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Fool In The Rain 60

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Hi 'Tejanablonde'

I have no idea where you belong, so you can chose, wherever you like, you deserve it, did i write all that shit above? must have had an off day, drunk with the venom of righteous indignation and vengence, and for whom you may ask? well i'm always on the side of the underdog so i do go over the top now and again in my attack on what the US Governments did to the Indiginous people of America so please forgive me for my ignorance and arrogance in this matter, again you may chose to be anything you like and you have my full support to do so, as fi you need it hey? :lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I'm mellow. :beer:

Cheers :beer:B)

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Funny how Americans won't relinquish their citizenship but expect everyone else to.

Double standards don't you think?

My teacher made it a point to impress on his class of 12 year olds that reliquishing American citizenship was a nealy fatal act. Mainly because people sacrifice so much merely to acquire United States citizenship. I guess it meant something to him. Maybe when people must fight for what they have, they value it differently than those who would take it for granted. His wife immigrated from Britain and he learned first-hand about that process.

What do I dislike about my country? The melt-down of the housing market and the current unemployment rate.

Edited by Silver Rider
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The above comments were actually made by BigDan in an earlier post in this thread (see below), not Tejanablonde. She apparently had some problems when replying to the post but she still addressed Dan in her reply.

Hi Magic,

Your reply to Electrophile, my opinion is that you should NEVER be allowed to get citizenship of a country you were not born in or are akin too, that way a Footballer from the Gambia could never play for Poland, which has happened, it makes People from the Emigrant Country very angry and it encourages Racism not prevents it.

I just love the way People from Immigrant countries who have no cultural, spiritual or ethnic connections to that country get so indignant, can you imaging this? a Hungarian Family Emigrates to the USA, and a couple of generations down the line those peoples offspring have the nerve to call themselves "Americans" when they have absolutely no cultural, spiritual or ethnic connections to the original inhabitants, the REDSKINS, THE INDIANS, they are the TRUE AMERICANS, THEY are the only PEOPLE who deserve an AMERICAN PASSPORT, all the rest are Illegal Immigrants because AMERICA was UNLAWFULLY taken off of the ORIGINAL INHABITANTS just a few hundred years ago, you might not like what I say but tis the TRUTH and a FACT, so all you ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS begone back to the land of your forefathers and stop God Bothering and leave the NATIVES, the TRUE AMERICANS, THE REDSKINS, alone and let THEM live at peace in THEIR OWN LAND, with no one to bother them but themselves, you DESTROYERS of HUMANITY.

Your reply to Mangani is quite correct, Nationalism is Very Dangerous to any that are not of that Countries Nationality, so I say that it would be better for all Nationalities to live separately in their own Country if you do not wish to live in what will become a war zone at some time, because ALL the WORLDS People are in one way or another BIGGOTED or RACISTS, that ain't just my opinion its a matter of FACT.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Please don't take this as an attack on anyone, either as an individual or as a People, I love the cultural diversity of my Country but I HATE the way some immigrants come here for nothing more than financial reasons or to escape tyranny only to disrespect OUR way of living and make OUR streets unsafe buy their or their children's lawlessness, any Immigrant or their close family members who breaks the Law should automatically be returned to their own country without further redress in OUR courts of law to ever return, then perhaps we will get Peaceful Immigrants that will enhance rather than degenerate OUR COUNTRY and SOCIETY. Sponsorship of Immigrants would also be a good idea, if they break the law then the sponsors should return to their countries as well, than might in fact change the world for the better.

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The above comments were actually made by BigDan in an earlier post in this thread (see below), not Tejanablonde. She apparently had some problems when replying to the post but she still addressed Dan in her reply.

Quite Right Jahfin, so y'all leave Tejanablonde alone, right? :o

Regards, Danny

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Since one cannot serve two masters at the same time, I would personally feel guilty about accepting any benefits from a nation that I was not prepared to be 100% loyal to.

But that is just the way I am wired I guess.



Hi Brad,

I have no problem with dual nationality, many people from many cultures live amongst us English and we have absolutly no problem with them, or them with us. My one gripe is the people who come here and behave downright disrespectfully towards my country and culture and have an inherited HATRED for it and us as well and are not afraid to say so, while at the same time taking all the benefits of my country without putting anything back in.

Regards, Danny

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I dislike things like this...

The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves

The Slaves That Time Forgot

By John Martin

They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included men, women, and even the youngest of children.

Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives.

