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Probably the worst year of my life. Patriots lose what would have been a 19-0 season, Led Zeppelin fails to reunite, Obama wins the election...I could write a whole list.

What are your thoughts on 2008.

Edited by pinky
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It was a pretty good year for me: I got a big raise at work and my Dad survived a risky heart operation. No complaints here.

A few years ago, when supposedly the economy was booming and everybody was getting rich (if you believe the media hype), I was doing bloody awful. Maybe there's an inverse relationship there.

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For my immediate family and I it was a pretty good year. We were healthy and employed, and this year I really appreciated that. Unfortunately it was a terrible year for some of our dear friends though :( Too many layoffs and too many marriages ended; and there were also health problems in our extended friends/family and other issues friends suffered as well. I have counted my blessings this year and said a lot of prayers for friends.

2006 was our year from hell; I couldn't wait to kiss that one goodbye.

Edited by Virginia
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For my immediate family and I it was a pretty good year. We were healthy and employed, and this year I really appreciated that. Unfortunately it was a terrible year for some of our dear friends though :( Too many layoffs and too many marriages ended; and there were also health problems in our extended friends/family and other issues friends suffered as well. I have counted my blessings this year and said a lot of prayers for friends.

2006 was our year from hell; I couldn't wait to kiss that one goodbye.

Virginia, 2008 was much the same for my family and me. In fact, despite seeing our portfolios decimated, as far as health, happiness, and employment, it was truly a wonderful year. Throughout the year, my husband and I did what we could as far as offering prayers and financial support to family members and close friends who were not as blessed as we have been.

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Probably the worst year of my life. Patriots lose what would have been a 19-0 season, Led Zeppelin fails to reunite, Obama wins the election...I could write a whole list.

What are your thoughts on 2008.

I'd be curious to see the rest of your list. The events you listed were hardly worth calling 2008 the worst year of your life. Try bad health, lost job, death of a loved one, etc. Who cares if a dopey football team loses the Super Bowl.

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Howdy folks! 2008 let's see hmm? in the grand scheme of things I'd have to say...

"I Made it!" :yay:

Most of you know the rest of the stories LOL.

On another positive note on the eve of my 1 year anniversary of being a member of this site, I'm happy to have been aquainted with some of the nicest people I've known both guys and gals.

Led Zeppelin Fans are the coolest people on the planet :gimmefive:

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2008 was the end of the "William Penn Curse," finally...

For more details, see giant red font in signature.

And of course..two of my favorites..


Out of all the scenes in Jaws, my favorite is still the dinner scene with Brody and Sean mimicking him. It has nothing to do with the plot or story progression but it brings out the human element so beautifully.


On set with 28 year old Steven Spielberg.


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I try not to evaluate things in years anymore. I've found it much better to deal in day's. The way I look at it, some years just have more good day's than other's :D

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Virginia, 2008 was much the same for my family and me. In fact, despite seeing our portfolios decimated, as far as health, happiness, and employment, it was truly a wonderful year. Throughout the year, my husband and I did what we could as far as offering prayers and financial support to family members and close friends who were not as blessed as we have been.

It kind of felt like a back to the basics kind of year for most people we know, and I think everyone was actually happier with less "stuff" and more quality time with friends and family.

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I'd be curious to see the rest of your list. The events you listed were hardly worth calling 2008 the worst year of your life. Try bad health, lost job, death of a loved one, etc. Who cares if a dopey football team loses the Super Bowl.

Alright I don't have a job and no health problems with me or my family although my great grandmother is dying. And it's not just that they lost the Super Bowl it's that they would have been the second team in NFL history to have a perfect season, just because sports aren't important to you doesn't mean that it's wrong to be important to me. I also don't have any loved one's besides my family and one or two close friends I care about.

Anyone who thinks the results of a Presidential election qualify that year to be the "worst ever" in their entire lives, has their priorities screwed up. And that's being kind.

Well first off your only saying that because you are such an Obama suporrter, and second it is only one reason I had such a bad year. That is crap saying I don't have my priorities straight because I care about who the person running my country and and in many ways my life.

The whole point is 2008 was nothing but dissapointment after dissapointment for me in more ways than I care to mention.

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It kind of felt like a back to the basics kind of year for most people we know, and I think everyone was actually happier with less "stuff" and more quality time with friends and family.

As you say, more time with the things that really matter in life. Cudos Virginia :)

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Well first off your only saying that because you are such an Obama suporrter,

I stopped reading here because you chose to lie. I hate George W. Bush, however when he won in both 2000 and 2004, I would never have said they were the "worst years ever" because I didn't share his political philosophies. You know what makes a year the "worst ever" for someone? Death. Unemployment. Divorce. Losing your house. Severe illness/personal injury. Not who fucking won a Presidential election.

My God. I'm not even kidding.

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I stopped reading here because you chose to lie. I hate George W. Bush, however when he won in both 2000 and 2004, I would never have said they were the "worst years ever" because I didn't share his political philosophies. You know what makes a year the "worst ever" for someone? Death. Unemployment. Divorce. Losing your house. Severe illness/personal injury. Not who fucking won a Presidential election.

My God. I'm not even kidding.

And this would be why 2008 wasn't the greatest year for me.

As happy as I was with the outcome, American or not, politics pales drastically in comparison to losing someone.

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And this would be why 2008 wasn't the greatest year for me.

As happy as I was with the outcome, American or not, politics pales drastically in comparison to losing someone.

In the last 10 years, I've lost 3 friends to suicide. I dare someone to tell me Obama winning the Presidential election is worse than that.

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In the last 10 years, I've lost 3 friends to suicide. I dare someone to tell me Obama winning the Presidential election is worse than that.

No it's not and anyway's, that would be trivializing the loss of your friends to even suggest that. I'm deeply sorry for your loss

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Obama wins the election...I could write a whole list.

What are your thoughts on 2008.

Probably the worst year of my life too. Bush finally finished the horrific job he was doing by sinking our Economy! In all fairness to Obama, he hasn't even officially taken office, yet. NOBODY could do worse than the idiot we had to painstakingly endure the last eight years... and in the start of 2008, my daughter lost her father... and i met another moron who wasted a good part of the year... maybe this year is shaping up already, both losers are out of my life!

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