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Robert and Alison-MSG's Wamu Theatre: June 10

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I wish there was a video clip of this... I'm curious how it came across. It probably would've been a totally different situation if Robert had said it.

Sadly, if Robert had said it, people would have totally missed any humor involved, as they usually do with him! :D

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She was trying to be funny by re-telling what she thought was a funny joke. Bad part about that is-if the performer can't pull it off as a comedic line, then you get the boos and hisses like she did.

Probably half that audience (like me) was a "Bridge and Tunnel" person. NJ always gets made fun of, and alot of people are sensitive.

I did not boo her, nor did I comment, or yell. I just don't think she should have gone in that direction, that's all. She needs to know the crowd, and obviously didn't.

I understand what you mean, 'PlantOneOnMe' - my husband is from NJ as are many of my life-long friends from my LZ years. It is OK when they (or their close friends) joke about NJ but they do get sensitive when outsiders do it. It's unfortunate that the majority of the people who do the mocking know little or nothing about the state. There is so much more to NJ than what gets depicted in the media.

Sadly, if Robert had said it, people would have totally missed any humor involved, as they usually do with him! :D

When it comes to understanding Robert's sense of humor, never underestimate NY-area Zep vets. :D When Robert stood on the stage of the Garden and uttered his humorous "Plantations" all of us (kids from the city, Jersey, the boroughs, the Island, BBQ's, the bridge and tunnel crowd. etc.) understood his sense of humor. 30+ years later, we still do. B)

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I used to love Roseanne Roseannadanna's bits about Mr. Richard Fader from Ft. Lee, NJ on SNL back in the day!

And am really excited about next week's RP/AK show in LA. Black Country Woman? I can't wait!

Oh, and "Place", back off of Aqua. She doesn't deserve that shit.

And there's more than one "N" in "intelligent", bud.

BTW, why was it again that you were banned "Lajoie"? :beer:

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I thought alison krauss' story about going to the top of the empire state building, with the jersey joke went over as it was intended....its the oldest running joke, with ny and nj, nothing serious about it. most everyone laughed and then the folks who booed, were like saying, hey we're from nj. was no big deal.

I just feel sorry for the tour guide, who probably says the same lame joke every day.

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Funny bit with Alison, when she was talking about visiting New York City. She went to the top of the Empire State Building and there was a man up there pointing out all the sights in the distance such as the Bronx and Connecticut. She said he said over there is New Jersey, but no one wants to look at that. Pretty funny. She got cheers and then boos from crowd and several remarks. All in all a great show.

I was at the Wednesday night show and Alison barely spoke at all. I wonder if the NJ comment and reaction is the reason why. Anyhow, I thought the show was great. Robert was fully present and exuded a palpable sense of confidence: "New York, it's been real!" At times, particularly during his wailful cries, I was transported back to the O2 and beyond. You can take the man out of Zeppelin but you can't take the Zeppelin out of the man! Alison was amazing as well and the band tight, seemingly playing hard rock every chance they could. Lotsa fun, lotsa fun.

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Someone had posted a while back that they got the impression that Plant really wanted to let loose at times and go all out, but had to hold back a bit. I could sort of sense that too. At the show I saw on Sat, Plant got a huge smile on his face when the crowd rushed the stage, and just seemed to be so comfortable when he completely rocked out to BCW.

I got that too. When some of the Zep songs were played Robert seemed really excited and ready to let go of the limits that were set by the music of Raising Sand. He looked happy to be performing those songs.

She wasn't saying that remark about NJ to be mean. She was pointing out basically it was rather odd to sit there and make a statement about how no one would care to see the state, at least that's how I interpreted it.

I wasn't at the show, but I've heard of the incident and that's the way I took it. Allison doesn't seem like the type of person to make fun of people from a state for no real reason. I don't personally know her, but from her interviews and the way she acted when I saw them she seems very polite and quiet.

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Looks much better!!!

He's lookin good. I see absolutely no belly!! :D

'Course they were in New York.

