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Presidential Debate


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Only McCain...he thinks the diversion tactics will work :rolleyes:

what about, "we need somebody who is slow and steady at the tiller". he said that twice. i'm a boater all my life, so thats kind of funny. within the last two weeks there would have been quite a few folks off the boat so far.

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We'll just talk about Obama best friend wanting to blow up America and has pictures of burning the flag and stepping on it.

Yeah lets have a mud fight, im pretty sure the guy who was in the Hanoi hotel for 5 years is going to lose against the self confess drug addict who still can't quit cigarettes.

You're right, that's crazy. I guess they need to stop having so many microphones dangling around the ol' McCain/Palin rallies. The crowds sound like lynch mobs from the 1920s. :rolleyes:

And what the hell does him trying drugs in his youth and being a smoker have to do with anything? If I remember correctly, our current president was one of the biggest coke heads in modern politics and you voted for him twice. Cigs? HA! Is that all you've got? I'll rip out your eye right now, spit down your socket and put my butt out in your cranium.

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But you think the former alcoholic who has been running the country the last 8 years HAS made good decisions? You're cracked.

I don't like smoking but what does that have to do with being capable to run the country? Do you know how many past Presidents smoked, drank in absurd quantities and even did drugs? John McCain smoked. Hell, he ran around on his crippled wife with someone half his age and twice his bank account and I don't see you being indignant about that.

Edited by Electrophile
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Can I ask something? And I really mean no disrespect.

How many people are afraid that, should Obama become President, he would be in danger of assassination? I don't want to use the race card, but the chances of someone taking out McCain don't seem as high as the chances of someone taking out Obama (or maybe we're not hearing of it in Britain). And, as Electrophile said, people are willing to vote for a political party, which opposes their believes, simply because the leader of their party is black.

Does this worry anyone else?

And, again, I really mean no disrespect, I'm just curious.

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illiterate? Have you seen what you typed?

When you start a sentence, literate persons use a capital letter. I am pretty sure that you only copy and paste, explaining the incorrect punctuation. I know that you are in denial, but Obama, if elected will be the most liberal President in American history and we will be well on our way to becoming a socialist country. If you are fooled by a slick salesman, that's your problem.

McCain is disgusted with Barak "Tricky Dick" Hussein Obama, because he is getting criticized by that novice/snake oil salesman and McCain has done nothing but serve America for over 30 years. I'm just asking you to read the bills (including the earmarks) that McCain voted against.

Do you libs really know the radical that you are voting for? He does not stand for America's basic principles.

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How many people are afraid that, should Obama become President, he would be in danger of assassination?

Every president is in danger of assassination.The question really becomes: How long after he wins the election (if he wins the election) will it be before someone takes a shot at him?

I've asked this question at least three times on other boards,as well as this one,and so far,no one has had the balls to answer.

IMHO,he's definetly at a higher risk than McCain.

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Every president is in danger of assassination.The question really becomes: How long after he wins the election (if he wins the election) will it be before someone takes a shot at him?

I've asked this question at least three times on other boards,as well as this one,and so far,no one has had the balls to answer.

IMHO,he's definetly at a higher risk than McCain.

Shortly after he's inaugurated. They'll wait until it's "official" official before killing him or at least trying to. Expect him to be wearing inch-thick plated body armor at all times, even when taking a dump.

That's why I get tired of all the comparisons between him and JFK. While they're both extremely intelligent, charismatic, witty men.....one didn't have a very long life-expectancy and I'd like Barack to see old age.

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Bring on the insults. Tipical Obama stuff.

I'm glad the Obama sheeple don't like me, otherwise I'd feel like I was doing something terribly wrong.

I wish I could find a more, shall we say, politically correct way of saying the sheep

syndrome thing, but the situation is urgent. We are in danger of sheep rule. :D

Where do I mention Obama? I'm sticking up for our founding fathers, who were better educated and more intelligent than people like you. It's sad you can't comprehend you're own dribble as nothing more than bigotry garbage. You know what makes a bigot? Someone without an education.

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Every president is in danger of assassination.The question really becomes: How long after he wins the election (if he wins the election) will it be before someone takes a shot at him?

I've asked this question at least three times on other boards,as well as this one,and so far,no one has had the balls to answer.

IMHO,he's definetly at a higher risk than McCain.

I have to agree with you there. There's always some racist chump somewhere who would love to make a name for himself.

Sad but true :(

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They show how nervous thay have become.

I'm not a big fan of Obama either.

