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Change is good


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You know those white low cut socks a lot of men (and women) wear. It used to be mostly women, but now men wear them. I think they used to be called peds. I always thought they made men look fem. I bought four pair in order to use up a gift card and guess what? I love them!!

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You know those white low cut socks a lot of men (and women) wear. It used to be mostly women, but now men wear them. I think they used to be called peds. I always thought they made men look fem. I bought four pair in order to use up a gift card and guess what? I love them!!

Kudos to you JethroTull....change IS good!! Er, you don't wear them with Birkenstocks, do you?

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You know those white low cut socks a lot of men (and women) wear. It used to be mostly women, but now men wear them. I think they used to be called peds. I always thought they made men look fem. I bought four pair in order to use up a gift card and guess what? I love them!!

I wondered what on earth I was going to read when I saw the title of your thread Jethro! I imagined you turning into the Indredible Hulk or something :D

That aside, I'm puzzled as to what you're on about. Are these socks what we call in the UK trainer (sneaker) socks?? Then again, you say you thought that they made men look fem. The ones I mean you can't see them over your trainers :blink:

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You can change your clothes. But I heard in a movie once, "you can't change your life". I wonder how true it is? It is nothing to take lightly becuase when you really think about it , have any of you ever really changed your lives?

Immensely :o

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You know those white low cut socks a lot of men (and women) wear. It used to be mostly women, but now men wear them. I think they used to be called peds. I always thought they made men look fem. I bought four pair in order to use up a gift card and guess what? I love them!!

i would wear crew socks which go half way up your calf and i would push them down. I did buy lower socks that just gets over the ball on the side of the ankle. i do like them when i wear gym shoes. i don;t think i will get to those socks that look like you not even wearing any. I dont want to be that style. I don't like those abercrobie and bitch kids (present company excluded). plus i have blister issues on my feet, so all the protection is welcome for me.

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You know those white low cut socks a lot of men (and women) wear. It used to be mostly women, but now men wear them. I think they used to be called peds. I always thought they made men look fem. I bought four pair in order to use up a gift card and guess what? I love them!!

JT,we've been on those socks for years down south.Don't tell me we were pushing the envelope.Trends sometime have the seven second delay before they reach us.Though, that is not necessarily a bad thing.

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If you truly have changed your life? How if I may ask? Your ways? Your love? Your job? Your likes and dislikes? Be specific my man!

Well! to put it bluntly, within a three year period beginning in May of 05 I've been diagnosed with colon cancer and had major surgery to remove my ascending colon, my house was damn near destroyed by a major natural disaster, my wife has been admitted to a psych ward twice and then left with my only son and filed for divorce, oh and I just recieved a summons to appear for jury duty. :lol: aint that a kick in the ass! Jury Duty.

Specific enough?

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You know those white low cut socks a lot of men (and women) wear. It used to be mostly women, but now men wear them. I think they used to be called peds. I always thought they made men look fem. I bought four pair in order to use up a gift card and guess what? I love them!!

:hysterical::hysterical: Radical dude rad!!!! B)

Hey if it feels good DO IT! Or wear it...

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You know those white low cut socks a lot of men (and women) wear. It used to be mostly women, but now men wear them. I think they used to be called peds. I always thought they made men look fem. I bought four pair in order to use up a gift card and guess what? I love them!!

...feel good to get in touch with your feminine side?

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You can change your clothes. But I heard in a movie once, "you can't change your life". I wonder how true it is? It is nothing to take lightly becuase when you really think about it , have any of you ever really changed your lives?

Yes, sure.

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Well! to put it bluntly, within a three year period beginning in May of 05 I've been diagnosed with colon cancer and had major surgery to remove my ascending colon, my house was damn near destroyed by a major natural disaster, my wife has been admitted to a psych ward twice and then left with my only son and filed for divorce, oh and I just recieved a summons to appear for jury duty. :lol: aint that a kick in the ass! Jury Duty.

Specific enough?

As far as the sport socks go? That's all I wear, unless it's bare feet.

Dzl. You've had a rough way to go man, but I want you to know your prayers are with me, and you just happen to be my favorite person on the internet. Your just an easy going person doc.

Jury duty? Good golly Miss Burned out toy keeper tracker of for nothing better to do....

Anyhoo. Keep it ROCKIN.

Kat. You can change your life, people proove this every day of the year. You have changed yours very recently too. Good work (but not sure I can pronounce your name right tho, so may need your help).

OTOH pessimists never change (no names said. Then we have to deal with them day in and day out 365 x 24 x 7).

You need help you just let me know Dzl. No funny stuff, you don't ever wanna see Trixie upset :lol:

Edited by Speed Racer
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You can change your clothes. But I heard in a movie once, "you can't change your life". I wonder how true it is? It is nothing to take lightly becuase when you really think about it , have any of you ever really changed your lives?

I don't believe that quote. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and work really hard. And yes, I have changed my life a lot.

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There's nothing wrong with those socks for men, and they're the best solution to being comfortable during the summer. I tried going sock-less, but my feet felt kinda slimey in sneakers or mocassins without anything - I don't see how that's comfortable?

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