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Robert Plant


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Of course you are correct. But it's almost the same argument as what to call the O2 concert. Since Allison and Robert both use bluegrass multiple times in interviews that's probably just the easiest way to refer to it as most. My point about Bonnie and Allison was to indicate that I have no grudges against her as the Yoko of Led Zeppelin. I'm quite happy for both of them that they are finding so much pleasure in this endeavor. And if you haven't heard any of Allisons other work you really should take a look on YouTube...she hasn't won all those awards for nothing but....I positively LOVE this song and she adds so much to it:

Let's see if I can embedd this thing...

OK, I can't figure it out...is it possible here? Advice please...but if anyone is interested..check out this link. Two Angels:


I still don't see what Bonnie Raitt has to do with anything. If Plant and Krauss use the term "bluegrass" in interviews I would guess they're only doing so as a touchstone that most people can relate to. When reviewers and so called "fans" use it to describe Raising Sand I think they're being lazy since, like I said, there's much more at work on Raising Sand than just bluegrass.

And, you don't have to sell me on Alison, although I'm not necessarily a fan of her solo work I've been aware of her for years and saw her and Union Station perform at MerleFest back in the late 90s.

In regard to embedding YouTube clips here, as you have probably discovered, you can't do that here. It would be nice though.

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I still don't see what Bonnie Raitt has to do with anything. If Plant and Krauss use the term "bluegrass" in interviews I would guess they're only doing so as a touchstone that most people can relate to. When reviewers and so called "fans" use it to describe Raising Sand I think they're being lazy since, like I said, there's much more at work on Raising Sand than just bluegrass.

And, you don't have to sell me on Alison, although I'm not necessarily a fan of her solo work I've been aware of her for years and saw her and Union Station perform at MerleFest back in the late 90s.

In regard to embedding YouTube clips here, as you have probably discovered, you can't do that here. It would be nice though.

Thanks for letting me know I'm fighting a losing battle trying to figure out how to embed :)

Wasn't trying to sell you anything, merely mentioning that I like the work Allison did with Bonnie, that she is an awesome collaborator.....not only with Robert.

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He should do what he wants to do. He's deserved that right, he's one of the best musicians ever and doesn't care what fans think. Do I think he should play with his buds from the 70s? Yes I do but it doesn't matter what I think. What I think is what every other Zeppelin fan wants.

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He should do what he wants to do. He's deserved that right, he's one of the best musicians ever and doesn't care what fans think. Do I think he should play with his buds from the 70s? Yes I do but it doesn't matter what I think. What I think is what every other Zeppelin fan wants.

Not necessarily. If I had to pick between the two, I'd rather they left it. It was good.

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What should he do? What I would like is for him to go into the studio with Jimmy, John, and Jason for a few days where they can bounce ideas off each other. Put down some tracks and then see how he feels about it then. If I went to a Zep show and they played five or six brand new tracks instead of a solid show of classics, I certainly wouldn't complain about it.

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I almost forgot this is a LED ZEPPELIN board and many here think in band terms moreso than solo terms.

This is more than just a Led Zeppelin board. If you want to discuss their solo projects there is a section for that. There's also a section to discuss other artists and bands. In addition to that there's also a section to discuss other things besides Led Zeppelin.

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you should create a musical website. I wish I knew how to do it. Plany should go back to being the lead singer of Led zeppelin dude. thats what he should do. As for you calling me by another name on another post, what is that all about?

Who is "Plany"?

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What makes no fucking sense whatsoever is looking for references to Led Zeppelin on a site devoted to Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Apparently you know enough about Plant's career to be aware of his past in Led Zeppelin. I wouldn't take it as a personal affront that you didn't find much info about his past career in Zep on a Plant/Krauss site.

First, the site isn't dedicated to just those two. There's tons of information on Robert's work outside of the present tour. Look at the side bar. The home page gives you the impression it's all about them- it's not. Second, I'm trying to make a specific point in contrast about Robert denying he was in Led Zeppelin on his solo site, whereas John Paul mentions his Zeppelin career all over his solo site. I find Robert's denial somewhat disturbing considering the fact he was lead singer for 12 years in the greatest rock band in history, and he's chosen to erase the career that made him famous. I think he should put that significant fact back in his bio. It's that simple!!! Period. I don't give shit one about Zeppelin member's solo careers or collaberations. If Jimmy had an official site, do you think he'd mention only his solo work and skip over his career with LED ZEPPELIN?

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I don't give shit one about Zeppelin member's solo careers or collaberations.

