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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I've got an idea.

Let's bill Bush for all this shit. :lol:

Trust me, Obama is only gonna make matters worse.


I will official announce that Bush is the worst POTUS if Obama gets elected. How can things can get that bad that we elect Obama, the most inexperience, most radical person to ever run for POTUS against a former POW. Yes, If Obama is elected, Bush will be the worst, but come four years from now, we can all agree that Bush will be the second worst.

Yes, again. I will allow for the trail of Bush for crimes against humanity based on the fact Obama gets elected. Send McCain too. Send everybody who thought for the last 2 years that the G.O.P. should lean closer to the center. That Idea of running as moderates, instead of conservatives, which lead to the beat down in 2006 and the slaughter in 2008 is a failure.

The G.O.P. in Illinois did this for the last 6 years and there is now no G.O.P. to speak of and the Dems, who runs Illinois the same way Obama plans running the U.S., is dead last in creating jobs, the state, the county of Cook (Chicago), and the City of Chicago are so in debt, we should invade Indiana and steal their money.

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I will official announce that Bush is the worst POTUS if Obama gets elected. How can things can get that bad that we elect Obama, the most inexperience, most radical person to ever run for POTUS against a former POW. Yes, If Obama is elected, Bush will be the worst, but come four years from now, we can all agree that Bush will be the second worst.

Yes, again. I will allow for the trail of Bush for crimes against humanity based on the fact Obama gets elected. Send McCain too. Send everybody who thought for the last 2 years that the G.O.P. should lean closer to the center. That Idea of running as moderates, instead of conservatives, which lead to the beat down in 2006 and the slaughter in 2008 is a failure.

The G.O.P. in Illinois did this for the last 6 years and there is now no G.O.P. to speak of and the Dems, who runs Illinois the same way Obama plans running the U.S., is dead last in creating jobs, the state, the county of Cook (Chicago), and the City of Chicago are so in debt, we should invade Indiana and steal their money.

Obama is only gonna make matters worse. :(

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Yes, again. I will allow for the trail of Bush for crimes against humanity based on the fact Obama gets elected. Send McCain too. Send everybody who thought for the last 2 years that the G.O.P. should lean closer to the center. That Idea of running as moderates, instead of conservatives, which lead to the beat down in 2006 and the slaughter in 2008 is a failure.

"For years, many of the elite conservatives were happy to harvest the votes of devout Christians and gun owners by waging a phony class war against "liberal elitists" and "leftist intellectuals." Suddenly, the conservative writers are discovering that the very anti-intellectualism their side courted and encouraged has begun to consume their movement.

The cause of Edmund Burke, Leo Strauss, Robert Nisbet and William F. Buckley Jr. is now in the hands of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity--and Sarah Palin. Reason has been overwhelmed by propaganda, ideas by slogans, learned manifestoes by direct-mail hit pieces."

Edited by I have got a horsey
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I am sad things had to get so bad that even republicans have voted democratic. The only solution I see would be to slow down the partisan left right middle nonsense that's been going on so long. Additionally I feel it's hard to deal with many of the ways politicians fight tooth and nail.


We all love to see a good row now and again. We just don't like to see it consume the media, our lives and even our economy. It looks like a huge playground with children playing sandcastle, monkey bars and kick ball.

Who can impress the most people in the least amount of time?

The answer is in working together, it will take time. I've no idea who will be elected at this time. Mostly because only the weirdest things can happen during elections.

I voted for Obama. I donated to the campaign. I wish I could spend more time at it than I do. But we all have our own lives, our own families and our own futures we need to contend with.

The question is why invest in something that's failed twice? It's too much hard work to dig out of a deep hole to begin with. The answer is not digging out or blaming it on the new guy because of the old guy. The answer is to never fricking do it to start with. This way we can be healthier, happier and wiser. As far as elitists, it's a cheap catch word, so I wont entertain this wording for very long. After all with all of the new ones....wing nut, code, blah blah da bloody freaking blah?

