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A special thread for Mr. "President Elect" Obama,


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Bush is a Yale grad...

Anywho, if you wanted a constitutional scholar, Ron Paul was your guy ;)

On the mark (on both counts). As for W. Bush's Yale career, he was a C (average) student who focused more on binge drinking and cheerleading (although he was tapped for Skull & Bones). At Harvard, Obama was a constitutional scholar who was president of the Law Review (and graduated magna cum laude). That being said, formal education is a deceptive measure of a man. Hmm... Dr. Paul as Commander In Chief would have been something extraordinary (that's my opinion, but me thinks the liberals and conservatives that are heavily lobbied by special interests would have joined together to prevent him form balancing the budget and reducing the size of the federal government, but we'll never know).



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As long as the idiology of "America" is breathing, there will be racism on our shores.

Edited to Add: Agreed. You don't have to live in the backwoods of Alabama to see a bunch of warped-minded droogies. They're everywhere...most likely living next door.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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As long as the idiology of "America" is breathing, there will be racism on our shores.

Edited to Add: Agreed. You don't have to live in the backwoods of Alabama to see a bunch of warped-minded droogies. They're everywhere...most likely living next door.

They're even in the caves of Pakistan.


"Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2, castigated Obama, saying "in you and in Colin Powell, (Condoleezza) Rice and your likes, the words of Malcolm X (may Allah have mercy on him) concerning 'House Negroes' are confirmed."

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They're even in the caves of Pakistan.


"Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2, castigated Obama, saying "in you and in Colin Powell, (Condoleezza) Rice and your likes, the words of Malcolm X (may Allah have mercy on him) concerning 'House Negroes' are confirmed."

It's time to seal all the entrances and exits

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"Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2, castigated Obama, saying "in you and in Colin Powell, (Condoleezza) Rice and your likes, the words of Malcolm X (may Allah have mercy on him) concerning 'House Negroes' are confirmed."

Sounds like he's terrified. They should be. Obama ain't Bush..and if he has the right stuff, those fuckers are doomed. It's about time. B)

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Sounds like he's terrified. They should be. Obama ain't Bush..and if he has the right stuff, those fuckers are doomed. It's about time. B)

We can certainly hope so.

What's really, really goofy is that I've heard similar comments right here on this board (back in the old .com days when we used to really sling it out) about Rice and Powell that they were actually a "shade of gray" and not "truly" black. Absolutely ridiculous.

After everything blacks have been through these many years, when you have individuals like Rice and Powell rise above the bigotry that they have faced, they are called "house negroes".

Hopefully Obama being elected will put an end to the attitude that to really succeed as a black man/woman you must've been an Uncle Tom.

But I digress........

Odd that Bin Laden didn't issue the message. Maybe we already got him......or the cave he's holed up in must not have had a s-video plug.

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