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Were you a rebel when you were young?


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Well said. I've never consciously rebelled against anything but I have always followed my heart and my passions. More often than not that has meant that I went against either tradition, societal expectations, or the mainstream culture. I've never considered myself a rebel or a renegade although there are probably some who would tag me with those labels.

That pretty much sums up me to a tee. Alway's walked to my own drummer and still do

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The rebeling comes from the unconscience but reveals itself in the conscience.

I'm aware of the obtuse viewpoints I have as compared to what's expected.

My heart DOES rule my mind.

Usually. :P

For me ......it wasn't my heart ruling my head...... it was one head trying to rule the other head......and that's were the rebeling came in. Oh those teenage years! :D

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Um. I'm not sure. Does working extra hours and not telling your folks so you can secretly buy a ticket to see Led Zeppelin in the Fall of 1980 count? I also skipped some algebra homework assignments, too. And on Friday nights, I smoked with the "circle of friends" listening to Zeppelin & Pink Floyd records over and over and over...

Kinda tame compared to kids these days!

(yep that's me, far right, same hair style and jumper... now how the hell come I didn't have a boyfriend who looked like Ashton Kutcher?) :D


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Um. I'm not sure. Does working extra hours and not telling your folks so you can secretly buy a ticket to see Led Zeppelin in the Fall of 1980 count? I also skipped some algebra homework assignments, too. And on Friday nights, I smoked with the "circle of friends" listening to Zeppelin & Pink Floyd records over and over and over...

Kinda tame compared to kids these days!

(yep that's me, far right, same hair style and jumper... now how the hell come I didn't have a boyfriend who looked like Ashton Kutcher?) :D


Maybe its because guys like Ashton were too stupid to notice you. I know I would have! Hell, I would have kept chasing you till you caught me. ROCK ON!

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That does sum it up well. I wished that I would have known then what I know now. I guess we learn things the hard way huh? ROCK ON!

Don't we all!! ;):)

I think that's part of being young and growing up and learning from our experiences - good and bad. I know that, because I made what some would consider to be "mistakes" in my youth, I am much more forgiving and tolerant and understanding of others because I once did things that weren't very wise.

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I think that's part of being young and growing up and learning from our experiences - good and bad. I know that, because I made what some would consider to be "mistakes" in my youth, I am much more forgiving and tolerant and understanding of others because I once did things that weren't very wise.

My thoughts on that are...if you never did anything unwise...you haven't done much at all!

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:D Stupid things I did as a teen:

I once told one of my teachers that I was only in school because the government was forcing me to be there against my will. And that it was pathetic how we claimed to be such a free society, yet minors have absolutely no rights or freedom whatsoever.

I got into a screaming match in the hallway with a different teacher. I told him that I was a civilian, not some military person, and so he couldn't talk to me like that. He told me he was going to call my mom. I laughed in his face, and told him to go right ahead.

My principal used to wait by the door for me to arrive every day, just so he could bust me if I was tardy. Once, he handed me a detention slip and I ripped it up and tossed it on the floor, because I thought he just made up a total bullshit reason to give me detention. He kept raising the amount of detention I had to serve each week, too...it ended up being really a lot by the last week of school, when I finally served it. I had no intention of serving it, but he was going to have me held back if I didn't, and I DID NOT want to be there another year.

My friends and I shot whistling bottle rockets at the principals house in the middle of the night once....

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:D Stupid things I did as a teen:

I once told one of my teachers that I was only in school because the government was forcing me to be there against my will. And that it was pathetic how we claimed to be such a free society, yet minors have absolutely no rights or freedom whatsoever.

I got into a screaming match in the hallway with a different teacher. I told him that I was a civilian, not some military person, and so he couldn't talk to me like that. He told me he was going to call my mom. I laughed in his face, and told him to go right ahead.

My principal used to wait by the door for me to arrive every day, just so he could bust me if I was tardy. Once, he handed me a detention slip and I ripped it up and tossed it on the floor, because I thought he just made up a total bullshit reason to give me detention. He kept raising the amount of detention I had to serve each week, too...it ended up being really a lot by the last week of school, when I finally served it. I had no intention of serving it, but he was going to have me held back if I didn't, and I DID NOT want to be there another year.

My friends and I shot whistling bottle rockets at the principals house in the middle of the night once....

Rebel...Rebel...WOW are you still so high spirited?

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I've never consciously rebelled against anything but I have always followed my heart and my passions.

I couldn't have said it better, MSG. :) I like the way you have put it as I have always believed in that.

I always been taught from my family to follow my heart and try my best to make my dreams come true even if this would have meant going against people's expectations. Having complete support and encouragement from my family was half of the job done for me, I must say.

Being raised in a small countrytown and growing up surrounded by conformism and ignorance, it wasn't that easy to express my own personality and individuality. By doing that it would have meant to go against the rules (whose rules, anyway?) and what was expected from me.

