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Obama's Report Card...


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Eventually there should come a time when Obama's speech delivery talents are no longer considered a metric of success. If we continue to be plunged into higher unemployment and inflation caused by printing too much damn money to pay for vast spending, then how people judge him should change. If it doesn't, and "hope and change" rhetoric still carries the day, then we really have become drunk on the kool-aid.

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I think the President is doing an amazing job.

Aside from most of his cabinet being tax cheats and the Dow Jones losing 13% of its value partly because he has inspired zero confidence among those on Wall Street? Aside from his Attorney General (remember, the guy who rubberstamped the Marc Rich pardon?) calling us a nation of cowards? Aside from his administration spending time attacking radio show hosts? Aside from over a trillion dollar deficit being ramrodded through Congress that surpasses previous yearly deficits by over three-fold. Yeah, it's amazing, but not in a good way.

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Should I assume that those of you who don't like the current President of the United States.. want him to fail just as Rush does?

And what would you do to save the economy? Do you let AIG go under? Do you let mortgages and banks continue to fail?

Rush never said he wanted Obama to fail. He said he wanted any attempt by Obama to change our system from capitalist to socialist to fail. The media has deliberately taken what he said out of context because they are far less interested in reporting the actual truth than they are in promoting the agenda of "dear leader".

Do you let mortgages fail? Yes, you do. I shouldn't be held responsible for paying anyone's mortgage, especially considering that I'm a renter who isn't able to get a house. The mortgage bailout is nothing more than marxist "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" crap. People like me have every right to be angry at Chairman Obama for using our money that way.

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Where were you guys in November when "clueless leader" opened the federal spigots on his watch ? I hate to break it to you, but that was the moment the banks became nationalized. The argument going on now is nothing but pure politics. The gov't might as well step in now, because these mortgages that have been resold numerous times will still be appearing on the books for at least the next three years. It's not that the gov't wants to bail out crooks like AIG....they have no choice. For that reason alone, the gov't should step in right now....nationalize the banks....take the loss....can their management....and move on.

If the Repugnants are ignorant enought to let Rush be the spokesperson for their party, I can assure that Obama will let him. I don't think there's a more ignorant and clueless argument right now than "leaving things alone" and "deregulating". Those days are long gone, and the longer Rush harps about, the stupider he sounds.

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Where were you guys in November when "clueless leader" opened the federal spigots on his watch ? I hate to break it to you, but that was the moment the banks became nationalized. The argument going on now is nothing but pure politics. The gov't might as well step in now, because these mortgages that have been resold numerous times will still be appearing on the books for at least the next three years. It's not that the gov't wants to bail out crooks like AIG....they have no choice. For that reason alone, the gov't should step in right now....nationalize the banks....take the loss....can their management....and move on.

If the Repugnants are ignorant enought to let Rush be the spokesperson for their party, I can assure that Obama will let him. I don't think there's a more ignorant and clueless argument right now than "leaving things alone" and "deregulating". Those days are long gone, and the longer Rush harps about, the stupider he sounds.

If capitalism is long gone, then essentially America is long gone. This country didn't become the wealthiest and most powerful on earth by following a path of European style socialism. Simply because Bush chose a statist approach to the current recession and turned his back on conservative economic principles (did he ever have any?) doesn't mean that Obama or anyone else should follow suit.

P.S. I would rather have Rush Limbaugh as my spokesman than a marxist community organizer with a messianic complex.

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If capitalism is long gone, then essentially America is long gone. This country didn't become the wealthiest and most powerful on earth by following a path of European style socialism. Simply because Bush chose a statist approach to the current recession and turned his back on conservative economic principles (did he ever have any?) doesn't mean that Obama or anyone else should follow suit.

P.S. I would rather have Rush Limbaugh as my spokesman than a marxist community organizer with a messianic complex.

Capaitalism has temporarily failed....there is no doubt about that. It has temporarily failed for the exact reason Alan Greenspan said it did, and shame on him for not following basic Economic 101 lessons. Open up any economics textbook and unchecked greed is always the downfall of Capitalism. The individual who knowingly bought a home they couldn't afford is just as guilty as the CEO and company that repackaged that mortgage and sold it as a new type of safe investment vehicle to the unknowing. The gov't (republicans and democrats) stood by and encouraged both angles of this problem.

Let's examine some up-to-date Republican 'trickle down theory'. With interest rates (the cost of business) at an all-time low, these crooks that I'm supposed to trust are raising rates and fees on credit cards to customers in good-standing, and they're doing this as they take those same customers money in the form of federal bailouts that we will have to repay for them.......so they can continue to do business as usual ? The unregulated and unchecked business practices that got us into this mess ? C'mon ! You've got to be kidding me ? Take them over and fire them all !

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I just disagree with most of you here. Not much to say other than that. I think the President is doing an amazing job. We can agree to disagree.

I think he is doing good. He has done everything he promised to a point. Granted alot of the things he has done have huge flaws, but just enough to keep most of his base happy.

Should I assume that those of you who don't like the current President of the United States.. want him to fail just as Rush does?

And what would you do to save the economy? Do you let AIG go under? Do you let mortgages and banks continue to fail?

1. Let the automakers file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is not a death sentence.

2. cancel the capital gains tax for two years.

3. instead of giving money to dem supporters, give it too the Dept. of Def. 25cents of every dollar spent improving infrastructure, is gained through GDP. 2 dollars to build a bridge and the GDP goes up 50cents. Dept. of Def. spending has gone from 75cents to a full dollar in increase GDP. Build a 100 million dollar bridge, only union workers get that job. Build a 100 million dollar plane and each part has to get made by hundreds of companies, which in turn increase their production and employment. and there is no such thing as shovel ready in the military, it's bullet ready and it can be spent in a matter of days building barracks and planes.

