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The Athiest thread


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I hear that Elvis is Alive......

Maybe he can Cure you !


Purely delusional. I hear they started a mental illness thread.

1. Check in

2. Line in arm

3. Bolus of X

4. Poof your cured for life :lol:

Now don't we feel better?


Edit: But seriously if your delusional or depressed or something see a Physician. I have nothing against ill persons :)

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I think you're assuming that when I say I believe something, it means I believe it as fact.

There is this great song by Days of the New called "Dirty Road" (if you ever want, I'll gladly send you a link to download it... it's an incredibly beautiful song). One line in there is something I think everybody should remember:

"Give it some time, believing and knowing are two different things."

I completely trust this statement as fact. It's one thing to believe something, or have faith in it... it's something else entirely to know it.


Because belief/faith doesn't require proof. "Knowing" does.

Again, it has nothing to do with knowing. I have never claimed to know the truth. This claim is yet another reason for my leaving Christianity. It is impossible to know the truth.

You will never, ever see The National Enquirer and Fox News report a redneck preacher's interview with God because, quite frankly, that's just never going to happen (and let's be honest... even the most fanatical Christians would be skeptical of this supposed interview).

And since that's never going to happen, no one alive is ever going to know. Many will believe, but none will know.

I was just calling you a decent, respectable, kind person in context with the discussion, is all. :)

Well, I guess I've never felt the need to know. I'm not one of those people asking for proof; I don't care. Right here and now's alright with me :D

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I had a similar experience. I don't talk about it much. I'm happy your still with us.

Very happy.

20 some years ago I smoked a joint that was laced with something and I saw a little pinpoint of light that kept getting bigger until it was a swirling neon diamond thing that was rotating (I think I saw something like it in South Park once :lol: ) furiously and it had bizarre music playing and the wind from it felt like it was blowing my hair back. Sheesh, maybe I died!! :o A few days later I fell asleep in class and when I woke up I had drawn an amazing picture that I still have. I didn't remember drawing it, but I knew it was mine. It was a collage of freaky images. My dad liked it so much he made copies and handed them out to his friends. The thing is, I'm not a great drawer and have never drawn anything that good since.

p.s. public service announcement: kids, don't do drugs. My friend STILL thinks that whatever we smoked made us crazy and messed with our brains (entirely possible, IMO :P:unsure: ). A few years ago I read something in some occult book (can't remember what it was ) about the dangers of taking shortcuts, and that's what I think that was. I really believe we already have everything we need to trip out in our minds, but our culture doesn't support that so we think we need substances to do it. Shit all I wanted was a buzz and I ended up screaming and crying in front of a bathroom mirror with my best friend. We thought we could calm down by looking at ourselves in the mirror but all we did was scare ourselves half to death :lol::unsure::( Now my daughter is the same age I was and I just cringe thinking about it. BTW, she can outdraw anyone, no substances required :D

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20 some years ago I smoked a joint that was laced with something and I saw a little pinpoint of light that kept getting bigger until it was a swirling neon diamond thing that was rotating (I think I saw something like it in South Park once :lol: ) furiously and it had bizarre music playing and the wind from it felt like it was blowing my hair back. Sheesh, maybe I died!! :o A few days later I fell asleep in class and when I woke up I had drawn an amazing picture that I still have. I didn't remember drawing it, but I knew it was mine. It was a collage of freaky images. My dad liked it so much he made copies and handed them out to his friends. The thing is, I'm not a great drawer and have never drawn anything that good since.

p.s. public service announcement: kids, don't do drugs. My friend STILL thinks that whatever we smoked made us crazy and messed with our brains (entirely possible, IMO :P:unsure: ). A few years ago I read something in some occult book (can't remember what it was ) about the dangers of taking shortcuts, and that's what I think that was. I really believe we already have everything we need to trip out in our minds, but our culture doesn't support that so we think we need substances to do it. Shit all I wanted was a buzz and I ended up screaming and crying in front of a bathroom mirror with my best friend. We thought we could calm down by looking at ourselves in the mirror but all we did was scare ourselves half to death :lol::unsure::( Now my daughter is the same age I was and I just cringe thinking about it. BTW, she can outdraw anyone, no substances required :D

Sounds like you got ahold of some cannabis laced with angel dust. They use this stuff as a horse tranq...I can't think of the technical name for it. P something.