Who cares what your called unless it actually hurts you somehow. This can happen if we let it happen. As far as the politicians they are infamous for making fun of each other and jokes. So don't be surprised when the next rubber chicken with Shrubs head pasted on dances across your screen. I will laugh it off and carry forward.


Racism is an entirely different subject and if we as American citizens keep tolerating it, it will keep on happening. Personally I am not responsible for racist remarks, however I do get caught in the crossfire and have a right to fight fire with fire.

Heres one way to look at it. If you deal with mediocre minds and children your going to expect a certain amount of shit and cartoonish behavior. However as adults I suggest we give whoever wins a chance at the helm and support them the best we can so it DOES NOT become a self fulfilling negative efficacy.

Don't dumb down, wise up.

And stay cool. Drum roll please?


Edit: Inserted nagative. I hate to prophesize.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Obama Tax Plan Would Balloon Deficit, Analysis Finds


That is marked advertisement in the upper right hand corner.

AND the Washington Post's partner is the parody pushing 'The Onion.'


Got any real news other than analytical parodies?


Edited by Mary Hartman
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Takes a Republican to make a mess and a democrat to clean it up. :slapface:

Nope. It takes a Democrat (Clinton) to make a mess (i.e. ignoring a chance to get bin Laden) and a mental midget like George Bush to really fuck things up.

Agree or disagree, I'm standing by that one.

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Nope. It takes a Democrat (Clinton) to make a mess (i.e. ignoring a chance to get bin Laden) and a mental midget like George Bush to really fuck things up.

Agree or disagree, I'm standing by that one.

It sounds like its all a set up then. Maybe the wheels are turning very slowly, while we waste ours...turning so fast.

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Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Can you imagine the liberal laws that will be created if these three individuals are leading our country?


Basically, anyone with normal, traditional values might as well move to Canada right now. America will turn into the biggest freak show on the planet. :angry:

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Melodramatic, much? We have survived shit Presidents in the past, so whoever gets elected in 2 weeks will not cause the downfall of the Republic.

And "normal, traditional values"? Exactly what would those be? No rights for gays? No rights for women? The slow march toward a Christian theocracy? Yeah, I'd like those people to leave the country, preferably as soon as possible. In fact, I'll help them pack.

Jesus God, some of you think this election is bringing in the Rapture. Quit getting your talking points from Rush O'Hannity.

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"For years, many of the elite conservatives were happy to harvest the votes of devout Christians and gun owners by waging a phony class war against "liberal elitists" and "leftist intellectuals." Suddenly, the conservative writers are discovering that the very anti-intellectualism their side courted and encouraged has begun to consume their movement.

The cause of Edmund Burke, Leo Strauss, Robert Nisbet and William F. Buckley Jr. is now in the hands of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity--and Sarah Palin. Reason has been overwhelmed by propaganda, ideas by slogans, learned manifestoes by direct-mail hit pieces."

The reason the G.O.P. is getting there ass kick is because they stop being conservatives. We elected people or ran people who was very close to the center. Dems outnumber Repubs. so if you got a center Repub and a left dem. The dems will walk away with it every time.

Rush and Sean do not run this party anymore. If Rush did, McCain (most likely Mitt Romney) would be winning. They would of told McCain to be more right than maverick. Why vote for the old guy,when the young inexperience stance on issues are about the same. McCain is not that pro life and they agree on gay rights and the environment. So you have the Iraq war and the economy left and they both voted for the bailout. So a disliked president and the war is enough to sway voters.

Because McCain is a maverick, is why he is losing. If the G.O.P. put Palin as the head of the party, we will sweep in 2010 and win the white house in 2012. Thats a fact. If McCain comes out and says he wants a banned on gay marriages, he may be winning. California is on their way of doing that and that is the most liberal state out there. If he came out against the bailout, he may be winning.

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