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Bonham hopes for Zeppelin Tour - BBC Newsbeat


Bonham hopes for Zeppelin tour

by Kev Geoghegan

Radio 1 music reporter

Jason Bonham says he would go on tour with Led Zeppelin in "a heartbeat".

He is the son of the band's original drummer John Bonham, who died in 1980.

Bonham took his father's place at Led Zep's reunion gig at London's 02 Arena in December.

Since then, it has been rumoured the band will bow to fan pressure and announce some more dates.

Bonham said: "It's up to them but if it was up to me, I'd love to."


More than eighty million people around the globe applied for tickets for the 02 event, just 18,000 of them successfully.

It was the first time in twelve years that founding members Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones had performed together.

Bonham told Newsbeat: "It was a fantastic night, it was emotional, it was everything I wanted, and hoped it would be.

"I knew I could do it, but could I do it when it needed to be done, with the nerves and everything?

"It was phenomenal."

My fingers are crossed and I would do it in a heartbeat

Jason Bonham

Since last year's gig, the various members of the band have played down speculation that they will perform together again.

Ian Astbury, singer with The Cult, told an audience in LA that they were down to support a band beginning with the letters LZ.

Velvet Revolver guitarist and Guns 'n' Roses founder, Slash, refused to deny claims his band would support Led Zep.

Guitarist Page and bassist Jones teamed up with Foo Fighters on stage during their Wembley stadium gig on 7 June.

Foos singer and former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl told the audience: "Welcome to the greatest night of my life."

He has expressed his wish to lend his services to Zeppelin if they should call on him.

Zeppelin singer Plant is currently touring the US with American country singer Alison Krauss.

He is said to have told journalists at a basketball game in January that he wasn't sure if the band would play any more gigs.

Bonham said: "I hope that I would be put into the loop at some point.

"Who knows? All I can say is that it was better than I could have imagined.

"My fingers are crossed and I would do it in a heartbeat."

Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2008/06/13 15:05:41 GMT


oops. sorry aboot title.

Edited by rokarolla
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:beer: well done Jason. That's what I like to see - COMMITMENT ! :thumbsup:

Now, who will be next to throw their hat into the ring ...?

Jason has said this on numerous occasions since December 10th. Nothing new really, but always good to see support for him (thanks ZW) :D

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just a little patience----yeahhhhhh, yeahhhhhh!!! They're coming u watch

Hey that just gave me another t-shirt idea.....I think I will have my friend design one and wear it everywhere. hahaha---they're coming

In the mean time, I had to get my fix so I bought my tix to Plant/krauss and am looking very much forward to it. Seats A-j. Pretty close to the front and I think in the center. Will see come mon, 23rd of june. I'm going to the Greek in LA.....outdoors and under the stars(if ya can see em) ohhhhh I can't wait...Though I think it will just make me even more anxious to see Zep.

Edited by katydidgood
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Everyone in the world wants them to play again..............wait a minute, I forgot about Plant. Who knows what he might do next, Polka, Two step, Hillbilly, etc., just about anything except what 95% of his fans (who got him where he is today) want to hear.

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Jason has said this on numerous occasions since December 10th. Nothing new really, but always good to see support for him (thanks ZW) :D

:beer: my pleasure.

I don't profess to know much about Jason, in fact I've never even seen him, but I'm certain he'd grab the chance to uphold the legacy, and carry on where his iconic dad left off.

And, FWIW, I really do believe that other band members are just as keen to play for the shirt as well - but are saying nothing yet, as part of a mutual agreement to announce plans at the appropriate time.

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Everyone in the world wants them to play again..............wait a minute, I forgot about Plant. Who knows what he might do next, Polka, Two step, Hillbilly, etc., just about anything except what 95% of his fans (who got him where he is today) want to hear.

How do you figure only 95% ?

Of course its not Plant bashing though is it :blink:

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How do you figure only 95% ?