We don’t really need to go through all of the gory details, do we? After all, we know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade. But, are we talking about African slavery?

King James II and Charles I led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. Britain’s famed Oliver Cromwell furthered this practice of dehumanizing one’s next door neighbor.

The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves.

Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white.


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The whole concept of being "An American" is not about any one particular ethnicity, culture or religion. Americans are many cultures, ethnicities and religions who come together and create a new American identity.

Are you suggesting that all American Indians shared the same ethnicity, culture and religion? Nothing can be further from the truth. Ask a Crow Indian how much he feels a kinship with the Lakota? Ask a Navajo how much "ethnic connection" he shares with the Hopi? The term "American" is not even a native one. It comes from the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.

Unless you can claim that you are in fact 100% American Indian or Native American, and can prove it. Then I suggest you begin by giving all of your possessions, real estate to a bona-fide indigenous person and then booking airfare back to wherever you believe you belong.

Of course I'm just being facetious, I bare no malice to you at all. However, it would be very hard at this point for most of the inhabitants of this continent to back track and erase thousands of years of human migration. Should the British return the British Isles to the indigenous Celtic people and return to where? Return to Germany, Italy or I don't even know.

Should the Egyptians vacate North Africa and return to someplace near Iraq after more than 3,000 years? Help me to understand how this reverse human migration theory is supposed to work?


Brad ;)


I would suggest that you read the ENTIRE post that I referenced when replying before you go off on my gene pool. The question that I asked BIGDAN was in half jest.

I am very aware of the differences between ancestors and Nations. I am, however, certifiably of both heritages. I have know beyond doubt my family lines here as well as (with appreciation for their record keeping abilities) some assistance up to the year 650 AD from the individuals who "care" about those things in the UK. Some lines can be traced farther than that.

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without meaning to rant, I am currently based in Australia and there are a few things that I dislike.

NB There are lots of things that I like, but that isn't the name of the thread:

National Insecurity - Australians feel the need to proclaim every successful Australian (no matter how tenuous the national link) as "Aussie [insert name]" when they have achieved something or become famous. They will quickly be reverted back to any other possible nationality, if applicable, should they turn sour. They also never shut up when they win at something, but are very quick to either gloss over or overly criticize opponents when they lose

Nanny State - some of the most ridiculous protectionist laws on the planet, attempting to cover the world in cotton wool to make it all safer, whilst thinking of the children. Everything from road laws to games classification right down to sun bed restrictions

Apathy - Australians are lazy and accept whatever is thrust on them, be it social change, laws, whatever. She'll be right

Protected Local Markets - Vehicles, Books, Clothes, everything is more expensive in Australia and can be obtained online for a fraction of the cost. There are instances of an item being manufactured here, yet still available cheaper if ordered from USA and shipped back over here, despite originating from down the road in the first place. A lot of this is due to interventionist policies to "protect local industry" (reminiscent of my first point). My point about Apathy above part explains why this still goes on. I understand the sentiment behind it, but the fact is that it is actually hurting the nation to not be competitive on a global scale - which is how the world must be now.

Political System - shockingly bad

Internet Filters - currently they are proposing a mandatory internet filter which restricts a secret unpublished list of website displaying 'illegal and "unwanted" material. I'm loathed to put my tin foil hat on, but guess who controls this list....

February 15th - March 1st - its always too hot

that'll do for now :)

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The English are America's only true friends.

Hmm....I wouldn't put it that strongly....but does that mean:

(a) you're English, and you hate being thought of as a friend of America? (+1)


( b ) you're American, and you hate having the English as your only friends?

Edited by bouillon
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without meaning to rant, I am currently based in Australia and there are a few things that I dislike.

NB There are lots of things that I like, but that isn't the name of the thread:

National Insecurity - Australians feel the need to proclaim every successful Australian (no matter how tenuous the national link) as "Aussie [insert name]" when they have achieved something or become famous. They will quickly be reverted back to any other possible nationality, if applicable, should they turn sour. They also never shut up when they win at something, but are very quick to either gloss over or overly criticize opponents when they lose. You have conveniently left out specific examples. We have friendly rivalry with England and New Zealand and there is no love lost on the sporting field and they give as good as they get.

Nanny State - some of the most ridiculous protectionist laws on the planet, attempting to cover the world in cotton wool to make it all safer, whilst thinking of the children. Everything from road laws to games classification right down to sun bed restrictions

Once again no details. I agree there are some dodgy road rules and too many speed limits in suburbia, plus the proliferation of "safety" cameras installed specifically to raise revenue, sucks. Sunbeds are incubators for melanomas and as if we need more of those!

