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I've Been Going to the...MOOOOvies


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Went to the $1.99 Theater to see Looper Thanksgiving afternoon.


Pretty intense.

I really liked it, and it had a good ending.

Pretty gritty and intense violence, yet I can honestly say it wasn't particularly gratuitous, simply illustrative.

There are some time paradox issues I'd love to discuss with anyone who saw it - questions on time paradox, how unexpected, lulz.

Bruce Willis always brings it, especially in sci-fi/future films.

And Joseph Gordon-Levitt was excellent.

These kind of movies are right in my wheelhouse.


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Just watched My Week with Marilyn. Michelle Williams, Kenneth Branagh and Judi Dench were wonderful. The movie - eh... it was okay. I really disliked the narrator, which was a problem as he's sorta the central character.

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I saw Lincoln today Strider. It was good. Parts of it were a bit confusing but it was pretty much about the emancipation proclomation. I will not say any more except Sally Field is always good and I forgot Tommy Lee Jones was in it.

Tommy Lee Jones is reported to be quite good in "Lincoln". Still on my "to-see" list.

Just watched My Week with Marilyn. Michelle Williams, Kenneth Branagh and Judi Dench were wonderful. The movie - eh... it was okay. I really disliked the narrator, which was a problem as he's sorta the central character.

I don't blame you for disliking the narrator, ebk, as this movie was based on a slippery piece of shit book that has little to no credibility among Marilyn experts. Added to the problem of an untrustworthy protagonist is the fact that it's played by one of the most milquetoast actors since Chris O'Donnell...I think he's the same milksop that was in that soggy bog of shite "War Horse".

Michelle Williams tried her best and she was better than expected, but it's almost impossible to portray a supernova like Monroe, where the public record is so vast and still fresh in the public's mind.

Apparently it is the curse of the great movie goddesses to be portrayed by lesser peons. Audrey Hepburn is played the totally inappropriate Jennifer Love Hewitt and now Elizabeth Taylor is to suffer the indignity of being portrayed by the inept Lindsay Lohan. Heaven help us.

Michelle Williams doesn't reach those lower depths but there was still a certain magic spark missing that Monroe had.

It would be like trying to find someone to play Robert Plant or Jimmy Page.

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Tommy Lee Jones is reported to be quite good in "Lincoln". Still on my "to-see" list.

I don't blame you for disliking the narrator, ebk, as this movie was based on a slippery piece of shit book that has little to no credibility among Marilyn experts. Added to the problem of an untrustworthy protagonist is the fact that it's played by one of the most milquetoast actors since Chris O'Donnell...I think he's the same milksop that was in that soggy bog of shite "War Horse".

Michelle Williams tried her best and she was better than expected, but it's almost impossible to portray a supernova like Monroe, where the public record is so vast and still fresh in the public's mind.

Apparently it is the curse of the great movie goddesses to be portrayed by lesser peons. Audrey Hepburn is played the totally inappropriate Jennifer Love Hewitt and now Elizabeth Taylor is to suffer the indignity of being portrayed by the inept Lindsay Lohan. Heaven help us.

Michelle Williams doesn't reach those lower depths but there was still a certain magic spark missing that Monroe had.

It would be like trying to find someone to play Robert Plant or Jimmy Page.

I know he has aged but man. Do they look old in the movie. They made Daniel Day Lewis look exactly like Lincoln

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Handy web site for the keen moviegoer with a weak bladder (pardon me if this has already been posted, I never visit this thread):


While perusing this thread from page 1, I just came across this clever app as posted by Aquamarine.

Well worth a repost.

That may be 99 cents I'm willing to pay for an app.

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OK, so it's a slow afternoon.

I'm in this thread enough that I actually took time to start at page 1 and just kinda cruise through.

Not necessarily reading every single post, just scanning.

Then a thought occurred to me.

Strider posts so often, I thought to find his first post.

Who could believe his first post isn't until page 64?!!!

Even though it was quite a while before I posted next, even my first post was around page 19.

Not that it means anything at all, I just kinda figured he'd be spread throughout the thread.

Instead, it's just the most recent 35% of the thread.

Meaningless, yet mildly interesting.


Oh, and I rented Moonrise Kingdom last night, and watched it again with my wife this morning.

It's hard to describe what makes it so awesome, but it is.

"No. What kind of bird are... YOU?"


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OK, so it's a slow afternoon.

I'm in this thread enough that I actually took time to start at page 1 and just kinda cruise through.

Not necessarily reading every single post, just scanning.

Then a thought occurred to me.

Strider posts so often, I thought to find his first post.

Who could believe his first post isn't until page 64?!!!

Even though it was quite a while before I posted next, even my first post was around page 19.

