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Major league bands you just don't 'get'


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'Lamp' = punch. See also 'deck', 'chin', 'fill in', 'twat'.

I've heard deck used in that context before, but not chin, fill in and definitely not the profane slur at the end. I have a lot of British friends and they use that word a little too much for my tastes, but they've never used it in that context before.

But no, I don't feel like punching anyone, least of all Chris Martin. He hasn't done anything to me. Now if he burns my house down....yeah, I'll slug him. Maybe kick him in the nuts after I slug him, but that's only if he burns my house down.

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I wouldn't say you're tone deaf -- not everything is for everyone. I wouldn't call Yes the pioneers of progressive rock, either -- I'd say Genesis and Pink Floyd can lay claim to that, although both groups got progressively less progressive as the decade went on. Yes and ELP filled that slot by mid-decade I think, but early on? I wouldn't say that. I'd throw King Crimson in there was well.

Not trying to be nit picky Liz but Yes where definitely amoung the pioneers of progressive rock. Not alone , but they were there, very early in the game.

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Flame away, but I never got the overwhelming support for the Eagles.:mellow:

(Liz please be kind.....I like Joe);)

Aw, I love them :) Even longer than Zeppelin, since I was about 8 years old. That was my favorite concert ever. But I understand your mileage may vary and people have different tastes in music.

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I don't wet the bed and I enjoy Coldplay. I've seen them live a few times. I wouldn't say they're on the same level as Led Zeppelin or the Stones, but they aren't Miley Cyrus either. I think A Rush of Blood To The Head is one of the best albums of the 00s.

Just make sure you don't fall asleep listening to Yellow.

Personally I preffer Travis for my bland emo indie.

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Gotta say this. I really can't for the life of me understand what anybody sees in death/speed metal, if they're the same thing.

Sorry, but to me it's just a bunch of noise with someone grunting out lyrics you can't understand. I've talked to a few young guys who are absolutely smitten with bands like Slipknot and Korn (which i know has been around for awhile), but I still can't understand the attraction. other than just the adrenaline rush of testosterone. I felt the same way about Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and later on Judas Priest. But these guys made music which is where the difference lies imo. It's hard for me to take anyone who plays this type of music seriously. I'm sure i'm showing my age and i'm also sure someone is going to try to explain to me why i'm daft. Oh well, can't help it.

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The Beach Boys and the so called genius of Brian Wilson. Sheeee....it!

I saw a TV show once where they were talking about the vocal harmonies and when they gave an example of some of Brian's new work, it sounded more like a parody, what with all the "ews" and "ahs", than anything I'd call genius.

Edited by Gospel Zone
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Pet Sounds has come highly recommended to me for a long time so on the strength of those recommendations I purchased it a good ten years ago or so. I listened to it in nearly every conceivable environment in an attempt to understand what all the fuss was about. I listened to it on the beach with headphones, at 10,000 feet, etc. but I still didn't get it. I gave it another chance a few years ago. It was 3 am at the beach and finally, it came to me.

To compare Brian Wilson's current work to that masterpiece isn't really fair. It's obvious the guy still has a lot of issues but mainly I'm just thankful he's still around.

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Pet Sounds has come highly recommended to me for a long time so on the strength of those recommendations I purchased it a good ten years ago or so. I listened to it in nearly every conceivable environment in an attempt to understand what all the fuss was about. I listened to it on the beach with headphones, at 10,000 feet, etc. but I still didn't get it. I gave it another chance a few years ago. It was 3 am at the beach and finally, it came to me.

To compare Brian Wilson's current work to that masterpiece isn't really fair. It's obvious the guy still has a lot of issues but mainly I'm just thankful he's still around.

They've taken themselves pretty seriously over the Pet Sounds thing. I even heard that was why they had their part in the T.A.M.I. Show taken out after it's initial run, because they didn't want to continue with the songs about hot rods and so on. All the effort they allegedly put into their voice harmonies doesn't help me take them anymore seriously.

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They've taken themselves pretty seriously over the Pet Sounds thing. I even heard that was why they had their part in the T.A.M.I. Show taken out after it's initial run, because they didn't want to continue with the songs about hot rods and so on. All the effort they allegedly put into their voice harmonies doesn't help me take them anymore seriously.

I think the influence that album alone has had on music in general pretty much speaks for itself. I love their surfin' songs as well as the more serious stuff. They set just as much a precedent for what could be done in a recording studio (practically using it as an instrument) as the Beatles did with Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. And yes, I know the critics just love to fall all over themselves in regards to both those records but there's a reason for that. They were both groundbreaking albums that are influencing artists to this day.

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One difference, however - The Beach Boys used 'The Wrecking Crew' to record Pet Sounds. (studio musicians) The Beatles actually played on Sgt Pepper (except, of course, for the strings and horns)

Either way, both were landmark albums, no question

Rush is a band that has never appealed to me, I know millions of people love them, but I just can't get into them at all. Sorry.

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I like everything Aerosmith did up until Night In the Ruts with their last truly great record being Rocks.

For a long time I considered Rocks one of my top 3 favorite albums, right after Presence and just before Hair of the Dog.

