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What's your Favourite Robert Plant Solo CD?


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Hey, a Zappa fan! Awesome.

One of the reasons for which I hope Robert continues to release solo material (as opposed to joining in more fake reunion projects -- there can't be a Zeppelin reunion without Bonzo, by the very definition of "Led Zeppelin") is that his last two albums of original material were his best. Fate of Nations and Mighty Rearranger are fantastic. The guy just gets better and better; I hope his creative merits still take precedence over his desire to be popular, because today's top-ten list is certainly nothing to aspire to.

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They Are all very good, and so very different. (I also like Shaken N Stirred a lot too.. Sixes and Sevens, Little by Little, Easily Lead, Trouble your Money. Etc.)

Have you ever noticed, and perhaps he should see a therapist about this, The endless references he makes to his relationship to Led Zeppelin.

He are some examples:

Title: Pictures at Eleven - in reference to the news worthiness of his return after Zeppelin

Title: Burning Down One Side - in reference to him distancing himself from Zeppelin at the start of his solo career.

Title: Like I've Never Been Gone - reference to his return after Zeppelin

Title and song: In The Mood. - reference to his music style change during solo career to more melodic music.

Song: Through With the Two Step - in reference to "Through With the Two Step where the Rhythm is Law" lyric. In Led Zeppelin the rhythm and riff where often king

Big Log Video filled with Zeppelin imagery, ( a Black Dog, Feathers)

In the Mood Video Feature sPlant holding a Lemon.

Title: Easily Lead - Meaning could Easily be Led Zeppelin due to move back to heavier music on Shaken N Stirred.

Song: Little by Little - Little by Little he is returning to where he was in Led Zeppelin musically

Lyric From Pink and Black - People said that I won't change The song still remain the same

Song - Dance on my Own - I'm happy dancin'I'm dancin', I dance on my own - He prefers his Solo Career.

Song From Now and ZEN The Way I Feel deals with his relationship to zeppelin and the second coming of his solo career

Song From Now and ZEN - Ship of Fools. about his solo career and his desire to go back to zeppelin but not knowing how to do it.

Album Title Now and Zen - reference to the NOW his solo career and the then being his Zeppelin days which were Zen Like.

On the song Calling To You at the end he Calls Out TO Jimmy

Song Big Love lyric One time I saw Las Vegas(She loves, my big, she loves)

I stopped in a motel - I slept in the same room as Jimmy Page

Your Ma Said You Cried In Your Sleep Last Night - song lyric include Black Dog

Song Liars Dance - full of Zeppelin References and a decree that "We Won't Be Back Again"

Song Colours Of A Shade about his choice to start his solo career

Song Tin Pan Valley Deal swith his Desire not to sing or try to sound Like he Did In Zeppelin but he still can if he wants to.

Song Let the Four Wind Blows talks about recapturing the muse that inspired the writing of the Great Songs from his past, Kashmir for one.

Song All The King's Horses deals indirectly with starting a new leg of his solo career and getting past a period of writers block.

Most reference are in direct and somewhat tongue in cheek.

It would seem to me that you have put alot of thought into this . I agree with most of what you have said , although some of it seems to be stretching for the point . Good form! (or something like that!)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Favorite album is Pictures at Eleven. Second favorite is The Principle of Moments. Third favorite is Shaken and Stirred.

Boogie Child, i agree with you, what an amazing concert. I also missed Led Zeppelin due to my age and the death of John Bonham which cancelled the show i would have seen. You must remember that magical moment when Robert Plant sang the ending of Big Log...i still get shivers thinking about it almost 25 years later!

As a devotee of the RP solo career, I have to say that musically all the albums still stand up for me. The key to visiting this back catalogue, if you are not familiar with the work, is to void at all cost the videos produced for the singles.

With the possible exception of videos from Now and Zen they are universally hideous - whats more I can assure you they were at the time.

Often people look back, particularly at the 80's and find the fashions and styles laughable, trust me they wre then - no one really looked like this.

As a veteran of every RP solo tour from the Honeydrippers at Manchester University onwards I can honestly say that RP always held a commanding and cool presence - whilst watching videos from the time was a skin crawlingingly embarrassing event. I shall flog myself later for this outward display of treachery but I have waited years to come clean on this - my god i feel cleansed - they were awful, really awful........ i cant stop..........

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  • 1 month later...

Pictures at Eleven

I have respect for his solo career and the musical ventures but I can't say I enjoyed it much past the first two albums and his Raising Sand.

I do like some of his later stuff but besides the albums I mention I don't enjoy them from start to end.

I loved the Honey Drippers too.

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I don't think there is a Robert Plant album that is all bad. I don't really care for Shaken N Stirred but it has some great songs on it. All of his albums are different making them great albums in different ways.

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I really liked the first, the second was OK.....................downhill after that. As far as the latest "Duet" , I guess if I liked Allison's music I would like her on the CD. But Plant with her, worst yet.

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I'm probably going to get strung up in this thread for what I'm about to ask, but what exactly is his solo music like?