4. Lower taxes for all. My boss makes millions a year, he pays me. 2% of my paycheck, i can go buy a CD a week. 2% of my bosses paycheck, he can higher 12 more workers and buy a truck every week. Shit flows down hill, but so do coins.

5. lets forget about global warming. (cap and trade has ruined the EU) it's a myth. build a nuke. private sector will pay for 20 new nuclear power plants and hire thousands to build it and 500 to run it.

6. kick every illegal out. 14 million of them. we have 14million unemployed.

7. AIG is a dead company. we let it sells itself off and we kill that mother fucker.

8. plenty of apartments for rent. Auto loans arent traded as much as mortgages. sell your car, buy a junker and keep your home. I do support some sort of mortgage bailout.

Just a start.

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He has done everything he promised to a point.

I'm waiting for the gun control attacks. <_<

My friend called Nancy Pelosi a 'Jack In The Box' for all the times she jumped out of her seat to applaud Obama's address. :lol:

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Rush never said he wanted Obama to fail. He said he wanted any attempt by Obama to change our system from capitalist to socialist to fail.
You're right on both accounts.

Where were you guys in November when "clueless leader" opened the federal spigots on his watch ? I hate to break it to you, but that was the moment the banks became nationalized. The argument going on now is nothing but pure politics.

I've been reading a few well written articles by bank insiders who've said the same thing. This whole notion of "not nationalizing" the banks from the left and the scare of nationalizing from the right is all fudder for their bases. It's becoming more evident to someone reading the right documents it's already happened and as you said, actually occurred under Bush's watch.

5. lets forget about global warming. (cap and trade has ruined the EU) it's a myth. build a nuke. private sector will pay for 20 new nuclear power plants and hire thousands to build it and 500 to run it.

6. kick every illegal out. 14 million of them. we have 14million unemployed.

I think its rather foolish to give up on global warming when nearly 95% of scientists agree "man made fossil fuels" are disrupting and radically changing our atmosphere. Sure, the term "global warming" and its original definition might be proven to be alittle far fetched or inaccurate. But that doesn't mean we, as a race of human beings, aren't deliberately and foolishly leading to our destruction. Skeptism aside, open a science book, skip past Darwin if you don't want to believe proven evidence, and read about our atmosphere. SPF 180 won't cure this one.

After that, they can go after organized street gangs the way they should. Shoot to kill.

I'm waiting for the gun control attacks. <_<

My friend called Nancy Pelosi a 'Jack In The Box' for all the times she jumped out of her seat to applaud Obama's address. :lol:

Gun control is such a silly issue. The 2nd Amendment is probably the most misinterpreted and misunderstood Amendment in the Constitution. At no point does it say automatic machine guns are granted to every American. I do support the right to carry a firearm under the proper procedures and circumstances. I'm in the process of gaining my handgun license, but the Amendment is fickle. Update the damn thing already!

Pelosi made the whole speech uncomfortable, much like she does by just living and working in America.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I enjoyed reading all the above posts.

I do think Rush wants Obama to fail. Yes he says that he means he wants socialism to fail but I really think he'd just like to see this President fail so he can say he was "right". but just my opinion. I kinda don't like Rush... (shocker). so, I hope Obama succeeds.. so that I am right. ;)

as far as renters go, yeah, I suppose it doesn't appear to matter.... as long as your landlord doesn't hit hard times.

Global warming is real... but it might not matter because life as we know it will be over in 2012.(says Nostradamus)

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I do think Rush wants Obama to fail. Yes he says that he means he wants socialism to fail but I really think he'd just like to see this President fail so he can say he was "right". but just my opinion. I kinda don't like Rush... (shocker). so, I hope Obama succeeds.. so that I am right. ;)

If the country is to succeed in the long term, Obama efforts toward irreversible socialism must fail. That's how Rush see's it, and if Americans were a bit more alert to the outlandish things that Obama is trying to push through right now, they would as well. As an aside, rest assured that Rush Limbaugh is absolutely elated that the Obama administration is engaging in a war of words with him right now. Think about it. The President. The Commander in Chief. The leader of the free world....and his administration is battling a radio show host.

as far as renters go, yeah, I suppose it doesn't appear to matter.... as long as your landlord doesn't hit hard times.

To a renter it does matter, because we have to help subsidize a bunch of baffoons who acquired a house through mortgage when they couldn't afford one. The responsible are punished, and the irresponsible rewarded. The new Obama way.


Edited by Reggie1971
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If the country is to succeed in the long term, Obama efforts toward irreversible socialism must fail. That's how Rush see's it, and if Americans were a bit more alert to the outlandish things that Obama is trying to push through right now, they would as well. As an aside, rest assured that Rush Limbaugh is absolutely elated that the Obama administration is engaging in a war of words with him right now. Think about it. The President. The Commander in Chief. The leader of the free world....and his administration is battling a radio show host.

Exactly. If it didn't matter to them they'd leave him alone and they wouldn't dignify responding to anything he says. But it's just the exact opposite, they are on the attack.

Rush is now calling out Opie. Challenging him to a debate without telepromters.

This is getting good. The new regime is targeting individuals, like Rick Santelli and Jim Cramer who will be silenced by Opie's slack boy Immelt. But going after Rush is a fight Opie and ballerina Rahm should not be taking on.

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