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Bomb Scare in NYC's Times Square


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I was in New York City this past weekend, during the car bomb scare.

I am surprised by the nonchalant reaction by the New Yorkers to the seriousness of this.

In general, no one talked about what happened, and just went on with their normal lives as if nothing happened.

My hotel was on 40th Street, just one block from Broadway, and not one word was said there about the bomb. They were calm and cool, not concerned at all.

I was sitting at the outdoor cafe in Bryant Park when the bomb was found, and there were many sirens and emergency vehicles going down 42nd Street to Times Square, but no one at the cafe seemed concerned, even though we were only 1.5 blocks from Times Square. No one knew what was going on. The word about what was happening did not spread very fast. (They did give us a free drink, though, lol.)

I was with friends from around the United States on Sunday, and all that was said was "Did you hear about the bomb in Times Square?" No one seemed overly concerned.

There was extra security at the airport when I came home, and it did take a longer time to get through security. There were several dogs in the check in area, probably sniffing for explosives. I have never seen them there before. But I did forget to take the liquids out of my carry-on bag for the X-ray machine, and they did not catch it, so they weren't looking too hard at the bags going through.

I saw the play "Billy Elliott" on Friday night, and the theater, the Imperial, was on the same street where the car bomb was located, W. 45th Street, between 7th and 8th Ave. If the bomb would have gone off, and it was Friday instead of Saturday, I probably would have been involved in the explosion while at the theater.

After seeing the video of the suspect guy taking off his sweater on TV, I am certain that he had nothing to do with the car bomb. It was very hot in NYC on Saturday, and he was just stopping to take his sweater off, not disquising his clothing as implied on the news. It probably was a true terrorist attempt to attack the US. It probably had to do with the Viacom Building located on 45th Street, and the South Park cartoon. Just my opinion.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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I was in New York City this past weekend, during the car bomb scare.

I am surprised by the nonchalant reaction by the New Yorkers to the seriousness of this.

In general, no one talked about what happened, and just went on with their normal lives as if nothing happened.

Because the likelihood of being blown up by a car bomb is far eclipsed by the chances of getting killed by some Mark Chapman psycho or some careening foreign taxi cab driver or even bitten by a bubonic plagued rat rising from a sewer drain.

NY'ers put things in perspective. They realize the day to day dangers and don't worry about the aberrant "lightning strikes".

Tourist's stand out like a sore thumb because they're the ones who panic and freak.

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What a surprise, turns out the failed Times Square bombing suspect is an Islamic terrorist, a naturalized American citizen of Pakistani origin.

Who woulda thunk?

What are you talking about? He's a Connecticut man. Ahaa

Anybody else want to join me this evening watching Chrissie Matthews and Keith OlberMUTT dance around this? You just know they were praying to god that this guy was Tim McVeigh's half brother. Who was it that predicted this guy would be someone "upset about the healthcare policy" Fashizzle! That's it, man. You got it.

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Why does allows come down to which side of the fence you`re on?

Can`t wait to hear what Hannity has to say.

I thought we were all on the same team, so much for thinking that.

He should be tried quickly, summairly executed, stuffed and mounted then sent back to Ass-crackistan.

But then again thats the price you pay for being free when crap like this happens.

Can`t dodge the bullet forever and luckily they keep throwing Three-Stooges style bombers at us like this Moe-ammar.

Good work evey one involved!

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Hi all,

What are you talking about? He's a Connecticut man. Ahaa

Anybody else want to join me this evening watching Chrissie Matthews and Keith OlberMUTT dance around this? You just know they were praying to god that this guy was Tim McVeigh's half brother. Who was it that predicted this guy would be someone "upset about the healthcare policy" Fashizzle! That's it, man. You got it.

No,he was born in Karachi.On Oct. 20, 2008, Shahzad reported his marriage to a woman he identified as Huma Asif Mian, American citizen. He was naturalized as a U.S. citizen on April 17, 2009.

