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U.S. Vice President 2008


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It seems you're going to great lengths to make something of a non-issue, srplane. Not only does it have nothing to do with the thread topic, but all you're really accomplishing is making a.. well.. fool.. of yourself. Stand up guy that he is, wanna be is trying to get you to leave it alone, but obviously you have no intention of doing so. Afaic, there's no reason for him to get drawn into your personal Hermit obsession. If you have an issue with me, then take it up with me. Leave wanna be out of it, k? And rather than further hijack the VP 2008 thread, how's about you send me a PM if you really wanna carry on with your silly little vendetta, eh? I'm sure everyone would appreciate it being taken out of the public domain. ;)

Thank you Hermit. I couldn't care less who likes who here, nor do I care if people fight. That's their choice.

But nobody should destroy threads with stupid feuds and plain foolishness. That's all I'm getting at. Take it to PMs if you don't like somebody. Fight in privacy, no one wants to see it.

Anywho, to me it's still up in the air. I think McCain just might pull off the win, but who knows?

Palin certainly helped him in the votes category more so than I think Biden helped Obama.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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You're a fairly straight guy, wanna be,.. (straight talking, that is).. tell me, brother: do

you honestly think Palin is ready to step in as POTUS should Mac become incapacitated?


Conversely, Obama's choice of Joe Biden to serve as his VP is a choice that actually strengthens the ticket. Obama and Biden compliment and enhance each other and the ticket. Obama's choice was a thoughtful, rational, logical, solid choice. There is no doubt that Biden is 100% ready to fulfill the single most important function of the VP: serving as POTUS should President Obama become incapacitated; and there is absolutely no question that Joe Biden will be of great value to Barack Obama as an adviser.

Joe Biden was a great VP choice. :beer:

Do I think, as of right now, that she's ready to lead the country? No, not really. I like what bshe's done with Alaska and I like many of he policies, but I don't think she's yet ready to jump in as POTUS. Give her a couple of more terms and hell yeah she could. Biden is ready to lead as well (although I'd prefer him not to). I'm not saying she's a great candidate (although i do like her), but she has certainly sealed more votes than Biden did. Biden was an intelligent pick for Obama because he'd be a great aide to him if he's elected, but I don't think he did enough to shore up votes to secure the victory.

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"give her a couple of more terms" and the she could be ready.

Fair enough. By the end of a two-term McCain presidency, Palin may be ready to be POTUS. But you agree that she is NOT READY right now to fufill the single most important function of the VP: serving as POTUS should the president become incapacitated. In other words, Sarah Palin is not ready to be VP.


Afterall,.. not ready to POTUS = not ready to be VP. Right? :whistling:

Not necessarily but in this case, yes.

Of all the people McCain could've chosen, he chose someone who is..NOT READY.

John McCain made an incredibly irresponsible decision in choosing Palin as his VP.

McCain put "Campaign First" rather than "Country First" in tapping Palin as his VP.

McCain did what every presidential candidate does, he chose someone who would help him get elected into office. I don't see what all the fuss is about.

In other words, in his first 'presidential decision'.. choosing a running mate.. John McCain has proved

himself to be unreliable, incompetent, irresponsible, short-sighted, foolish, reckless,... need I go on?

No it hasn't. It's proven he's a politician. This is what American politicians do.

[Fwiw, wanna be,.. republican Chuck Hagel agrees with us that Palin is not ready. ;)

*Senior Republican Senator Chuck Hagel says Palin unready for the vice-presidency* ]

Obama-Biden The responsible choice in '08! :beer:

The only responsible choice isn't on the ballot anymroe, so now I'm stuck with Barr <_<

Fuck American politics

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Not necessarily but in this case, yes.

McCain did what every presidential candidate does, he chose someone who would help him get elected into office. I don't see what all the fuss is about.

No it hasn't. It's proven he's a politician. This is what American politicians do.

The only responsible choice isn't on the ballot anymroe, so now I'm stuck with Barr <_<

Fuck American politics

McCain made an irresponsible choice and no matter how anyone tries to justify it, it still shows his lack of true concern for his country. He can potentially be leaving his family along with the rest of the Americans in the hands of someone who should not be in that place...Obama could have gone with the "sure thing" and chosen Hillary, but he gave thought to who would be the "best person" for the job.

Anyway, i am by no means trying to tell you how to vote. But since you bring it up, i have to give my opinion. You know voting for Barr is a vote that won't count. It will help or hurt Obama/or McCain, but since the Libertarian party never get even close, the vote is a lost opportunity to pick who will be our next leader. With your intelligence, i think you should make your vote count. But then i guess just exercising your right to vote is the best thing to do, no matter who you pick (although i wish the Repubs would stay home on Nov. 4th). Just my feelings on this matter.

