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Plant Krauss to record follow-up to Raising Sand

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Dang :D. I am REALLY looking forward to a new RP AK album.

Me too! This is one of the threads I always check when I come here. I really hope their follow up comes to fruition. I loved Raising Sand!

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Alison seem to be going through a gospel phase at the moment, singing from a Baptist Hymnal at the Opry (this past weekend). She is also recording with Union Station. However, Nashville musicians work year-round and never seem to take a break, so they could easily change course and work on something else.

I saw a clip of her performance at the Opry on You Tube and someone yelled out "where's Robert Plant" and she said "in England", LOL!! Guess this is the status of the second record right now, LOL. :P

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I saw a clip of her performance at the Opry on You Tube and someone yelled out "where's Robert Plant" and she said "in England", LOL!! Guess this is the status of the second record right now, LOL. :P

Can you give me the link, please

( I'm not able to find it ... )!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking, it's not like Robert to do the same thing twice. He did make 2 or 3 records with the same band, but the records themselves seem reactionary to the previous, hence totally different.

Is the 2nd LP still on?

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I was thinking, it's not like Robert to do the same thing twice. He did make 2 or 3 records with the same band, but the records themselves seem reactionary to the previous, hence totally different.

Is the 2nd LP still on?

does not seem so... well, I don't mind though the first one was lovely ;)

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Strange how news about the 2nd album died down a bit. Hope it's still in the works. Wasn't Robert in Nashville recently?

yep, the news is up here somewhere, but so far there were no developments, at least not in the press. Well, that just keeps it more interesting, like in that song "Don’t make it too easy babe For me and my imagination" ;) On a serious note, I would welcome this brilliant collaboration, but we have to wait and see....

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Hey, you never know, LOL. Anyways, if that article is legit, it sounds like Robert is getting a little restless waiting on Alison, so if they don't hurry up, there may not be a second album. I am happy to hear of some new Union Station material though. :)

I'll probably get booed for this, but if the 2nd album/tour don't happen, I'll be HAPPY!

I'd much rather Robert:

1. hook up w/Sonny Landreth

2. reunite w/Strange Sensation (I think it would be great if Nigel K joined them too!)

3. hook up w/Brendan Perry

4. hook up w/someone new-maybe Kronos Quartet? that would be interesting in terms of an all acoustic sound and only strings with his voice.

5. reunite w/Page-my favorite stuff they did together was Unledded & Clarksdale-maybe they could get Hossam Ramzy & some of those guys together again, and this time include JPJ.

6. surprise me

I strongly prefer Robert singing by himself, where he's more free to wander/ornament/improvise, and his voice stands out. I also prefer him on material that's a little more exotic (than Raising Sand).

Also a mix of heavier stuff (rock or blues or funk or whatever) & ballads.

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Vomit. I know you were joking, but I hope they don't turn into Vince Gill & Amy Grant.

I'm sure some of my annoyance with Alison is out of envy. I played an instrument, and worked my butt off (pet peeve: people who say they-or someone else-got where they are because they worked harder or wanted it more than other people. For every Yo-Yo-Ma or Michael Jordan, there are many people who worked just as hard and wanted it just as much. Yes, those who make it work very hard and want it desperately-you have to-but they also had MORE talent. I knew people who didn't work as hard as I did, but COULD HAVE played professionally, if they'd put the effort in, because of their talent.), but never got good enough to play professionally. I sing like crap. And I'm not pretty like her. I'd like to have just one of those attributes, and she got all of them (not to mention working & hanging out with Robert Plant and other musicians I love, like John Prine).

I rather doubt that they would turn into Vince Gill and Amy Grant.

Also, I think that Alison Krauss was meant for the stage and the center spotlight regardless of her musical talent, because she has presence even if she just stands there and smiles.

Many people do not end up in the center spotlight, not for lack of talent, but because they do not always belong there.

Center stage is like a jigsaw puzzle where at least some of the living pieces come together is a way that enthralls or does not enthrall an audience.