Wonderful,..... :rolleyes:


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Because the likelihood of being blown up by a car bomb is far eclipsed by the chances of getting killed by some Mark Chapman psycho or some careening foreign taxi cab driver or even bitten by a bubonic plagued rat rising from a sewer drain.

NY'ers put things in perspective. They realize the day to day dangers and don't worry about the aberrant "lightning strikes".

Tourist's stand out like a sore thumb because they're the ones who panic and freak.

New Yorkers do need to watch out for all of those bubonic plague infested rats lurking about, lol.

The point of my post was that no one was all that concerned about the bomb, tourists included.

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Why does allows come down to which side of the fence you`re on?

Can`t wait to hear what Hannity has to say.

I thought we were all on the same team, so much for thinking that.

you must be new around here! :D

i say it's time we round 'em all up, shoot the adult males, send women and children to internment camps. Problem solved.

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Makes me wonder if this was a trial run, you know just to see what the response would be to better prepare for what they really have in mind, and if they happened to have offed some people in the process this time, all the better. It reminds me of when the WTC was first bombed with the trucks.... Glad they caught him, though his having worked alone is hard to believe.

Edited by Patrycja
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i say it's time we round 'em all up, shoot the adult males, send women and children to internment camps. Problem solved.

If its good for Hashimoto, its good for Achmed.

I`m a uniter nor a divider.


Is that even a word?

All I know is that it rhymes with redivider, the longest known (to me, at least) palindrome.


If she is elected Prez, will that be silent death from above by a Hellfire Missle?

Can`t even say I heard a fly buzz when I died, dead?


That was a plan.


A better plan.

Too bad Usama brought it on his band of thugs.

They can`t move.

Dress rehersal?

All I can say is, lets keep those training camps open where ever they are.

Even provide student loans.

God help Achmed and roasting a goat in your memory.


Edited for poor spelling.

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2 failures of late. I'm sure the third time will be a charm.


Just curious, but what exactly do you mean by "I'm sure the third time will be a charm"? To me that sounds (and seems) like you Hope the "third one" will be successful.

I am a Proud and Loyal American, and I say that we round up and arrest or even Kill any any potential "terrorists" that would even consider killing innocent American-born citizens. If these stupid "Islamic fanatics" are willing to kill any innocent American citizens here in the United States of America, then I say we KILL all of them before they even get a chance at killing US(A). I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I AM WILLING TO KILL THEM BEFORE THEY HARM OR KILL ANY OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

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Just curious, but what exactly do you mean by "I'm sure the third time will be a charm"? To me that sounds (and seems) like you Hope the "third one" will be successful.

You have got to be kidding.

I am a Proud and Loyal American, and I say that we round up and arrest or even Kill any any potential "terrorists" that would even consider killing innocent American-born citizens. If these stupid "Islamic fanatics" are willing to kill any innocent American citizens here in the United States of America, then I say we KILL all of them before they even get a chance at killing US(A). I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I AM WILLING TO KILL THEM BEFORE THEY HARM OR KILL ANY OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

Oh - and I'd love to know how you will identify "potential" terrorists.

Good luck protecting all the "American-born" people. If your ancestors had taken the same viewpoint..........ah, what's the point? :rolleyes:

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You have got to be kidding.

Oh - and I'd love to know how you will identify "potential" terrorists.

Good luck protecting all the "American-born" people. If your ancestors had taken the same viewpoint..........ah, what's the point? :rolleyes:

Well, let's break this down. Who was responsible for the "terrorist" attacks on September 11, 2001? Was it White Americans? Black Americans? Mexican Americans? Jewish Americans? No. It was middle eastern cowards that came to this Great Country of the United States of America from Suadi Arabia and Yemen. "Our" only mistake was letting these cowards enter the USA legally.

Let me ask you this, knebby. I assume you are from the United Kingdom from your location of Albion. What if YOUR ancestors had LOST the Battle of Britain? And the Nazi's had invaded and killed your fellow Britons (and possibly Your parents and Grand Parents) and caused massive and widespread devastation? Would you know how to identify these "potential" terrorists? They would be wearing Swastikas on their sleeves. I would hope that You would do everything in your power to stop such senseless mayhem and destruction.