Not that it means anything at all, I just kinda figured he'd be spread throughout the thread.

Instead, it's just the most recent 35% of the thread.

Meaningless, yet mildly interesting.


Oh, and I rented Moonrise Kingdom last night, and watched it again with my wife this morning.

It's hard to describe what makes it so awesome, but it is.

"No. What kind of bird are... YOU?"


TypeO, the explanation is rather simple and two-fold. One; both at the previous Electric Magic forum and this subsequent official dot.com forum, I mainly concentrated on the Led Zeppelin topics, as I mostly was interested in news about any new releases, official or otherwise. I didn't even think to look up Led Zeppelin fan sites on the internet until after the BBC Sessions release, and after a couple years lurking, I didn't sign up as Strider on the Electric Magic board until 2002 or 2003, when the news about the Live DVD and HTWWW came out.

Two; you might find this hard to believe, but I'm pretty much a shy guy who keeps to himself. I tend to wait until others approach me, whether at a party or a concert. I'm not one of those social butterfly types.

So, even after I signed up, I felt awkward about posting...I felt I had come into the middle of a conversation with people I didn't know and it felt weird inserting myself. Especially when I would manage to overcome my reticence and post something only to have it ignored...at least it seemed as if it would be ignored. I mean, it's one thing sharing opinions with people who know you...friends, family, co-workers. To just come on here and immediately spout my opinions was daunting for me. Who cares what I think?

It took me years to get over my initial shyness. Then, just as I was getting used to the idea of posting, Electric Magic shut down and then became this current site. This all coincided with work, medical and relationship upheavals in my life. I discovered during this time that Led Zeppelin's music still had the restorative powers it did in my youth, that I was still passionate about the band and that's something that would never change. I finally had this desire to put down my passion in writing...which I have started to do, little by little.

Also around this time, I finally acquired a cellphone, which made it easier to check in on the forum during my commute or free time. Using the computer at work is rarely an option and since I am often out at concerts, movies, or otherwise engaged, I'm often not back at home until well after midnight.

So that is why I don't show up in many threads until well after they have started. In fact, there are a lot of threads where I don't show up at all.

Oh, and "Moonrise Kingdom" is still one of my favourite movies of the year...it is magical! Highly highly recommended!


This movie is BOSS! Cheap mindless fun that delivers on its promises. Rutger Hauer is a hobo...he's got a shotgun...and he's gonna use it to KICK ASS! If you liked "Death Wish", "The Exterminator", "Machete" or other movies of that ilk, you'll love "Hobo with a Shotgun". Definitely not for children.

Edited by Strider
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This is one of my favorite threads in Ramble On.

I don't go to the cinema much and some movies get by me. "Moonrise Kingdom" is one of those, and I've now learned that a lot of it was filmed in 'my backyard'. I'll pretty much try anything that Edward Norton is in.

Thanks TypeO and Strider.

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This is one of my favorite threads in Ramble On.

I don't go to the cinema much and some movies get by me. "Moonrise Kingdom" is one of those, and I've now learned that a lot of it was filmed in 'my backyard'. I'll pretty much try anything that Edward Norton is in.

Thanks TypeO and Strider.

You're welcome jb. I can definitely say that the locales used in "Moonrise Kingdom" are part of its charm and made me want to visit Rhode Island someday. Just a sweet movie all around and one of the best evocations of young love I've seen in some time. The two kids are just perfect.

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This is one of my favorite threads in Ramble On.

I don't go to the cinema much and some movies get by me. "Moonrise Kingdom" is one of those, and I've now learned that a lot of it was filmed in 'my backyard'. I'll pretty much try anything that Edward Norton is in.

Thanks TypeO and Strider.

I take little credit.

I saw the trailer for Moonrise Kingdom a couple months back, and like all trailers, it made me want to see it.

But it was, for me also, this thread and Strider's recommendation that influenced me to make the effort to watch it.

In fact, this thread has probably more influence over what I choose to watch than anything else.

So yeah, definitely.

Thanks, Strider.

Just a sweet movie all around and one of the best evocations of young love I've seen in some time. The two kids are just perfect.

^^^ THIS. ^^^

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I played hooky and saw "Cover Girl" today at the museum...they have a Film Matinee every Tuesday at 1pm for $2.

"Cover Girl" is a light, frothy confection of a musical starring Rita Hayworth, Gene Kelly, Phil Silvers and Eve Arden...in glorious Technicolor, of course. Rita looks great in black and white, too, but it just seems a crime not to photograph that radiant redhead in colour.

I wish I could describe the plot and movie in detail but I found myself losing myself in Rita Hayworth's loveliness every time she was on the screen, to the point that I would start daydreaming about her.

