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So you don't think Zep was Satanic?


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It's titled View in Half or Varying Light by artist Barrington Colby, a friend of Jimmy's, and developed from a concept proposed by Page. It depicts the Hermit

from the Tarot, a symbol of self-reliance and wisdom. Note the difficult path the Hermit had to follow to reach the mountaintop. Note how the light of his lantern dwarfts that of the church in the valley. There is a lot of symbology in the illustration, and a black dog if viewed in a mirror. Some say the Hermit has horns but

I shall leave that for others to decide.

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I don't give it shit whether Zep were satanic. They're a lot less scary or spiritually damaging than the happy-clappy music my faux-born-again-christian ex-wife used to inflict on me. Or U2, come to think of it.

As for the 'black dog if viewed in a mirror', he must be a dog of curious topoloogy if he's only visible under left-right reversal. One also assumes that Colby would have had to have created the picture whilst viewing his work via a mirror. Clever guys, these satanists.

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I personally love the whole Satanic thing. No, Jimmy was not a Satanist, BUT he sure liked to dabble in the imagery of it on and off the stage. It added to the atmosphere of songs like NQ and D&C (esp. live). To quote the cop from TSRTS movie, "Lotta fun."

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This is just like that malarkey about hidden messages contained within a certain song when played backwards! :blink:

To quote Michael McDonald, "What a fool believes, he sees." :rolleyes:

No they weren't, the only one who was interested in Mysticism and the Occult was Jimmy.

Show me any lyric that promote it?

The only line that remotely hints at it is from Dazed and Confused and you all know which one and relates to a person albeit a woman.

Anyone who dabbles in that kind of bullshit, well, be careful what you wish for.

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Oh no! Not this shit again! dry.gif

Look, OP, who the f*ck gives a damn whether Led Zep is satanic?

Anyway, I'm pretty much an atheist with my own belief system and its this so called "satanic" quality which (to me) makes Zep's music so sinful, sexy and appealing!

To quote Freddie Mercury from a 1985 interview when a bloke hosting a chat show asked him "When you die, would you like to go to heaven or hell?".

Freddie answered : "Oh my dear! I would most definitely like to go to hell. Its such an interesting place where you get to meet a whole lot of interesting people!". :D

Nuff said! B)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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In comparison with contemporary bands that my younger sister listens to like Disturbed and Slipknot, I don't think Zeppelin's music was santanic at all. Of course we all know Jimmy liked to dabble in the occult, but if you listen to Zeppelin's songs I can't think of one that is overtly sanatic. Maybe Houses of the Holy, when Plant sings about Satan's daughter. But if you look at songs like Bron-Y--Aur-Stomp (a song about love for a dog), Friends, Stairway to Heaven (a song of hope), That's the Way, the Rain Song, All My Love, Tangerine, these are all beautiful songs with tender themes. Even In My Time of Dying has a religious theme and is about salvation and redemption. Of course of lot of Zeppelin's music was sexual and raunchy, and they pushed the boundaries with this at the time it was written, but that's what made them such a great band.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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You know, I really agree with you. And sometimes I think they might have just done it to take the piss hah tongue.gif.

In comparison with contemporary bands that my younger sister listens to like Disturbed and Slipknot, I don't think Zeppelin's music was santanic at all. Of course we all know Jimmy liked to dabble in the occult, but if you listen to Zeppelin's songs I can't think of one that is overtly sanatic. Maybe Houses of the Holy, when Plant sings about Satan's daughter. But if you look at songs like Bron-Y--Aur-Stomp (a song about love for a dog), Friends, Stairway to Heaven (a song of hope), That's the Way, the Rain Song, All My Love, Tangerine, these are all beautiful songs with tender themes. Even In My Time of Dying has a religious theme and is about salvation and redemption. Of course of lot of Zeppelin's music was sexual and raunchy, and they pushed the boundaries with this at the time it was written, but that's what made them such a great band.

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I'm spiritual (but my religiousness is suffering lately...) and I'll foolishly throw in my two cents, even though no one probably reads about this topic much anymore. :D

I read something that a holy man wrote about Led Zeppelin... I don't want to post the wrong info, but I believe it was Gabriele Amorth's second book on exorcism. (Believe it or not, amongst the mire of scandal in the Church, there are still a handful of priests, nuns, and even lay people who understand and perhaps even practice exorcism.) Whether you believe in this or not really isn't a big deal: it's just interesting to look at the world through the perspective of a person who claims to fight pure evil in physical form. Things that you'd consider pretty harmless are "dangerous" to these kindsa holy people.

Amorth (I think it was him) mentioned Zep. He said (if I recall correctly) that when they performed, they seemed to go into a trance and Jimmy seemed to "cast a spell" on the audience. Does this mean they're satanic? Hell no. (Pun!) This priest, though, claimed that any time you put yourself into a state where something "otherworldly" (for lack of a better word) can influence you, you put yourself in danger. Apparently, if Zeppelin were inspired to write, record, and perform in that strange, meditative state, they put their audience in danger, too. They could inadvertently channel something malicious.

Bunkum? lol I can feel all you posters just boiling with protest at this! But don't flip out; it's only a perspective. You don't have to believe it, and Father Amorth never urged boycotts of Zeppelin or anything like that.

But these are the things that scared him:


Spells and trances! :P

Honestly, I think the Zeppelins were just really good performers and put on a show. It looked cool! It really did.

However, in that I'm a spiritual-ish person, I skip "In My Time of Dying" when watching the Earl's Court performance on the DVD. If Jesus really is a powerful being, Robert's soulful singing would surely gain Jesus' attention, and then what? Is that like a prank call?

Also, any time Jimmy waved his bow at the audience like a priest at benediction, I'm uneasy. When Robert started turning and stopping in what looked like the four cardinal directions during... hrm... "Dazed and Confused" (I think?) in the Royal Albert Hall performance, was that something that could have been considered a mock conjuration? And if conjuration actually did exist, what harm can you do by mocking it?

Oops! Spent too much time talking about crap... Gotta go!

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Most great musicians channel something from a variety of places, and some of it really can't be explained. But when you read about their background, Bonham and Page in particular were professional recording artists since they were teenagers.

I think you had your contingency of idiots that would try to hurt the band members with fireworks, but to me the band channeled this energy and had this awesome coordination where it locked in place and it hit you hard like a bucket of cold water, and then moved you.

I wouldn't be surprised the worse Page got, the weirder and paranoid he became, but he is a great riffmaster and producer that somehow make it work in the studio as well as in concert.

Part of evil is to manipulate and to use charisma to persuade you to do things a person of reasonable intelligence normally wouldn't do.

What's more evil, the "Triumph of the Will", or thinking there's backwards masking on LZ IV?

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