That put a lot of pressure as I was growing up, meeting the expectations of my indirect relations, a lot of friends and people I knew.

But then, I realized that the most important thing to find my own path and happiness was to put all my efforts and energy in making my dreams come true even if this would have raised a few eyebrows.

I used to care a lot to what people used to think about me and that was stopping me from being the person I wanted to be and eventually became. Then I just realized that if I had the complete and unconditional support and love from my family, that was all I needed. Nothing and no one else would have stopped me.

I wasn't a rebel dressed in "black leather and riding a bike" as we might picture it :D , but certainly I was fighting against people's ignorance and conformism in the environment where I grew up to express my own individuality and the passions for what I believed in.

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As I said before, I consider myself as a rebel, but you know what, it really hurts me sometimes to rebel against my parents. In the bottom of my heart I know that they just try to give me the right direction and that it is forbidden for a 15 year old girl to make party till midnight and go home alone after. And when i start an argument they're really looking disappointed and all, and that makes me feel mean but I can't get away of my opinion because...don't know, i just can't.

But hell; why do they forbid me to say Shit?!? I don't knowwhy shit is a bad word...sometimes you need it to describe how you feel, dontya.

Edited by lucyinthesky
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As I said before, I consider myself as a rebel, but you know what, it really hurts me sometimes to rebel against my parents. In the bottom of my heart I know that they just try to give me the right direction and that it is forbidden for a 15 year old girl to make party till midnight and go home alone after. And when i start an argument they're really looking disappointed and all, and that makes me feel mean but I can't get away of my opinion because...don't know, i just can't.

But hell; why do they forbid me to say Shit?!? I don't knowwhy shit is a bad word...sometimes you need it to describe how you feel, dontya.

Sounds like your parents just care. You should consider that a blessing

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My thoughts on that are...if you never did anything unwise...you haven't done much at all!

Good thought. I don't regret anything I've done but I know that I would feel regret if I hadn't done those things.

I couldn't have said it better, MSG. :) I like the way you have put it as I have always believed in that.

I always been taught from my family to follow my heart and try my best to make my dreams come true even if this would have meant going against people's expectations. Having complete support and encouragement from my family was half of the job done for me, I must say.

Being raised in a small countrytown and growing up surrounded by conformism and ignorance, it wasn't that easy to express my own personality and individuality. By doing that it would have meant to go against the rules (whose rules, anyway?) and what was expected from me.

That put a lot of pressure as I was growing up, meeting the expectations of my indirect relations, a lot of friends and people I knew.

But then, I realized that the most important thing to find my own path and happiness was to put all my efforts and energy in making my dreams come true even if this would have raised a few eyebrows.

I used to care a lot to what people used to think about me and that was stopping me from being the person I wanted to be and eventually became. Then I just realized that if I had the complete and unconditional support and love from my family, that was all I needed. Nothing and no one else would have stopped me.

I wasn't a rebel dressed in "black leather and riding a bike" as we might picture it :D , but certainly I was fighting against people's ignorance and conformism in the environment where I grew up to express my own individuality and the passions for what I believed in.

Thanks, Amazonic and thank you for sharing your inspiring story with us. It's so great to read that the confines of your narrow environment didn't prevent you from pursuing your dreams and your passions. :)

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I'm still a 'rebel' and I'm an old fart! But, I just rebel in different ways :) Like, OK, I have a temp. handicap parking sticker due to an injury and we're in this new building that I swear you have to walk a 1/2 a mile to get into from a lot of the parking. The ENTIRE SIX handicap spots are taken so I parked in a spot reserved for a Partner! Ahahahahah! I contact the facilites manager for anything and everything - "Hello Joe? The guys are working on the roof and I can't even talk on the phone and it's causing debris to fall on me" , "Hey Joe! Could you please get the numbers painted on the doors on the stairwells? I think they even have that in the projects" "Hey Joe, blah blah blah" Funny thing is, he likes me and I always complain with a smile but I'm a squeaky wheel. I'm sure I'm on several 'lists' at work.

Hosery?! You say we have to wear hose in the SUMMER?! Even our client serving profesionals in NYC don't have to wear HOSE! I'm NOT wearing hose to work so if you need to fire me over that, go ahead'.

Oh no open toed shoes? Ummm, are my toes distracting you? I suggest you see a therapist about that...

My desk is an ode to rebellion. I have a printed OUT OF ORDER sign in it. My whiteboard is used ONLY for song lyrics quotes...todays quote - "Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign." Yesterdays quote "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am...." Tomorrow's quote "If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me?"

Before that it was random quotes "I'd turn back if I were you!" , "All ye who enter here abandon hope" Everyone jumps in and helps keep it fresh....

It amusing MOST people B)

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