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First Listen to New BOJ Album

kiss of fire

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Ok, here I go with my 2 cents again -

Being an artist - and in no way am I trying to compare myself with Robert, I'm a visual artist - but, being an artist, you have to do what pleases YOU, not what you think the masses will want or what will be popular. If you are trying to create because you think you have to do something a certain way because this is what is expected or what people want, than you are going to be a very frustrated and unhappy artist. You have to do what your heart tells you to do, and I think this is what Robert is doing.

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Ok, here I go with my 2 cents again -

Being an artist - and in no way am I trying to compare myself with Robert, I'm a visual artist - but, being an artist, you have to do what pleases YOU, not what you think the masses will want or what will be popular. If you are trying to create because you think you have to do something a certain way because this is what is expected or what people want, than you are going to be a very frustrated and unhappy artist. You have to do what your heart tells you to do, and I think this is what Robert is doing.

I agree and not only that, if you're not staying true to your heart, what you put out isn't likely to be as good as if you were doing what you want. Part of what makes his concerts such a joy to watch is HIS joy doing what he's doing.

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After listening to the album a few times.....

OK. He's done better, as well as worse before. I don't dislike it, but like RS it will not be on my stereo as much as FON, Dreamland or Mighty Rearranger.

Simple as that.


I think you said probably better and concise than anyone so far brspled.

I visit around to other forums and funny thing is some people say they don't like it and it is excepted as personal taste no one gets all worked up others love it and that is accepted also. But here it seems to polarize people and sometimes derail the hell out of threads.

If he enjoys doing this time of musical endeavor awesome.

Nowhere is it written you have to listen or buy the cd if you don't dig it that doesn't make you less a fan you just have different musical that's ok too! :)

Edited by kiss of fire
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Ok, here I go with my 2 cents again -

Being an artist - and in no way am I trying to compare myself with Robert, I'm a visual artist - but, being an artist, you have to do what pleases YOU, not what you think the masses will want or what will be popular. If you are trying to create because you think you have to do something a certain way because this is what is expected or what people want, than you are going to be a very frustrated and unhappy artist. You have to do what your heart tells you to do, and I think this is what Robert is doing.

Your right and you have a totally valid point but, as a listener I don't think that I could be happy just accepting music in any form just because of the artists name . I'd have to honestly like the work before saying that I did.

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I agree and not only that, if you're not staying true to your heart, what you put out isn't likely to be as good as if you were doing what you want. Part of what makes his concerts such a joy to watch is HIS joy doing what he's doing.

Amen! When you compromise yourself, it shows in your work.

And Ally, you as a customer shouldn't feel like you have to settle. If you don't like it, don't buy it. And, it is OK to say you don't like it if you don't like it and everyone should respect that. This is with any art - musical, visual, etc. I would never want anyone to purchase something of mine if they didn't feel like they had a connection to it. Especially something that I put out there and want to share, but still hold dear. I think it cheapens the art.

I think that is what is wrong with the music industry in general today. It is mass produced and is produced along the lines of what 'the powers that be' think will sell. They don't want to step outside the box and take risks.

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I must say, I've visited other forums where the arguments have been much more contentious than they have here. This has just been an animated debate among people with differing views.

I'd like to put in a word in favor of buying the album just because it's Robert Plant. :D That's what I did--that's what I often do. Back in the day, I'd buy a new Stones album on the day it came out, despite the lack of radio previews, because I'd heard enough of the Stones to know I'd love it, and I always did. There are many artists whose albums I buy unheard, because based on their track record I know there's a 95% chance it'll be music I'll love. Plant's album I've heard, but I'd pre-ordered it before that, even though I wasn't the greatest Raising Sand fan, because I knew it would be excellent quality music, and that even if it didn't grab me immediately I'd want to give it a chance to grow on me.

And although I may be in fantasyland now, if and when a new Jimmy Page album is announced, I'll pre-order that unheard, too.

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Amen! When you compromise yourself, it shows in your work.

And Ally, you as a customer shouldn't feel like you have to settle. If you don't like it, don't buy it. And, it is OK to say you don't like it if you don't like it and everyone should respect that. This is with any art - musical, visual, etc. I would never want anyone to purchase something of mine if they didn't feel like they had a connection to it. Especially something that I put out there and want to share, but still hold dear. I think it cheapens the art.

I think that is what is wrong with the music industry in general today. It is mass produced and is produced along the lines of what 'the powers that be' think will sell. They don't want to step outside the box and take risks.

Agree again :D Taste is subjective and absolutely nothing wrong with not caring for, in this case, Robert's latest release or past solo releases. Also nothing wrong with expressing it - it's when it gets vicious and arguments become attacks that I don't understand.

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Amen! When you compromise yourself, it shows in your work.

And Ally, you as a customer shouldn't feel like you have to settle. If you don't like it, don't buy it. And, it is OK to say you don't like it if you don't like it and everyone should respect that. This is with any art - musical, visual, etc. I would never want anyone to purchase something of mine if they didn't feel like they had a connection to it. Especially something that I put out there and want to share, but still hold dear. I think it cheapens the art.

I think that is what is wrong with the music industry in general today. It is mass produced and is produced along the lines of what 'the powers that be' think will sell. They don't want to step outside the box and take risks.

I think most of us are on the same page here and as Aqua has stated, this debate, as it should be, is quite civil. Think that truely says what all of us think of Robert as an artist. As it happens, I may end up loving the album and singing it's praises. If I do, I'll try not to sing too loud :lol:

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I must say, I've visited other forums where the arguments have been much more contentious than they have here. This has just been an animated debate among people with differing views.

