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Internet Safety


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My point is that no one in this thread has talked about censoring anything. You're saying that censorship and the internet is an issue out there and has been discussed, that's fine. But it hasn't come up here in this thread, that's all I'm saying. Therefore it's a bit off-topic to bring it up.

All anyone is saying in this thread is to be careful with your kids, teach them how to spot creeps, and be smart and mindful of the dangers out there. So I'm not sure where you're going with this talk of censorship, Elvis, and Ed Sullivan. Seems a bit out of left field. And by "a bit", I mean "a lot".

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My point is that no one in this thread has talked about censoring anything. You're saying that censorship and the internet is an issue out there and has been discussed, that's fine. But it hasn't come up here in this thread, that's all I'm saying. Therefore it's a bit off-topic to bring it up.

All anyone is saying in this thread is to be careful with your kids, teach them how to spot creeps, and be smart and mindful of the dangers out there. So I'm not sure where you're going with this talk of censorship, Elvis, and Ed Sullivan. Seems a bit out of left field. And by "a bit", I mean "a lot".

If the administrator of the board had intended to restrict debate on this topic, it would have been posted in a manner obviously designed to stop debate.

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She was probably fat. I'm not being a smartass, I'm serious. Anytime people meet online, hit it off, but one doesn't want to meet in person, it's because they've represented their looks to be something that they're not, and they're embarrassed to meet and be found out.

Hey man, i wouldnt bring it up if it wasnt serious to me, in regards to issues that have gone on in the past here in new york...

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If the administrator of the board had intended to restrict debate on this topic, it would have been posted in a manner obviously designed to stop debate.

This thread is designed to inform, not be debated. You want to debate a whole other subject such as censorship, go start a topic on it. :)

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This thread is designed to inform, not be debated. You want to debate a whole other subject such as censorship, go start a topic on it. :)

Internet safety and censorship are related topics; if as you say the administrator had intended to post a thread merely to inform, it would have been designed to prevent comment other than a contact email.

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We should never make it easy for someone to be a sexual predator. Doing nothing to prevent it is like allowing it to happen.

As a father with four kids--- when I think of some of the stuff that goes on.............It makes a guy want to take the law into his own hands------I'm surprised it does not happen more often since predators seem to be multiple offenders. :rant:

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Internet safety and censorship are related topics; if as you say the administrator had intended to post a thread merely to inform, it would have been designed to prevent comment other than a contact email.

Administrator?   :blink:

I said nothing about an administrator..but I will go on record as saying Honey's...err...Eternal Lights suggestion is a good one.

Please Sticky The Original Post!!

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Ok, back to paranoid, defensive life...this is just great.

Maybe we can look forward to a future of separate websites, one for the grown-ups, and one for the underaged, similar to having water safety, a swimming pool meant for the adults, and a children's pool meant for those who are too young; two official forums each designed for different age groups.

Edited by eternal light
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Internet safety is important for all ages. I just heard a story on the news of this 22 year old girl who was corresponding with a man on line. When she said no to his advances, he wouldn't take no for an answer. He tracked her down and killed her. He got her address using her IP address from her email.

Victim's family warns about Internet relationships

So, a big thanks Bonnie for starting this thread. Everyone should be aware of the dangers of the internet.

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Maybe we can look forward to a future of separate websites, one for the grown-ups, and one for the underaged, similar to having water safety, a swimming pool meant for the adults, and a children's pool meant for those who are too young; two official forums each designed for different age groups.

The problem is the creeps would pose as children and go into the child websites. That's what happens today, when a child is approached in a web forum by another child, chances are it's not, it's an adult. Never underestimate the power of a boner, and the creative ways they'll get to the kids if they really want to. That's why the answer ultimately lies with teaching the kids what to be wary of.

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My fear in what is going on here, is there is a certain element of the cotton-wool brigade, ie. the people who want to wrap their children in cotton-wool and never allow them to be vulnerable and therefore learn for themselves how to live and survive on their own. I think it satisfies some parent's neuroticism to be 'needed'.

Yes, children who don't know any better, particularly those too young to know better, need to be protected from predators.

Some people think the solution to the child-predator danger is to remove predators from the world - lock them up, don't let them on the internet etc...Their immediate reaction is to protect their child from the world, don't let them outside on their own, strict supervision of their internet use etc.

But have you thought about this?

Educate and rear your children in such a way that you know they are smart enough to avoid dangers. If they are, then no matter how many predators there are out there, no matter what tactics they are using, your child will be safe.

A 13 year old should be smart enough not to get themselves into a situation where they can be abused by a predator from the internet. If not, you have failed as a parent. I know I will cop flak for saying that, but it's true. If people continue to shift all responsibility for the bad things that happen in life to other people, and not themselves, and a generation grows up wrapped in cotton-wool, they will be useless people. They will not be able to look after themselves and will require perpetual nannying, from their peers and from the state.

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Maybe we can look forward to a future of separate websites, one for the grown-ups, and one for the underaged, similar to having water safety, a swimming pool meant for the adults, and a children's pool meant for those who are too young; two official forums each designed for different age groups.

