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ALICE COOPER Is Baffled By PLANT's Unwillingness To Take Part In ZEPPELIN Reunion

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No, it's not, nor was it ever meant to be. For a band that was so musically diverse and willing to experiment so many of their fans seem to want to hold them to what they consider a higher standard, namely their work with Zeppelin. What those fans seem to so conveniently forget is that very musical diversity that made Led Zeppelin so great and set them apart from all of their peers at the time. I don't want Page, Plant or Jones to be Zep clones or to be held to some artificial standard that their new music must somehow sound "Zeppelin-ish" to only have it be deemed unacceptable by those fans that seem to have forgotten what Zeppelin was all about to start with, and that was constantly breaking new ground.

What if he goes the Chet Atkins route and turns out an album of country-jazz tinged instrumentals, will folks like you still be crying out for him to somehow recreate something that sounds "Zeppelin-ish" (re: whatever is comfortable and safe) to your ears? Personally, I'd rather hear something bold, new and refreshing rather than a retread of the past.

Its possible that he (Jimmy) could go that rout, but from what I hear from the interviews hes given over the past several years the material he has in mind is in the vein/continuation of Embryo 1 and 2, just two simple riffs, and both are powerful IMO. In other words Page has given the impression the stuff he wants to put out is very "Zeppelinish", not blue grass (which IS the safe/comfortable thing to do nowdays, hell everyones doin it lol). Could be wrong of course, time will tell.

A side note, Its kinda funny to hear people say Plant isnt "living in the past" or "going into new ground". Hes playing in a band he co-founded in 1967 for christs sake lol Hes playing music he felt he didnt get the chance to because that terrible thing called Led Zeppelin interfered. Now he thinks he can get that chance, and I say go for it! ;)

Edited by Hugh Hoyland
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Its possible that he (Jimmy) could go that rout, but from what I hear from the interviews hes given over the past several years the material he has in mind is in the vein/continuation of Embryo 1 and 2, just two simple riffs, and both are powerful IMO. In other words Page has given the impression the stuff he wants to put out is very "Zeppelinish", not blue grass (which IS the safe/comfortable thing to do nowdays, hell everyones doin it lol). Could be wrong of course, time will tell.

Everyone is doing it? And bluegrass is the "safe/comfortable" thing to do? By all means please list all of the artists that are doing it (shouldn't be too hard for you to do since "everyone" is doing it) and if you're able to do that, how about their chart positions as well since it's the "safe/comfortable" thing to do. Just how one dimensional do you hope this Page solo record to be? The first press report I recall reading about this solo record said Page had hoped to incorporate a different instrument on each track. He never once alluded to what musical style he was going to employ. Once it comes out, of course it will sound "Zeppelin-ish", how could it not, considering he was the guitarist and composer for Led Zeppelin. And what if it were to be bluegrass-tinged, or hint at other musical styles that are also apparently outside of your realm of comprehension, would that make it any less of a Page solo record because it didn't include sounds that are familiar to you?

A side note, Its kinda funny to hear people say Plant isnt "living in the past" or "going into new ground". Hes playing in a band he co-founded in 1967 for christs sake lol Hes playing music he felt he didnt get the chance to because that terrible thing called Led Zeppelin interfered. Now he thinks he can get that chance, and I say go for it! ;)

The current Band of Joy's only link to the past is in name only. The majority of music on his latest record wasn't even around during the time of the original Band of Joy. Two of the cuts ("Monkey" and "Silver Rider") are from a band called Low that formed in 1993. The opening song, "Angel Dance" is from a Los Lobos album that was released in 1990. The Richard and Linda Thompson song "House of Cards" came out in 1984. That's only a handful, I could name more. As for this "terrible thing called Led Zeppelin" that supposedly interfered with the original Band of Joy, I've never heard him refer to that happening, ever. I also have to wonder if you even heard this album because I'm curious as to where you got the impression that it's "bluegrass" because it's not. There's lot of musical elements at work on it, including Middle Eastern, folk and rock. Sound familiar? It not, it should because a band called Led Zeppelin also employed those styles (and more) in their work. Want "Zeppelin-ish", put on your Led Zeppelin records. Want something that's bold, brash, exciting and experimental? Pull your head out of the past and quit expecting the surviving members of Led Zeppelin to tread familiar ground only because it's what sounds safe to your ears.

