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Fire Safety Cigarettes


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I rate smokers right down there with racists, sexists, rapists, murderers(in fact many smokers are murders just by nature of habit), and petafiles.

Now, go swim in your section of the pool.

My parents are smokers. I don't like it, have bitched to them for years about quitting for the sake of their health, but in the end...it's their choice. My parents are not rapists, racists, sexists, murderers or pedophiles and I'm insulted for them that you'd categorize them as such. They smoke, they don't barbecue puppies. WTF is the matter with you?

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I rate smokers right down there with racists, sexists, rapists, murderers(in fact many smokers are murders just by nature of habit), and petafiles.

Now, go swim in your section of the pool.

So that's your opinion of the members of led Zeppelin? (All known to smoke)

I don't like cigarette smoke, but there are some things about life that are beyond your control, and all you can do is limit your exposure to them.

That and get over yourself.... :rolleyes:

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I agree.

Although I dislike cigarette smoke, some of my best friends have had a very hard time trying to quit, but they were still some of the most wonderful people who I have ever known.

Hi ET,

Couldnt agree with you more, but did you know smoking never kills you? its the diseases that it leaves you with that kill you, like.

Gangreen-My Uncle Com

Chronic Heart Disease-My Dad

Heart Faliure- My Nan

Kidney Failure-My Mum

Brain and Mouth Cancer-Uncle Terry

Lung Cancer-Mother in Law

And thats just off the top of my head.

Its the people that they leave behind that are in emotional distress for years to come that i feel sorry for, not the smokers themselves.

Regards, Danny

PS, oh forgot to say ET, they all quit in the end, when their dead.

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I rate smokers right down there with racists, sexists, rapists, murderers(in fact many smokers are murders just by nature of habit), and petafiles.

Now, go swim in your section of the pool.

I think it's pretty obvious she's referring to PETAphiles, those who are lovers of PETA.

And I'm gonna hafta agree.

Those PETA pricks always throwing blood on fur coats, and protesting because of some microscopic sand flea that could become endangered if we build a porta-potty somewhere.

Although I gotta admit those ads they do with the nekkid chicks are pretty hawt.

Still, they're a bunch of snotty, opinionated, know-it-alls, and I'm sure we can all agree they rank down there with all the rest she listed.

Fuggin' vegans.




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Hi ET,

Couldnt agree with you more, but did you know smoking never kills you? its the diseases that it leaves you with that kill you, like.

Gangreen-My Uncle Com

Chronic Heart Disease-My Dad

Heart Faliure- My Nan

Kidney Failure-My Mum

Brain and Mouth Cancer-Uncle Terry

Lung Cancer-Mother in Law

And thats just off the top of my head.

Its the people that they leave behind that are in emotional distress for years to come that i feel sorry for, not the smokers themselves.

Regards, Danny

PS, oh forgot to say ET, they all quit in the end, when their dead.

Hi Danny,

Yeah, they do quit eventually, and then you miss them. Smoking contributes to heart disease and cigarettes contain carcinogens as well as other additives.

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wtf is a petafile?

I think you mean pedophile, I smoke, but never even considered murdering anyone(although you are making me reconsider my position)

get off your soapbox, it's annoying and nobody wants to hear (or read) it

Yes, I mean pedophile, thank you.

If you smoke you may have inadvertently killed someone.

I won't to report your threat to mods, as I am not a whiny baby as a few around here are. Besides you'll have to find me first.

Edited by Gospel Zone
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Where do you file your pets ? :huh:

This thread was for a personal bitch against an idiotic law. It's purpose wasn't to provide you with an outlet to voice your opinion on the habit of smoking...that's all documented. You have made your personal choice based on that documentation, as I have mine. This isn't about your personal air space being violated, it wasn't about throwing a left lung, your relatives who you believe have died from smoking, about smelly clothes, about the financial cost, or even about how the U.S. exports more cigarettes around the world than any other country (...and I bet Congress isn't worried about those being fire-safe !). This thread is about my legal right to still smoke tobacco how and when I choose within the privacy of my own home. That ain't your business.

Still looking for those fire-safe cigars, tapers, candles, tiki torches, bunsen burners, mosquito chasers, sparklers, fireplaces, flares, etc.....You be sure and let me know when we're all safe from ourselves. :slapface:

Notice I didn't list trick birthday candles ? That's because they are supposed to go out....BECAUSE IT'S A JOKE !

If you put it that way, I have no more concern about the laws governing the "paraphernalia" for a smokers inconsiderate habit than I am about the "paraphernalia" needs of a pedophile.

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Lady, you need to get a clue.

You're equating smokers with pedophiles? Seriously? People who smoke and people who have sex with children?

You are deranged. Get help.

A point being missed is that in our society, if you are any one of those other things I compared smokers to, you run a good chance of someone getting in your face about it. In fact there are things less harmful than smoking that are considered socially unacceptable behavior, such as someone yelling obscenities, and I would much rather pass someone on the street yelling obscenities than someone smoking. I've pretty much proven that point by not getting offended by an earlier reply to one of my post on this thread.

