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So depressed Mike Vick signs with my Eagles!


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What an asshole organization I'm a fan of. On the Eagles official forum, I posted some pics of dogs after they've been in a dog fight to show some the pro-Vick people why people like me are so upset. They permanently banned me and said I'm a "spammer." So unless I'm all rah-rah about this dirtbag being on my team, I'm not allowed to state my opinion. The funny part is that you got people cursing each other over this but I show pics of this horrible "sport" and I'm the bad one. F this jerkoffs!

Any forums I've ever seen that are purely sports orientated have alot of taunting and explicit language - so your being banned in that free for all environment does seem unfair. I'm assuming you posted the pictures in a thread that was already dedicated to this topic? Just posting them randomly or disrupting other discussions with shock material would not be appropriate. Maybe you should consider not taking it so far here, either (or at least give a warning). Sorry your season's ruined, it was shaping up to be a good one!

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The thing about my co-worker, who imo was defending this scum, is that she said "i don't hate animals, but i am afraid of them". I was surprised to hear this, but made sense that she wouldn't see how sick this man's actions are if she views animals as something to fear.

It's a shame how many of the little kids we run into are hesitant to come and pet my dog, or ask "won't it bite me?". Used to be, you didn't go near the dogs at the junkyard. Now, you have be afraid at the local park.

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As I mentioned before, my mom lives near Charlottesville, and volunteers at at an animal rescue center. The native Virginians do tend to neglect their dogs, especially the ones who use them to hunt. It's very common for them to abandon the dogs when the get old or sick, and some get shot. They don't receive many animals that look like they were used for fighting, but maybe these victims are disposed of. Either way, this continues - because there are so many caring, forgiving people there to shelter and treat the abused animals. Sadly, it almost becomes their essential role in life.

I've seen very few pit bulls in those parts, but the number of young people up here in New York that have them is ridiculous. There is no American "tradition" to owning and conditioning this breed - it is an "image enhanser" that stems from impoverished areas such as the Carribean. They are vicious in nature, and will attack anything it sees as vulnerable, if not trained properly and kept under control. Owners will tell you differently, because obviously dogs are usually loyal and protective to their own households. This month alone, my submissive Golden Retriever was attacked by three times at the dog parks, and I was bit the last time. I was given assurances each time by the owners that the pit bulls were fine with other dogs and people, so I let them come near. None of the owners attempted to separate their dogs from me or my dog, and one asshole was snickering during the attack.

This why I feel an example needs to be set with Vick. Any successful return he has to wealth or acceptance in society will demonstrate once again how scum can rise above goodness. I hear they want to make him a spokesperson against animal cruelty - will anyone hear the message, or just see a guy who has it all handed back to him?

I don't own a pit bull but I have a friend who does a lot of rescue/fostering efforts with them and according to them, they are by nature very gentle dogs - they viciousness comes from people training them to be such. It's a shame they've gotten such a bad reputation like that and are involved in fights and such :(

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I've come to the conclusion that I have to except this dirtbag being on my team. Otherwise, I can't follow my team and ,being a season-ticket holder, that would be hard. My season isn't ruined but it's going to be very hard to get excited when this guy is making plays and the other fans are going nuts. All I can hope is that he really is going to try to change animal abuse in our area as he claimed he will.

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Michael Vick is only sorry he got caught and had to go to jail. I don't believe for one second he is remorseful for what he did to those animals.

BTW, don't most serial killers get their start torturing/killing animals?

Edited by Electrophile
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Michael Vick is only sorry he got caught and had to go to jail. I don't believe for one second he is remorseful for what he did to those animals.

BTW, don't most serial killers get their start torturing/killing animals?

I already said this... and yes, animal abuse and serial killers have something in common. This scum is remorseful that he got caught, and that's about all (okay and the derailed career and lose of millions)

People who care about what he did and are allowing him a free pass to our team are compromising their principles and i find that sad. Take a stand on what you believe and stick to it.


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I've come to the conclusion that I have to except this dirtbag being on my team. Otherwise, I can't follow my team and ,being a season-ticket holder, that would be hard. My season isn't ruined but it's going to be very hard to get excited when this guy is making plays and the other fans are going nuts. All I can hope is that he really is going to try to change animal abuse in our area as he claimed he will.