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The thing is that Zeppelin never did die. After September 25, 1980, every fan out there kept this band alive, along with all the new generations of kids who went on to discover them. Especially from the mid-1980s on, the legend just got bigger and bigger. In fact, bigger than the band members themselves.

What these guys represent to millions of people around the world is above and beyond words. The level of exhilaration, joy, and inspiration that people derive from Zeppelin is unparalleled (outside of The Beatles). The music has totally transcended the aspect of being mere entertainment and has entered the zeitgeist. We can say that people should just accept that Led Zeppelin died when John Bonham died, but millions of people just don't want to believe that. That's why the Page & Plant tours were so successful. That's why millions of people scrambled to get those O2 tickets. They wanted to see the band that has given them so much joy over the years and have a life affirming experience. You can't convince the people that it's impossible for Zeppelin to play without a founding member, because the fans simply won't accept that. It's like something beyond reason....almost like trying to prove "faith" to someone.

I think most of these people would agree that the guys would sound different without Bonzo. And they know that they would also sound different after having aged a couple of decades since the last tour. But to say they'd be horrible if they toured again...I mean, the O2 show was pretty damned good, wasn't it?

I think it's kind of sad that Plant doesn't recognize the profound effect a brief reunion would have on his fans. Nobody's talking about a permanent thing here. A year long tour after the London show would have come and gone, and only the most selfish of fans would expect more from that. Is that really being unreasonable?

I, and millions of others out there, just can't understand why Robert just can't say "You know what? A proper goodbye tour that would bring so much joy to so many people would be a nice thing".

I don't want this to sound like I'm bashing him. In fact, I kind of feel bad for him because like someone else here had said, he'll always have to answer these reunion questions. All I'm saying is that this big, profound thing that is Led Zeppelin is an entity that can not be wished away, no matter how we feel about Robert's opinions on the matter. It's out of our hands, and it's out of his hands.

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I don't want Page, Plant or Jones to be Zep clones or to be held to some artificial standard that their new music must somehow sound "Zeppelin-ish"

Hi jahfin - but Page, Plant and Jones are not Zep clones, they are Zeppelin (minus Bonzo)!!!! Don't you think that if by some miracle they ever got together again to make music it would be Zeppelin-ish because of the very nature of them being who they are?

I'm referring to their respective solo careers in response to Hoyland's thoughts about Plant and Jones' most recent solo works not being "Zeppelin-ish" enough for him.

As has been stated so many times in this forum, Zeppelin's music was very diverse and really couldn't be pigeon-holed.

Which is exactly the point I'm making. Of course their music outside the confines of Led Zeppelin is going to contain some hints of Zeppelin to varying degrees but apparently what Hoyland prefers is that their music sound more like the aspects of Zeppelin that he is familiar with. The band was very well known for covering a vast amount of musical ground so why should we expect any less of it's surviving members? The Zeppelin musical blueprint provides many jumping off points, all of which are still being explored by Page, Plant and Jones.

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Alice, a guy that left "his" band giving advice to a guy to go back to "his" band....

Alice is still cool. Hoping for a rocking band performance for the RRHOF !

There will never, never be a suitable replacement for Robert Plant. There is no one, no one on the planet that can sing Led Zeppelin like Robert Plant.

So, Robert has moved on, and that really really means the death of Led Zeppelin live. Without Robert, there is no Led Zeppelin.

So whatcha gonna do.... you're gonna hope that Robert has a change of heart, but when Robert says he's moved on... well, that's it.

Robert, go with your heart baby.... your were the best and only vocalist Led Zeppelin ever had.

