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The Breakup


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I'm kinda curious about how Guitarmy is doing..... after all it is his thread!

( not another Spat's sorrowful lack of love thread)

I'll answer Spat's question anyway ... we met through friends in a bar at a social event, I engaged her in polite conversation, she showed interest, I asked for her phone number. I got the number and called it two days later, asked her out for dinner, she said yes. Then quoting Tom Cruise's character in Jerry McGuire..."it grew from there." It's not rocket science. :slapface:

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I'm kinda curious about how Guitarmy is doing..... after all it is his thread!

I'm doing terrible.

I know how she works. She will forget me. As soon as I leave her alone, it will be:

Delete "Guitarmy"

and *poof*, I will be gone.

But if I press on, it will be:

Hate "Guitarmy"


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Hi all,

I'm doing terrible.

I know how she works. She will forget me. As soon as I leave her alone, it will be:

Delete "Guitarmy"

and *poof*, I will be gone.

But if I press on, it will be:

Hate "Guitarmy"LOSE-LOSE

Chin up!

Be glad your rid of her,......



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I'm doing terrible.

I know how she works. She will forget me. As soon as I leave her alone, it will be:

Delete "Guitarmy"

and *poof*, I will be gone.

But if I press on, it will be:

Hate "Guitarmy"


So then accept that she doesn't want you in her life anymore and don't be a nuisance. She has the right to a life without you in it if that's what makes her happy. You shouldn't "press on" like you think it'll get you anywhere. It won't. Face reality before you get yourself in trouble.

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I'm doing terrible.

I know how she works. She will forget me. As soon as I leave her alone, it will be:

Delete "Guitarmy"

and *poof*, I will be gone.

But if I press on, it will be:

Hate "Guitarmy"


I can feel your pain man! but look at the bright side, you weren't together for 28years and have a child together. Now that may not make the pain any harder or easier but it's a helluva lot less complicated. We've been apart for six months now and it still hurts but I know that it is the begining of something new! Just takes time. :console:

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How sympathetic of you Liz. Did you ever consider the guy is hurt? It is easier said than done sometimes. Every once in a blue moon, relationships can be fixed. Im not saying its the case here. But this guy had the guts to come on here and share his experience and obvious pain with us members. Have some empathy for the poor dude why dont you? It isnt easy getting your heart broken. Have you ever been there?

I'm sorry, Yukon, but considering Guitarmy's last post, I think that he needs a good kick in the butt! I agreed TOTALLY with Liz on this one! A good dose of reality will save this guy months of unnecessary agony. This guy is looking for the courage to move on and Liz is giving him a push in the right direction. Oh and congrats on getting your screen name fixed!!

MOVE ON GUITARMY!!! You can do better! :D

We're here for ya, buddy!! :wave:

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I can feel your pain man! but look at the bright side, you weren't together for 28years and have a child together. Now that may not make the pain any harder or easier but it's a helluva lot less complicated. We've been apart for six months now and it still hurts but I know that it is the begining of something new! Just takes time. :console:

hey deez, hows your love-life???

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How sympathetic of you Liz. Did you ever consider the guy is hurt? It is easier said than done sometimes. Every once in a blue moon, relationships can be fixed. Im not saying its the case here. But this guy had the guts to come on here and share his experience and obvious pain with us members. Have some empathy for the poor dude why dont you? It isnt easy getting your heart broken. Have you ever been there?

I'm sure he is hurt. But when the other party in the former relationship all but makes it clear to you that s/he is moving on and that you are no longer wanted in their lives, the smart and sensible thing to do would be to accept it. It may not be easy, but that's what grown-ups do. They don't keep trying to re-insert themselves in the other person's life because they think if they do it enough it'll work. At his age (I'm assuming he's a young guy), he doesn't need this crap. It'd be different if it were an ex-wife with whom you had kids, but that's not what's going on here.

Yeah I've had my heart broken but I got over it. I realized I had my friends, my health, a job, my family, money in the bank....I didn't need him or his bullshit. So I probably moped around for one day and then decided to get on with my life. I'm glad I did because dwelling on negative things makes you feel worse, it keeps you from learning anything. It doesn't do anything for you aside from drag you and everyone around you down.

Furthermore, people are better served if they hear the truth without it being sugarcoated. He's not a child, you don't need to "there, there" him like he's standing on a frickin' ledge. He broke up with his girlfriend, not found out he has terminal cancer. I know that whatever pain or hurt he is in will subside if he just moves on with his life and finds other, more positive things to fill his time. If the girl doesn't want him in her life, she doesn't want him. How can you feel better about yourself when you keep getting shot down over and over again by the same person?

