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so i was watching Oprah the other day ( as you do ) and Eddie Van Halens ex Valerie Bertinelli, was on. she has written a book about her life, which includes a lot of stuff about eddie. ( good and bad ). well this just got me thinking that isnt it amazing that none of our boys' ex's have done the same. i mean i think its a good thing, just its a wonder some groupies or even others (? ) havent come out with claims, books etc. there isnt even anything on this forum. like i said this is a good thing, im really pleased for them that these women have enough respect for themselves and led zeppelin to not do this. anyone have an opinion on this?

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I know of these two:

Catherine James

Pamela des Barres

the des Barres book has the claims of Jimmy carrying a suitcase full of whips. But as this is the only source which has ever claimed that (all others have just quoted her) I find it very difficult to believe.

However as you said, there have been no books from major women in any of their lives - these are the only 2 books i know of and both refer to Jimmy.

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I believe that Jimmy stopped seeing Pamela in favour of seeing Catherine. I havn't made a timeline of both their books so can't be sure. (He was also living with Scarlet's mother in the UK at the same time)

Edited by Cactus
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I believe that Jimmy stopped seeing Pamela in favour of seeing Catherine. I havn't made a timeline of both their books so can't be sure. (He was also living with Scarlet's mother in the UK at the same time)

a busy boy was our jimmy!

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a busy boy was our jimmy!

Isn't john paul jones still got the same wife (as in the srts movie) and wonder why Pat ;john Bonham's wife never wrote a book about bonzo ?She of all people would have had some fascinating story's to tell.

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Isn't john paul jones still got the same wife (as in the srts movie) and wonder why Pat ;john Bonham's wife never wrote a book about bonzo ?She of all people would have had some fascinating story's to tell.

As far as I am aware JPJ is still married to Mo, and you could say that Pat is still married to John even though he died. She has never remarried.

John's brother Mick Bonham wrote a book, so I suppose the family side of the story has been told to an extent. What hasn't been told is the story of WHY he drank/drugged so much - on a superficial level sure, but no-one has gone deeper. But I doubt a family member will go there.

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I believe that Jimmy stopped seeing Pamela in favour of seeing Catherine.

It was the other way around, which caused a near cat fight between the two. Almost all of Pamela's books mention Zeppelin throughout including recent encounters. I believe she's stayed good friends with Robert and there are some very recent pics of them floating around on the web. Catherine's book is very good, but doesn't go into too much detail about her relationship with Jimmy which is probably a good thing.

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It was the other way around, which caused a near cat fight between the two. Almost all of Pamela's books mention Zeppelin throughout including recent encounters. I believe she's stayed good friends with Robert and there are some very recent pics of them floating around on the web. Catherine's book is very good, but doesn't go into too much detail about her relationship with Jimmy which is probably a good thing.

how may books has pamela written?

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5 Books?? I knew she wrote one book. Shouldn't one book pretty well tell the story?


Ha! Her life apparently needs 2. The 2nd book concentrates on the "later" part of her life. The other 2 are just about various troubled rock stars, and the groupies that loved them. <_< (Ok, so maybe she only has 4?)

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As far as I am aware JPJ is still married to Mo, and you could say that Pat is still married to John even though he died. She has never remarried.

John's brother Mick Bonham wrote a book, so I suppose the family side of the story has been told to an extent. What hasn't been told is the story of WHY he drank/drugged so much - on a superficial level sure, but no-one has gone deeper. But I doubt a family member will go there.

JPJ is indeed still married to Mo, and in the annals of Rock Royalty is surpassed only by Charley and Shirley Watts.40 Plus years!.

Amazing when you thing about it!.

As far as Mick Bonhams book goes,I have never read it .

I can only imagine it was a type of personal catharsis for him.

Although you can never ever hope to find the answers to those questions.

I lost an older brother three years ago,to suicide,and the only thing I can put it down to is that he could not find an easy escape to a simple problem!;and although I am not implying that John took his own life,I have always found the official explanation rather odd.

