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Name 1 Bad Zeppelin Song

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If they would stop playing there crap on the radio they would fade away. Don't you people have anything better to do , than piss and moan about a band that that hasn't been together in 30 years. They were a good band in the 70's ok in the 80's know just put them out to pasture.

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I give up. There is no "getting through to him" about anything. It just doesn't make any sense if you don't like Zeppelin's songs. Then why are you on the Zeppelin forum? Pointless. It doesn't matter if they are not together anymore. Every band has their up's and down's. But each member of Zep are talented and they are still making music. Bonzo would if he was still alive. You know what? I think you need to get your story straight. You have no clue what your talking about and to who your talking to. I have respect for bands that write GOOD songs instead of some damn cat scratch shit. F-cking retarded. But to you it's "good" music. I hear that song and I wanna puke or hurl which ever comes first. But whatever. I'm talking to a brick wall.

Led Zeppelin will NEVER fade away. Led Zeppelin is on the pedestal with The Beatles. Nothing else compares to them. There will never ever be anything else like Zep. And that my friend, is the truth.

-Led Zep Girl

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I give up. There is no "getting through to him" about anything. It just doesn't make any sense if you don't like Zeppelin's songs. Then why are you on the Zeppelin forum? Pointless. It doesn't matter if they are not together anymore. Every band has their up's and down's. But each member of Zep are talented and they are still making music. Bonzo would if he was still alive. You know what? I think you need to get your story straight. You have no clue what your talking about and to who your talking to. I have respect for bands that write GOOD songs instead of some damn cat scratch shit. F-cking retarded. But to you it's "good" music. I hear that song and I wanna puke or hurl which ever comes first. But whatever. I'm talking to a brick wall.

Led Zeppelin will NEVER fade away. Led Zeppelin is on the pedestal with The Beatles. Nothing else compares to them. There will never ever be anything else like Zep. And that my friend, is the truth.

-Led Zep Girl

The best thing to do is ignore him. He wants to rile us up because for some reason he gets a kick out of it. If we ignore him, maybe he'll go away ;)

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Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. It just makes me mad when people disrespect something so dear to me. :(

Same here. I tried to ignore it but it just really pisses me off. Whenever someone talks bad about Led Zeppelin or The Beatles and things that I love, then I take it personally.

Hopefully this person is gone for good. Peace to everyone. :hippy:

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Ok roadiestar, umm I mean Mary Hartman, you forgot to mention White Zombie as a band better than LZ.

Why not, on your next trolling excursion, pick a name from the chum bucket by White Zombie like Astro Creep 2010.

I know road apples when I smell them.

Worse than bull hockey.

Edited by Poindexter
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Black Label

Deep Purple


Alice Cooper

Uria heep


avenged 7 fold


alice in chains


smashing pumpkins

My respect for your opinion went down the gutter when you placed Korn as beter than Zeppelin.

Tally ho! Let us all gather round and listen to someone scream about their abused child hood while the registered sex offender guiatrist place a couple of scales?

Korn seriously? They have no soul to their music sir. They arent necessarly even that talented. I mean do they even write their own stuff or are they just another band made famous by their parasitic relationship with MTV.

Omg I think I need to vomit.

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Ok, I love Zeppelin, its the best, yes, BUT: To all those who said that none of the bands on the roadies list can even compare to Zeppelin: There was also Deep Purple mentioned. And That is my second love and, yes, in my opinion, Deep Purple can be easily compared to Zeppelin. Their music was also great. Still it is Zeppelin on top for me, but meh, Purples did their job too, so do not touch them:).

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DISRESPECTFUL party of one...HE IS GONE!!!



Hi Debs,

How did you do it? :lol:

I did say that the Mods would sort it out, they let him hang himself, its just a shame that some people would rather act like a troll than contribute something relative to the forum, even if its just humour. ;)

Kind Regards, Danny

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My respect for your opinion went down the gutter when you placed Korn as beter than Zeppelin.

Tally ho! Let us all gather round and listen to someone scream about their abused child hood while the registered sex offender guiatrist place a couple of scales?

Korn seriously? They have no soul to their music sir. They arent necessarly even that talented. I mean do they even write their own stuff or are they just another band made famous by their parasitic relationship with MTV.

Omg I think I need to vomit.

There great if you like to listen to a bunch of average musicians play nursery rhymes really loud to cover up there lack of musicianship! "ring around the rosey" are you fucking kidding me!THEY SUCK!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very Nice!


Well, after the poster child for birth control ran his mouth until he finally got banned :sarcastic_hand: and got people to stray away from the original topic, I thought a lot about this post. I love their music, but am the first to admit there are a few songs that aren't my cup of tea. I'm not going to call them "bad" but i usually don't listen to them, or if i do, i don't enjoy them:

Black Country Woman

Hats Off To (Roy) Harper

The Crunge

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