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Beautiful Men.


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That is TO. The newest Buffalo Bill. I assume you are kidding? TO motha fucka!!!!!!!!


You could've just said Terrell Owens and saved me a Google trip and a lot of grief, ya know. ;) And I do know who Terrell Owens is, I just didn't know what he looked like. After all, this is a chick thread, remember? Go easy on those of us who are football-impaired. :D

Caligula, lmao!! :hysterical: Oh Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... If you would just go out with me, that would solve all of my man problems, hehe.

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Two words, ladies: Johnny Depp.




I would do things to that man that would make Caligula throw up in disgust.

thanks for the pic. yeah johnny depp is very fine ....... looks, body, acting .......... and i like the way he seems to shun the red carpet scene. seems to be a real family man. nice.

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thanks for the pic. yeah johnny depp is very fine ....... looks, body, acting .......... and i like the way he seems to shun the red carpet scene. seems to be a real family man. nice.

Hell, yeah. He seems like a nice guy. When his little girl was hospitalized in London last year, as a thank you to the staff, he dressed as Jack Sparrow (the whole shebang, as well) and spent the day reading and visiting the kids. How sweet is that?

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Hell, yeah. He seems like a nice guy. When his little girl was hospitalized in London last year, as a thank you to the staff, he dressed as Jack Sparrow (the whole shebang, as well) and spent the day reading and visiting the kids. How sweet is that?

wow, i hadn't heard that. how nice!

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  • 2 weeks later...
why do you use it then all the time? And what is wrong with the word?

(besides...you in the beautiful men thread... :rolleyes: )

I was just kidding with you. :D When i have used the word "Hot" a bunch of females here said it was a insulting decription of women. When you said it they said nothing. :rolleyes:

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Has anyone ever noticed that there are not nearly enough pictures of hot guys on motorcycles out there? There are a gazillion of chicks in bikinis on bikes, but none of guys. I know there are more biker dudes out there than biker chicks, but even so, I see them everywhere, so where's the eye candy for us female motorcycle enthusiasts?

Here's my personal favorite - Monsieur McGregor on his red hot Ducati:


...but I wouldn't mind a hairy, gnarly American Harley guy if anyone has any pics of those, lol.


Now that's a little more like it, heh. A nice-looking Brad Pitt on a nice-looking chopper.

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Hell. Yes.

Not only is he gorgeous, he's whip-smart to boot. You try listening to Closer without wanting to climb into his pants.

I fell in love with Michael Trent Reznor back in 1994 and became so obsessed with him (for a few years) that my husband (who was a NIN fan at the time) wound up hating NIN! He still took me to see the tour for "The Downward Spiral"... Pretty Hate Machine, Broken, Fixed and The Downward Spiral all industrial rock masterpieces! Trent is indeed very intelligent, but his upbringing left him very strange :) Somewhere in my video collection, i have an episode of Trent (with his band) on 120 minutes (from around 94), it was fantastic!




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Hell. Yes.

Not only is he gorgeous, he's whip-smart to boot. You try listening to Closer without wanting to climb into his pants.

Oh totally! And he's got a great sense of humor, too. NIN is kinda hardcore for my tastes, but I appreciate Trent's talent nonetheless, and seriously, he's just an all-around great guy. He did an interview with a local radio station, and I've just loved the heck out of him ever since. Smart, funny, classy, with reclusive tendencies...please marry me! :lol: Thanks for posting that, guys!

Whoa, this David Garrett guy is a HOTTIE!!! And he plays the freakin' violin?!?! Be still my heart! :o He gets a definite "yes, please!" from me! :thumbsup:

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