Apathy - Australians are lazy and accept whatever is thrust on them, be it social change, laws, whatever. She'll be right

Most Australians don't accept every new change and we have through peaceful means brought about change too or had things like Family Law issues where it is fairer on non-custodial parents regardless of gender. Apathy!? I couldn't care less about it!

Protected Local Markets - Vehicles, Books, Clothes, everything is more expensive in Australia and can be obtained online for a fraction of the cost. There are instances of an item being manufactured here, yet still available cheaper if ordered from USA and shipped back over here, despite originating from down the road in the first place. A lot of this is due to interventionist policies to "protect local industry" (reminiscent of my first point). My point about Apathy above part explains why this still goes on. I understand the sentiment behind it, but the fact is that it is actually hurting the nation to not be competitive on a global scale - which is how the world must be now.

This we learnt from the USA! It irks me that we don't manufacture very much anymore but rely on exporting raw materials then import them back as finished goods. There are many businesses who would've preferred to have kept producing instead of being forced to sell them off to foreign investors.

Political System - shockingly bad

Show the perfect system of government. We are over governed by Federal, State and Local parliaments who always put party politics before the community and moreover, the country.

Internet Filters - currently they are proposing a mandatory internet filter which restricts a secret unpublished list of website displaying 'illegal and "unwanted" material. I'm loathed to put my tin foil hat on, but guess who controls this list....

It'll never happen. Still we don't want our children exposed to online predators, that should be under the parents control.

February 15th - March 1st - its always too hot

You should be around in January if you think it's hot then!

that'll do for now :)

I don't disagree with some of what you've written however, you are generalising somewhat.

I'm curious as to where you are located here in Oz (and where you are from originally), I'd hazard a guess and say Victoria, Melbourne perhaps?

Enjoy your stay.


Edited by Reggie29
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Hmm....I wouldn't put it that strongly....but does that mean:

(a) you're English, and you hate being thought of as a friend of America? (+1)


( b ) you're American, and you hate having the English as your only friends?

I am English and being their (governments) friend is like how Percy and Bonzo were before Led, england being Bonzo we always come back potless and skint!

I have no problem with the citizens of the usa though.

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Your Welcome 'Tejanablonde' and from what you posted about your ancestry you would appear to be "Royal" so, :notworthy::thumbsup::yay::beer:

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Who you related to then?

Wilmington (Northampton)(dad's) & Randolph (mom's) families.

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I don't disagree with some of what you've written however, you are generalising somewhat.

I'm curious as to where you are located here in Oz (and where you are from originally), I'd hazard a guess and say Victoria, Melbourne perhaps?

Enjoy your stay.


The other one, Sydney. Moved over from Europe (UK) about 4 years ago.

I didnt cite examples in the initial post, as it was just my opinions, and I agree I was generalising, however, here goes:

National insecurity - hard to find links at the moment. I'm at work and have restricted internet access, so things like Youtube dont work. They're the best source. The friendly rivalry with UK/NZ you speak of only seems to be one way. Neither of those countries feels the need to get venomous towards the Australians in their media coverage should they lose (again, all anecdotal and based on my experience but will endeavor to find links after work), yet here we have idiots like "comedian" Dave Hughes who just spouts his insular xenophobic vitriol on prime time TV. If it was just confined to that I woulnd;t really care as much, its the fact that mainstream media "News" shows are just as bad.

The only national news source worth watching in my opinion is SBS news as its the only one that seems to provide the news a) globally and B) fairly unbiased.

Nanny State: Oh where to begin,

r18 movies in SA


the lack of an r18 games rating for years and the inability to get this through despite overwhelming support (see submission paper results on site below):



a small sample of proposed suggestions trying to save people from themselves, implementation of various rules and restrictions addressing largely nothing, or small minority actions dictating the changes for all:









The key issue I have is the defacto parenting role that seems to be adopted.

Most things should be either common sense or the role of a parental figure to educate on, not the government to restrict and remove that onus form the parents. The filter being a great example. nice link :D

While I concur that the filter may never get off the ground in a mandatory nature, it has been dragging on for about 3 years and initially was being proposed as mandatory with no consultation whatsoever. How many millions of dollars have gone into this so far, and how much pathetic spin has come out to try and justify its need, cost and efficiency. (links can be provided if you would like).