Pitoey...blech blech.

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Well Nath i can tell you that when you die thats it... .. There is nothing just total blackness, nothing, zilch. I know because i have been dead... not for long.. but dead non the less.. In Jan 78 i was a back seat passenger in a car that was involved in a head on collision where i sustained serious enough injuries to put me in an operating theatre to have a kidney removed. I recall seeing a dot of white light in the middle of what was total blackness..this white dot just grew and grew until it filled out the blackness... I gassped for breath and said "im back" to which the surgeon replied "hello we lost you for a while there" .... So thats death for you ...I've been there. Screw religion.

With all respect, how can you truly know there is nothing? You were clinically dead but fortunately the doctors resuscitated you. So, you haven't yet experienced a final death from which there is no return. How can you be certain that you "saw" and learned everything during that brief time before the doctors brought you back? It seems to me that there must be a big difference between a clinical death from which you are resuscitated and death for all eternity.

I respect that you lived through such a horrible ordeal and are here to talk about it. But no one walking on this earth today can say with any certainty that there's nothing after death. Whether you're an atheist or a religious zealot, none of us will know for sure what comes next until we are finally dead and gone.

And, how can you be sure that it wasn't God who saved you in that operating room?

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With all respect, how can you truly know there is nothing? You were clinically dead but fortunately the doctors resuscitated you. So, you haven't yet experienced a final death from which there is no return. How can you be certain that you "saw" and learned everything during that brief time before the doctors brought you back? It seems to me that there must be a big difference between a clinical death from which you are resuscitated and death for all eternity.

I respect that you lived through such a horrible ordeal and are here to talk about it. But no one walking on this earth today can say with any certainty that there's nothing after death. Whether you're an atheist or a religious zealot, none of us will know for sure what comes next until we are finally dead and gone.

And, how can you be sure that it wasn't God who saved you in that operating room?

Dead is dead, whether it's 1 minute or forever. Like i said i've been there i know you don't. ... I KNOW hear that... do you know anyone else who died ? Ask them, stop listening to preachers and teachers who know NOTHING.... oh and god saved me eh, don't be ridiculous, lmfao at that one.

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I don't mean to derail this thread (especially after ranting about it going OT), but I don't know where else to post and this and, while I do think it's hilarious, I don't think it warrants its own thread. So maybe we can find a way to keep it on-topic?


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20 some years ago I smoked a joint that was laced with something and I saw a little pinpoint of light that kept getting bigger until it was a swirling neon diamond thing that was rotating (I think I saw something like it in South Park once :lol: ) furiously and it had bizarre music playing and the wind from it felt like it was blowing my hair back. Sheesh, maybe I died!! :o A few days later I fell asleep in class and when I woke up I had drawn an amazing picture that I still have. I didn't remember drawing it, but I knew it was mine. It was a collage of freaky images. My dad liked it so much he made copies and handed them out to his friends. The thing is, I'm not a great drawer and have never drawn anything that good since.

p.s. public service announcement: kids, don't do drugs. My friend STILL thinks that whatever we smoked made us crazy and messed with our brains (entirely possible, IMO :P:unsure: ). A few years ago I read something in some occult book (can't remember what it was ) about the dangers of taking shortcuts, and that's what I think that was. I really believe we already have everything we need to trip out in our minds, but our culture doesn't support that so we think we need substances to do it. Shit all I wanted was a buzz and I ended up screaming and crying in front of a bathroom mirror with my best friend. We thought we could calm down by looking at ourselves in the mirror but all we did was scare ourselves half to death :lol::unsure::( Now my daughter is the same age I was and I just cringe thinking about it. BTW, she can outdraw anyone, no substances required :D

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With all respect, how can you truly know there is nothing? You were clinically dead but fortunately the doctors resuscitated you. So, you haven't yet experienced a final death from which there is no return. How can you be certain that you "saw" and learned everything during that brief time before the doctors brought you back? It seems to me that there must be a big difference between a clinical death from which you are resuscitated and death for all eternity.