Well, thats all probably happened i guess...other boards or whatever. Here we all are, probably somewhat all the same in high school, all individuals.

Edited by middlezep
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My fear in what is going on here, is there is a certain element of the cotton-wool brigade, ie. the people who want to wrap their children in cotton-wool and never allow them to be vulnerable and therefore learn for themselves how to live and survive on their own. I think it satisfies some parent's neuroticism to be 'needed'.

Yes, children who don't know any better, particularly those too young to know better, need to be protected from predators.

Some people think the solution to the child-predator danger is to remove predators from the world - lock them up, don't let them on the internet etc...Their immediate reaction is to protect their child from the world, don't let them outside on their own, strict supervision of their internet use etc.

But have you thought about this?

Educate and rear your children in such a way that you know they are smart enough to avoid dangers. If they are, then no matter how many predators there are out there, no matter what tactics they are using, your child will be safe.

A 13 year old should be smart enough not to get themselves into a situation where they can be abused by a predator from the internet. If not, you have failed as a parent. I know I will cop flak for saying that, but it's true. If people continue to shift all responsibility for the bad things that happen in life to other people, and not themselves, and a generation grows up wrapped in cotton-wool, they will be useless people. They will not be able to look after themselves and will require perpetual nannying, from their peers and from the state.

It's not merely a parental responsible to protect children from crime; the state enforces the criminal law.

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It's not merely a parental responsible to protect children from crime; the state enforces the criminal law.

Yes that is true, what I am saying is - it is not just the state who is responsible. It is not just the schools. Some people are too quick to blame everyone and everything but themselves, when they too have a responsibility.

People should spend more time educating their own children, rather than dedicating themselves to changing laws and ignoring the kids......

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I am making a public apology for mentioning someones first name, occupation and city they live. I was contacted by her and did not mean to upset her like that. I am very sorry for that mistake.

I guess i shouldnt repeat my reasons for mentioning it....but i thought if she wasnt on the board it wouldnt be a big deal, basically.

Again, i am sorry.

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Yes that is true, what I am saying is - it is not just the state who is responsible. It is not just the schools. Some people are too quick to blame everyone and everything but themselves, when they too have a responsibility.

People should spend more time educating their own children, rather than dedicating themselves to changing laws and ignoring the kids......

I hear what your saying and agree that parents do need to take a more active roll in they're kids lives. But I remember being a teenager and the last person that I wanted to have hanging over my shoulder was my Mom or Dad. I know I'm not alone with that one. I've realized over the years that you can do all the right things for your children and still, not be any better at parenting than your own Mom and Dad were. :D We all thought we would be, right ! Point is, Kids are going to be on the internet regardless. My parents allowed me to have a drink in the house, and it taught me respect for alcohol. When I became of age, it wasn't like being shot out of a cannon and into a land that I knew nothing about. It should be the same with the internet. We have a pretty good group of people here. I'm not suggesting that we become internet cops or anything like that but, we should at least be aware of the fact that some of our younger posters may need a little guidance from time to time. Hell they may even need to contact anyone of us in a moment of need. Kinda like being that "BAD" aunt or uncle that we all had

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I hear what your saying and agree that parents do need to take a more active roll in they're kids lives. But I remember being a teenager and the last person that I wanted to have hanging over my shoulder was my Mom or Dad. I know I'm not alone with that one. I've realized over the years that you can do all the right things for your children and still, not be any better at parenting than your own Mom and Dad were. :D We all thought we would be, right ! Point is, Kids are going to be on the internet regardless. My parents allowed me to have a drink in the house, and it taught me respect for alcohol. When I became of age, it wasn't like being shot out of a cannon and into a land that I knew nothing about. It should be the same with the internet. We have a pretty good group of people here. I'm not suggesting that we become internet cops or anything like that but, we should at least be aware of the fact that some of our younger posters may need a little guidance from time to time. Hell they may even need to contact anyone of us in a moment of need. Kinda like being that "BAD" aunt or uncle that we all had

I agree with both of these points of view. "Teach your children well" + "It Takes a Village" :)

Hate to bring this up folks, but sometimes the person abusing and exploiting the child is their relative in their home. No point in expecting drunk old dad to be teaching the child he's abusing how to take care of themselves, is there? That's just society abdicating responsibility.

To have a community, including an electronic one, where a child or teenager knows they may be helped is very valuable.

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Just to follow up on what I stated earlier...

here's an example

A while back a girl asked me about a guy who was keen on meeting her. She e-mailed me his username and asked what I saw.. I immediately got a bad feeling and saw that he was dangerous and told her that she would have an extremely bad time, and that rape was in his plans and their was a chance of murder. She decided not to go meet him. A few weeks later that person was arrested for raping a girl he met on line and is the suspect in the murder of another girl he met online. I have helped other girls avoid such tragedies butt to see the guy arrested in the news and to have her confirm that it was him makes doin what I do all the more fun!!!

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