Toys in the Attic, Rocks and Draw the Line are as good as almost any consecutive 3 albums any band has done.

Not the best 3 in a row, but one of the best.

Not necessarily true. I think The Who are a major league band, I'm just not enthused with them.


I bought The Who by Numbers back when it came out to try and figure out the attraction.

Never got it.

Some of their big hits were great, but overall, they never did much for me.

I only gained somewhat of an appreciation for The Stones when the Some Girls tour came, and tickets sold out in 7 hours.

That was the real reason I was even interested, the quick sellout was a reminder of how legendary they were, even though I wasn't into them.

I scored 2 tickets for $20 each at a nightclub ($20 SCALPER price! that's '78 for ya!), and arranged to buy 2 more the next night.

And it wasn't until I made this post that I realize the show I attended was the kickoff for the tour (Lakeland Civic Center) - I didn't even remember that.

But sitting there hearing all those tunes one after another, I at least appreciated their status as legends.

Lastly, U2 is pretty much nothing to me.

I bought Achtung Baby when it came out because there was a big commotion about U2's latest album.

I hated it.

Yes I absolutely love, always have, and hate the fact I've never seen them live.

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One difference, however - The Beach Boys used 'The Wrecking Crew' to record Pet Sounds. (studio musicians) The Beatles actually played on Sgt Pepper (except, of course, for the strings and horns)

Either way, both were landmark albums, no question

Rush is a band that has never appealed to me, I know millions of people love them, but I just can't get into them at all. Sorry.

On The Beatles Anthology George Harrison says they were competing with The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds. If I were one of The Beatles I wouldn't even consider The Beach Boys to be in my league.

When it comes to voice harmony the Beach Boys have nothing on Mick and Keith. There's more natural voice harmony talent on "Let Me Go" than all those surfing songs put together.

Edited by Gospel Zone
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I only gained somewhat of an appreciation for The Stones when the Some Girls tour came, and tickets sold out in 7 hours.

That was the real reason I was even interested, the quick sellout was a reminder of how legendary they were, even though I wasn't into them.

I scored 2 tickets for $20 each at a nightclub ($20 SCALPER price! that's '78 for ya!), and arranged to buy 2 more the next night.

And it wasn't until I made this post that I realize the show I attended was the kickoff for the tour (Lakeland Civic Center) - I didn't even remember that.

But sitting there hearing all those tunes one after another, I at least appreciated their status as legends.

What about their music?

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What about their music?

That's pretty much what I was referring to.

Practically every tune they played was legendary.

So many hits throughout the years, enduring songs.

If you're asking did it change my opinion of their music, not really.

They have songs I like just fine,

Sympathy for the Devil

Gimme Shelter

Can't You Hear Me Knocking

Monkey Man


Miss You

but they don't really move me, or deeply impress me.

FWIW, I think the guitar solo on Sympathy for the Devil is outstanding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to drag this up (though obviously not sorry enough), but aaa-men on The Who. I really like Who's Next, and I like a lot of their other songs, but there isn't really an album I can point to besides Who's Next and say, hey, this is really great from start to finish! Queen's never really done it for me, either. I mean, it's not like I punch another preset angrily when one of their songs comes on the radio - they're a great band - but I've just never been inspired enough to go out and buy an album. Also, preach it, brotha, to whoever said Springsteen...cannot stand him whatsoever.

I've never gotten into any prog rock besides Pink Floyd...I think it's an important musical development, but it just doesn't do it for me, except for Journey's "Don't Stop Believin," but that's because I have happy Red Wings memories associated with it. Also, I haven't ever heard King Crimson, so I can't say anything negative about them.

Even weirder than all this is my relationship with U2. I used to absolutely hate them with a burning passion, then a few years ago I did a huge 180 for reasons I myself don't understand and listened to them nonstop, but I think I overdid it because now I think they're kind of blah unless I'm in just the right mood for them. I am a fickle, fickle being when it comes to U2.

As for genres, you have no idea how much I wanted to like black metal. I mean, seriously, what could be cooler than Viking metal? In theory, it should be like pirates and ninjas combined, ya know? But argh, I just can't listen to it. I like Immigrant Song's version of Vikings in rock music a lot better...can't someone start a Viking Metal Lite genre? There are a few more folky, Viking-y bands I've come across recently that I should really look into, but I just wanted to say how disappointed I was that I couldn't get into black metal. Also, there are just a lot of things associated with that genre that I don't want any part of.

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Gotta say this. I really can't for the life of me understand what anybody sees in death/speed metal, if they're the same thing.

Sorry, but to me it's just a bunch of noise with someone grunting out lyrics you can't understand. I've talked to a few young guys who are absolutely smitten with bands like Slipknot and Korn (which i know has been around for awhile), but I still can't understand the attraction. other than just the adrenaline rush of testosterone. I felt the same way about Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and later on Judas Priest. But these guys made music which is where the difference lies imo. It's hard for me to take anyone who plays this type of music seriously. I'm sure i'm showing my age and i'm also sure someone is going to try to explain to me why i'm daft. Oh well, can't help it.

The typical Slayer fan....


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