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Great, we agree.

Today's moon is lookin pretty blue B)

Palin is not ready to be POTUS.. and therefore, nor VP.

All the fuss is about the pesky little fact that..

you know.. she's not qualified for the position!

Think: Brownie - FEMA

Think: Alberto Gonzo - AG

Think: Harriet Meyers - SC

Think: George Bush - POTUS

Think: Sarah Palin - POTUS


Get it?

Not what I mean. I'm saying that people are bitching about McCain picking her for votes when, in reality, almost every candidate EVER has done that. Obama wouldn't have picked Biden if he thought Biden would cost him more votes would he..?

Awww.. are you bitter about Hillary not getting the nomination? :(


I'd rather put my brother up for nomination than her.

And just for clarification (to everybody besides One Drop who knws who I like :P ), i'm referring to Ron Paul

So you're gonna vote for Libertarian Party candidate..


..eh?? :unsure:

Oops!.. wrong picture. :blush:

Ok,.. here's Bob Barr. ;)

I'm not voting for Barr so much as I am voting for his party. I just want a third party (particularly the LP) to receive 15% of the popular votes, within the next couple of elections, so they can get to the debates

I'll drink to that! :beer:
I forgot to add "Fuck Democrat politics" B)
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This. Is. The. Best. One. Yet. Check this:


Sarah doesn't know if the Vice President is part of the Executive branch or not. Now....she's not in Congress, so that nixes the Legislative branch. And she's not a judge, so there goes the Judicial branch. By process of elimination, what are we left with?

And McCain thinks this woman is a competent choice for second-in-command.

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I guess she subscribes to the Dick Cheney "VP office is not part of executive branch" philosophy. :rolleyes:

[Damned if she's not looking more and more like a full-fledged neocon every day! :blink: ]

People, she is not a very bright woman!!! :) Not just more of GWB's same policies, but we would be adopting another idiot to lead our country.

I would love for McCain's supporters (who are likely GWB lovers) to explain HOW their lives are better off than they were 4 years ago (let alone 8 years ago). Please, what is the appeal, given the way people in this country have been hurt (financially most of all)?

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It's just too much. I can't take it anymore. Why are we not embarassed!? How could we have let it get this bad, One Drop? Electrophile? Tangerine? What the hell has happened to our country? Why have people elected these fuckwits for ANYTHING!?

I never thought we'd have a president that could make Reagan look bright......and then we got Dubya. I didn't even consider that it could get worse......and now there's Palin. People, it's time to take our country back. We can't let this happen.

Edited by Suz
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It's just too much. I can't take it anymore. Why are we not embarassed!? How could we have let it get this bad, One Drop? Electrophile? Tangerine? What the hell has happened to our country? Why have people elected these fuckwits for ANYTHING!?

I never thought we'd have a president that could make Reagan look bright......and then we got Dubya. I didn't even consider that it could get worse......and now there's Palin. People, it's time to take our country back. We can't let this happen.

I still don't believe that GWB really won that first election...but even if he came close? I don't know how anyone (who isn't very rich) could have voted for him TWICE. Stupidity is really the only answer. Although many try to say that the "fear mongering" over the War made so many stay with a failure (another one that makes you say, HUH?)...

if you're not afraid enough, Suz, give this one a thought (yes, i sadly already have)....

whether or not McCain wins, and if he does it will be even worse, Palin will probably be running for President in 4 years. OMG...

sorry i just don't know, i am as upset as you sound.

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It's just too much. I can't take it anymore. Why are we not embarassed!? How could we have let it get this bad, One Drop? Electrophile? Tangerine? What the hell has happened to our country? Why have people elected these fuckwits for ANYTHING!?

I never thought we'd have a president that could make Reagan look bright......and then we got Dubya. I didn't even consider that it could get worse......and now there's Palin. People, it's time to take our country back. We can't let this happen.

I AM embarrassed, believe me. The problem is, too many people in this country are lazy and ill-educated and think the status quo is just fine for them as long as their pocketbooks aren't being affected. So they have either no impetus to vote for change or no impetus to vote at all. Damn near 60 million people voted for Georgie the Wonder Chimp four years ago, and fuck me if I can't figure out why. We have some of the lowest voter turnout in the Western World and the same people who don't get off their Laz-y Boys to vote are the same that bitch when their jobs are outsourced, they can't afford health care and their houses get foreclosed.