So much of a performer's opportunity to shine depends on how they interact with an audience. Much of that process is spontaneous.

Edited by eternal light
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To be frank, when I saw them on the Grammy Awards the body language between them wasn't all that kosher.

When they got up to accept the awards, she looked like she didn't want him to touch her. It was weird.

Alison's personality is a lot different than Robert's personality. If there were any problems between them she wouldn't be taking him to church dances (as she did when he visited Nashville back in May).

She is working with her old band,at the moment, which everyone in Nashville knew was going to happen before a follow-up to Raising Sand would be completed.

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I'm just waiting on the Krauss/Plant sex tape and wedding invitations trike.gif

Vomit. I know you were joking, but I hope they don't turn into Vince Gill & Amy Grant.

I'm sure some of my annoyance with Alison is out of envy. I played an instrument, and worked my butt off (pet peeve: people who say they-or someone else-got where they are because they worked harder or wanted it more than other people. For every Yo-Yo-Ma or Michael Jordan, there are many people who worked just as hard and wanted it just as much. Yes, those who make it work very hard and want it desperately-you have to-but they also had MORE talent. I knew people who didn't work as hard as I did, but COULD HAVE played professionally, if they'd put the effort in, because of their talent.), but never got good enough to play professionally. I sing like crap. And I'm not pretty like her. I'd like to have just one of those attributes, and she got all of them (not to mention working & hanging out with Robert Plant and other musicians I love, like John Prine).

I wish I could delete this post. I'm embarassed I wrote it. So whiny & unflattering! I guess my rotten self esteem comes out in ugly ways sometimes. I don't resent Alison at all. I don't like the tone of her voice (purely subjective), and her interpretations don't move me emotionally. BUT that doesn't mean I think she's not a good singer: her singing's impeccable, in terms of pitch and phrasing. I'd rather listen to her than me by a million! But she's not someone I'd choose to listen to, and I'll be very glad if Robert goes back to singing solo. I'd rather he not sing with anyone; even the singers I really love. He sounds terrific no matter who he sings with, but I enjoy him much more when he's the only singer.

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Just find an interesting interview of Alison today, and she did talk about the second album with Robert in this part.

Led Zeppelin were another band she discovered, which makes the association with Plant less surprising. But there was no element of hero-worship, just a pronounced and immediate musical kinship.

“When I first met him, at a Leadbelly tribute, I saw that big hairdo, I said 'Robert,’ he turns around, he’s got these glasses on, and he goes 'There you are.’ And the first thing he starts talking about is Ralph Stanley.

“He’s very passionate about music. We were riding around making the record and he goes, 'Do you think something’s wrong with me? My kids say, 'We want a real dad, can’t you be a normal dad?’ and I’m like, 'They’re going to be waiting a long time.’ He’s like [she speaks at double speed], 'Listen to this, this Egyptian singer, can you believe it, blaaaah…’ Just crazy.That’s a really infectious, wonderful thing to be around.”

The pair are planning a follow-up album, and have had listening meetings about potential material. “It’ll be different, as if we hadn’t made the first,” she says. “I love being in the world of the unknown.”

Before that will come a new album with Union Station. for which sessions have begun in the past few days. To be in demand is a fine thing, but Krauss remembers when it wasn’t like that.

“When we started, there wasn’t any money to be made playing bluegrass. You make your record, play the dates, and stand out and sell your records for hours while you’re not playing.

“We’ve all grown up with that mentality, and we’ve been lucky enough to reach a point when we can decide when we tour. It’s hard to let go of that idea, but at some point when you’re nearly 40 years old, you go, 'I really don’t have to do that.’”

To see the interview here

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Just find an interesting interview of Alison today, and she did talk about the second album with Robert in this part.

To see the interview here

Thanks for the link, great read. Sounds like she is alot like Robert when it comes to making different sounds of music, like the "world of the unknown" and will sound different from the first album. Anxious to hear what the follow up will sound like.

Edited by Melanie_72
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