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The Athiest thread


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Oh please, you cannot even get in to places like West Point with bad grades, so don't even go there. To get the best paying job you have to take a test and answer leadership questions on your application. When your picked for a game, do they pick the stupid ass in the corner that cannot pronounce nuclear.


Funny you should say that.

Mccain went to the United States Naval Academy ;)

Glad I could help you.

It's ok I forgive you.

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Oh please, you cannot even get in to places like West Point with bad grades, so don't even go there. To get the best paying job you have to take a test and answer leadership questions on your application. When your picked for a game, do they pick the stupid ass in the corner that cannot pronounce nuclear.


You really don't read what people write. To get into West Point at the time, an applicant had to take a test. Ike placed second out of group of 8. He was sponsored by Senator Joseph Bristow of Kansas. WHILE AT WEST POINT IKE SUFFERED FROM POOR GRADES AND DISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS DURING PART OF HIS 4 YEARS.

P.S. Is everyone that mis-pronounces words a stupid ass? Or just people that mis-use the word you're? Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot say COLI-FORNYA properly, but he has done a great job as our Governator.

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In all sincerity it isn't over until the fat lady sings and when she does...hopefully I will be on the winners side. It could take a wicked turn for the worse at any time, after all this is American elections.

I do have to say this is the most entertaining election I've ever seen. That's why were talking. We are here as what is left as a free country, in a crisis, and I suggest we enjoy whats left of it. In times of crisis we must suck it up and band together, if for no better reason than to say.


Opines come and opines go. Whatever they are many will never have one iota of a sneeze to ever even get a glimpse at what a great country America was before the vultures picked our skulls, but damned if we all didn't live through it.

As far as other countries, and how they look at our antics? I have no explanation other than I was there.

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I agree: Religion is the worst mass murderer in human's history.

Yeah.... that Godless Communist Regime of Russia under STalin.... They didn't need no stinkin' Religion to do their mass killings ! ! ! !

When I think of Atheists, I like to think of the horrible demise of one Madalyn Murray O’Hair... :)


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According to reports Waters died of Lung Cancer in prison. O'Hair was a bit grinding on the nerves. However she remains an urban legend today :rolleyes: She could have been a much better speaker IMO. But what do I know eh?

Waters was found guilty of kidnapping, robbery, and murder in the O'Hair case, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. In addition, he was also ordered to pay back a total of $543,665 to the United Secularists of America and the estates of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Jon Garth Murray, and Robin Murray-O'Hair. It is unlikely that any of these debts were paid, as Waters had no ability to earn money while in prison. Waters died in prison of lung cancer on January 27, 2003.

There was some criticism of the Austin Police Department's apparent apathy about the disappearance. Austin reporter Robert Bryce wrote:

Despite pleas from O'Hair's son, William J. Murray, several briefings from federal agents, and solid leads developed by members of the press, the Austin Police Department (APD) sat on the sidelines of the O'Hair investigation...Meanwhile, investigators from the Internal Revenue Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the Dallas County Sheriff's Office are working together on the case....a federal agent was asked to discuss APD's actions in the O'Hair case. His only response was to roll his eyes in amazement."

The gold coins extorted from the O'Hairs were put in a storage locker rented by Waters's girlfriend.Waters had taken out $80,000 and partied with his girlfriend for a few days, but upon his return he discovered that the remaining $420,000 had been stolen.

Full story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madalyn_Murray_O%27Hair

Courtesy Wikipedia :D

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*checks name of thread*

*Reads latest posts*

Can someone tell me how a thread on Atheism and Relgion turned into a political thread?

And don't give me the "well we were talking about Palin" crap. yes, but on topic. Now this discussion really should move to The Next President of the USA will be?

Back on topic...

I've always wanted to ask Atheists how they think they'd react if they did die and discovered that religions were right (insofar as there being a God and a Heaven and a Hell and such... NOT ABOUT CREATIONISM).

Any answers?

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*checks name of thread*

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Can someone tell me how a thread on Atheism and Relgion turned into a political thread?

Because contrary to popular belief,religion (or at least some religions :rolleyes: ) is so entrenched in American politics that no political discussion can take place ,without religious beliefs worming their way into the discussion,and vice-versa.

Separation of church and State? Hee hee,nice idea...... :rolleyes:

Edited to add,to get back on topic: I'm curious to know the answer to that question myself......

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Because contrary to popular belief,religion (or at least some religions :rolleyes: ) is so entrenched in American politics that no political discussion can take place ,without religious beliefs worming their way into the discussion,and vice-versa.

Well yeah, that's fine. But posting in this thread about Palin's belief that Creationism should be taught in schools and posting in this thread about McCain's education are two very different things, in that the former is on topic and the latter is not.

Separation of church and State? Hee hee,nice idea...... :rolleyes:

That's why I say we need a Jewish or, even better, an Atheist president. There's the separation of Church and State for ya'.

Edited to add,to get back on topic: I'm curious to know the answer to that question myself......

Oh good. I'm not the only one... :D


Personally, I'm sick of this political shit. I'll be glad when the fucking elections are over. <_<

You and me both.

Made it interesting again :D

Har har :rolleyes:


My bad though, I'll try and stick on topic next time.

It wasn't just you. In fact I don't think you were the one who started it (though I could be wrong :D).

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:lol: I don't think I was either but I'm not gonna look to find out :P

Neither am I... too lazy... :D


Atheists, we're waiting for your answers. What would you do if you died and discovered that, as far as God, Heaven, and Hell, religions were right?

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Atheists, we're waiting for your answers. What would you do if you died and discovered that, as far as God, Heaven, and Hell, religions were right?

If I die and there isn't anything, who cares? I won't, because I won't be around to care. If I die and there is a heaven and I somehow get in, that's great. If I die and there's a hell and I'm sent there, it's my own fault. Of course, I'm not that worried about that. ;)

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P.S. Is everyone that mis-pronounces words a stupid ass? Or just people that mis-use the word you're? Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot say COLI-FORNYA properly, but he has done a great job as our Governator.

Pretty much, when they're world leaders who think they've been chosen by god to be supreme stupid asses. Arnold's pronunciation of California is an ACCENT. He pronounces the vowels differently because of his Austrian accent. Dubya cannot say the word "nuclear," and has invented nonsense words out of actual words.

So I guess I'm an elitist for expecting the president of the United States and the leader of the free world to be coherent.

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Pretty much, when they're world leaders who think they've been chosen by god to be supreme stupid asses. Arnold's pronunciation of California is an ACCENT. He pronounces the vowels differently because of his Austrian accent. Dubya cannot say the word "nuclear," and has invented nonsense words out of actual words.

So I guess I'm an elitist for expecting the president of the United States and the leader of the free world to be coherent.

Well gaw-lee gee whizz, ain't it spelt "nucular"?


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Perhaps solve is the wrong word.

But it's that kind of flat-out dismissive thinking that doesn't allow one to view all sides of an argument with at least some form of biasness or utter-disbelief of the other side.

I know it may sound like that, but the fact is I've been giving it a lot of thought and discussing it for roughly 30 years now, so I'm really not trying to dismiss any ideas offhand. It's just my point of view. I actually wish I did have faith because it was a lot more comfortable when I did. But unfortunately, wishing I still believed doesn't make me believe.

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