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Major league bands you just don't 'get'


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Now, when I re-read it, you don't have to run any statistics, since you are only reporting your personal experience. But I still don't get it why is "bad" to be musically narrow-minded and "good" to be open minded.

Did I ever say one was "good" or "bad"? No, I didn't. I was merely expressing my opinion of what I've read on this board regarding fans' take on new music and the ones that only want to hear artists that resemble Zeppelin. Obviously everyone has the right to like or dislike what they want, I'm not now, nor have I ever disputed that. I just find it confounding that fans of a band such as Led Zeppelin, who constantly defied expectations and were always pushing boundaries, could be so narrow minded when it comes to new music. Zeppelin built a well earn reputation by never resting on their laurels. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for most of the fans that post here saying they don't want to be challenged by anything new or by something outside of their comfort zone.

Do you think that I (and the other die-hard Zep fans) don't get exposed to a lot of music, every day, from radio, music televisions, internet?

I have no doubt about that but that isn't the crux of the conversation. What do you take away from that exposure to new music? It's it all bad? If that's the case, then maybe you aren't looking hard enough. I've read where some say good new music is harder to find than ever before but I don't agree with that. If anything, it's much more accessible now than ever before and it's only going to become moreso, especially with the impending collapse of the record industry.

But why is necessary to like it, in order to get some blessing from the cool people?

It isn't and I don't ever recall saying that it was.

Maybe I don't need the blessings and I'm happy in my musical niche. I live the music, work to the music, sleep to the music,- music is always around me. Just not all the world's music. I pick only what sounds tasty to my ears. Should I feel guilty that I don't find too many music artists that do that to my ears?

No, you shouldn't and no one ever said that you should.

I don't do "can't stop listening" phases anymore. Yes, I'm narrow minded, because I'm happy with what I purchased till now. But why feel guilty because some random internet guy say so?

If you feel guilty then that's another issue entirely. My viewpoint isn't one of forcing my musical tastes on others but rather questioning why some fans seem to have no interest in hearing anything new or that challenges their musical comfort zone. The reason I find it so baffling is because my discovery of new artists has never waned. That's not to say I think everyone should feel the same way, I just have a hard time understanding why. To me, it's like someone saying I really, really like steak but I refuse to try anything else because there's no way in hell it's ever going to top this. I've found, if you're willing to go out on a limb musically you may just find that artist that trips your trigger. To live with one's head buried in the sand is no way to go through life. There's obviously people here that thrive on that kind of existence. That's what I've been unable to understand. It makes me wonder how these folks came to discover and like a band like Led Zeppelin in the first place.

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If you feel guilty then that's another issue entirely. My viewpoint isn't one of forcing my musical tastes on others but rather questioning why some fans seem to have no interest in hearing anything new or that challenges their musical comfort zone. The reason I find it so baffling is because my discovery of new artists has never waned. That's not to say I think everyone should feel the same way, I just have a hard time understanding why. To me, it's like someone saying I really, really like steak but I refuse to try anything else because there's no way in hell it's ever going to top this. I've found, if you're willing to go out on a limb musically you may just find that artist that trips your trigger. To live with one's head buried in the sand is no way to go through life. There's obviously people here that thrive on that kind of existence. That's what I've been unable to understand. It makes me wonder how these folks came to discover and like a band like Led Zeppelin in the first place.

Bingo, bango, bongo.

I love the "classic rock" music my parents listened when they were my age, and I love oldies music, along with singers & standards, big band and swing. All that stuff is decades before my time, but I grew up listening to it so it holds a special place with me.

I also love new wave, some early punk, alternative, modern rock, post-rock, electronica, ambient, and chillout.

Why some people think only one era of music exists is beyond me, but they're entitled to think like if they want. It's kind of sad, but ah well.

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To respond to the OP's original question, a band that I've heard a lot of music by but never actually got into was The Who. I like some of their songs, but for the most part....meh.

Me too. Don't like them, don't not like them, I just don't get the appeal.

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The Who and Springsteen are both pretty hit and miss for me, the formers "classic rock" work(Who's Next, Live at Leeds, a few of the big tracks from elsewhere) and the latters "future of music" era(up to Darkness at the Edge of Town) are both great but elsewhere theres alot of material I'm not much of a fan of.