Mabe he'll have shorts on at Bonarrooheat.:shifty:

I noticed that too, it looks like he's lost some weight. He looks fantastic. Younger now than he did in some photos that were taken a few years ago. I'm not suggesting medical work, just that he's taking care of himself,.

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I was there, section 304, Row P. BTW, that row was the last row!!!!!. Thank God I had binoculars! Even though it was a small venue, I was pissed off that the so-called PreSale tix were for the shitty seats.

So where did you sit?

All in all it was great. The acoustics were phenomenal. Robert sounded great. He had fleeting moments of sounding like the Zep frontman he is. He will always be and he knows it. I don't think we're done with him yet, as Led Zep. Give him time. In the meantime he's comfortable and really good as a duet with Krauss.

All their songs sounded much better performed Live, than the studio versions.

I loved The Black Country Woman snipit he did. His voice was perfect for it.

I live in NJ, even though I'm from Brooklyn originally. I felt a little dissed by Krauss's remark, as did the guy who blurted out "hey don't be dissing NJ." (did you hear him?)

I heard Alison does really bad with talking to the crowd, and say's "Let's move on" alot. She should stick to singing and leave the stand up to Robert. He does it better.

The opening act Sharon Little was fantastic, although she performed like she had stomach pains and needed to use the john.

I was in Section 204, Row T. I bought mine through the presale on Robert's and Alison's website. Seats weren't bad, but I was expecting better. I got them just as they went on sale. Alison was just making a joke in reference to New Jersey. I heard the guy too. He was right near me. I'm originally from NJ, so I thought it was funny. Great show though.

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Finally back home after two nights in NYC and two plant/krauss shows. I'll do a separate review for 6/11 under that thread.

First about the tickets. There were over 300 tix for sale on ebay and stubhub just a day before the show. I bought some extras and tried to make a few bucks on them. NOT. Tickets were being sold for only ten dollars outside. I could have gotten 15th row for 20 bucks per ticket. WhenI first got there at 6pm I went to the boix office and they still had two fourth row dead center tix available. I asked how many they have and the girls said alot of tix are still availalbe--even though the marquee said that it was a sold out show. hmmm. I sat second row in section 102. There were seventeen seats in the two rows and only seven people in them. the place was probably about 3/4 full at best IMO.

I did not see the warmup.

They came out with Rich Woman from raising sand. Excellent song, great harmonies. The first zep song was black dog which was cool. alot different and s-l-o-w-e-r than zep. As was the other two zep covers, battle of evermore and black country woman. All three songs drew standing ovations as well as several other songs by alison(trampled rose and down to the river).

The NJ Comment - i did not see where it was insulting to NJ, however she thought that it was funny that someone from NY would crack on NJ. Sort of like the Hatfields and the Mccoys. She also mentioned the elevator and that it was quite a ride to the top. When she got to the top there was a guy selling maps who was pointing out the different places to see from the top. when he faced towards jersey he said that's new jersey but nobody wants to see that. She said she thought it was funny.(i don't think in agreeing with him but that it was funny about the border war.

Robert mentioned before van zants song that when he grew up in england the only american music that they heard was either from chicago or mississippi and that he never knew of the white blues from the south. Then when he did the collaboration he was introduced to many new musics that he now appreciates.

His other comment was about the raising sand revue. This is the first chapter of many.(the crowd was silent for a moment and then everyone cheered. I did not. Sorry Robert and Alison. I want to see zeppelin so bad that I cannot encourage another tour. If they want to do an album and not tour fine, as he could do new material with jjj's and that at the same time. One thing to consider. robert could so easily be replaced by another singer in this venture, but it's not possible for zeppelin to continue without him.

I got extremely lucky and at the end of the show I got a setlist from one of the roadies. It had on it the levee, but they did not play it. I met someone who said that they played it recently at either the borgata or boston. Also has who do you love which they also did not play.(see 6/11 review).

Waited outside by the tour bus for awhile after the show, but no celebrities. Only some awesome fans(hi mona!).

Overall the show was excellent...just don't tell them i said so.

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I used to love Roseanne Roseannadanna's bits about Mr. Richard Fader from Ft. Lee, NJ on SNL back in the day!