The reasons why these things happen are sometimes truly a mystery, that we who are left can only try and piece together,to try and make some sense of, but this is ultimately pointless and destructive.

In Johns case it could have been a simple misadventure,the culmunation of a poorly judged lifestyle or perhaps more likely,a combination of many things that led to his death.

He was looking forward to the next Zeppelin record, but was (as always) depressed by having to leave his beloved family to go on the road.

I have always found the coroners explanation of his death baffling.He was a big, strong lad in his prime.

I have seen people you could only describe as "weed like" or "frail" consume what supposedly killed him (40 shots of vodka), for breakfast and 'enjoy' much more for lunch!.

Edited by Gervox
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im certainly no expert, this is only my opinion but, i believe it wasnt the alcohol itself, but the fact that he involuntarily threw up while laying on his back, asleep. this blocked his airways and he suffocated. not so mysterious, it happens. and i believe the reason he drank is because of a number of factors such as the party atmosphere they were all living in and around. but mostly i truly believed he missed his family SO much that it caused depression. he so obviously loved his family. a beautiful soul who is sadly missed.

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....yikes....if I had forty drinks I would not be surprised to find myself dead......this is like having forty beers or forty glasses of wine-it's a lot!!

Sadly Bonham was an alcoholic and a nasty drunk to boot. I'm sure his bandmates feel bad for not saving him but I think they pretty much let each other do what they wilted......

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so i was watching Oprah the other day ( as you do ) and Eddie Van Halens ex Valerie Bertinelli, was on. she has written a book about her life, which includes a lot of stuff about eddie. ( good and bad ). well this just got me thinking that isnt it amazing that none of our boys' ex's have done the same. i mean i think its a good thing, just its a wonder some groupies or even others (? ) havent come out with claims, books etc. there isnt even anything on this forum. like i said this is a good thing, im really pleased for them that these women have enough respect for themselves and led zeppelin to not do this. anyone have an opinion on this?

Slave there is a book out called Groupies, its not all about our boys but there is some. Ask AMAZONIC about it I think she was the one that told me about it.

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Isn't john paul jones still got the same wife (as in the srts movie) and wonder why Pat ;john Bonham's wife never wrote a book about bonzo ?She of all people would have had some fascinating story's to tell.

My wiew is that those "main women" like you call them really loved and regarded their men. When you love somebody and respect him, you will never write in the publicity about your intimate details. I think those groupies didn´t love them truelly. They only wanted be famous through the affairs with them.

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Isn't john paul jones still got the same wife (as in the srts movie) and wonder why Pat ;john Bonham's wife never wrote a book about bonzo ?She of all people would have had some fascinating story's to tell.

So could Charlotte. She is interviewed in the Revolution documentary coming out. Though it is about the late 60's, I wonder if she will talk anything about her time with Jimmy. I would love if she wrote a book.

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My wiew is that those "main women" like you call them really loved and regarded their men. When you love somebody and respect him, you will never write in the publicity about your intimate details. I think those groupies didn´t love them truelly. They only wanted be famous through the affairs with them.

Pattie certainly didn't for a very long time.

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I know of these two:

Catherine James

Pamela des Barres

the des Barres book has the claims of Jimmy carrying a suitcase full of whips. But as this is the only source which has ever claimed that (all others have just quoted her) I find it very difficult to believe.

However as you said, there have been no books from major women in any of their lives - these are the only 2 books i know of and both refer to Jimmy.

Have you seen the film Groupies? At one point there is this sort ugly groupie talking about being whipped by Jimmy. She could be exagerating for the camera.

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Have you seen the film Groupies? At one point there is this sort ugly groupie talking about being whipped by Jimmy. She could be exagerating for the camera.

And I´m sure he didn´t whip her without her permission, I don´t think he was such an usurper :D

And I guess she has liked it! :D

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