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U.S. Vice President 2008


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You should know better than to throw me into the lot with those pathetic, bleeding-heart libs or pussy-whipped Christ-raped rightys.

Congrats. Saying something that's bound to be offensive to both 'sides' in just one sentence isn't all that easy... and with only one misspelled word. You get a ribbon!

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You mean kind of like when Biden told Couric that FDR talked to the American people on TV about the great Depression. .....................Oh, thats right, the libs will have excuses for old Joe. The liberal bias around here is amazing.

I guees the new one with Biden is.

He tried one of those im a regular kind of folk thing. He said, you should go down with me to some diner and talk to the people who been in trouble. the problem is that diner has been closed for 20 years.

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Here are some delightful tidbits from the Sarah Palin rally:

Worse, Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media." At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy."

The reception had been better in Clearwater, where Palin, speaking to a sea of "Palin Power" and "Sarahcuda" T-shirts, tried to link Obama to the 1960s Weather Underground. "One of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers," she said. ("Boooo!" said the crowd.) "And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,' " she continued. ("Boooo!" the crowd repeated.)

"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

Don't know if that was directed at Ayres or Obama, but either way.....tons of class coming from the Christian right, no?

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Like I said before, their are A LOT of people who agree with Barack on "above the paygrade" Before, you foolishly thought he was talking about an actual job... supreme court justice... :lol:

Some of us here on earth don't claim to have the definite answers to what God is, why we are here.. blah blah blah... There are some people with an open mind, and who know when and where to check the ego.

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The most amusing thing in this entire election is how delusional some conservatives have become in supporting Palin. They refuse to acknowledge (atleast on the surface) how bad of a fuck up McCain has done. But let them keep going for Obama's nutsack. And let Obama keep going for the economy. It doesn't really matter anyhow.

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Hey, we can all dissagree. But, obama did not even have the guts to give his opinion. But I realize that he is all smoke and mirrors and he has to hide daily from his past.

hmmm... maybe that is his opinion!!! That's when we give the woman a right to choose, because we don't claim to know those answers. You know the answers to when a soul enters a body... you know those cells that multiply.

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Apparently Sarah Palin will be on SNL October 25th. She can't do a press conference or a tough interview with a real journalist, but damn it, she can be on a TV show that hasn't been funny in 30 years.

Meanwhile, Obama is buying up 30-minute blocks of time for October 29th on all the major networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox [not FOX News, just regular Fox]). I hope he spends that 30 minutes playing Al Green and sipping cognac next to a fireplace. Or, him and Bill Clinton can play cards, get drunk and talk about chicks.

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Apparently Sarah Palin will be on SNL October 25th. She can't do a press conference or a tough interview with a real journalist, but damn it, she can be on a TV show that hasn't been funny in 30 years.

Meanwhile, Obama is buying up 30-minute blocks of time for October 29th on all the major networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox [not FOX News, just regular Fox]). I hope he spends that 30 minutes playing Al Green and sipping cognac next to a fireplace. Or, him and Bill Clinton can play cards, get drunk and talk about chicks.

Sarah Palin on SNL? That should be interesting.

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Apparently Sarah Palin will be on SNL October 25th. She can't do a press conference or a tough interview with a real journalist, but damn it, she can be on a TV show that hasn't been funny in 30 years.

Meanwhile, Obama is buying up 30-minute blocks of time for October 29th on all the major networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox [not FOX News, just regular Fox]). I hope he spends that 30 minutes playing Al Green and sipping cognac next to a fireplace. Or, him and Bill Clinton can play cards, get drunk and talk about chicks.

Maybe a little under the desk shuffling :shifty:

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Apparently Sarah Palin will be on SNL October 25th. She can't do a press conference or a tough interview with a real journalist, but damn it, she can be on a TV show that hasn't been funny in 30 years.

Meanwhile, Obama is buying up 30-minute blocks of time for October 29th on all the major networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox [not FOX News, just regular Fox]). I hope he spends that 30 minutes playing Al Green and sipping cognac next to a fireplace. Or, him and Bill Clinton can play cards, get drunk and talk about chicks.

First off, SNL hasn't been funny in only a "couple years." You can't insult the dozens of talented comedians and hundreds of classic sketches that have come out of it since Oct. 11, 1975.

And at this point, Obama filling up tv space doesn't mean anything to me. It's not like he's going to actually talk about anything during the interviews, just the same old rhetoric. He's riding this wave all the way to election day.

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First off, SNL hasn't been funny in only a "couple years." You can't insult the dozens of talented comedians and hundreds of classic sketches that have come out of it since Oct. 11, 1975.

The show as a whole has not been funny for about 30 years. I'm not denying they've had funny cast members since and done funny sketches. I'm saying from start to finish, full 90 minutes......hasn't been funny since the original cast. That's just my opinion.

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The show as a whole has not been funny for about 30 years. I'm not denying they've had funny cast members since and done funny sketches. I'm saying from start to finish, full 90 minutes......hasn't been funny since the original cast. That's just my opinion.

You're lucky..the funniest full 90min show ever was April 22, 1978 with Steve Martin. 30 years indeed. B)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Posting this in both threads:

"John McCain, not Hussein" chant at Palin rally

They obviously were too stupid to realize that Hussein is merely his middle name, and therefore....not what he's addressed as. But hey, when your enemy is making a fool of themselves, don't interrupt.

Edited by Electrophile
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