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I've Been Going to the...MOOOOvies


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I'm taking my nephew and sister-in-law to "Minions" later today. Hmmm...conspiracy theory references? You had my interest...now you have my attention. :P

Let me know what your thoughts.... The one really great thing these kids movies have going for them, is that exposes them to the sound track of our youth in a manner that they relate to.

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I found Trainwreck to be really funny.

Judd Apatow is on top of his game with this one. Far more of a romantic comedy than I thought it would be. Amy Shumer is superb.....if you like Apatows work and you enjoy Amy's style of comedy, this film is for you.

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Saw "Mr. Holmes" recently. Ian McKellen was superb as Holmes dealing with failing faculties, racing against age and time to solve the one that got away. Nuanced, thoughtful portrayal of growth through painful revelation in the midst of physical frailty. Wonderful performance from Laura Linney, too, as the disregarded, unlettered housekeeper raising a quick-witted boy (played by Milo Parker) who keeps correcting her. Actually, she gets it from both of them, and sometimes it's funny, but often it's just uncomfortable to have her vulnerabilities mocked so openly in front of her. It's about Holmes, yes, but also about how their relationship is challenged and develops.

A blessedly quiet, slow movie. A rarity nowadays.

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Let me know what your thoughts.... The one really great thing these kids movies have going for them, is that exposes them to the sound track of our youth in a manner that they relate to.

Time sure slips away...totally forgot to get back to you via "Minions", zepscoda.

So yeah, it was enjoyable for the most part and my nephew definitely enjoyed the movie. Especially when young Gru showed up. I sort of dozed briefly in the middle so I missed how the Minions got the crown away from Queen Elizabeth and King Bob took power.

Now, to your specific quibbles. It's set in 1968 London, so there is a plethora of cool 60s tunes on the soundtrack. Therefore, the EVH bit is definitely anachronistic and unnecessary generational pandering. Unlike the reference in "Back to the Future", it doesn't work and it's a clumsy scene.

The moon landing conspiracy I didn't have such a problem with, mainly because it was difficult to ascertain whether they were really faking a moon landing or if it was merely a diorama as seen at a museum. I think it went by most people's attention...I know neither my nephew or his mom caught any inference about the lunar landing conspiracy.

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I found Trainwreck to be really funny.

Judd Apatow is on top of his game with this one. Far more of a romantic comedy than I thought it would be. Amy Shumer is superb.....if you like Apatows work and you enjoy Amy's style of comedy, this film is for you.

Saw "Mr. Holmes" recently. Ian McKellen was superb as Holmes dealing with failing faculties, racing against age and time to solve the one that got away. Nuanced, thoughtful portrayal of growth through painful revelation in the midst of physical frailty. Wonderful performance from Laura Linney, too, as the disregarded, unlettered housekeeper raising a quick-witted boy (played by Milo Parker) who keeps correcting her. Actually, she gets it from both of them, and sometimes it's funny, but often it's just uncomfortable to have her vulnerabilities mocked so openly in front of her. It's about Holmes, yes, but also about how their relationship is challenged and develops.

A blessedly quiet, slow movie. A rarity nowadays.

Going to see both of these movies ("Trainwreck" and "Mr. Holmes") tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^^I like Jude Law and I definitely liked him in "Dom Hemingway". Also enjoyed him in "A.I." and "Grand Budapest Hotel". Sadly, "Dom" was one of those little movies dumped on the market with little promotion. Hopefully it gains an audience through home video...kind of like the way "In Bruge" did.

Watched the latest 'Mission Impossible' recently. Best one of the lot.

(testing cell here to check it's working properly again...)

Seems to be working, Patrycja...all systems 'go'. I rather enjoyed the new Mission Impossible movie more than I expected, and like you, think it is the best of the series. That opening plane stunt by Cruise was quite good.

Laat couple of evenings have been the kind of double-bills that make Los Angeles a film geek's paradise.


Christopher Lee Tribute...with both movies also starring Peter Cushing. In "Scream and Scream Again", for good measure they also throw in Vincent Price. Both films were shot in early-70s England, so there's plenty of local colour and scenery...and plenty of good-looking birds. A very young Joanna Lumley aka "Patsy" from AbFab pops up in "Dracula..." as Van Helsing's granddaughter.



Ralph Meeker night on Monday.


Jimmy Stewart...Robert Ryan...Ralph Meeker...and a young Janet Leigh. Great Anthony Mann western shot in glorious Technicolor amid spectacular scenery.