Edited by The Rover
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I suppose I agree with Alice, and I think I'm starting to understand Plant's angle, so I confirmed I still don't know what to think about this whole idea of the surviving members of Led Zeppelin ever teaming up for a project that wouldn't be Led Zeppelin, as it couldn't be for the glaring obvious reason, but might sound Zeppelin-ish, but maybe not as they seem to be off in different musical directions...but wait! doesn't that sound familiar? From stories you read in books about Zeppelin, no not Hammer of the Gods, it seems Plant was into this, and Page was into that, and Jones was going to quit and be a choirmaster or something, and Bonham was into something else, you get the idea right? Maybe being in different places musically is a part of the equation that made that combination work so well, and possibly work with 3/4 of it? .....

Which brings me back to my daily question? Jeez, couldn't they have formed a quartet of Plant, Page, Jones, and Bonham, and called themselves the Band of Joy?

My daily Zeppelin struggle continues....thanks for listening.

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Which brings me back to my daily question? Jeez, couldn't they have formed a quartet of Plant, Page, Jones, and Bonham, and called themselves the Band of Joy?

Of course they could, if they all wanted to. Apparently they don't. But you know and I know that if they were to form a band called Band of Joy, the media, the fans, everyone, would call them Led Zeppelin. They wouldn't be playing 3000 seat venues, they'd be playing 70,000 seat football stadiums. Anything that all four of them are involved in will be the monster Led Zeppelin.

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Everyone is doing it? And bluegrass is the "safe/comfortable" thing to do? By all means please list all of the artists that are doing it (shouldn't be too hard for you to do since "everyone" is doing it) and if you're able to do that, how about their chart positions as well since it's the "safe/comfortable" thing to do. Just how one dimensional do you hope this Page solo record to be? The first press report I recall reading about this solo record said Page had hoped to incorporate a different instrument on each track. He never once alluded to what musical style he was going to employ. Once it comes out, of course it will sound "Zeppelin-ish", how could it not, considering he was the guitarist and composer for Led Zeppelin. And what if it were to be bluegrass-tinged, or hint at other musical styles that are also apparently outside of your realm of comprehension, would that make it any less of a Page solo record because it didn't include sounds that are familiar to you?

The current Band of Joy's only link to the past is in name only. The majority of music on his latest record wasn't even around during the time of the original Band of Joy. Two of the cuts ("Monkey" and "Silver Rider") are from a band called Low that formed in 1993. The opening song, "Angel Dance" is from a Los Lobos album that was released in 1990. The Richard and Linda Thompson song "House of Cards" came out in 1984. That's only a handful, I could name more. As for this "terrible thing called Led Zeppelin" that supposedly interfered with the original Band of Joy, I've never heard him refer to that happening, ever. I also have to wonder if you even heard this album because I'm curious as to where you got the impression that it's "bluegrass" because it's not. There's lot of musical elements at work on it, including Middle Eastern, folk and rock. Sound familiar? It not, it should because a band called Led Zeppelin also employed those styles (and more) in their work. Want "Zeppelin-ish", put on your Led Zeppelin records. Want something that's bold, brash, exciting and experimental? Pull your head out of the past and quit expecting the surviving members of Led Zeppelin to tread familiar ground only because it's what sounds safe to your ears.

Two big acts I can think of "crossing over" to the country thing (which is what I ment by blugrass lol) is Def Leppard (forget who they preformed with) Bon Jovi, Jon Waite and Krauss teamed up as well. I beleve they were succesful for the most part. Im sure theres some more but I just got in from work not long ago so Im to tired to look em up right now lol. As far as Page goes he stated at the release of IT MIGHT GET LOUD the type of direction he was going music wise, the aformentioned Embyro 1 & 2 was what he stated. I'll look for the reference for the different instrument thing you mention.

Well one may buy the whole "Its the past" thing so I wont do it anymore, but it really doesnt make sense, I mean as far as this situation. Someone on this board put up a great interview with Plant, it shows his mindset as far as this BOJ goes. Also a good reference is the CD interview included on the Mighty Rearanger CD, Plant goes into a lot of detail as to why hes doing what hes doing. I have no idea about any safe sound, IMO Zeppelin did not have a safe sound, by any stretch of the imagination, in fact many thought it was quite dangerous! :] Its Plant who keeps talking about not wanting to take risks (Any new Zeppelin music may not be that good compared to what we did quote) or that he may faint onstage if he trys singing Communication Breakdown quote. I think another of his quotes was something like "I didnt want to get caught up again in the Vortex (Zepp), so I go to the bar( BOJ) where things make sense" something along those lines, I'll look for the exact quote. But it sounds like he feels safer in BOJ than taking the risk of doing something with the boys.