Then what are you doing on a Plant/Krauss site or John Paul Jones' site? You obviously know about Plant's time in Led Zeppelin so what's the big deal? I believe Sam that runs this site also runs that one so perhaps you'd be best to take up that issue with him. That is, if he can keep from laughing in your face.

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Then what are you doing on a Plant/Krauss site or John Paul Jones' site? You obviously know about Plant's time in Led Zeppelin so what's the big deal? I believe Sam that runs this site also runs that one so perhaps you'd be best to take up that issue with him. That is, if he can keep from laughing in your face.

Who do you think you are attacking members' threads and opinions? Your anger is useless, and so are your responses.

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Who do you think you are attacking members' threads and opinions? Your anger is useless, and so are your responses.

If you know Robert Plant was in Led Zeppelin that's all you need to know. There's no need for it to be the emphasis of a website set up for Plant and Krauss. Led Zeppelin ended in 1980. Move on already, Plant has.

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I bet he laughs harder at someone who asks who Plany or Rob Stewart are in the context of musicians. Does it take an IQ better than a chimpanzee to realize that?

You never know with some of the clueless fucks around here, especially those that don't even know how to correct typos using the edit feature. Seems like even a chimp could figure that out.

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First, the site isn't dedicated to just those two. There's tons of information on Robert's work outside of the present tour. Look at the side bar. The home page gives you the impression it's all about them- it's not. Second, I'm trying to make a specific point in contrast about Robert denying he was in Led Zeppelin on his solo site, whereas John Paul mentions his Zeppelin career all over his solo site. I find Robert's denial somewhat disturbing considering the fact he was lead singer for 12 years in the greatest rock band in history, and he's chosen to erase the career that made him famous. I think he should put that significant fact back in his bio. It's that simple!!! Period. I don't give shit one about Zeppelin member's solo careers or collaberations. If Jimmy had an official site, do you think he'd mention only his solo work and skip over his career with LED ZEPPELIN?

Denial? Does he say somewhere that he DIDN'T sing with Zeppelin???

Of course he bloody doesn't.

And perhaps a pertinent point is that Robert's solo career - whatever you may personally think of it - has been MASSIVELY more successful than Jonesy's. Maybe that's why Jonesy's solo site still focuses on Zeppelin, whereas Robert's SOLO site focuses on his SOLO career - not that hard to understand.

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Denial? Does he say somewhere that he DIDN'T sing with Zeppelin???

Of course he bloody doesn't.

And perhaps a pertinent point is that Robert's solo career - whatever you may personally think of it - has been MASSIVELY more successful than Jonesy's. Maybe that's why Jonesy's solo site still focuses on Zeppelin, whereas Robert's SOLO site focuses on his SOLO career - not that hard to understand.

Exactly Knebb.

Robert most certainly doesn't deny his past (anymore). He plays Zep in his solo shows, and has been since the late 80s. He wants very badly to be looked at as an artist independent of Led Zeppelin, but that doesn't mean he denies Zeppelin.

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Hi there. :) As a matter of introduction, I'd like to offer a small story on Mr. Plant that dates back to 2003. Sadly, it has nothing LZ in it, but still... He visited Ukraine then (that's where I am from). In the local bar he meets these young Ukrainian guys that play bluegrass. And invites them to play before his one show in Kyiv. Soooo... they played, like for an hour and forty minutes, and I was on the brink of leaving... But then Robert started to perform. My point is, he was VERY seriously, say, intrigued by that music long time ago. What we have now is realization of his old ambitions, I guess. (He he, that story about Tirol music band was just too funny :D )

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Okay, I'm gonna go against the grain:

Cannot Robert do tours with Page, Jones and Jason Bonham -- and also have time for his side projects?

I know everyone says, "let him do what he wants," which echoes the LZIII inscription, "Do what thou wilt." He certainly does not owe us anything, as he gave a decade of his life to the Zeppelin cause. But surely he must realize the majority of his fans want to hear him do Zep and not his solo stuff (the majority of which I like), and we continue to buy the Zep Brand to line his pockets full of gold (and not the fine Alcapulco Gold).

So they become a Stones-type thing doing the classics. Big deal. It's all for fun, anyway. Let your artistic muse flow with your solo projects. I'm not so sure how much more new material the lads have left in them, seeing how much music Page & Jones have put out post-Zep.

I guess it comes down the fact that Robert might NOT be a big of fan of Zep's music as most (if not all) are here on this discussion board. Not that he isn't proud of it, just that he may no longer need to listen to it. It seems Jimmy still loves Zeppelin's music, Jonesy likes to play it, and Jason Bonham probably feels a connection with his father playing it.

