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Anyway, this is what happened last Sunday.

Me and a friend traveled down to deepest Wales to attend a small country show/ game fair.

We were standing in group of around 6 of us, chatting about this and that, when a couple approached us, she was a petit blonde, and he was big guy with long curly hair.

She was very interested in our dogs, (Bedlington Terriers, and Lurchers). It took me a full 10 minutes before It actually registered who I was talking to.

I tried to play it cool, and not act too star struck, but it was too fvcking surreal for words - standing

in a Welsh field in the presence of a member of the greatest rock and roll band in the world.

Robert was just the nicest guy you could meet, happy to pose for photos and answer questions.

In fact he stayed all day, turns out he is very interested in these type of dogs and was interested in buying one.

I cant remember how I got the last pic up - can anyone help me?

Edited by trueblue
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OHHH!!! That is so sweet!!! Looks like he needs a new Strider.

What a sweety. Of course.

So...a...who's the blondie.....???? :D

Thanks trueblue for sharing those and for Robert being so kind and approachable.

Got any more??

Wow too...he STILL has that blue jacket from his Mali days... :hysterical::hysterical:

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I've sussed it.



What a wonderful experience! Thanks so much for sharing it and your great photos with us. :)

I must remember that when my husband takes me further out into the hinterlands to attend similar "functions" that Robert Plant does the same thing and, if it's good enough for the Golden God, who am I to complain about it? :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi all,

Good to be here.

I would tell you all that I met Robert on Sunday in Wales, but you probably wouldn't believe me.

If I can work out how to put pics up , I'll show them off.

Don't you think it's a bit sad to post pictures of someone's private life on the Web?

I bet you'd be pretty angry if someone did the same to you.

It's invasive, discourteous and, to be honest, downright pathetic.

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Don't you think it's a bit sad to post pictures of someone's private life on the Web?

I bet you'd be pretty angry if someone did the same to you.

It's invasive, discourteous and, to be honest, downright pathetic.

Your first post, and it's a negative one. :(

I met the guy, I took a few pics, I shared them with Led Zep fans.

So shoot me. :blink:

:D :D :D :D :D

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  • 3 months later...

Though while I do easily see why the poster rejects the fact that the photos have been made public here, it should be taken into account that private information is generally made accessible to everyone far too easily in today's information society.

Moreover, many people are not aware that, once the information is available online, it might be stored for years to come.

However, in order to protect people's privacy in times of the internet, not only fans may ask themselves whether they should allow others to get access to a certain piece of information, but it is also up to family and friends to help to achieve this.

In addition, people obviously misjudge the danger of posting pieces of information in various parts of the internet not realizing what consequence the permanent accessibility of evitably harmless information might have much later.

A single post, name-dropping, remark, hint etc., as harmless and isolated it may occur to the poster at the time it is exposed to the public, may enable others to generate a wealth of information about someone much later on even if the person in the very center of attention is very well-known himself for being highly protective about his private life.

This is the case if the individual pieces of information can be put together like a puzzle, something that especially family members and friends of people in the public eye should be aware of at any time.

Though I am very much convinced that no one, regardless whether fans, friends or family members who have been involved in individual cases, has ever acted deliberately when revealing information on the internet even if it had not been meant to be related to Robert Plant at all at the time when it was posted or uploaded, the extend of private information that is available today due to the circumstances mentioned above is simply appalling.

Based on a few indidvidual snippets of information given out on various occasions by various persons, I was shocked to have been able to come across tons of data, both in written and in pictures, of the most private nature, not only related to Robert Plant himself but also to those close to him.

It is even more shocking how just one simple hint, post or remark can lead to a piece of information being exposed which then again, astonishingly enough, can lead to even more private stuff being unearthed and so on...

So far, I have not seen any of the data I am referring having been published on any of the Robert Plant/LZ related forums and I hope that it will never happen.

Compared to the photos mentioned in this thread, the data can be considered being by far much more private and sensitive than a single appearance in public (which was covered in good faith I assume though I would never publish anything like that myself) and I am very much convinced that he would be outraged if any of this data was to be posted here or on any other board, forum etc. in future.

Though, at least such sensitive information can be moderated in these aformentioned places while, once being thrown to the wider public unintended or deliberately elsewhere, there might no control being possible anymore at all.

And then he might find himself in need of taking valium not only in order to get over the festive season. (People who have listened to the BBC Wales show this morning will know what I mean). ;)

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