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I'm doing terrible.

I know how she works. She will forget me. As soon as I leave her alone, it will be:

Delete "Guitarmy"

and *poof*, I will be gone.

But if I press on, it will be:

Hate "Guitarmy"


You must think positively and spend more time with those who make you smile. When you catch yourself thinking negatively and feeling depressed, find something else to do. Focus on things that make you laugh and try to take everything a little less seriously. Talk to other girls if you get too lonesome.

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You must think positively and spend more time with those who make you smile. When you catch yourself thinking negatively and feeling depressed, find something else to do. Focus on things that make you laugh and try to take everything a little less seriously. Talk to other girls if you get too lonesome.

Excellent advice! ;)

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So then accept that she doesn't want you in her life anymore and don't be a nuisance. She has the right to a life without you in it if that's what makes her happy. You shouldn't "press on" like you think it'll get you anywhere. It won't. Face reality before you get yourself in trouble.

Hey Liz, If it was the other way around, him leaving her, I bet you would have a few choice names for him. And your opinion about having the right to have a life, w/o her in it to be happy, would also have a different tune?

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You must think positively and spend more time with those who make you smile. When you catch yourself thinking negatively and feeling depressed, find something else to do. Focus on things that make you laugh and try to take everything a little less seriously. Talk to other girls if you get too lonesome.

The talking with other women to cure his loneliness will only work if they are hot for him. If they are not interested it could make him feel even worse.

Edited by spats
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I'm kinda curious about how Guitarmy is doing..... after all it is his thread!

( not another Spat's sorrowful lack of love thread)

I'll answer Spat's question anyway ... we met through friends in a bar at a social event, I engaged her in polite conversation, she showed interest, I asked for her phone number. I got the number and called it two days later, asked her out for dinner, she said yes. Then quoting Tom Cruise's character in Jerry McGuire..."it grew from there." It's not rocket science. :slapface:

So in other words you did ALL the work. That did not bother you?

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The talking with other women to cure his loneliness will only work if they are hot for him. If they are not interested it could make him feel even worse.

Good point, but that may not always be the case. Sometimes a woman who is a very good listener and has many hottie girlfriends can be helpful.

Also, it's notable that he has expressed concern about getting too involved with others. So perhaps he may be better off with the non-hotties as long as they are good listeners and provide him with excellent advice. He may feel more secure around cool relationships that offer empathy and support. There is less risk of commitment and an opportunity to learn from different viewpoints.

Empowerment to deal with changes comes from knowledge sometimes gained from others.

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You call that work? It's not like she made him dig a ditch or something. :blink:

He asked for her phone # and then gave her a call . Sheesh.

On the dating scene that is work.

1. He had to approach.

2. he had to chat her up.

3. he had to ask for the number.

4. he had to call.

5. He had to ask her out.

6. He had to take her out.

7. And he had to pay for the dinner.

That is 7-O

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On the dating scene that is work.

1. He had to approach.

2. he had to chat her up.

3. he had to ask for the number.

4. he had to call.

5. He had to ask her out.

6. He had to take her out.

7. And he had to pay for the dinner.

That is 7-O

Not to mention that he probably had to call her up and ask her out for a second date and pay for that one too.

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They don't come pre-packaged :rolleyes: women get approached more often than men do, so they have to wade through more shit than men. That is why you have to show that you are worthy. Then trust me they will open up and be the woman you desire and more.

That's life muh man "Cowboy Up!" :)

edit for spelling

Then they will open up and be the women i desire and more???? You are being way to optimistic dude.

Women have the easy role in dating. They don't have to wade through more crap then men.

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Then they will open up and be the women i desire and more???? You are being way to optimistic dude.

Women have the easy role in dating. They don't have to wade through more crap then men.

Some women become pregnant when they date.

The Second Noble Truth with its three aspects is: ‘There is the origin of suffering, which is attachment to desire. Desire should be let go of. Desire has been let go of.’

The Second Noble Truth states that there is an origin of suffering and that the origin of suffering is attachment to the three kinds of desire: desire for sense pleasure (kama tanha), desire to become (bhava tanha) and desire to get rid of (vibhava tanha). This is the statement of the Second Noble Truth, the thesis, the pariyatti. This is what you contemplate: the origin of suffering is attachment to desire.

Ajahn Sumedho


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Some women become pregnant when they date.

The majority do not.

Dating should be shared thing. Not one person doing everything. I would feel guilty if the woman was doing everything and i was doing nothing but sitting on my ass. Don't women feel guilty for just sitting back?

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