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I don't know if is the guilt of the cigarette I'm smoking alone, but I think that the cars should have the exhaust pipe inside the cabin... =)

That reminds me of an encounter with a smoker at a friends apartment earlier this year. I confronted someone smoking in the hall and because I had on my motorcycle gear, they responded by saying; "What about when I'm sitting in traffic and there's a biker revving up his engine in front of me and I'm breathing in all those fumes?"

I responded by saying; "They don't let me ride my bike in the hallway either."

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I won't to report your threat to mods, as I am not a whiny baby as a few around here are. Besides you'll have to find me first.

You advocated mass genocide to anyone who smokes. In theory, if that actually happened, you'd be on trial for conspiracy to commit mass murder. Just sayin. If you can't see how ridiculousy extreme you're going here, there's little help for you. So if anyone crosses my lawn and bends my grass, I should grab them and lop off their feet for murdering my lawn. Or maybe the government should impose mandatory astroturf to avoid this problem. Imaging the savings on the environment by eliminating riding mowers!

I smoke. In my house. If you don't like the smell, don't come in. Here in California they are banning cigar rooms. Places where smokers can go that have their own air systems and filtration units that don't pollute the outside air. Fuck you Arnold Governator. You smoke fucking cigars you hypocritical cocksucker!

As for peeing the pool, go wave a sign at public restrooms. Or portable toilets at concert festivals. Umm, savory!

Two words: Jim Fixx

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A point being missed is that in our society, if you are any one of those other things I compared smokers to, you run a good chance of someone getting in your face about it. In fact there are things less harmful than smoking that are considered socially unacceptable behavior, such as someone yelling obscenities, and I would much rather pass someone on the street yelling obscenities than someone smoking. I've pretty much proven that point by not getting offended by an earlier reply to one of my post on this thread.

No, you're missing the point.

You said smokers were like rapists, pedophiles, murderers, racists........you equated people who smoke with people who rape, who kill, who molest children, who hate people because of their race. Do you even comprehend how disgusting that is?

Smoking is a disgusting HABIT. You are a disgusting PERSON.

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That reminds me of an encounter with a smoker at a friends apartment earlier this year. I confronted someone smoking in the hall and because I had on my motorcycle gear, they responded by saying; "What about when I'm sitting in traffic and there's a biker revving up his engine in front of me and I'm breathing in all those fumes?"

I responded by saying; "They don't let me ride my bike in the hallway either."

oh that's clever, I suggest that the exhaust from your motorcycle is more harmful to people and the environment than the smoke from the 9 or 10 cigarettes I smoke a day...but I really don't care(look at what one volcanic eruption belches into the atmosphere..or drive by a refinery some time)

pretty much everything contributes to pollution, and isn't good for your health...so fucking what?

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No, you're missing the point.

You said smokers were like rapists, pedophiles, murderers, racists........you equated people who smoke with people who rape, who kill, who molest children, who hate people because of their race. Do you even comprehend how disgusting that is?

Smoking is a disgusting HABIT. You are a disgusting PERSON.

Do you comprehend how disgusting smoking is? If you smoke around your children you are molesting them, you could be killing them. Smokers are as self serving as racists and sexists.

Another thing about smoking is that, like drinking and drugs, it is introduced by ones peers. Autistic children don't smoke, drink or do drugs because they have no peers.

Well folks I did stick to my word in my first post on this threat, and thats was:

"I have much more original anti smoking comments that those, anyway."

Edited by Gospel Zone
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I live with two smokers, Scooter. I know how disgusting it is.

Smoking however, IS NOT MOLESTATION. IT IS NOT MURDER. IT IS NOT RAPE. IT IS NOT RACISM. IT IS NOT SEXISM. Equating smoking with any of the above things is insulting to victims of those crimes. Can you comprehend THAT? Someone smoking around you is not tantamount to a stranger forcing themselves on you sexually. It is not tantamount to someone taking a knife and stabbing you to death. It is not tantamount to someone denying you a job or a house or forcing you to a separate part of a building because of the color of your skin. It is not tantamount to getting passed over for a promotion because you have XX chromosomes instead of XY.

You're not only disgusting, you're willfully ignorant. If you're taking this stand to be funny or to troll, you're sick. If you're taking this stand because you're serious, you're sick. Either way, the rest of us lose because you're flinging this crap at us.

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A solution to this problem exists, that is smoke absorbers. They are on the market somewhere. I read about them years ago. I think the casinos should have them because the air inside the casinos is thick with tobacco smoke. You inhale it everywhere you go. That way I could play the penny slots and inhale relatively clean air and the smokers could relax with their cigarettes. Then we could all concentrate on making the one-armed bandits pay off and have fun.


Edited by eternal light
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BTW, for those who can't read lips, the dialog is "What, you found stray kittens in the yard? Well put them in my room! I'll find a box!"

What? I can love kittens! :beer:


Looks like one of them took a dump on your pillow, but yes, you can see the passion for the subject.... ;)

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