Samuel Fuller directed this rare Hollywood western where the Indians win. Charles Bronson in one of his first roles as an Indian chief. Rod Steiger plays a Confederate soldier who refuses to surrender to the Yankees and goes to live with the Sioux Indians instead. Brian Keith is solid, as always and Angie Dickenson dubbed the lead female role's voice.


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Fright (1971)

I was watching an interview with the late George Cole where he mentioned this film. He said that when he and Dennis Waterman were first cast in Minder, neither of them realised they had both appeared in the same film before! Anyway, I was intrigued enough to check the film out, especially when I saw the lovely Susan George was the lead.

I found the whole film on youtube.

Not a bad film overall. I especially liked the first half and the way the suspense built up. It reminded me of the early seventies Hammer films, but it is also very original and must have been an influence on later films like Halloween and When a Stranger Calls.

Only Fools & Horses fans will also recognise a young Roger Lloyd Pack playing a policeman!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going to make this short because, frankly, there is only one movie out there that is going to make you feel inspired and transcendent. Yeah, I have seen all the summer tomfoolerey out there...but the only thing seeing "Fantastic Four" or "Ricki and the Flash" or "Entourage" is going to make you feel is remorse at being suckered in to paying for that crap.

THIS movie blew my mind! It will blow yours...GO SEE IT! You'll thank me later.


Here is a list of theatres and release dates for the film.


Charles J. White, you especially should be interested in this film. Anyone who is into climbing should know the names Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, and Renan Ozturk...and the Mount Meru "Shark Fin" in the Himalayas.

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Despite not liking Tom Cruise, I watched the MI series over the summer, and MI5 the other week, and I did really enjoy the series. He does amazing stunts, and 5 had phenomenal action scenes. I've also enjoyed the ensemble casts/cameos throughout. I wasn't crazy about the humor in 5 though; it broke my concentration if that makes sense. I had also recently watched the Bourne Legacy and it was a little odd/distracting that Jeremy Renner was in both, since they are sort of rival series.

(Any good spy movie recommendations? I've seen all the Bond and Clancy films too).

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Despite not liking Tom Cruise, I watched the MI series over the summer, and MI5 the other week, and I did really enjoy the series. He does amazing stunts, and 5 had phenomenal action scenes. I've also enjoyed the ensemble casts/cameos throughout. I wasn't crazy about the humor in 5 though; it broke my concentration if that makes sense. I had also recently watched the Bourne Legacy and it was a little odd/distracting that Jeremy Renner was in both, since they are sort of rival series.

(Any good spy movie recommendations? I've seen all the Bond and Clancy films too).

Yeah, against my expectations I really enjoyed the new Mission Impossible 5 too, Virginia. The opening plane stunt and the motorcycle chase sequence were above-the-norm action scenes. More importantly, the villian and the plot were more memorable than usual in these types of summer action movies.

So, you want some more spy movie recommendations? I'm your guy. Let's start with one of the first and still an all-time classic espionage thriller: "North by Northwest"...directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring the lovely Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint. The baddies are deliciously played by James Mason and Martin Landau. Leo G. Carroll, the U.S. intelligence agency chief who callously throws Cary Grant to the wolves, would later show up in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. series.

When the first Bond movie "Dr. No" was a hit, it set in motion a wave of other spy movies as every studio in Hollywood tried to get in the act. The Bond craze also coincided with the Playboy boom of the 60s. Hence, just about all of these movies are stocked with Playboy Playmates.

There's the Matt Helm movie series, starring Dean Martin as Matt Helm. "The Silencers" is the best of the Matt Helm movies, in my opinion.

My personal favourites are the Derek Flint films starring James Coburn..."Our Man Flint" and "In Like Flint".

Another great one that came in the wake of 007 is "Deadlier Than the Male", starring the man who almost was James Bond before Sean Connery got the role...Richard Johnson as British Agent Hugh Drummond. The beautiful Elke Sommer and Sylvia Koscina are two assassins causing chaos wherever they go. Watching this and you can see Richard Johnson would have made a fine James Bond.

If you liked the TV series "Man From U.N.C.L.E.", you should enjoy some of the feature films they made to capitalize on the tv show's popularity. "The Spy With My Face" (1965) and "One Spy Too Many" (1966) both have Robert Vaughn and David McCallum reprising their roles as Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin. The budgets weren't as lavish as regular movie budgets, so it "looks" like a 1960s tv show at times, but the Napoleon-Illya chemistry is always there.

