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One Night Stands


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I confess.....I was....aaahhhhh can't say it but I was. honestly though I always thought I was in love. A friend told me years later, I was the girl who fell in love with faces.....

He was right on too. Man if he would have only told me sooner.

I have great and terrible memories. Definately wouldn't want a lifestyle of it but I do have some cherished memories.

That said I've been monogomous 17 years now!!! Whoooo hooooo!!!

edit to add: lets not drag jesus into this, he forgives the harlots, me included.

edit again: is that dripping?

Edited by katydidgood
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One night stand!? I can't even get a half-night stand. Or is that I can't stand for half the night? :drunk: What day is this?

Actually i don't think i am good looking enough to get the one night stand offer anyways. Because one night stands are usually based on strictly physical attraction and lust.

Or just being drunk where the person becomes good looking to you after a few drinks.

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Any guy I've been with was NOT because there was just physical attraction and lust.

If I get naked with a guy, or hell, even if I just KISS a guy, it's because I think he's an awesome guy--NOT because I'm just attracted to him like an animal. :rolleyes:

Edited by manderlyh
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Any guy I've been with was NOT because there was just physical attraction and lust.

If I get naked with a guy, or hell, even if I just KISS a guy, it's because I think he's an awesome guy--NOT because I'm just attracted to him like an animal. :rolleyes:

I am talking about one night stands. You would not know if he was an awesome guy if you just met him. if you had a one night stand with him it would likely be because he physically turned you on like crazy. if you were to have one.

I don't seem to have that affect on women. I want to physically attract a woman instantly. My life would be so much easier. That's probably why i haven't had any one night stand offers. Not that i would have one anyways.

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As to the indiscretion thing, I agree with Bonnie.

Many people do stupid things when they're young, including being sexually impulsive. I can definitely say that I've seen a fair share of people whom I love and trust do stupid things when they were 17, 18, 19, 20...that they would never do now.

Sometimes, having "stupid" sexual encounters is part of growing up for some people. Not all, but some have seen "the dark side" of one-night stands. It just takes a bit longer for them to realize that it was indeed not exactly the best thing to do at the time. :D

Exactly. Mandy states this very well.

I remember ten years ago, when I was in high school, at least 3/4 of the kids I knew were sexually active. I really don't think that makes them all sluts now. In fact, a lot of them are married with kids. In that case scenario, I think the term "indiscretion" fits. And I really don't think they should be judged for the rest of their lives because of it. B) I'm sure each and every person on the forum has done at least one thing in their past that they regret.

Say you had stolen something from the grocery store as a teen, but you felt really bad about it, and never did it again. Do you think it's right for everyone you know to call you a thief for the rest of your life? No, it isn't. Because that would be judging you for something in your past.

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Yea, I guess I'm not "one-night standable" either. Never had it happen, but they're all lucky I guess because I'd turn them down anyways.

Theres too much you just don't know about people anymore. For all I know these chicks were knockin boots with some heroin addict that she decided to share a needle with the night before. :o

Thats not to say I don't like to have fun, but you just can't tell hell from a handbasket on the very first night. I like to have at least a week of solid exposure before I expose my solid.

Edited by docron
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It doesn't matter what the last three posters say. Your trying to sugar coat trying someone as guilty, hang em and bury em before anything.

The thread in and of itself is a "loaded question," to judge persons based on biblical prose.


1. I don't tell people about my sex life online to begin with (besides jokes).

2. This way there's nothing for conjecture now is there?

I learned the hard way, you say something online, and within 24hrs it's been around the globe and interpreted every which way but loose.


The key is not to kiss and tell.

You cannot prove who's typing what, where, when or how on the web.

Your looking at a freaking computer screen :blink:

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Actually i don't think i am good looking enough to get the one night stand offer anyways. Because one night stands are usually based on strictly physical attraction and lust.

Or just being drunk where the person becomes good looking to you after a few drinks.

Love Potion Number 9 :D


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A couple of years ago I was at a night club, a discotheque if you will... And I happened to be talking to some people at the club, and in the group was a guy who was pretty drunk and he suddenly looked at me, then blurted out in front of everyone "I'm drunk, I'm horny, and you'll do". My reply was the eloquent "fuck off"

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A couple of years ago I was at a night club, a discotheque if you will... And I happened to be talking to some people at the club, and in the group was a guy who was pretty drunk and he suddenly looked at me, then blurted out in front of everyone "I'm drunk, I'm horny, and you'll do". My reply was the eloquent "fuck off"

Absolutely hilarious!!!!!!!

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A couple of years ago I was at a night club, a discotheque if you will... And I happened to be talking to some people at the club, and in the group was a guy who was pretty drunk and he suddenly looked at me, then blurted out in front of everyone "I'm drunk, I'm horny, and you'll do". My reply was the eloquent "fuck off"

You shoulda been like, "But, what makes you think you even meet my standards?"

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