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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Yardwork. The front garden needs weeding, the backyard needs mowing, not to mention edging, and on top of that, I need to prune all the dead branches in our massive willow tree. Sounds like soooooooooo much fun, yeah?
  2. This weather is pissing me off. We can't turn the AC on until we have the units serviced, so while it's plenty nice at night when the temperature finally drops, during the day, the upstairs feels like a sauna. It's too damn early for this shit.
  3. No, he's not, and neither is the man in my signature, much as I love his work as well. Jimi Hendrix, Duane Allman, BB King, and Joe Walsh I'd put ahead of Page, Gilmour, and Clapton. They're all great guitarists to be sure, and they all created transcendent works, but Jimmy Page is not the greatest guitarist ever, IMO.
  4. You'd guess incorrectly. I just found it kind of silly that you got all worked up over a song. I don't like Stairway To Heaven, but if it were some other song of theirs I loved, like Tea For One, that was accused of having been plagiarized from someone else's song, I'd be annoyed, but my level of emotional involvement would stop there. Obviously, you're a lot different, and that's cool. The world would suck if everyone were exactly the same.
  5. Hmm. Do I want to do this? What the hell, I already know I'm an ugly lump, what do I have to lose?
  6. This was my favorite thread back in the day....both on the original incarnation of the site I first registered at in 2004, plus this one when it moved here in 2007. I believe there was a picture that was required to be posted every 100 pages, and if memory serves, it's this one: Brings it all back. I spent many a night in college, surfing through endless pages of this thread (and its previous counterpart) instead of going to sleep when I had class at 8 a.m. the next morning.
  7. Tuna salad and crackers with a bottle of water. Real exciting stuff, folks.
  8. Cloudy. There's a tropical storm off the coast, accounting for the dreary looking conditions at the moment. The temperature's wonderful, however.
  9. WKRP In Cincinatti is probably my all-time favorite TV theme song, followed by Welcome Back, Kotter, and as a pure instrumental, Hill St. Blues.
  10. Love, love, love Chicago, and not just because we come from the same hometown. Once Peter Cetera took over full-time lead singing duties, they got a bit schmaltzy, but prior to that, when Terry Kath and Robert Lamm were doing most of the heavy lifting, they were phenomenal. I love a nice, loud horn section in a rock band. If I had to choose just one song from the pre-schmaltz period that I really, really, really love, it would have to be either Beginnings or Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is.
  11. Not much, as it doesn't appear the weather will be cooperating with us today. There's no yard work to be done, and all the interior cleaning was taken care of a couple of days ago (windows, vacuuming, laundry, etc.). So, looks like it'll be a lazy Saturday, which is fine by me.
  12. I'd much rather read a book on paper than read one on the Internet. I can understand and even appreciate the functionality and ease of a Kindle or Nook, but at the end of the day, I like having a tangible piece of paper in my hand that I can turn and hold and put on a shelf. I love browsing bookstores for hours, I love spending an equal amount of time just sitting in a library. I've had a library card since I was old enough to read, which is what....28, 29 years now? In the summer, we get pretty horrific thunderstorms and the power frequently goes out. I turn on a flashlight, grab a book, and busy myself until Duke Energy gets everything sorted.
  13. Asses, not tailbones. Asses are fat and muscle, not bone. As long as no bones are getting kicked, we're all good.
  14. That sucks. Big time. Such a scholar and a great wit. He will be truly missed. Shame only one other person until now commented on it.
  15. If it's not natural, then why does homosexuality occur in the animal kingdom? Can't get much more natural than animals. Also, if you're talking about it terms of having children, since two men and two women can't have kids biologically, do you think heterosexuals who are sterile/infertile or may not want children shouldn't get married? Because they are no different than two men or two women when it comes to reproduction. As a matter of course, homosexuality isn't a choice. You're born gay, just like you're born with the skin color you have. Civil rights shouldn't be denied to you because of something you cannot control or change.
  16. What's funny is that when I saw this thread title, that's the first thing I thought of. Great minds and all.
  17. You said you don't think gays should have the right to get married. Denying them the right to marry affords them second-class status in relation to heterosexuals in the realm of marriage. I don't believe that's right, fair, just, decent, or even logical. For the longest time in this country, black people were treated as second-class citizens to whites in nearly every way imaginable; schools, public facilities, jobs, housing, even athletics. They were seen as lesser and either denied things outright, or given lower-quality or inferior versions as opposed to what was given to whites. I'm sure if you asked white people in the north if they hated black people, they'd have said no and meant it. They didn't hate black people, but it didn't stop them from thinking whites were better and deserved better. There were even white people in the south who didn't hate blacks, but felt whites were better and deserved better. Granted, that was a minority of Southern whites. This is really no different. In both instances, the majority group (straights) has decided that there is something they have (marriage) which cannot be given to people who they think are different (gays) and deserve either a lesser version (civil unions), or nothing at all. There's nothing in my mind, that explains away rationally, denying gays the right to marry. I haven't seen anyone give me a decent reason yet. They either say "tradition" which is hinky at best, or they fall back on religion, which is completely ludicrous. To be clear, I'm not saying you've done either of those things. I'm talking about my general experiences discussing this topic.
  18. Re-reading the post, I can see how someone would come to that conclusion, and I apologize for muddiness of the argument. For the record, one of the people who responded to the post can't stand me, and would accuse me of saying just about anything in order to take a few shots at me, so that person's contribution should be ignored. You haven't been here long enough to know that for yourself, but take my word for it. I do believe some things are black and white, and while abortion isn't the topic of this thread, I used it as an example of how I believe some issues don't allow fence-sitters. I don't think it's possible for there to be middle ground on things like marriage and abortion; middle ground to me means wishy-washy/can't make up your mind, and I don't like that. It reeks of intellectual dishonesty and refusing to take a side so you can argue from both sides of your mouth. That's just my view on it, yours and everyone else's may differ. However the way I was raised and the way I choose to interact with people, doesn't allow me to be that way myself.
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