Edited by greenman
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Did I ever say one was "good" or "bad"? No, I didn't. I was merely expressing my opinion of what I've read on this board regarding fans' take on new music and the ones that only want to hear artists that resemble Zeppelin. Obviously everyone has the right to like or dislike what they want, I'm not now, nor have I ever disputed that. I just find it confounding that fans of a band such as Led Zeppelin, who constantly defied expectations and were always pushing boundaries, could be so narrow minded when it comes to new music. Zeppelin built a well earn reputation by never resting on their laurels. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for most of the fans that post here saying they don't want to be challenged by anything new or by something outside of their comfort zone.

I didn't say you said those things. But the judgmental, pejorative tone hit me like a whip (I'm over sensitive to those king of things). Because I really think it's nobody's business someone's musical path and personal tastes. In this area, there is no "four legs good/ two legs bad" sort of rule.

If you feel guilty then that's another issue entirely. My viewpoint isn't one of forcing my musical tastes on others but rather questioning why some fans seem to have no interest in hearing anything new or that challenges their musical comfort zone. The reason I find it so baffling is because my discovery of new artists has never waned. That's not to say I think everyone should feel the same way, I just have a hard time understanding why. To me, it's like someone saying I really, really like steak but I refuse to try anything else because there's no way in hell it's ever going to top this. I've found, if you're willing to go out on a limb musically you may just find that artist that trips your trigger. To live with one's head buried in the sand is no way to go through life. There's obviously people here that thrive on that kind of existence. That's what I've been unable to understand. It makes me wonder how these folks came to discover and like a band like Led Zeppelin in the first place.

No, you don't force your musical tastes. You force your approach to the music, as the only acceptable one. OK, I'm exaggerating, you don't force anything to anybody, since you don't have the physically means to do it. But your whole attitude speaks volumes about your high expectations about the level of the other ZepHeads and your perpetual disappointment concerning it. I feel patronized, that's why I'm jumpy. If I misjudged you, sorry. I can form an opinion only from your posts.

I really said all I had to say about this issue, so I don't intend to reply and escalate this small "difference of opinion". Cheers.

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Alright, alright, alright! I'll change the word "hate" to the word "dislike"...are you happy now???! :rolleyes:

I was referring to how I use the word "hate". In other words, it's not a word I just throw around unwittingly.

And in my opinion, if a person doesn't "open up" to a particular genre of music, it ain't narrow minded at all because if there is one thing that I've learnt (fairly recently, of course!) is that a person's music taste is extremely personal and subjective! For instance I pretty much "dislike" a LOT of today's mainstream stuff like Gaga, rap and some of the stuff which the "mass" absolutely love! Does that make me narrow minded? I think not!

Of course it doesn't make you narrow minded but that's not the type of music I'm referring to anyway. I'm talking about seeking out music that you like no matter the outlet.

And I also think that no person should be "forced" into liking something (especially music) just because the "whole world" likes it! Its just not done! Whether a person wishes to be a "go with the flow" sort of person when it comes to music is their choice!

Yes, it is and I'm not suggesting otherwise. My point being, that for a band as groundbreaking as Led Zeppelin, many of their fans (at least as represented by this board) seem content to live in the past and have no interest whatsoever in hearing or even seeking out anything new or different. That is what I find baffling. I'm not trying to force you or anyone to listen to new music, I'm merely expressing my opinion as to why I don't understand this line of reasoning among some fans.

Anyway, I pretty much assume that you are certainly going to "attack" me now because of my comments...oh well! I hate having any sort of misunderstanding with anyone around here but I pretty much had to post my opinion!

Why would I "attack" you? As I've said, I'm just throwing it out there since it's so prevalent on this board. That's not "attacking" or "forcing" my views on anyone, it's me expressing an opinion.

Edited by Jahfin
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The Who and Springsteen are both pretty hit and miss for me, the formers "classic rock" work(Who's Next, Live at Leeds, a few of the big tracks from elsewhere) and the latters "future of music" era(up to Darkness at the Edge of Town) are both great but elsewhere theres alot of material I'm not much of a fan of.

Have you ever heard of two rock opera masterpieces called Tommy and Quadrophinia? both are fabulous and ingenious works by Townsend who is a brillinat writer and musician. If you have never given a real listen to Quad or Tommy you are missing plenty. Just listen to the first song on Quadrophenia, The Real Me. Just listen to the bass. I say that and the Lemon Song are the two best bass songs I have ever heard. Listen to Moon on drums. And Daltrey. Ah Daltrey!!! Wake up!:wakeup:

The fucking bloody Who!!!!!!