The funny thing is I have "Pictures at Eleven" on vinyl and a perfectly capable turntable and speakers, but have never thrown this album on as long as I've been a Zeppelin fan (11-some years (I'm only 23)). I forgot all about this untill I came across this thread, and I would throw the album on now, but all my roomates are sleeping.

I think I'm just afraid of it... like it wont be what I expect. My musical tastes are pretty limited (rock, classic rock, blues, oldies, and metal). Guess I should finally face my fears.

Not saying that Rolling Stone has always been the best for reviews (ahem, John Mendelsohn) but they seem to hold this album in pretty high regards for what it is...

So whats it like? Can anyone explain?

Edited by docron
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I'm probably going to get strung up in this thread for what I'm about to ask, but what exactly is his solo music like?

The funny thing is I have "Pictures at Eleven" on vinyl and a perfectly capable turntable and speakers, but have never thrown this album on as long as I've been a Zeppelin fan (11-some years (I'm only 23)). I forgot all about this untill I came across this thread, and I would throw the album on now, but all my roomates are sleeping.

I think I'm just afraid of it... like it wont be what I expect. My musical tastes are pretty limited (rock, classic rock, blues, oldies, and metal). Guess I should finally face my fears.

Not saying that Rolling Stone has always been the best for reviews (ahem, John Mendelsohn) but they seem to hold this album in pretty high regards for what it is...

So whats it like? Can anyone explain?

Tough question to really answer because each album is different. The thing is, you can't listen to any of it "expecting" something. It's NOT Zep and if you want it to be, you'll be disapointed. There are definitely elements of Zep subtely mixed throughout the various albums but it's not so in your face, if you see what I mean.

My answer would be - put the record on loudly and find out :D

You might be pleasantly surprised ;)

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I'm probably going to get strung up in this thread for what I'm about to ask, but what exactly is his solo music like?

The funny thing is I have "Pictures at Eleven" on vinyl and a perfectly capable turntable and speakers, but have never thrown this album on as long as I've been a Zeppelin fan (11-some years (I'm only 23)). I forgot all about this untill I came across this thread, and I would throw the album on now, but all my roomates are sleeping.

I think I'm just afraid of it... like it wont be what I expect. My musical tastes are pretty limited (rock, classic rock, blues, oldies, and metal). Guess I should finally face my fears.

Not saying that Rolling Stone has always been the best for reviews (ahem, John Mendelsohn) but they seem to hold this album in pretty high regards for what it is...

So whats it like? Can anyone explain?

What you can't expect is Zep. Don't hold any expectations when you listen to it. You have to listen to it on it's own terms. Not what someone said.

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I'm probably going to get strung up in this thread for what I'm about to ask, but what exactly is his solo music like?

The funny thing is I have "Pictures at Eleven" on vinyl and a perfectly capable turntable and speakers, but have never thrown this album on as long as I've been a Zeppelin fan (11-some years (I'm only 23)). I forgot all about this untill I came across this thread, and I would throw the album on now, but all my roomates are sleeping.

I think I'm just afraid of it... like it wont be what I expect. My musical tastes are pretty limited (rock, classic rock, blues, oldies, and metal). Guess I should finally face my fears.

Not saying that Rolling Stone has always been the best for reviews (ahem, John Mendelsohn) but they seem to hold this album in pretty high regards for what it is...

So whats it like? Can anyone explain?

DOC!!!! bust that muther out.

i see that someone said you can't expect zeppelin. i agree with that, but you will hear a genetic characteristic that is led zeppelin, kinda like how some families have freckles on their ears. that thing that makes you recognize led zeppelin on the radio.....it's on that album.

i love this album and it is one of my favorites, but i'm also partial to "fate of nations" and "manic nirvana"

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DOC!!!! bust that muther out.

i see that someone said you can't expect zeppelin. i agree with that, but you will hear a genetic characteristic that is led zeppelin, kinda like how some families have freckles on their ears. that thing that makes you recognize led zeppelin on the radio.....it's on that album.

Sounds like I've put it off too long... I'll give it a listen today.

I'm not a big fan of the 80's, and I thought it would be some really soft stuff... I hope its not too soft.

I think I've built the correct amount of excitement for a good listening session though. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Well, I must say, it (Pictures at Eleven) was better than I had expected - the first track, Burning Down One Side was just awesome, by far my favorite on the record. On the whole, I found that though not really my style, the album was very listenable. Think I might need to give it a few more plays before I decide it's place in my ranked and filed album rack

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I love Slow Dancer. I really like some of his 80s stuff. Like thru' with The Two Step and the other one, I just can't think of the name. Almost all of Now and Zen is dated, but I love it.

Edited: I was thinking of In The Mood. They aren't exactly the same, they just remind of each other.

Edited by lzfan715
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I love Slow Dancer. I really like some of his 80s stuff. Like thru' with The Two Step and the other one, I just can't think of the name. Almost all of Now and Zen is dated, but I love it.

Edited: I was thinking of In The Mood. They aren't exactly the same, they just remind of each other.

In the Mood is a beautiful song. It's developed live over the years really well. I love the current version with Matty Grove mixed in the middle.

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