You said it Yourself. What's the Point? (roll eyes). Well, my point is this: I Love My Country and will and would do everything to Protect it and the people that are True Americans. From all threats: foreign or domestic. (And in this case Foreign being that it is the middle eastern foreigners that brought these Wars on to The Mighty United States of America).

By the way, I do believe that these same foreigners bombed and terrorized London's underground subways and double-decker busses on July 7, 2005. Am I wrong?

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Wow. :blink:

Your post is astonishing and there's probably little point in trying to argue with you - but let me put it this way.

When the UK was subject to repeated terrorist attacks throughout the 70s and 80s - you probably don't remember them since it seems terrorism didn't exist until it affected the US - we knew where to look for those terrorists.

They were usually on parade through New York on March 17th or languishing in Ted Kennedy's address book.

My point is?

Generalisation and prejudice like this is ill-informed, dangerous, bigotted, embarrasing, ridiculous and WRONG.

But you probably won't get that.

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Makes me wonder if this was a trial run, you know just to see what the response would be to better prepare for what they really have in mind, and if they happened to have offed some people in the process this time, all the better. It reminds me of when the WTC was first bombed with the trucks.... Glad they caught him, though his having worked alone is hard to believe.

That's what I'm wondering too. However, it could also have been a response time drill. May have been patriots who feel the USA has let it's guard down and wanted to prove a point. Who knows ? One thing for sure though is that terrorism is not just about blowing up innocent people and buildings. It's the scars and fear that it leaves on peoples minds that do the real damage.

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Bearing in mind that this latest cretin who wished to carry out mass murder only became a U.S. citizen one year ago,is it not time for civilised countries to start banning immigrants from muslim ones?

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WoW . . . Another would be Middle Class Terrorist from a wealthy Muslim family.

(Remember the African Muslim from wealthy -- the Christmas underwear bomber ....)

I see a trend here....

Why can't Homeland Security get it right ? ? ? ? ? <_<

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Just curious, but what exactly do you mean by "I'm sure the third time will be a charm"? To me that sounds (and seems) like you Hope the "third one" will be successful.

Just saying that it's inevitable that one will eventually succeed.

There's really no way to stop these pricks.


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Just saying that it's inevitable that one will eventually succeed.

There's really no way to stop these pricks.


Maybe not, but imagine how fun it would be to fly 5 fighter jets over 5 of the most populated areas these "P****S" live, INCLUDING MECCA, and tell them there is a nuclear warhead on one...knock it off or...tick tock, tick tock...

Wait a second, hasn't that been done already? Yeah, by a DEMOCRAT.

Just sayin'.

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That's what I'm wondering too. However, it could also have been a response time drill. May have been patriots who feel the USA has let it's guard down and wanted to prove a point. Who knows ? One thing for sure though is that terrorism is not just about blowing up innocent people and buildings. It's the scars and fear that it leaves on peoples minds that do the real damage.

Well the flip side is that it can make people far more resolute. Years ago I was at a train station in England that got evacuated. I was quite frightened having never experienced something like that before, but everybody else acted like it was par for the course.

But I see your point; wars linger on in people long after the peace treaties have been signed.

Vigilance and preemptive measures (not vigilantism or panic that descends into sweeping and dangerous us versus them rhetoric) is paramount.

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Hi all,

The Israelis/El Al Airlines have had exactly ZERO successful terrorist incidents in the last 30 years or so,why is that?

You know, because of profiling.

This was maybe a test run for something bigger.Yet gasoline,propane,fertilizer and gun powder if detonated in the metal vehicle would have caused mass casualties.As Brother Ally said as devastating physiologically as well as physical.

Luck saved us in the nick of time,and if Home Land security wants to detain 80 year grandmothers,heaven help us!


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