Lets see, as a solo act Percy has sold about 8 mil. records. With LZ he has been in a band that has sold over 200 mil. in the U.S. alone. I was wrong, the figure should have been 96%.

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Lets see, as a solo act Percy has sold about 8 mil. records. With LZ he has been in a band that has sold over 200 mil. in the U.S. alone. I was wrong, the figure should have been 96%.

You just can't let it go can you?

Why not just start your own personal "Robert Plant is a dick depriving us of a Zeppelin tour" forum and let the rest of us go on enjoying what he does? :rolleyes:

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What you do not understand is that because this is a LZ forum, most that will take the time to post here see all things through "Plant blinders". Out in the rest of the world, (other then this forum) there are many , many more that feel about it the way that I do. All of my friends and I (ages 45 to 55) grew up with LZ. We have put up with Plants ways long enough. It's time he listened to some of his fans that have been with him since the beginning, have bought his solo stuff, and are now............after 28 years are ready for him to finish his latest "Bluegrass", or whatever you call it compilation, and give back to the fans what they want, It's what got him where he is today.

Edited by scs
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What you do not understand is that because this is a LZ forum, most that will take the time to post here see all things through "Plant blinders". Out in the rest of the world, (other then this forum) there are many , many more that feel about it the way that I do. All of my friends and I (ages 45 to 55) grew up with LZ. We have put up with Plants ways long enough. It's time he listened to some of his fans that have been with him since the beginning, have bought his solo stuff, and are now............after 28 years are ready for him to finish his latest "Bluegrass", or whatever you call it compilation, and give back to the fans what they want, It's what got him where he is today.


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What you do not understand is that because this is a LZ forum, most that will take the time to post here see all things through "Plant blinders". Out in the rest of the world, (other then this forum) there are many , many more that feel about it the way that I do. All of my friends and I (ages 45 to 55) grew up with LZ. We have put up with Plants ways long enough. It's time he listened to some of his fans that have been with him since the beginning, have bought his solo stuff, and are now............after 28 years ready for him to finish his latest "Bluegrass", or whatever you call it compilation, and give back to the fans that got him where he is today.

i posted this on a different thread, but essentially the same topic: just back lennon's name out and substitute plant's...

really, it's almost like the beatles all over again. i still remember john lennon's retort to a reporter: "it's the same as wanting the beatles back. you want music from me, you'll get it. but don't tell me which music to make or suggest how i do it. otherwise, you can go do it yourself. there's room for everybody..."*

ya get it, scs? go get your own band, do it the way you think it's supposed to go. you know so much about being an artist. why go through life pissed? please post your band's website with the name brightly displayed so that i can block it. too much hate around already....

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What you do not understand is that because this is a LZ forum, most that will take the time to post here see all things through "Plant blinders". Out in the rest of the world, (other then this forum) there are many , many more that feel about it the way that I do. All of my friends and I (ages 45 to 55) grew up with LZ. We have put up with Plants ways long enough. It's time he listened to some of his fans that have been with him since the beginning, have bought his solo stuff, and are now............after 28 years are ready for him to finish his latest "Bluegrass", or whatever you call it compilation, and give back to the fans what they want, It's what got him where he is today

^^You and your friends actually sit around and have Plant bashing sessions? :huh:

Please don't tell me what I do or don't understand. I know this is a Zeppelin forum, and guess what. I have my own opinion. So?

Point is, I've read through your posts. You're clearly obsessed with blaming Plant for what you want to happen and are completely caustic and sarcastic in your remarks about it. It's all you do. As this is, as you pointed out, a Zeppelin forum, perhaps you could bring more to the table than your post-Zep Robert Plant no reunion tour blues.

Oh boo hoo. Robert won't give you the cookie you've hoped for since you were 25.

I'm 42 bro. I've had the same dream myself for decades. I just don't rant on day after day, post after post, ripping Robert Plant a new one. Grow the fuck up already. :beer:

Edited by Evster2012
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I've had the same dream myself for decades.

