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I don't get the Lady Gaga hype!


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Some people just don't have the same taste.. Personally I'm a Gaga fan and my dad never stops telling me how much of a moron she is but I like her voice.. that Telephone video I DESPISE and I like the beats as well. The clothes I don't care much for but her tunes are catchy and fun and that's where my "hype" lies with her :D

Its pop !! She's not trying to be something she's not, she's just a pop star and nothing else really.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank God someone made this thread; I don't get why she's popular either. I stopped listening to FM radio a long time ago; there are hardly any artists worth listening to nowadays (Justin Bieber, anyone? :lol: )

Not true. I'm as guilty as the next person for ragging on most of what gets played on Top 40 radio in the US right now, but that's a cop out. You have to be willing to look, rather than just assume that because the radio isn't playing, it doesn't exist.

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Thanks to this thread for the phrase "psychotic bitch". It makes my life easy.

//Oh, wait. It wasn't in this thread where I found it..

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  • 1 month later...

Lady Gaga quote from her new Vanity Fair Interview:

"I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they're going to take my creativity from me through my vagina."

I think Jimmy P. said that once ....

j/k :):lol:

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Wolfman, I completely agree with you there! I can't stand her either! I am 22 years old but I prefer what some folks of my generation refer to as "old music" :rolleyes: (I'm talking about classic rock!) I think people tend to gravitate towards Gaga as she is really creepy and creative in a way which is so freaky that people don't know what hit them! She just keeps pushing and pushing all the limits of decency and creativity (and she has even claimed to be a feminist! yeah right! :rolleyes: ) and she is pretty much unstoppable and quite frankly there is absolutely no telling what that woman will come up with next! But one thing's for sure, I won't buy her records and listen to her junk even if someone paid me to! :rolleyes:

Oh and her video, "Telephone", well the less said about it, the better! dry.gif

Also, I don't get the phrase "little monster" :hysterical:

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not nearly as talented, enticing, or attractive as Madonna who she's been compared to quite often.

Each generation has their 'replacements' for past talents (of many genre's) and they are getting more and more insipid, with very few exceptions.

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It's really simple. She makes catchy songs and she wears outrageous outfits. Combine the two and you get radio play and media attention, which feed off each other. I don't like her music, but I respect her ability to market herself.

Edited by MMAharaja
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Madonna's only talent is her ability to market herself.

I thought you said she wasn't talented.

Look, she's not a great songwriter and she's not the best female pop singer that ever walked the earth, either. However she's very good at keeping her name/face in the public consciousness, long after she probably should have called it a career. She does put on a great live show, however.

In this day and age, the ability to market oneself properly and keep your name relevant is almost as important as actual music/lyric writing talent.

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The words "talented" and "Madonna" don't belong in the same sentence.

Wait a minute. You ridicule people who don't like Robert's new direction in music and that they don't get it. You ridicule people for going on about it: negative opinions are just as worthy as positive ones, whether a poster want's a Zep reunion or if they feel 'abandoned' musically. You promote this 'Americana' as if it should be listened to and accepted as Robert's new music, but then completely dismiss another "artist" as having no talent.

I happen to like Madonna's older music AND her voice, the early 80s period anyway.

So what you've said to me could be construed as a direct insult to my taste's and in doing so you lose YOUR credibility in your castigation of other's for their musical opinions.

So what's it gonna be with you, shut up and let other's display their razzing of music you like or join in with it ? I think you've chosen the latter. Now just admit it and be seen as a 'hater' too. You know what kind of scorn someone would get if they substituted an LZ band member for saying the same thing ? And that could be reasonable. Someone may love the 'collective Zeppelin' and not be able to stand their solo work and say it lacks talent.

Their all entertainers, with fans that adore them and see talent in them, so 'cutting down' one isn't any better than 'cutting down' the other. I don't believe anyone has said a member of Zep has no talent, they've just shown disapproval and disappointment in some of the direction's they've taken. You on the other hand have just made a 'factual' statement about a subjective situation. You don't like her music or acting or any of her other talents, fine, but you CAN'T have ANY credibility with saying what you did.

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How in the fuck did McDonna ever end up in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame? It's certainly not because she performs rock n' roll music.

Yeah, I find Madonna to be superbly untalented in the musicality department. Plant doesn't have that problem. Opinions are like assholes, we all have them and most of them stink.

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How in the fuck did McDonna ever end up in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame? It's certainly not because she performs rock n' roll music.

Yeah, I find Madonna to be superbly untalented in the musicality department. Plant doesn't have that problem. Opinions are like assholes, we all have them and most of them stink.

Oh and....I'd really rather not smell your extended finger. Opinions put off enough fumes.

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How in the fuck did McDonna ever end up in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame? It's certainly not because she performs rock n' roll music.

I don't know why Madonna is in the RRHOF, nor do I care. Frankly, I don't know why anyone gets bent out of shape about it anyway, since it's arbitrary and totally meaningless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought you said she wasn't talented.

Look, she's not a great songwriter and she's not the best female pop singer that ever walked the earth, either. However she's very good at keeping her name/face in the public consciousness, long after she probably should have called it a career. She does put on a great live show, however.

In this day and age, the ability to market oneself properly and keep your name relevant is almost as important as actual music/lyric writing talent.

Like her or not, the production values on her tours are top notch. The standard for other female pop artists to try and achieve.

I have never been to a Madonna show, but I would probably enjoy it if I went.

I have seen her concert film footage.

I have seen Lady Gaga concert footage, and I would not go to her show, because I think musically it doesn't come off so good as a whole. But.... I will watch videos of her show... for the eye "candy" effect. :)

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