I respect that you lived through such a horrible ordeal and are here to talk about it. But no one walking on this earth today can say with any certainty that there's nothing after death. Whether you're an atheist or a religious zealot, none of us will know for sure what comes next until we are finally dead and gone.

And, how can you be sure that it wasn't God who saved you in that operating room?

How can you presume what he experienced after he lost life? Or should I say NOT experienced? Technically when your dead your flipping dead. It's that easy.

I'm not sure I remember him saying he saw and learned everything after he was dead. Maybe I should look back at his precise words. If there was something there he would more than likely have had an experience of it, by it, through it, or around it. These experiences aren't uncommon medically.

Until you have been there and done it seems logical to me that you can only presume what happens, much like you/they presume there's a heaven after life :unsure:

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Dead is dead, whether it's 1 minute or forever. Like i said i've been there i know you don't. ... I KNOW hear that... do you know anyone else who died ? Ask them, stop listening to preachers and teachers who know NOTHING.... oh and god saved me eh, don't be ridiculous, lmfao at that one.

One minute and forever are the same? I beg to differ. And you don't know anything about me, my life or what I've been through, so don't presume that you do.

I don't listen to preachers and teachers. I have my own mind and I think for myself. I'm open-minded and willing to listen to other people's thoughts and opinions, even if they are different from mine.

It's really sad there are several people on this forum who seem to be so full of hate and incapable of having a mature, thoughtful discussion. Everything I said, I said respectfully. Too bad you can't do the same.

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Dead is dead, whether it's 1 minute or forever. Like i said i've been there i know you don't. ... I KNOW hear that... do you know anyone else who died ? Ask them, stop listening to preachers and teachers who know NOTHING.... oh and god saved me eh, don't be ridiculous, lmfao at that one.

I've had an account from my father-in-law who also lay on an operating table clinically dead, twice in one night, and again a few years later ( heart disease) his recollection was of light that went away as he was revived. His story left me with no more or less knowledge to sway my opinion on faith in any new direction as he felt inconclusive about his experiences other than to feel that he was allowed back for a reason. He lived to see his grandaughter born, and was happily playing with her when the big one took him from us.

Too bad your lesser experience was so conclusive, it seems to have left you very bitter. Hopefully you're making something of your lease on life....however it might have come to be.

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Well Nath i can tell you that when you die thats it... .. There is nothing just total blackness, nothing, zilch. I know because i have been dead... not for long.. but dead non the less.. In Jan 78 i was a back seat passenger in a car that was involved in a head on collision where i sustained serious enough injuries to put me in an operating theatre to have a kidney removed. I recall seeing a dot of white light in the middle of what was total blackness..this white dot just grew and grew until it filled out the blackness... I gassped for breath and said "im back" to which the surgeon replied "hello we lost you for a while there" .... So thats death for you ...I've been there. Screw religion.

You weren't brain dead. There's a huge difference

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University of Pittsburgh Brings Dead Dogs Back to Life

Pitt Scientists Resurrect Hope of Cheating Death

JENNIFER BAILS / Pittsburg Tribune-Review 29jun2005

Boffins Create Zombie Dogs

NICK BUCHAN / The Australian 29jun2005

Pay attention. Some of this was done after several hours of death. So did the dogs see god which brought them back because there was a reason for them to be here? Or did they come back from the dead because they were good little puppies?

Highly unlikely. These people brought them back from death so they must be 'GODS' of sorts.

Dr. Patrick M Kochanek


You choose though. Your brain power...

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Your brain didn't function? There was no activity coming from it? No nothing. Everything in your body shut down, including every part of the brain?

Uh oh. Same question, different angle .... Typical.

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Your brain didn't function? There was no activity coming from it? No nothing. Everything in your body shut down, including every part of the brain?

Well though he seems an expert in brain death :rolleyes: The term would be "clinical" death....brain activity does cease when nearing the half minute mark, so that can be claimed with some amount of truth. Actual brain death is irreversible, and existance in that state can only be prolonged through life support.

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