All i hope is for an injury early in the season that keeps him from playing ever again or a losing season. Wishful thinking or karma?

edit: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/eagles-fa...st-michael-vick

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I have no problem with him coming back to the NFL. He served his time in jail, so if he wants to make a living, let him. See, I want him to play in the NFL so that the first time he steps on the field to make a play, some huge 300lb defensive end will lay his sorry ass out and maybe break something. Toss him around the field like a rag doll or something. Let's see how he likes some big, strong brute abusing HIM.

No, I have a problem with people who don't care what he went to jail for, think he should be given a hero's welcome and lauded with praise and think the sun shines out of the crack of his ass. I know some of these people, I hear them call in to sports talk radio and post comments on articles online.

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See, I want him to play in the NFL so that the first time he steps on the field to make a play, some huge 300lb defensive end will lay his sorry ass out and maybe break something. Toss him around the field like a rag doll or something. Let's see how he likes some big, strong brute abusing HIM.

No, I have a problem with people who don't care what he went to jail for, think he should be given a hero's welcome and lauded with praise and think the sun shines out of the crack of his ass. I know some of these people, I hear them call in to sports talk radio and post comments on articles online.

Here's to wishful thinking! Fingers crossed.


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My Nana just found out about this and she is so upset. She's from Philly and has been a huge fan of the Eagles for her entire life. She is heartbroken about it.

My parents have been fans for many years too. When i asked my mom the other night if she is still going to watch the Eagles, she said without hesitation "no". This is a disgrace to Philadelphia. I am hoping the Eagles wings have been clipped. Losers.

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All i hope is for an injury early in the season that keeps him from playing ever again or a losing season. Wishful thinking or karma?

edit: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/eagles-fa...st-michael-vick

Like I said,Karma has a way of taking care of things.It may not be today, but it will happen...It may be on the field like Electro said! And that tangerine, would be fun to watch!

He supposedly the backup,so it'll take Donovan getting hurt for him to play.That is a likely scenario given Donovans' penchant for getting injured!

"Who Let The Dogs Out" should get be getting a lot of stadium airplay.Pardon the pun, but I do expect some rabid fans foaming at the mouth out there! ;)

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Here is an article that sums up my feelings very well, from an "ethical" standpoint and a football standpoint.

Vick deserves chance for redemption

Posted Aug. 18, 2009 @ 10:33 a.m.

By Hub Arkush

Michael Vick's return to the National Football League as a member of the Philadelphia Eagles is really two separate stories. One is what it means to the Eagles' football team. The more important and more socially significant story is what it says about our society, our justice system and our ability to forgive and forget as a means toward an end of making the world a better place to live, for people and animals alike.

For the almost 30 years my wife and I have been together, we have never had fewer than two golden retrievers in the family, including Satchmo, who is now 13, and Payton (named for Walter, of course), 8, who are like our children now that our kids have all grown up and moved out. In my office here at Pro Football Weekly you'll find more canine collectibles than football. I am a dog fanatic.

I am also a fanatic when it comes to my love of this country and — battered, bruised and abused as it may be at times — our legal system. That system said the punishment for what Vick did was 23 months in a federal penitentiary. We're talking Leavenworth here, folks, not some country club built to house white-collar criminals and most of the governors of the state of Illinois. He has also gone from the highest-paid player in the NFL to bankrupt, and possibly the most ridiculed player in the history of the game. He has paid for his crime. Now it is time for him to prove he has learned from his mistakes and is ready to continue to rehabilitate himself and contribute to our society. But how can that happen if we deny him access to the one arena where he can do the most good?

PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and it released this statement in response to the Vick signing: "PETA and millions of decent football fans around the world are disappointed that the Philadelphia Eagles have chosen to sign a man who hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned in his swimming pool, and even threw his own family dogs into the fighting pit to be torn to shreds while he laughed. What sort of message does this send to young fans who care about animals and don't want to see them be harmed?"

It tells young fans that — unlike PETA, whose only response to the situation is to continue to horrify young fans with the kind of images it felt obligated to paint in that statement — in the NFL, and in America, we believe in second chances. If, as Vick, Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie, head coach Andy Reid and Vick's mentor, Tony Dungy, tell us, Vick's primary purpose in life is to earn our forgiveness by doing everything in his power to work toward protecting animals of all kinds wherever they may be, then why wouldn't we do all that we can to support him in that effort? As an NFL star committed to that purpose, he can do great things. Denied that stage, he is no more than a sideshow who will quickly be forgotten.