Well why then do you sit back and let Percy dupe you again?? He has thought about "Himself" for 28 years.........................If people would stop drinking the Percy Kool Aid, maybe he would realize that it is time to show some real appreciation to his fans.

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Well why then do you sit back and let Percy dupe you again?? He has thought about "Himself" for 28 years.........................If people would stop drinking the Percy Kool Aid, maybe he would realize that it is time to show some real appreciation to his fans.

What the fuck are you missing that everyone here is saying to you - it's Robert's fucking life. He has every right to think of himself and conduct his life accordingly, just like you probably think of yourself (clearly as you come here demanding he give you what YOU want). He owes you or anyone else nothing. You don't like his decisions - tough shit. Why don't YOU appreciate HIM since you claim to be a fan of his and get over it already. Blimey this is so fucking old your bashing. It isn't about having a differing opinion - you've done nothing in your 70 something posts but bash Robert and whine about how he doesn't appreciate his fans.

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Well why then do you sit back and let Percy dupe you again?? He has thought about "Himself" for 28 years.........................If people would stop drinking the Percy Kool Aid, maybe he would realize that it is time to show some real appreciation to his fans.

I haven't been duped by Mr. Plant. I haven't been drinking any Kool Aid (Mr. O'Reilly). And who are you to imply that I'm a mindless follower?

And I think it's a bit past the time to keep calling him "Percy". In case you haven't noticed, his jeans aren't so tight anymore.

Oh and Robert does appreciate his fans. He just doesn't appreciate you. :beer:

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I have often wondered why message boards make some people think that they have to lower themselves down to cursing and the like??

I'm in the mood for a melody, I'm in the mood for a melody, I'm in the mood for a melody, Im in the mooo-oo-ooo-oood.

Oh and Robert does appreciate his fans. He just doesn't appreciate you.

My heart is broken.

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I have often wondered why message boards make some people think that they have to lower themselves down to cursing and the like??

I'm in the mood for a melody, I'm in the mood for a melody, I'm in the mood for a melody, Im in the mooo-oo-ooo-oood.

My heart is broken.

And the Plant basher quotes a Plant song. How ironic. :rolleyes:

Oh, and the message board hasn't "lowered me down to cursing". I curse all the time. Don't blame the board for my dirty mouth. I was capable of an f-bomb 20 years before there was an internet. I guess I'm just a base human being.

Face it, you're a malcontent Plant disser.

Your serve mate.

Oh look! No swearing at all! :beer:

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What I wonder is exactly when Jason was quoted. The BBC reports it as if it were from a recent interview. I trust the BBC more than the average rumor mongering click/ad driven sites. If Jason, Jimmy and JPJ have been in the studio, he would not be out of the loop, as he claims to be. If Dave G, Jimmy, and JPJ have been in the studio, it may have been a rehearsal studio for the purpose of working out a few covers.

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What you do not understand is that because this is a LZ forum, most that will take the time to post here see all things through "Plant blinders". Out in the rest of the world, (other then this forum) there are many , many more that feel about it the way that I do. All of my friends and I (ages 45 to 55) grew up with LZ. We have put up with Plants ways long enough. It's time he listened to some of his fans that have been with him since the beginning, have bought his solo stuff, and are now............after 28 years are ready for him to finish his latest "Bluegrass", or whatever you call it compilation, and give back to the fans what they want, It's what got him where he is today.

Why not start a petition?


How dare he abandon you scs. The nerve of the guy :angry: Playing the music he wants to , he has no right does he? Has he no feelings for your personal feelings?


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Why not start a petition?


The truth is that if he waits much longer it wont really matter. The 02 was incredible, but had to be toned down for Plant. While he was great, if there was one weak link at that show, it was him. I am not saying that he can't still perform LZ, but if he waits much longer..................... :huh: A great substitute is Chris Robinson. If Plant wants to stay tempermental, there are others out there.

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