Lull the parents into believing the internet is safe, despite the filter not targeting the child pornographers in any way shape or form, and you have a dangerous situation. Internet supervision is the parents responsibility and there are adequate measures for them to already do this without implementing a draconian approach like this.

Having said that:


I agree there are some dodgy road rules and too many speed limits in suburbia, plus the proliferation of "safety" cameras installed specifically to raise revenue, sucks. Sunbeds are incubators for melanomas and as if we need more of those!

Sun beds - I agree what they do and would never use one myself, but that's a choice for people to make. Same with cigarettes, alcohol etc

the perfect system of government


I concur, its impossible to give an example of a good government. But some examples about this one shock me. The ALP openly admit to having factional segregation within their party, the result of which was the removal of Rudd. Who exactly are you voting for when their party itself is not in agreement.


Carbon tax blatant lie. I'm not necessarily opposed to the tax, I'm opposed to the outright lying during election campaigns.

Also the nature of the current set up seems to give Bob Green a disproportional level of power!

The level of lobbying by groups like the ACL is worrying too.

Road Laws

things like this


and on driving: The whole P Plate system - 4 years as a learner drive. Everywhere else manages fine.

Seems the RTA will only stop once the road toll is zero; the problem being that they make the assumption that there is not a background level of idiocy (as there is anywhere) and people who will just not follow rules regardless.

I notice you are from Sydney too. can you tell me the proportion of time you spend speedo watching driving along somewhere like Victoria Road. 70>60>70>40(school zone) >50>70>40 (school zone) >60 etc, with cameras to back it all up.

Double demerits.

But as I said, this is the negative thread. The positives generally outweigh this :)

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  • 5 months later...

I don't like the idea that everybody is allowed to vote. Voting should be restricted to people who actually work. Students, unemployed people and anyone who can't pass a high school level general apptitude exam should be turned away at he voting booths.

Maybe changing America needs to start at the bottom and not at the top.

So much for democracy.

The voting age over here is 18 and it's compulsory and so it should be, that way way you get the whole population to decide.

We have this ridiculous thing called preferential voting whereby, any party can allocate their votes to another party if they fail to win a seat.

How the fuck that does that work?

The thing that bugs me is those people who choose not to vote are generally (but not restricted to), the first to complain about the government.

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without meaning to rant, I am currently based in Australia and there are a few things that I dislike.

NB There are lots of things that I like, but that isn't the name of the thread:

National Insecurity - Australians feel the need to proclaim every successful Australian (no matter how tenuous the national link) as "Aussie [insert name]" when they have achieved something or become famous. They will quickly be reverted back to any other possible nationality, if applicable, should they turn sour. They also never shut up when they win at something, but are very quick to either gloss over or overly criticize opponents when they lose

Nanny State - some of the most ridiculous protectionist laws on the planet, attempting to cover the world in cotton wool to make it all safer, whilst thinking of the children. Everything from road laws to games classification right down to sun bed restrictions

Apathy - Australians are lazy and accept whatever is thrust on them, be it social change, laws, whatever. She'll be right

Protected Local Markets - Vehicles, Books, Clothes, everything is more expensive in Australia and can be obtained online for a fraction of the cost. There are instances of an item being manufactured here, yet still available cheaper if ordered from USA and shipped back over here, despite originating from down the road in the first place. A lot of this is due to interventionist policies to "protect local industry" (reminiscent of my first point). My point about Apathy above part explains why this still goes on. I understand the sentiment behind it, but the fact is that it is actually hurting the nation to not be competitive on a global scale - which is how the world must be now.

Political System - shockingly bad

Internet Filters - currently they are proposing a mandatory internet filter which restricts a secret unpublished list of website displaying 'illegal and "unwanted" material. I'm loathed to put my tin foil hat on, but guess who controls this list....

February 15th - March 1st - its always too hot

that'll do for now smile.gif

Didn't they also outlaw firearms?

I just read a book on Joe McCarthy and it makes me even more disgusted with how the left wing media (Edward R. Murrow & Drew Pearson) and ultra leftists ruined him and virtually let the murderous deeds of the Stalinists (mass executions and gulags) off the hook. Many today still do and that is why liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

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Things I dislike about my country...? I 'll say things I don't like about my government, because I love the country just not the people running it. never have, never will.

One of the true mysteries is to how some people get to "abuse" the welfare system for 20, 30 years and others gotta bust their ass everyday to have what they have...we definitely live in an unbalanced society here.

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