Palmer in fall 1985.

Then she returned to Idaho, for spring 1986, fall 1986 and spring 1987, when she graduated. Despite her journalism degree, she does not appear to have worked for the college newspaper or campus television station, school officials said. She worked briefly as a sportscaster for KTUU in Anchorage after she graduated college.

The McCain campaign did not have an immediate comment on Palin's higher-education record.

In a recent interview with the school's alumni magazine, before her selection to run on the GOP ticket, she explained that her curiosity and love of writing made journalism a natural choice.

"I was always asking everyone the questions, and I still am today," Palin told the magazine.

The University of Idaho is taking advantage of Palin's nomination. A prominent photograph of her is featured on the school's Web site.


you do the math, lol. NO COMPARISON.

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Is it possible that because of the lack of predators and civilization closing in on them that the overpopulation of wolves is the reason that hunts with helicopters is being allowed? Where I live mountain lion/cougars are eating peoples pets and small children are in danger from their presence in suburban areas. Is it possible that is actually a good thing that man is allowed to hunt certain animals? I don't hunt, but I support those that do, especially those that have your Father's attitude.

Yeah, the helicopter sounds extreme. What does this have to do with her beatings by the liberals? Methinks you are reaching a bit here! :D

If we are needing to get a bear or mountain lion out of a neighborhood and use a tranquilizer to move it back to a normal location, that is one thing. but aerial gunning is just wrong as sport and I think that was the original issue.

And at what point is it us that is invading the natural habitat of the animals? We have to leave them some areas to live don't you think?

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A response from Sarah Palin's "press conference" earlier today:

"Every American student needs to come through this area so that, especially this younger generation of Americans is, to be in a position of never forgetting what happened here and never repeating, never allowing a repeat of what happened here. I wish every American would come through here. I wish every world leader would come through here, and understand what it is that took place here and more importantly how America came together and united to commit to never allowing this to happen again. And just to hear and from and see these good New Yorkers who are rebuilding not just this are but helping to rebuild America has been very, very inspiring and encouraging. These are the good Americans who are committed to peace and security and its been an absolute honor getting to meet these folks today."

Was that English?

This didn't even really qualify as a "press conference" because she was asked about 4 questions and then promptly left. Oh yeah, it took place at Ground Zero. Nope, no fear-mongering or pimping going on there.

Edited by Electrophile
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I think -mccain looked horrible the way he handled this economic issue. just got home earlier and in response to this deal that was made ready for presentation, msnbc interviewed several people, one being a -mccain campaign representative. In a two minute interview this guy put forth this self serving political picture surrounding this whole thing, as if -mccain rushed back to washington to hammer out this deal himself. it basically put a definate stamp on the medias hunch that this was a self serving politcal move. Unbelievable. i wonder if his campaign has any idea of how badly this all played out on tv... manipulative and self serving.

In regards to the economy,one of the senators interviewed said they had personally run this "deal" by -warren buffet and he thought it was a very good.

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