If he screws up again, ban him for life. But if he is sincere, there are few people in the world today with the pulpit to do more for the humane treatment of animals than the one the Eagles are giving Vick. It is time to give Michael Vick a second chance, a chance to do good. And to the folks at PETA, you might be a hell of a lot more effective if you ever figured out there can be no People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals without People for the Ethical Treatment of People.

The football part of the equation is much clearer and easier to explain. Vick has said, "Whatever Coach Reid decides on, that's what I will do. I'm just here to contribute and help win a Super Bowl." Donovan McNabb has said, "I pretty much lobbied to get him here. I believe in second chances, and what better place to get a second chance than here with this group of guys. ... He's no threat to me, not to (Kevin) Kolb. We had the opportunity to add another weapon to our offense." Those things said, the sky's the limit.

Reid would be foolish not to teach the nuances of the QB position to a three-time Pro Bowl quarterback who has been a poor man's Donovan McNabb, better on the ground but inferior though the air. But rest assured there will be a Michael Vick package, as well, that has nothing to do with QB. Imagine yourself as the opposing defensive coordinator when the Eagles line up DeSean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin at wideout, McNabb under center and Brian Westbrook and Vick together in the backfield. Taking away all those weapons is impossible, so which poison do you pick, and how do you take it?

There is no "Rocky" sequel here in the City of Brotherly Love. Vick and every one of us who know his story will be forever haunted by his past. But if his future is as a leading voice for the humane treatment of animals, and the missing link in the Eagles' Super Bowl dreams to boot, it will certainly be a story worth telling.

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I understand why some may be a little touchy on Michael Vick but like everyone else we all make mistakes so doesnt he even deserve a 2nd chance.Also he is a FOOTBALL player what else do u think he should do. He is one of the most talented athletes ive ever seen.Plus once the Eagles start winning those dies hard fans in Philadephia in turn their head towards his past.

Also remember the old saying

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I don't own a pit bull but I have a friend who does a lot of rescue/fostering efforts with them and according to them, they are by nature very gentle dogs - they viciousness comes from people training them to be such. It's a shame they've gotten such a bad reputation like that and are involved in fights and such :(

Hello All!

Ninelives I agree--My son has a pit bull who is now four years old and this dog is the most gentle dog because he has been raised with love.He is sweeter than one of my little Maltese(who is extemely jealous of anyione near me).

I truly believe it is how they are raised. I cannot stand any kind of animal cruelty and the things that were done to the dogs he owned makes me sick to my stomach.

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Hello All!

Ninelives I agree--My son has a pit bull who is now four years old and this dog is the most gentle dog because he has been raised with love.He is sweeter than one of my little Maltese(who is extemely jealous of anyione near me).

I truly believe it is how they are raised. I cannot stand any kind of animal cruelty and the things that were done to the dogs he owned makes me sick to my stomach.

I don't buy it. I have seen too many times where the gentle pit bull mauls a kid or another dog without provocation. I know your son's experience is different, for now, but I still would not own a pit bull nor let my 5 year old son ever play around one. Just my opinion based on my life experience. Peace.

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I don't buy it. I have seen too many times where the gentle pit bull mauls a kid or another dog without provocation. I know your son's experience is different, for now, but I still would not own a pit bull nor let my 5 year old son ever play around one. Just my opinion based on my life experience. Peace.

Pit Bulls are well known to maim or kill quickly - they immediately go for the head or throat, and are relentless once they attack. They do not need to be trained to do this, but are not normally aggressive towards their own household members. Anything outside of that is a potential victim, regardless of the circumstances. I know many smaller breeds that yap and nip at everything in sight, but these don't have the potential to do the same damage, and they show their intentions from the start. I'd implore some of the other posters here to take heed - many times there are no second chances with these animals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pit Bulls are well known to maim or kill quickly - they immediately go for the head or throat, and are relentless once they attack. They do not need to be trained to do this, but are not normally aggressive towards their own household members. Anything outside of that is a potential victim, regardless of the circumstances. I know many smaller breeds that yap and nip at everything in sight, but these don't have the potential to do the same damage, and they show their intentions from the start. I'd implore some of the other posters here to take heed - many times there are no second chances with these animals.

Amen, Jimmie Ray!

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