And am really excited about next week's RP/AK show in LA. Black Country Woman? I can't wait!

Oh, and "Place", back off of Aqua. She doesn't deserve that shit.

And there's more than one "N" in "intelligent", bud.

BTW, why was it again that you were banned "Lajoie"? :beer:

I checked out this Lajoie everyone has been talking about whom I am not and it appears from the final post that Lajoie likes art.

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Finally back home after two nights in NYC and two plant/krauss shows. I'll do a separate review for 6/11 under that thread.

First about the tickets. There were over 300 tix for sale on ebay and stubhub just a day before the show. I bought some extras and tried to make a few bucks on them. NOT. Tickets were being sold for only ten dollars outside. I could have gotten 15th row for 20 bucks per ticket. WhenI first got there at 6pm I went to the boix office and they still had two fourth row dead center tix available. I asked how many they have and the girls said alot of tix are still availalbe--even though the marquee said that it was a sold out show. hmmm. I sat second row in section 102. There were seventeen seats in the two rows and only seven people in them. the place was probably about 3/4 full at best IMO.

Holy Ripped Off! 15th row for 20.00? 4th Row center still available last minute at the box office? Damn!!!

Ya live and learn....

It's a crap shoot. You think it's going to be sold out, so you jump on it (like I did) through the Raising Sand website, which took me to the Ticketmaster website. I let the time expire twice, but each time all I was offered was the 300-Section - so I bought them. Next time, I'll do it differently.

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I checked out this Lajoie everyone has been talking about whom I am not and it appears from the final post that Lajoie likes art.

Wow, so there's MORE than one person in here who thinks he is a personal friend of the "Lady" from STH and repeatedly states her name and birthdate? And talks about some dumbass prophecy and really hates AK? And says people are ignorant when they try to get some kind of rational clarity from him? That's an amazing coincidence.

Edited by Suz
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Wow, so there's MORE than one person in here who thinks he is a personal friend of the "Lady" from STH and repeatedly states her name and birthdate? And talks about some dumbass prophecy and really hates AK? And says people are ignorant when they try to get some kind of rational clarity from him? That's an amazing coincidence.

I believe there is definitely more than one person who thinks that <_<

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I was doing some Led Zeppelin research several months ago and came across a group of people who believe the same thing that Place and Lajoie does. Wish I could remember the name of the website but it wasnt important to my research so I forgot it.

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I was doing some Led Zeppelin research several months ago and came across a group of people who believe the same thing that Place and Lajoie does. Wish I could remember the name of the website but it wasnt important to my research so I forgot it.

Oh, cripes. Now I'm even more creeped out.

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Finally back home after two nights in NYC and two plant/krauss shows. I'll do a separate review for 6/11 under that thread.

First about the tickets. There were over 300 tix for sale on ebay and stubhub just a day before the show. I bought some extras and tried to make a few bucks on them. NOT. Tickets were being sold for only ten dollars outside. I could have gotten 15th row for 20 bucks per ticket. WhenI first got there at 6pm I went to the boix office and they still had two fourth row dead center tix available. I asked how many they have and the girls said alot of tix are still availalbe--even though the marquee said that it was a sold out show. hmmm. I sat second row in section 102. There were seventeen seats in the two rows and only seven people in them. the place was probably about 3/4 full at best IMO.

Holy Ripped Off! 15th row for 20.00? 4th Row center still available last minute at the box office? Damn!!!

Ya live and learn....

It's a crap shoot. You think it's going to be sold out, so you jump on it (like I did) through the Raising Sand website, which took me to the Ticketmaster website. I let the time expire twice, but each time all I was offered was the 300-Section - so I bought them. Next time, I'll do it differently.

Just a few days ago, I checked Ticketmaster's website and there were great seats not only for the June 11th show, but the June 10th show as well. Funny, considering the first show sold out almost instantly. I have a feeling these great seats were just released and were ones that were part of those V.I.P. packages that Ticketmaster offers at inflated prices. And all weren't sold a week before the shows, so they just released the tix to the public. This is the only reason I can think of why there would be so many good seats left, when the event was sold out.

Edited by SuperDave
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