But you should really look before you speak. If anyone is nervous, its the Republican Party. Nearly every conservative reviewer, journalist, news commentator has said since the debate last night McCain is in a serious uphill fight now. Doesn't sound like Obama has much to worry about, except keep doing what he's doing. McCain needs to change his strategy and attitude fast and leave behind the negative press. It's not doing him any good in the eyes of independents.

You could have said something like that, but alas, not everyone is blessed with the capacity for rational thought.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Every president is in danger of assassination.The question really becomes: How long after he wins the election (if he wins the election) will it be before someone takes a shot at him?

I've asked this question at least three times on other boards,as well as this one,and so far,no one has had the balls to answer.

IMHO,he's definetly at a higher risk than McCain.

I understand, but how is this in anyones thought process while living their lives, sept 11th, or this current economic crisis are all out of the blue.

If i had the chance to better people's lives i would do it without a doubt.

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Every president is in danger of assassination.The question really becomes: How long after he wins the election (if he wins the election) will it be before someone takes a shot at him?

I've asked this question at least three times on other boards,as well as this one,and so far,no one has had the balls to answer.

IMHO,he's definetly at a higher risk than McCain.

Shortly after he's inaugurated. They'll wait until it's "official" official before killing him or at least trying to. Expect him to be wearing inch-thick plated body armor at all times, even when taking a dump.

That's why I get tired of all the comparisons between him and JFK. While they're both extremely intelligent, charismatic, witty men.....one didn't have a very long life-expectancy and I'd like Barack to see old age.

I have to agree with you there. There's always some racist chump somewhere who would love to make a name for himself.

Sad but true :(

Then I commend all three of you for having the balls to answer. Thank you.

As awful as it sounds, on one level I want Obama to become President. I believe the changes he promises are for the better - for your country and the rest of the world.

On the other hand I don't want him in, if only because he'd be a high target.

I have no doubt some people would shoot him if he so much as looked at them - from this site alone.

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That's why I get tired of all the comparisons between him and JFK. While they're both extremely intelligent, charismatic, witty men.....one didn't have a very long life-expectancy and I'd like Barack to see old age.

He'll be fine,as long as he stays out of open cars.....

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Then I commend all three of you for having the balls to answer. Thank you.

As awful as it sounds, on one level I want Obama to become President. I believe the changes he promises are for the better - for your country and the rest of the world.

On the other hand I don't want him in, if only because he'd be a high target.

I have no doubt some people would shoot him if he so much as looked at them - from this site alone.

I don't know which is sadder about that statement; the fact I agree, or the fact that you even had to say it.

When Obama got the nomination I was overjoyed, just over the moon. I thought "wow.....some real change is coming, and this guy is the real deal. How long has it been since we've had someone like that within spitting distance of the White House."

Then I thought, "The Klan won't be happy with this. There's still Southerners who think the War is on. Someone will shoot him before his first term ends, should he win." So to all the racists, bigots, assholes, douchebags and general twats out there.....thanks a lot. We can't enjoy the possibility of a black man being President without simultaneously worrying that you and Jim-Bob are going to get your hunting rifle and scope.

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I think the Palin attacks are from people with a school yard mentality.

It reminds me of growing up on a farm in a small town community in the late 60s. I was the first guy to have long hair in the area. I took a lot of crap. I'd be riding down the road on my motorcycle and someone I know would throw a beer bottle at me. Some would make fun of everthing I did, just as they do Palin, now.

I've always been intrigued with sheepish behavior since. That's part of the meaning of my signature:

everybody got to go.

I'm sorry about your troubled childhood. That probably explains a lot. Gee, I guess I have to give you some slack. OK, I'l think of you as merely intolerable instead of despicalble. OK? :D

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No President since has ever rode in an open motorcade like that. So that we don't have to worry about. It's some idiot pulling a Hinckley and getting him when he's going between car and building .

I know,I was making a feeble attempt at humor.

I forgot to add this: :rolleyes:B)

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For all you Righties out there who are so gosh-darned in love with Sarah Palin, dontchaknow *wink*.....did any of you defend Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton against lies, rumors, smears and innuendo during this election cycle? You know, since you think it unfair to pick on political candidates and mock them. Just wondering if much like your fabled network, you were truly "fair and balanced".

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Don't worry Midnight rambler.

I think Hermit is a better person than Obama. Thats saying alot.

Really, How can we trust a guy who had to turn to drugs while dealing with the decision of if i should go to Yale or Harvard.

I mean, we point to Bush as an idiot. So how is Obama any different.

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