There are even a couple of spy movies that Robert Vaughn and David McCallum did separately apart from their "Man from U.N.C.L.E." personas. Robert Vaughn, Elke Sommer, Ed Asner, Boris Karloff, and Karl Böhm all are quite good in 1966's "The Venetian Affair", adapted from Helen MacInnes book. A much darker tone than the "U.N.C.L.E." series.

David McCallum has a bit of fun with Telly Savalas, Stella Stevens, Ricardo Montalban, and a young and thin Rip Torn in 1968's "Sol Madrid".

One thing many of these films share are cool music scores...often by Lalo Schifrin, who scored the Mission Impossible tv show.

"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" and "Three Days of the Condor" are a couple more good ones.

And for a more recent spy film, there are two I highly recommend:

1. 2011's "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" starring Gary Oldman as George Smiley in this adaptation of John Le Carré's book. More of a thinking-person's spy thriller than a typical action movie, this has an amazing cast.

2. 2009's "Duplicity", a corporate-espionage movie with great chemistry between Julia Roberts and Clive Owen. Paul Giamatti and Tom Wilkinson are great in supporting roles.

I am sure I will think of more later but these are the ones that came to mind immediately to recommend to you.

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I saw the new UNCLE offering and found it just ok. It was entertaining and fun with the snappy exchanges and quick action, but the flat character construction made me aware of what was lacking throughout. It bothered me that we were just told about the Russian's 'issues' rather than being shown them, which would've been far more effective in conveying why he pops off like he does. Just a minor thing, but it could have easily been added via flashbacks rather than dialogue. I did miss the first couple of minutes of the movie (this is the second time ever) so maybe they touched upon it?

V, I suggest you watch again the Daniel Craig Bond films for the eye candy (I was skeptical when he was cast, but he's now my favourite 007!), and as a refresher for the upcoming Bond flick, "Spectre":


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Thank you both for the suggestions; that should keep me busy for a while! Tinker, Tailor has come up as a Netflix suggestion but I didn't know anyone who'd seen it before. :)

It really was one of my favourite films of that year...I might have raved about it here but only TypeO is brave enough to scroll thru the past posts. I don't know if you read Le Carré but I find most movie adaptations of his books lacking something, but "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" was completely satisfying as a film, if not as complete and detailed as the 1979 BBC TV miniseries version.

And, like I said..."Tinker Tailor..." has a cast to die for! Many of the leading lights of the UK acting community: John Hurt, Gary Oldman, Mark Strong, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Toby Jones, Ciarán Hinds...are you kidding me?!? Well done, casting director! :thumbsup:

Saw two entertaining Ozploitation films from Australia tonight. 1974's "Stone" about Aussie bikers being picked off by an assassin and an undercover cop named "Stone" who tries to help find the killer by joining the biker gang...The Grave Diggers from Sydney. This is the film that begat the Ozploitation wave.

The other film in tonight's double-feature was "Dark Age" from 1987. A giant crocodile is loose and eating people. It's basically like "JAWS" but with a crocodile instead of a shark.

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It really was one of my favourite films of that year...I might have raved about it here but only TypeO is brave enough to scroll thru the past posts. I don't know if you read Le Carré but I find most movie adaptations of his books lacking something, but "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" was completely satisfying as a film, if not as complete and detailed as the 1979 BBC TV miniseries version.

And, like I said..."Tinker Tailor..." has a cast to die for! Many of the leading lights of the UK acting community: John Hurt, Gary Oldman, Mark Strong, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Toby Jones, Ciarán Hinds...are you kidding me?!? Well done, casting director! :thumbsup:

Saw two entertaining Ozploitation films from Australia tonight. 1974's "Stone" about Aussie bikers being picked off by an assassin and an undercover cop named "Stone" who tries to help find the killer by joining the biker gang...The Grave Diggers from Sydney. This is the film that begat the Ozploitation wave.

The other film in tonight's double-feature was "Dark Age" from 1987. A giant crocodile is loose and eating people. It's basically like "JAWS" but with a crocodile instead of a shark.

Wait...did you say Colin Firth?! Ok I'm definitely watching!!

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For those who like climbing films, I stumbled upon this:

Jäger des Augenblicks - Ein Abenteuer am Mount Roraima

Here's a trailer for "Roraima: Climbers of the Lost World"

And the site: http://www.jaegerdesaugenblicks.de/

Some more info:


Photostory: Roraima With Stefan Glowacz

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