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Is anyone sick of winter yet?

I am shocked that CNN has not reported the cyclone Yasi...cat 5, I was watching live stream from someones webcam, blacked out now.

Mass destruction...now a cat 4, being compared to Katrina.

Watching now on a news stream from Aussie.

Prayers for all in the path.

This has been a wild weather time everywhere! Here we are freezing. Winds yesterday in some areas over 50 mph. This morning it was 8 degrees, our 'high' to get in the lovely 20's.

And my eldest daughter is going to Miami for a week....and I am jealous. :(

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Is anyone sick of winter yet?

I am shocked that CNN has not reported the cyclone Yasi...cat 5, I was watching live stream from someones webcam, blacked out now.

Mass destruction...now a cat 4, being compared to Katrina.

Watching now on a news stream from Aussie.

Prayers for all in the path.

This has been a wild weather time everywhere! Here we are freezing. Winds yesterday in some areas over 50 mph. This morning it was 8 degrees, our 'high' to get in the lovely 20's.

And my eldest daughter is going to Miami for a week....and I am jealous. :(

Well Ill venture a guess you are somewher in the northeastern US? Does not say where you are? I have more faith in a ground hog and a couple of crickets than the local weather meteorologists as they like to call themselves. They are never accurate in their predictions. Even with the satellite technology they just plain suck.

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Chicago got 20.9 inches of snow yesterday. To compare, the Blizzard of '67, which is the highest recorded snowfall in the city's history, was 23 inches. The blizzard I lived through in '99 is #3 on the list, which is just shy of 20 inches.

As much as I'd love to move back home, I am absolutely NOT sad I'm not there now. Good grief. I've been getting messages on my Twitter, Facebook, AND cell phone from friends, describing the absolute mounds of snow piled up everywhere -- in some cases, 6 feet or higher because of the high winds.

Edited by Electrophile
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Sunny but frickin' cold !

Hi ally,

It's going to be upper 70's and low 80's here in my area of Florida for the next week. Tanning UV Index is 8- Very High. B)

But what is going on up in Canada? I just saw the weather report and it shows for the next week most of Canada in white.

That is the coldest color swath on the map. Even the northern US has some purple coloring in it.

Are you guys going to be below freezing for the next week? :o That's what it sounds like from the tv map I saw.

I'll try to send some Florida sunshine your way and you and mrs. ally stay nice and warm.......................:) missy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tell me about snow and cold!! I have officially run out of places to put the snow!!! Oh, no, sorry, I think I see a spot on my roof for some more...arrrg slapface.gif

At least there is none in the forecast, it was 4deg today (about 38-40F)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope our forum friends in the southeastern US, and their loved ones, are safe following the terrible storms yesterday.

I'd like to echo those thoughts. Hope everyone is safe and sound

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is everyone in the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic ok with all these severe storms? :unsure: Lots of tornado warnings here but so far, so good. Some bad thunderstorms and hail.

There was a tornado warning in Fairfax County where my office is, but it seemed to skip Tysons totally. My husband said he could hear lots of thunder and noise around our house in upper Silver Spring, but nothing at the house.

Everywhere around me, but nothing where I am...thank goodness!

Thanks for asking. Glad you're okay there.

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There was a tornado warning in Fairfax County where my office is, but it seemed to skip Tysons totally. My husband said he could hear lots of thunder and noise around our house in upper Silver Spring, but nothing at the house.

Everywhere around me, but nothing where I am...thank goodness!

Thanks for asking. Glad you're okay there.

I'm glad you are ok too; this weather is unbelievable. :(

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Is everyone in the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic ok with all these severe storms? :unsure: Lots of tornado warnings here but so far, so good. Some bad thunderstorms and hail.

Tornadoes all over everywhere, lots and lots of damage around, but we were spared, thank God...

It was the first time I've actually had to go hang out in the basement for a couple hours. I'm usually one of those folks standing outside awestruck at the power of mother nature at work, but not this time. That was partly because my daughter recently had surgery, my mom has limited mobility and breathing issues, and my dad is on oxygen. Getting everybody down to the basement safely is not a trivial undertaking. We even managed to get the terrified dog and annoyed cat down there. I also was standing outside and watching little bits of debris flying around way above us, and the trees were still, no wind, but yet... debris from somewhere, and clouds roiling and the sky getting darker, all very quickly. I decided it was indeed time to go downstairs.

It's gonna be a big cleanup for this region. I daresay tomorrow will be sobering when we can actually see what has happened.

They say this will probably be in the record books, beating out the April 3 1974 twisters. (I was here for that batch too). The hospitals are slammed with injured folks, power lines and trees are down everywhere, etc. I just learned that my county is now on a dusk-to-dawn curfew.

Thoughts and prayers to those less fortunate than we were.

Now, I'm out to tuck in the horses... who were up in their stalls all night and all today and will be until at least tomorrow morning. The stalls are flooded but they're all okay. Stay safe everybody.

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Is everyone in the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic ok with all these severe storms? :unsure: Lots of tornado warnings here but so far, so good. Some bad thunderstorms and hail.

I cannot believe the destruction and loss of life from these storms. I was at a work event in downtown Atlanta last night and left at 9:45PM..driving north on I-75 and as I got just past the I-285 interchange continuing north on 75 the wind was taking my SUV all over the road, so it was hold on with both hands and slow down. The lightening was beautiful but scary. As I take the exit off of I-575 to get home, I had the music really low so I could focus on driving... and I get to the town about 16 miles from my home and I hear something, put the window down a little and sirens are going off everywhere!! I passed the gas station and no one is behind the counters, so I am assuming they are in a room at the back, same thing with the shopping center, so I found a building and parked my car for about an hour under a brick area, hoping to stay safe as it was dark and I had no idea where or if a tornado or staright line winds was in the area. I finally made it home about 1AM and turned on the news and was just devastated. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones. This makes you really appreciate life!!

Edited by Deborah J
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Is everyone in the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic ok with all these severe storms? :unsure: Lots of tornado warnings here but so far, so good. Some bad thunderstorms and hail.

Where I live (Forsyth Co., NC) was under a tornado warning last night around 7 pm, and then a tornado watch until about 2 o'clock this morning. By the time the storms that went through Alabama and Georgia got here, they had weakened enough that they were just nuisance thunderstorms, nothing more. I was worried about a mama robin and her nest that are in one of the trees in our front yard; and this morning went out there to make sure she was alright and she was still sitting there on her nest, waiting for her babies. Very cute.

But yeah, I watched that tornado go through Birmingham live on TWC yesterday afternoon, and it was scary. I know several people who live around there, and I was calling them to make sure they were somewhere safe, and to see if anything was going on in their immediate area. Fortunately all of them are okay, and none of their homes were damaged.

Edited by Electrophile
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