Obama is the President we need. McCain is the President we deserve. We don't deserve someone who will change things, make people in the rest of the world see us as something more than incompetent buffoons and someone who will do his damndest to rescue our economy. Nope.....that's too good for us. Because we're Americans, damn it. We pride ourselves on saying we want something and then doing fuck all to get it. USA! USA! USA!

Edited by Electrophile
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I AM embarrassed, believe me. The problem is, too many people in this country are lazy and ill-educated and think the status quo is just fine for them as long as their pocketbooks aren't being affected.

Words of wisdom from a college graduate who still lives with mommy and daddy and works at Macy's folding sweaters and underware.


Damn near 60 million people voted for Georgie the Wonder Chimp four years ago, and fuck me if I can't figure out why.

I voted for him twice...

But then of course I don't have the luxury of living with mommy and daddy and working part time at Macy's. Maybe most of those 60 million voters understood that there was just too much at stake to vote for the lame choices given the people by the ever left leaning Democrat party.

And of course that is why McCain/Palin will win this time too.

How pissed off are you going to be when Obama looses? I hope the first thing that goes through your mind at that moment will be knowing that I will be laughing my ass off in your honor.


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Words of wisdom from a guy in his late 40's who doesn't know how to spell "underwear".


D'oh! slapface.gif


Psssst!.. Del,.. forget Macy's bud, you can get

panties.. at bare-bones prices.. from this guy!



I sea that beeing u speling Natzi is umung yer varius talunts One drop.

Anyway, I'm sure that knowing how to spell underwear is not a job requirement at Macy's.

So who cares.

Is ballsack one word or two?


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But what makes you so certain we can trust Obama after all the things we have heard. At least there is no quetion of McCain's loyalty to the country. There is much skepticism over Obama. Once again, from a guy who voted for Kerry, Gore, Clinton, and is a registered Democrat.

Sarah Palin is affiliated with the Alaskan Idependence Party, you know the ones who want to be separate from the US, as in not part of the United States of America! Patriotism anyone? We all know affiliation has meant for Barack Obama, now it's Sarah's turn. And her husband was actually a member of that party. Can we talk loyalty now?

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It's just too much. I can't take it anymore. Why are we not embarassed!? How could we have let it get this bad, One Drop? Electrophile? Tangerine? What the hell has happened to our country? Why have people elected these fuckwits for ANYTHING!?

I never thought we'd have a president that could make Reagan look bright......and then we got Dubya. I didn't even consider that it could get worse......and now there's Palin. People, it's time to take our country back. We can't let this happen.

I agree Suz. It's too important this time around.

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Words of wisdom from a college graduate who still lives with mommy and daddy and works at Macy's folding sweaters and underware.


I voted for him twice...

But then of course I don't have the luxury of living with mommy and daddy and working part time at Macy's. Maybe most of those 60 million voters understood that there was just too much at stake to vote for the lame choices given the people by the ever left leaning Democrat party.

And of course that is why McCain/Palin will win this time too.

How pissed off are you going to be when Obama looses? I hope the first thing that goes through your mind at that moment will be knowing that I will be laughing my ass off in your honor.


Hey Del!! Doesn't it concern you at all that a person that you refer to as "college graduate who still lives with mommy and daddy and works at Macy's folding sweaters and underware" is more educated, more intelligent, and more informed in governmental affairs than the Replican VP candidate?

Perhaps that says something about the state of the nation that we might want to address? :blink:

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It's just too much. I can't take it anymore. Why are we not embarassed!? How could we have let it get this bad, One Drop? Electrophile? Tangerine? What the hell has happened to our country? Why have people elected these fuckwits for ANYTHING!?

I never thought we'd have a president that could make Reagan look bright......and then we got Dubya. I didn't even consider that it could get worse......and now there's Palin. People, it's time to take our country back. We can't let this happen.

I know Suz...embarrassed. I'm with ya. When Dubya won the first time I was totally appalled. When he won the second time embarrassment is exactly what I felt. Does anyone remember that web site where you could go and apologize to the world? Millions of people who voted against Dubbya went on there to tell the world - "Hey! We don't feel this way!! We are so sorry, we don't understand how this is happening!" And people from other countries were commiserating with us and accepting apologies and it was areally a nice forum to let the world know that that administration was not really reflecting our peoples values.

I sure hope we don't have to do that again. Remember, it was soooooooo close, our country is damn near close to a civil war if you ask me. We can NOT allow us to be represented the way we have for the last 8 years and I'm quite confident that McCain/Palin are NOT going to lead our country out of the mess we're in but only deeper and deeper into a quagmire.

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