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I didn't say you said those things. But the judgmental, pejorative tone hit me like a whip (I'm over sensitive to those king of things). Because I really think it's nobody's business someone's musical path and personal tastes. In this area, there is no "four legs good/ two legs bad" sort of rule.

How can one infer "tone" from the written word on the internet? The fact that you read those things into my posts says much more about you than it does about me. It's not a matter of me making your tastes my business, it's a matter of me expressing an opinion. This is a message board and people express opinions here. Without that, there wouldn't be much need in having a message board, don't you think?

No, you don't force your musical tastes. You force your approach to the music, as the only acceptable one. OK, I'm exaggerating, you don't force anything to anybody, since you don't have the physically means to do it. But your whole attitude speaks volumes about your high expectations about the level of the other ZepHeads and your perpetual disappointment concerning it. I feel patronized, that's why I'm jumpy. If I misjudged you, sorry. I can form an opinion only from your posts.

Exactly and folks have a tendency to read things into my posts that simply are not there. I love music, always have and always will so imagine my dismay when I happen upon a site full of fellow fans only to find a good majority of them not having any interest in any new music or confining themselves to just one era or style of music. Should I bite my tongue and say nothing? If that were the case, why is there a message board even here? Are we supposed to keep our opinions to ourselves? It's always been my impression that message boards were created so that we could share our opinions. For all the use of the words "attack" and "forced", I am not guilty of either one of them. I'm just a music fan like everyone else but I've never put a deadline on a period of time when music was no longer worthy of my attention.

I really said all I had to say about this issue, so I don't intend to reply and escalate this small "difference of opinion". Cheers.

Then why even reply in the first place? Better yet, why even participate in any discussions on this board?

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I dont care for Springstein but the Moody Blues and Jethro Tull were great in my opinion. Aqualung is one of the all time classic songs. songs like Nights in White Satin were good songs. They had alot of good material.

That's cool, I know a lot of people like them; they just didn't click for me. :(

But even worse for me are Supertramp and Dire Straits; like nails on a chalkboard.

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But even worse for me are Supertramp and Dire Straits; like nails on a chalkboard.

I think Supertramp got overexposed with the enormous popularity of Breakfast In America. I have heard much of their work prior to that and it bares little or no resemblance to their work on Breakfast In America. So, if that's been your only exposure to Supertramp I suggest checking out some of their earlier work.

I love Dire Straits, especially their early period. The majority of their latter day work just doesn't do anything for me. I also like what I've heard of Knopfler's solo work but it doesn't stack up to those first three or four Dire Straits records.

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I have to agree with Jahfin here in stating that hate is a strong word. There is stuff that I can reject simply because it doesn't appeal to me, but somewhere someone must like it because it got to a place where lots of folks can hear it. As far as bands i don't get; Meat Loaf is at the top of my list. I don't know why either because he is a great vocalist, but his music kind of turns me off. Another is Spin Doctors. Again, not a bad group, but the singer is just too damn goofy. And lastly, Barenaked Ladies. The subject matter of their songs is foolish to me. But hey, i'm sure none of these guys are worried about what i think. :D

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I would gladly add "Fat Boy Slim" to my list! Not only do I find their name absolutely ridiculous, but their songs pretty much get on my nerves! :angry:

Oh, and I know I am going to regret saying this, but I simply don't get "Kings of Leon" either! In fact, the first time I heard "Sex Is On Fire" while randomly flipping channels on TV, I found it pretty jarring to be honest! :angry:

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I would gladly add "Fat Boy Slim" to my list! Not only do I find their name absolutely ridiculous, but their songs pretty much get on my nerves! :angry:

Oh, and I know I am going to regret saying this, but I simply don't get "Kings of Leon" either! In fact, the first time I heard "Sex Is On Fire" while randomly flipping channels on TV, I found it pretty jarring to be honest! :angry:

Awww I love Fat Boy Slim - first record anyway I thought was pretty cool.

Jahfin - Mark Knopfler's solo work is great although I don't know enough Dire Straits to compare it but I like him on his own.

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Have you ever heard of two rock opera masterpieces called Tommy and Quadrophinia? both are fabulous and ingenious works by Townsend who is a brillinat writer and musician. If you have never given a real listen to Quad or Tommy you are missing plenty. Just listen to the first song on Quadrophenia, The Real Me. Just listen to the bass. I say that and the Lemon Song are the two best bass songs I have ever heard. Listen to Moon on drums. And Daltrey. Ah Daltrey!!! Wake up!:wakeup:

The fucking bloody Who!!!!!!

