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One Night Stands


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I saw something like that in a porno once. :mellow:


I did see a porn like that.

My best friend, when we were 11, found a porn cassette in his older brother room.

There was this scene where the priest come out with lubric thoughts...

"Sister. I wanna make love to you"

"But...but father... that's forbidden!!"

"Aarrggh! I don't care!!!"

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My point was people make things too complicated and buy into too many things too quickly.

I will stand by that, no hostility was meant. It's just my opinion. I see couples who have been together for many many years. They are more free thinkers and loving for the sake of love, not the sake of expectations.

I hope that made sense :)

Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.

Toni Braxton

If i had to analyze why i was never interested in one night stands, it would be for reasons you just mentioned. I have always connected sex to love. I want to have sex with someone i have plans for a future with, and it would be lovely to find the person to have many many years with. My expectations are quite simple and revolve around how i'm cared for, not about a bunch of stuff that really doesn't matter.

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Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.

Toni Braxton

Eric Clapton

Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs

To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,

And all the time I know,

Plant your love and let it grow.

Let it grow, let it grow,

Let it blossom, let it flow.

In the sun, the rain, the snow,

Love is lovely, let it grow.

Looking for a reason to check out of my mind,

Trying hard to get a friend that I can count on,

But there's nothing left to show,

Plant your love and let it grow.

Time is getting shorter and there's much for you to do.

Only ask and you will get what you are needing,

The rest is up to you.

Plant your love and let it grow.

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If i had to analyze why i was never interested in one night stands, it would be for reasons you just mentioned. I have always connected sex to love. I want to have sex with someone i have plans for a future with, and it would be lovely to find the person to have many many years with. My expectations are quite simple and revolve around how i'm cared for, not about a bunch of stuff that really doesn't matter.

Sex isn't love. It's very simple to see this. Just because you have sex with someone doesn't mean love comes with it. Many have issues with this.

Ideally on a broader scale it's better to be in love with who you have sex with, BUT the two aren't universally dependent on one another. People simply do not own each other, or each others desires and thoughts.

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Sex isn't love. It's very simple to see this. Just because you have sex with someone doesn't mean love comes with it. Many have issues with this.

Ideally on a broader scale it's better to be in love with who you have sex with, BUT the two aren't universally dependent on one another. People simply do not own each other, or each others desires and thoughts.

I never said sex is love. To clarify my feelings, i have always desired to have sex with someone i love. It has much more meaning for ME. But to take it a step farther, if i don't love the person, it just doesn't feel right. I don't feel fulfilled when it's over. Not even if the sex is great. I'm not speaking for anyone else.

Now i never said the other person has to love me. They just have to have passion.

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You said you always connect sex to love. Ohhhh good morning tangerine.


Just because i connect sex with love, doesn't mean i think sex is love. I have just "most of the time" had sex with people i "at the time" loved. Not 100% but pretty close...:)

Good morning to you ledbaby, for me it's almost time for goodnight...we must have a big time difference, lol

btw, stop trying to make me horny.

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I have never had a one night stand and never will. I have always thought that if she is willing to have a one night stand with me than how many other guys has she had one night stands with?? :o And that's a scary thought.

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I have never had a one night stand and never will. I have always thought that if she is willing to have a one night stand with me than how many other guys has she had one night stands with?? :o And that's a scary thought.

jeez :blink:

so every woman who has a one night stand is a slut then?

come on ladies who have, you are potential sluts :o

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I have never had a one night stand and never will. I have always thought that if she is willing to have a one night stand with me than how many other guys has she had one night stands with?? :o And that's a scary thought.

That's very practical. You really shouldn't plan on having them, but just be really happy if a nice one happens.

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jeez :blink:

so every woman who has a one night stand is a slut then?

come on ladies who have, you are potential sluts :o

Didn't say that. But it would make me wonder how many other men she had done the same thing with.

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I had a bit of a wild time for 6 months after my first marriage ended. Looking back, I think it was a reaction to the relationship breaking down.

Btw, just for the record, when I mean wild, I don't mean a different guy every night! :wacko:

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Yeah, well, women should be thinking about men like that all the freaking time. For girls, if you have a lot of sex, you're a "slut". Guys are just players, it's behavior that is accepted. "Guys can't help it". Such bull shit. Women should be able to be as sex-crazed as men are, and give in to their urges if they feel like it. Free love, damnit!

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I had a bit of a wild time for 6 months after my first marriage ended. Looking back, I think it was a reaction to the relationship breaking down.

Btw, just for the record, when I mean wild, I don't mean a different guy every night! :wacko:

Don't feel bad. I had a pretty wild time after mine ended, too. But it was more like 2 years instead of 6 months. And it was mostly getting horribly drunk and doing things such as losing my shoes....

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If it's consensual to both parties, who gives a fuck? I haven't ever been in the situation where I've had a one night stand, and I doubt I ever will, unless a five year relationship is considered a very long one night stand :D

I do know people who have had them, mainly men, and they've never been complementary about who it was they hooked up with. But, I don't care, I'm not judging them and, in turn, would hope they don't judge me for not desiring their lifestyle. As long as it was what they wanted at the time, it doesn't bother me and nor should it.

At the end of the day, two (or three, if you like that) people have a good time and then go their own way. They may grumble about who it was they slept with, but, I suppose, the beauty of a one night stand is that you needn't see them again - unless fate conspires against you.

As long as it's something you both wanted, sex is always good. Who is anyone to judge anyone else for living the life they want?

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jeez :blink:

so every woman who has a one night stand is a slut then?

come on ladies who have, you are potential sluts :o

Well since a slut is a woman (because of course a man can't be one, lol) who is promiscuous (has casual sex with multiple partners) then if a woman has one night stands ON A REGULAR BASIS, i would call her a slut.

So don't you think women who engage in one night stands often already know this about themselves?

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Yeah, well, women should be thinking about men like that all the freaking time. For girls, if you have a lot of sex, you're a "slut". Guys are just players, it's behavior that is accepted. "Guys can't help it". Such bull shit. Women should be able to be as sex-crazed as men are, and give in to their urges if they feel like it. Free love, damnit!

Girls can have just as much sex as men. IF a girl is in a serious relationship, she is most likely having as much sex as her partner, lol. That certainly does not make her a slut. A slut is a woman who is promiscuious (yes i'm repeating myself). Being sex crazed or wild or whatever doesn't mean you are a slut. Doing it with lots of different men, hell yes...or lots of one night stands...slut.

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I had a bit of a wild time for 6 months after my first marriage ended. Looking back, I think it was a reaction to the relationship breaking down.

Btw, just for the record, when I mean wild, I don't mean a different guy every night! :wacko:

Just a different night with every guy? :lol: Just kidding don't shoot me please :wave:

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Damn! :o I guess that makes me a male slut! :lol:

I guess I'm a "male slut," too then. I have had one night stands. I don't go into things guessing what my standards and everyone elses are going to be. I don't read minds or pretend to. You have no idea if a bridge is stable until your on it or half way across it, and then it may be too late so you sink or swim.

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Interesting. I have never been divorced, but the closest thing emotionally I had to a divorce was extremely hard for me to deal with. I reacted the opposite. I put up walls around myself and didn't do it for a year.

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