I'd like to put in a word in favor of buying the album just because it's Robert Plant. :D That's what I did--that's what I often do. Back in the day, I'd buy a new Stones album on the day it came out, despite the lack of radio previews, because I'd heard enough of the Stones to know I'd love it, and I always did. There are many artists whose albums I buy unheard, because based on their track record I know there's a 95% chance it'll be music I'll love. Plant's album I've heard, but I'd pre-ordered it before that, even though I wasn't the greatest Raising Sand fan, because I knew it would be excellent quality music, and that even if it didn't grab me immediately I'd want to give it a chance to grow on me.

And although I may be in fantasyland now, if and when a new Jimmy Page album is announced, I'll pre-order that unheard, too.

hi aquamarine :wave:

that's a great point! i have to admit i have done that in the past, but not with too many artists. of course i did with zeppelin, and i had only heard about 2 or 3 of the TCV cd before i bought the tickets to see them and the cd. but i did like the 2 or 3 i heard of TCV, and sorry to say, but i don't seem to like any of these ones on roberts new cd.

i must say, i am going to listen to jimmys new release ( if and when theire s one! ) before i buy it, just in case! :unsure:

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Agree again :D Taste is subjective and absolutely nothing wrong with not caring for, in this case, Robert's latest release or past solo releases. Also nothing wrong with expressing it - it's when it gets vicious and arguments become attacks that I don't understand.

agreed ninelives. :thumbsup:

it's great to know that we can come here and air our likes/dislikes/opinions and have a friendly exchange now and then. the differing opinions shared here is what keeps me interested. :Thinking:

Edited by slave to zep
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agreed ninelives. :thumbsup:

it's great to know that we can come here and air our likes/dislikes/opinions and have a friendly exchange now and then. the differing opinions shared here is what keeps me interested. :Thinking:

Absolutely! When people share their different opinions in a civilised way, it can make for a lively and interesting discussion. It's just sad that almost every thread I read here either in the basement or in the Zep section, it turns into fighting :(

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Absolutely! When people share their different opinions in a civilised way, it can make for a lively and interesting discussion. It's just sad that almost every thread I read here either in the basement or in the Zep section, it turns into fighting :(

Absolutely. :thumbsup: Unfortunately, there's too much bickering here.

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His voice sounded good but I couldn't get past 1 minute of any song. Too slow and low-key. One or two songs like this on an album are ok but every song? This is something I'd listen to after swallowing a bottle of oxycontin and a few shots of whiskey. I'm afraid I'm a little too young for the kind of music Bobby's into these days. I respect him doing what he enjoys instead of what many would want him to do it's just too bad his taste and mine are so far apart. Oh well at least he hasn't done rap or hip-hop.

me too, he cant keep this up forever, i wish he would just get led zeppelin back together(( im thinking rp is the one not wanting to, ) and do a multi venue in all the world wide cities before its too late to happen, so all, young and older could see the group just one more time before its too late!! whatch say robert, maybe he is too old to rock out like back in the day, i see jimmy and jonsey still are, maybe robert can get a few cases of geritol and grab the days of old ad hit the touring road!!

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agreed ninelives. :thumbsup:

it's great to know that we can come here and air our likes/dislikes/opinions and have a friendly exchange now and then. the differing opinions shared here is what keeps me interested. :Thinking:

:guitar_mood: And that's what it's all about...you put your right foot in you... :lol:

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I'm still absorbing the album so I really don't have an opinion to offer up on it just yet but I will say I'm glad it's not just a continuation of Raising Sand (as much as I loved that album). I can definitely hear elements of some of the stuff that was more evident on The Mighty Rearranger so this is more like a proper Plant solo record than something like Raising Sand.

As for buying music without hearing any of it beforehand, I do that all of the time. After all of these years there are still some artists I'm very loyal to who's records I'll buy on the day of release such as Jimmy Buffett, Ryan Adams (even though I don't have his new one), Plant, R.E.M., John Prine, Drive-By Truckers and a handful of others.

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I'm still absorbing the album so I really don't have an opinion to offer up on it just yet

Pretentious - toi?

The thread title is 'First listen'. Ye gods, man, what are you doing - breaking it down into 10 second chunks and listening to each on endless repeat before moving onto the next one? There really isn't that much to absorb. As a matter of interest, how long did it take you to realise that Physical Graffiti was a work of genius? Or is the jury still out on that one?

I'd say you're in severe danger of over-thinking this.

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Pretentious - toi?

The thread title is 'First listen'. Ye gods, man, what are you doing - breaking it down into 10 second chunks and listening to each on endless repeat before moving onto the next one? There really isn't that much to absorb. As a matter of interest, how long did it take you to realise that Physical Graffiti was a work of genius? Or is the jury still out on that one?

I'd say you're in severe danger of over-thinking this.

It means I've listened to it once and don't have an opinion formed about the record yet other than I do like it. I don't see anything pretentious about that.

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Well, that's an opinion, isn't it? Any more than that would be bogus intellectualisation in this case, I'd say.

I don't DIS-like it, I'm more sort of meh. It is clearly more of a Nashville Skyline than a Highway 61 Revisited. Yes, that sums it up quite nicely, I think. Over and out.

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Well, that's an opinion, isn't it? Any more than that would be bogus intellectualisation in this case, I'd say.

I never said it wasn't an opinion. This thread is about first impressions and I gave mine. If you want to read something more sinister into it (which seems to be your wont with each and every one of your posts) then go right ahead. Once I've had more time to spend with the record I'll have a more thorough opinion of it. Until then, that's what I think of the album after just one listen. Twist and turn that any way you want (and I'm sure you will).

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