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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Well, yesterday was the day my dreams officially came true! I found out that I have been accepted into the postgraduate programme, the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), majoring in Economics! I still can't believe it! I consider this as an opportunity of a life time! :D It's going to involve a lot of hard work but I love a challenge when I see it! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fool In The Rain 60

      Fool In The Rain 60

      Hi Preetha hope you are still studying hard, have missed you around here.

    3. Marcelo bsb

      Marcelo bsb


    4. azad


      Congratulations Kiwi_Zep_Fan87. I hope you do proceed to that Master's degree. :)

  2. Hi Coda! How are you? I missed seeing you around here! But glad to hear from you again! It makes me really happy that the people of Egypt succeeded in getting what they wanted and literally made history!
  3. Jimi Hendrix, for sure! Especially after listening to the album "Are You Experienced?"
  4. Thanks MSG! And you're absolutely right! Economics is indeed a fascinating subject and looks like we both have a very cool thing in common! I start on the 28th of February and I can't wait! This postgraduate programme is for a year and hopefully, if things work out, I'll be able to proceed to the M.Com degree, specialising in Economics too!
  5. I love Top Cat! I grew up watching that cartoon practically every day!
  6. Thank you so much for the encouragement Magic! It really means a lot to me!
  7. Thank you missy! I plan to be a research analyst which involves statistical and econometric analysis of data coupled with the application of the appropriate economic principles! I think the US economy is a little too complex and dynamic for me to handle at the moment! I think I'll be more competent after I finish my M.Com degree (hopefully, if things go well!). Just give me a year!
  8. Well, today was a pretty incredible day. I found out that I have been accepted into the B.Com (Honours) programme at the University of Auckland and quite frankly, I can't believe it!!! My major is going to be Economics. It's pretty much a dream come true! There is going to be a lot of hard work involved, but I love a challenge when I see it! I say "Bring It On"!
  9. Why, thank you Virginia! And congratulations to you on your 20th wedding anniversary!
  10. I'm praying for rain at the moment because it is so hot and humid here! I so wanna be singing in the rain!
  11. Thanks sweetie! The funny thing is that I had to remind them that today was indeed the 9th of February, 2011. If it wasn't for me, my parents would have forgotten their 30th wedding anniversary! LOL! Imagine that!
  12. My parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary today
  13. Hi sweetie! How are you? It's already the 10th of February here in Auckland, so, here's wishing you a very happy birthday! Hope you have a lovely day ahead! :D

  14. Yes! That's another "mess up" I'm very curious about too! I too keep hearing that voice shouting in the background, whenever I listen to "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You"! I do wonder what's the story behind that! I'm very very curious!
  15. Thanks for the link Magic. Apparently, according to that article, Gary Moore died the same way Hendrix died all those years ago! I find that to be a bit of a creepy coincidence! Now, I read something which I didn't find suprising at all. It seems that fans of Gary Moore are questioning the credibility of "The Sun". You can read about that here : http://www.examiner....ath-speculation The truth is that Gary Moore died because of a heart attack. This is what the post-mortem examination has revealed. Also, forensic experts in Spain have revealed that Moore died of "natural causes". I got all the info from an article in the "Belfast Telegraph". Here's the link : http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/gary-moore-thin-lizzy-guitar-legend-died-from-suspected-heart-attack-15076596.html Eventhough, I am not a fan of Gary Moore, I can't help feeling angry that "The Sun" has gone all out to sensationalise his death by saying that it was alcohol related! Anyway, that's another reason not to trust a fuckin' rag! Anyway, sad day for his fans! Poor chap!
  16. Hmmm...well, the "mess up" which comes to mind is in the song "In My Time Of Dying" where Bonham can then be heard exclaiming, "That's gonna be the one, isn't it?", referring to that particular take. This is followed by a different voice (likely that of recording engineer Andy Johns) saying through the talk-back microphone "Come have a listen, then." Bonham then releases the clutch of his hi-hat and says (rather sheepishly) "Oh, yes. Thank you". I guess this can be considered as a "mess up" then? At least, I feel so! But I don't care really because it is these errors which gives a very real feeling to the music (as someone very rightly pointed out) And yes, I am indeed aware that there is a similar thread, thank you, but I couldn't be bothered responding to that (eventhough, the link has been provided! )
  17. Well, I do not consider myself brave, to be honest! I'm just following my heart and doing what pleases me the most! :D

  18. I guess "Simon & Garfunkel" can be considered as a two person band? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdKjEHfHINQ
  19. Thank you Magic! It is! I'll give you a detailed review when I'm done reading that. Also, would you believe that along with "Freakonomics", I am also reading this : I do like to read two books side by side sometimes! And that Zeppelin book looks very interesting Magic! Tell me all about it when you've finished reading it, ok?
  20. Saw this about 3 days ago : I didn't like the film much. It was just O.K.
  21. While we are on the subject of "Pink Panther", I used to love watching this particular episode when I was a kid!
  22. OK, I've heard of people receiving extraordinary things in the mail but this takes the cake! Well, my electricity service provider "Meridian Energy" has fallen really behind in providing it's customers with the monthly electricity bill. My family and other families too are yet to receive their monthly electricity bill for the month of January. On phoning the customer care service, my dad found out that we will receive a joint electricity bill for the months of January and February. This was three days ago. Now, today, while we were having lunch, the courier guy rings our intercom and delivers a strange package. It looked pretty small and my folks and I were wondering what on earth is inside. We found this : As a token, to show how sorry they really were for being behind in sending out the monthly electricity bill, "Meridian Energy" not only sends us an AM/FM radio absolutely free but also a one year subscription to the UK version of "Woman's Weekly" (since they knew already that there is a female majority in my household! ) I don't know but getting stuff like this in the mail without paying a dime, especially in this sort of economic climate is very cool, to me! I personally, do not listen to the radio at all, but I can't help but think that this AM/FM radio I received in the mail today, is kinda cute!
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