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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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McCain blew it when he became everything he stood against: another cookie cutter right wing Republican who would do or say anything to get elected.

And Sarah Palin. :rolleyes:

If that's what some conservatives are banking their future beliefs on, they need to stop worrying about the sanity of liberals and worry about themselves. Or just kill themselves. America is better off without them.

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McCain blew it when he became everything he stood against: another cookie cutter right wing Republican who would do or say anything to get elected.

And Sarah Palin. :rolleyes:

If that's what some conservatives are banking their future beliefs on, they need to stop worrying about the sanity of liberals and worry about themselves. Or just kill themselves. America is better off without them.

I hear ya, man.

Extremism on either side is just stupid anyway. In order to successfully understand what it takes to run a country, you have to at least attempt to relate to all sides. None of these asshats in the election are capable of that. It's either one side or the other. :rolleyes:

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Ah, more class just oozing from the pores of the GOP this election cycle:

A Republican County Clerk distributes material calling Barack Obama a "young, black Adolf Hitler".

But don't fret none, I hear she didn't mean to offend anyone. I also like how they had to mention the fact he's black, as though it's important or something. These are the kind of people that need to be beaten with bike chains. Not because they're not Democrats......because they're stupid racist fuckwits.

I can understand your anger to a degree-though I'm not an Obama fan I DO agree that comparing him to Hitler is ridiculous.

But you sure do have some anger issues... :rolleyes:

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Moving on.......................................

It seems that North Carolina is going to be a very busy state this week; Palin was just here, McCain will be here tomorrow and both Barack and Michelle will be here on Wednesday. Oh yeah, Biden is in Greensboro this afternoon. It's good to see the Dems taking this state seriously, it has great potential to swing this way next Tuesday.

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LOL...I don't care if people make fun of Plain or not really. While I am pro-hunting myself, her being the same doesn't qualify her for shit. She's a bit goofy for my tastes...wink wink

You have to admit though. That's one good looking moose eh? Couldn't you just hug him up and use him to graze your back yard to save on gasoline for your mowers :D

Edited by Mary Hartman
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HEY! Not a bad idea. :D

He'd make an awesome hat/coat rack too!


As long as you walk along beside him I don't see a problem. Actually I'm wearing a tight water buffalo horn beaded necklace. Beads are polished to many sides.

Asian COA says water buffalo died of natural causes :)

Gorgeous necklace btw. Very obscure.

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I think the reason why McCain isn't winning is because he stopped being any sort of maverick and has played the election by the GOP/Karl Rove handbook, which has, at this point in time, damaged his campaign.

McCain should've stuck to his guns and been what he really is or was.

And Pb, Gay marriage has nothing to do with it, and you know it hasn't.

Many many things are going on in America and in the world other than gay people getting married, things of far greater urgency. And if you think that it is a major issue to the point that banning it would put McCain in the lead, I'm sorry but it highlights the fact that you are not living in the real world.

Thats where you are wrong again.

He has yet to listen to Karl Rove.

Karl Rove has been screaming for the last 3 months along with Dick Morris that McCain has to question Obama about Wright, He has been screaming about how Obama tax plan will damn this country. He has also been screaming about the super majority the liberals may have in the future and how they will do everything except get out of Iraq and fix the economy. This notion that McCain has been playing G.O.P. strategy has been a falsehood. He has been more damning to the G.O.P. than Bush has.

And McCain would be winning if he was more against gay marriages, he would be winning if He was against the bailout. The only reason people give McCain a chance now is because he found a way to describe the Obama campaign. Socialist. If McCain was on a anti gay platform, it will force the voters to a one issue decision. Obama has to go left and allow gays to be married because McCain will go far right. America is a center right country. If you make the voters vote on one decision, G.O.P. will walk away with it. It's the same tatic the Obama campaign has been playing. Do you want rich people to keep their money, or do you think they should pay their share. Thats why the campaign turned during the economy and thats why there is a hole because McCain turned that questioned around with Joe the Plumber. Should we reward hard work or we should spread the wealth to the people who just won't work.

The Karl Rove swift boat attacks was to make the election about one issue and one question. Obama has used the swift boat tactic to his advantage this year by calling everybody racist, and by starting another class war.

Karl Rove took over some senator races and those races turned around. Why? because he made those guys run as conservatives, not as populist like John McCain has.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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I have yet to hear Barack HUSSEIN Obama call someone a racist (though god knows why not) and the class war was best descibed by Warren Buffet: My class declared war on everyone else and won.

Joe the Plumber's another dumbass who thinks he's rich enough to be taxed more by Democrats.


Goodbye, 20th Century :wave: Thank god it's over.

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I have yet to hear Barack HUSSEIN Obama call someone a racist (though god knows why not) and the class war was best descibed by Warren Buffet: My class declared war on everyone else and won.

Joe the Plumber's another dumbass who thinks he's rich enough to be taxed more by Democrats.


Goodbye, 20th Century :wave: Thank god it's over.

The Bush tax cuts will expire in the Obama admin. That means everybody gets a tax hike from 42,000 or more.

He can give tax cuts back to the middle class, but he can;t do nothing on energy because he won;t have the money. He can;t do anything on the environment, because he won't have the money. He can;t start Univ. Health care, because he won't have the money. We will be spending 10 billion in Iraq each month for atleast another 2 years according to Obama, so you can't count that towards anything. He has no plan for social security, so that will cost us more.

He will also raise capital gains, which will increase unemployment. He will raise the tax on 75% of small business that hire people, which makes up 40% of the employment force. He will not lower or do nothing at all on the corporate tax rates (2nd highest in the world), so that will lead to more job going over seas.

He will raise Death tax. That means, when you die, anything you may have, you're children will get taxed even more on it.

So Joe may not make 200,000 (obamas new number). But the grocery store he goes to will get tax more. The gas station he goes to, will gets taxed more. The company he goes buy plumbing supply will get tax more.

Tell me, If i, the owner of a small business like a grocery store, just got a 3% raise in my taxes, do you really think im going to eat that. I tell you something you may not know. Most people who start business, only start business to make money for themselves, not other people.

Oh yeah, He wants to raise the Min. wage. So that kid who bags your groceries, will be making $10 an Hour in the Obama Admin. Where do you think extra money is coming from. The liberals wanted ethanol and it drained the corn crop. Corn prices went up for the food suppliers, in turn drove up food prices

Obama thinks the economy grows from the ground up, but shit always rolls down hill.

Suz, another dumbass who hates people who make more than her.

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Ted stevens is a big idiot.

He should of sold his land to that oil man, have him built that addition, then sell it back to him on a discount price.

I know Obama knows about that, maybe Stevens should've reached across the aisle more. Hell, if he talked to Dodd, he could've got a better mortgage rate on that parcel of land. Hell, if he talked to Dick Durbin, he could've had union contractors doing that for free.

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