Short story...Rita becomes a cover girl for a fashion magazine and her success leaves boyfriend/fellow dancer Gene Kelly a bit jealous.

Some nice musical and dancing bits, wonderful clothes and costumes...and the always welcome sass and dry wit of Eve Arden.

In fact, for any of you musical and fashion enthusiasts, I recommend this double-bill of films to rent for a rainy night: "Cover Girl" and "Funny Face".

Both are romantic comedy musicals set among the worlds of fashion and/or theatre. Both have a great beauty paired with one of the greatest dancers of all-time: Rita/Gene Kelly in "Cover Girl"; Audrey Hepburn/Fred Astaire in "Funny Face.

And both have a wise-cracking redhead: Eve Arden in "Cover Girl" and Kay Thompson in "Funny Face".

So pop some popcorn, open a bottle of wine or warm up some cider, and call your gal pals over for a night of movie watching.

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I can definitely say that the locales used in "Moonrise Kingdom" are part of its charm and made me want to visit Rhode Island someday.

This is something I highly recommend. Summer and Autumn in New England - so good.

Just a sweet movie all around and one of the best evocations of young love I've seen in some time. The two kids are just perfect.

Unfortunately not available in Netflix Watch Instantly, but it's now at the top of my queue. I look forward to seeing it.

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^^ Yeah, what's with that??? I figure if they have it on DVD it should be available for streaming, but many are not...why? Licensing???

I am looking forward to seeing Moonrise Kingdom, looks whimsical and optimistic, right on the day-side of a half remembered dream.

Now for a completely different genre, I really want to see Killer Joe...also not available to stream :mad:

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^^ Yeah, what's with that??? I figure if they have it on DVD it should be available for streaming, but many are not...why? Licensing???

That's what I understand. Sometimes I'll watch a TV series via Netflix and it's really annoying having to wait between mailings. A friend has a plan that allows him to have multiple DVDs delivered, but I already spend too much money on television, so I'm not doing it.

This week in addition to watching Celebration Day a few times, I've seen a movie I have not seen in some years - Almost Famous. Love it. By coincidence, I have been thinking of Rod Stewart's song "Every Picture Tells a Story" this week and there it was in the soundtrack. I was wondering why there were no "heavy" Zeppelin songs in the film.

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^^ Yeah, what's with that??? I figure if they have it on DVD it should be available for streaming, but many are not...why? Licensing???

I am looking forward to seeing Moonrise Kingdom, looks whimsical and optimistic, right on the day-side of a half remembered dream.

Now for a completely different genre, I really want to see Killer Joe...also not available to stream :mad:

Vudu is good for streaming pay-per-view if you don't have access through traditional modes (cable TV).

It's as simple as entering an email to open the account - no credit card required to start an account.

You even get a $5.99 credit when you sign up.

You only enter your credit card if you decide to make purchases/rentals.

We dropped cable and phone and now have internet only, so we have Netflix, Amazon Prime, and we're trying Hulu Plus (good for TV shows, but their movie selection sucks).

Amazon Prime is awesome, it's $79 for an entire year, which comes out to just under $7 a month.

And I think the selection is better than Netflix, and they also have on-demand for the new releases (pay-per-view).

Crackle is also completely free, some good movies, but they intersperse a couple short commercials throughout the viewing.

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Now for a completely different genre, I really want to see Killer Joe...also not available to stream :mad:

Don't worry, SR...it's worth the wait. Order up some KFC to eat with the movie.

This week in addition to watching Celebration Day a few times, I've seen a movie I have not seen in some years - Almost Famous. Love it. By coincidence, I have been thinking of Rod Stewart's song "Every Picture Tells a Story" this week and there it was in the soundtrack. I was wondering why there were no "heavy" Zeppelin songs in the film.

Well, they did use "Misty Mountain Hop", which kind of rocks. Honestly, I think Cameron Crowe was going for a pastoral feeling, which is why he chose mostly acoustic Zep numbers. And it is probably his use of the less obvious and off-the-beaten tracks that makes Plant, Page and Jones so willing to allow Cameron to use their songs, where with other filmmakers they might not trust their motives or judgment.

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I'm currently watching 'Doomsday Gun' with Frank Langella, Kevin Spacey and Alan Arkin. Langella plays Gerald Bull who was building a 'Super Gun' for Saddam & Friends whose intent was to bomb other countries with it, including Israel of course. Bull was eventually assassinated before completion of the gun which was never really finished as the Brits and Maggie Thatcher found out about the plan and busted the parts manufacturers in England. Other countries were also involved. Bull sold his soul to the Devil and paid dearly for it.

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Still one of the best Bonds. I've read a few comments online where people say it's boring, did they not watch it all? The first half is slow, but the second half is all action! And what a great theme tune!

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