Hate to be so morbid, but will Robert one day regret not touring more with a reunited version of Zep if, heaven forbid, Page or Jonesy were to be no longer to perform due to age or illness, or even worse, no longer be with us?

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I can't be bothered to look through this whole thread because I'm too lazy to partake in such things, but I'm going to respond to the original post. I think doing this stuff is moving forward. He's trying new things, he's spreading his wings, and he's departed from his usual comfort zone. Plus, he's getting to that age where it's like... 60 year old rocker? I mean, I think he still rocks, but he'll never be the same 20 something Plant of the 70s again. People grow up, they find new things to do.

As much as I would love to see a Zeppelin reunion tour, I agree with him in that the only way they should do it is if they make a new album. I don't see that happening, and if it did, it wouldn't be the same. For one, Bonzo's not gonna be on it and I consider him the heart of their music. His son may be good, but he's not his dad. And the sound won't be the same. They've all matured and have different tastes now. Can you really see them doing a song with lyrics like Trampled Underfoot or with the vocal intensity of The Immigrant Song? I can't...

I just don't know if a new CD would be as good as we all want it to be. Shoot the heretic! I'll be hiding in the corner. K thanks.

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I'm not so sure how much more new material the lads have left in them, seeing how much music Page & Jones have put out post-Zep.

You can't measure the muse on a time scale. Any artist can produce their masterwork (Beethoven's 9th comes to mind), when the world thinks their time has passed. I don't think Robert is going to leave his creative path anytime soon, but who knows what a renewed Jimmy and JPJ (with Bonham the younger) could pull out of the collective hat? If you measure the future by the past, you limit possibilities. Any of these guys could potentially pull a miracle out of their pocket. It's not if, it's when. :beer:

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who knows what a renewed Jimmy and JPJ (with Bonham the younger) could pull out of the collective hat? If you measure the future by the past, you limit possibilities. Any of these guys could potentially pull a miracle out of their pocket. It's not if, it's when. :beer:

It is unbelievable that they have finally got together. I'm so looking forward to see what they have in stock for their fans. I hope nothing will discourage these great hopes, but, technically, will they be able to perform, etc. as "Led Zeppelin" without Robert? And, if not him, who will it be?...(Apologies for being too straightforward). ;) On a second thought, anyone knows that only four of them would make LZ, with the chemistry they create on stage. So, I guess, its either Robert with them, or no LZ Reunited... :'(

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It is unbelievable that they have finally got together. I'm so looking forward to see what they have in stock for their fans. I hope nothing will discourage these great hopes, but, technically, will they be able to perform, etc. as "Led Zeppelin" without Robert? And, if not him, who will it be?...(Apologies for being too straightforward). ;)

If they do actually do something with another singer, and decide to call it Led Zeppelin, that's their perogative I suppose. What's in a name afterall? I for one would think it shameless, but I'd certainly go see it. I may think the use of the name an insult, but I'm not going to deny myself the experience. But deep inside it would feel like Paul and Ringo going out as the Beatles. It's not a matter of who was the substance of the band. You just don't do it, y'know?

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If they do actually do something with another singer, and decide to call it Led Zeppelin, that's their perogative I suppose. What's in a name afterall? I for one would think it shameless, but I'd certainly go see it. I may think the use of the name an insult, but I'm not going to deny myself the experience. But deep inside it would feel like Paul and Ringo going out as the Beatles. It's not a matter of who was the substance of the band. You just don't do it, y'know?

Yep, I know what you mean. One of the reasons why LedZep would not play after Bonham's death. As to Robert, I guess his staying away would be similar to Ritchie Blackmore's departure from Deep Purple. They are still great, it's just different without Ritchie.

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Yep, I know what you mean. One of the reasons why LedZep would not play after Bonham's death. As to Robert, I guess his staying away would be similar to Ritchie Blackmore's departure from Deep Purple. They are still great, it's just different without Ritchie.

Deep Purple without Ritchie Blackmore? Do Paice, Lord and Glover really think they can pull that off? Even with Gillan? Seriously? :huh:

I'd rather watch Ritchie at the renaissance fair! :lol:

I have my leggings! :beer:

*edit to add* I have nothing but respect for Steve Morse. One of my fave players, and a swell guy.

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I'd rather watch Ritchie at the renaissance fair! :lol:

I have my leggings! :beer:

ha ha ha I'm glad you mentioned them silky leggins! :D The first thing all my friends mention when they talk about Blackmore's Night!

But seriously, that's what I FEAR might happen to Rob if he gets carried away with his creative projects! It's even worse than Tirolean songs. ;-) Keeping my fingers crossed for him!

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