I'v heard both but besides a few tracks have never been a big fan of either. As with The Wall(but not say Darkside)I find the concepts uninvolving and lacking in depth plus much of the material isnt really that good.

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^^ I think Quadrophenia and Tommy are interesting albums, I like them, but their are not my favourites among the albums The Who has released. Some songs are excellent, some I don't like at all. The Real Me is great. I especially like it in the movie Quadrophenia, the opening scene.. Excellent movie BTW!

Any of you seen the movie?

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Oh, and I know I am going to regret saying this, but I simply don't get "Kings of Leon" either! In fact, the first time I heard "Sex Is On Fire" while randomly flipping channels on TV, I found it pretty jarring to be honest! :angry:

Several years ago Kings of Leon were mentioned in a piece on "the new Southern Rock" alongside the Drive-By Truckers, My Morning Jacket and Gov't Mule. Well, in the interview, one of the members of Kings of Leon proceeded to slam the Drive-By Truckers. Recently, when the Kings of Leon had to leave the stage due to being shat upon by pigeons (one of them got it in the mouth), Patterson Hood (of the Drive-By Truckers) called them "a bunch of pussies". No truer words have ever been spoken.

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Several years ago Kings of Leon were mentioned in a piece on "the new Southern Rock" alongside the Drive-By Truckers, My Morning Jacket and Gov't Mule. Well, in the interview, one of the members of Kings of Leon proceeded to slam the Drive-By Truckers. Recently, when the Kings of Leon had to leave the stage due to being shat upon by pigeons (one of them got it in the mouth), Patterson Hood (of the Drive-By Truckers) called them "a bunch of pussies". No truer words have ever been spoken.

Ewwww...really???! :hysterical: I didn't know this till now! And I truly admire Patterson Hood for saying such a thing! :notworthy:

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I have to agree with Jahfin here in stating that hate is a strong word. There is stuff that I can reject simply because it doesn't appeal to me, but somewhere someone must like it because it got to a place where lots of folks can hear it. As far as bands i don't get; Meat Loaf is at the top of my list. I don't know why either because he is a great vocalist, but his music kind of turns me off. Another is Spin Doctors. Again, not a bad group, but the singer is just too damn goofy. And lastly, Barenaked Ladies. The subject matter of their songs is foolish to me. But hey, i'm sure none of these guys are worried about what i think. :D

I never was a big fan of Meatloaf either but I heard him in a new light this past year at something called Raleigh Undercover where local bands assume the identity of other artists. On night one I caught just a bit of River City Ransom covering Meatloaf and they absolutely nailed it. It didn't cause me to rush out and buy any Meatloaf CDs but it did help me to appreciate him on a different level.

I loved the Spin Doctors when they were new but after seeing them on the H.O.R.D.E. tour back in the early 90s I was convinced they have to be one of the worst live bands, ever.

My first exposure to Barenaked Ladies was If I Had A Million Dollars but it was via some friends that would play the song around the campfire. It wasn't until some time afterwards that I learned it wasn't one of their originals but was a Barenaked Ladies song. I still like the tune, as well as some of their other early material but some of the latter day stuff, particularly the song that got used in a car commercial (One Week?) was annoying at best.

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Any of you seen the movie?

No, I haven't. Years ago, I went to see The Song Remains the Same and they were showing the Skynryd tribute short prior to the feature. Shortly thereafter, Quadrophenia came to town that also opened with the Skynyrd short so a bunch of friends and I piled up in the car just to see the short. When we arrived, we learned the film had broke so I have never seen Quadrophenia. Just added it to my Wishlist on Amazon though.

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^^ I think Quadrophenia and Tommy are interesting albums, I like them, but their are not my favourites among the albums The Who has released. Some songs are excellent, some I don't like at all. The Real Me is great. I especially like it in the movie Quadrophenia, the opening scene.. Excellent movie BTW!

Any of you seen the movie?

My dad owns the DVD for the movie Quadrophenia! I actually bought it for him for his 50th birthday! :D The look of sheer joy on his face was so worth it! :wub:

That's another movie I'll have to check out sometime! And I know for a fact that I am in for a treat!! :D

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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My dad owns the DVD for the movie Quadrophenia! I actually bought it for him for his 50th birthday! :D The look of sheer joy on his face was so worth it! :wub:

That's another movie I'll have to check out sometime! And I know for a fact that I am in for a treat!! :D

Damn, you gave your dad the DVD and you haven't seen it yet?! :D;) You'll HAVE to watch it, it's great!!! LOL I've seen it several times LOL

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