Edited by Hugh Hoyland
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The thing is that Zeppelin never did die. After September 25, 1980, every fan out there kept this band alive, along with all the new generations of kids who went on to discover them. Especially from the mid-1980s on, the legend just got bigger and bigger. In fact, bigger than the band members themselves. What these guys represent to millions of people around the world is above and beyond words. The level of exhilaration, joy, and inspiration that people derive from Zeppelin is unparalleled (outside of The Beatles). The music has totally transcended the aspect of being mere entertainment and has entered the zeitgeist. We can say that people should just accept that Led Zeppelin died when John Bonham died, but millions of people just don't want to believe that. That's why the Page & Plant tours were so successful. That's why millions of people scrambled to get those O2 tickets. They wanted to see the band that has given them so much joy over the years and have a life affirming experience. You can't convince the people that it's impossible for Zeppelin to play without a founding member, because the fans simply won't accept that. It's like something beyond reason....almost like trying to prove "faith" to someone.I think most of these people would agree that the guys would sound different without Bonzo. And they know that they would also sound different after having aged a couple of decades since the last tour. But to say they'd be horrible if they toured again...I mean, the O2 show was pretty damned good, wasn't it? I think it's kind of sad that Plant doesn't recognize the profound effect a brief reunion would have on his fans. Nobody's talking about a permanent thing here. A year long tour after the London show would have come and gone, and only the most selfish of fans would expect more from that. Is that really being unreasonable?I, and millions of others out there, just can't understand why Robert just can't say "You know what? A proper goodbye tour that would bring so much joy to so many people would be a nice thing".I don't want this to sound like I'm bashing him. In fact, I kind of feel bad for him because like someone else here had said, he'll always have to answer these reunion questions. All I'm saying is that this big, profound thing that is Led Zeppelin is an entity that can not be wished away, no matter how we feel about Robert's opinions on the matter. It's out of our hands, and it's out of his hands.

I'm sure Plant knows how many fans want a reunion but he's not interested. Bottom line is it is his life and he's got to be true to himself and what makes him happy. This has nothing to do with his feelings about Zep. It's clear he's incredibly proud of their work and such but to him it died when Bonzo died. In fact they ALL made that decision the band couldn't be.

Two big acts I can think of "crossing over" to the country thing (which is what I ment by blugrass lol) is Def Leppard (forget who they preformed with) Bon Jovi, Jon Waite and Krauss teamed up as well. I beleve they were succesful for the most part. Im sure theres some more but I just got in from work not long ago so Im to tired to look em up right now lol. As far as Page goes he stated at the release of IT MIGHT GET LOUD the type of direction he was going music wise, the aformentioned Embyro 1 & 2 was what he stated. I'll look for the reference for the different instrument thing you mention. Well one may buy the whole "Its the past" thing so I wont do it anymore, but it really doesnt make sense, I mean as far as this situation. Someone on this board put up a great interview with Plant, it shows his mindset as far as this BOJ goes. Also a good reference is the CD interview included on the Mighty Rearanger CD, Plant goes into a lot of detail as to why hes doing what hes doing. I have no idea about any safe sound, IMO Zeppelin did not have a safe sound, by any stretch of the imagination, in fact many thought it was quite dangerous! :] Its Plant who keeps talking about not wanting to take risks (Any new Zeppelin music may not be that good compared to what we did quote) or that he may faint onstage if he trys singing Communication Breakdown quote. I think another of his quotes was something like "I didnt want to get caught up again in the Vortex (Zepp), so I go to the bar( BOJ) where things make sense" something along those lines, I'll look for the exact quote. But it sounds like he feels safer in BOJ than taking the risk of doing something with the boys.

Er, I think it's called sense of humor ;) I also think that the chemistry the FOUR of them had was a moment in time - life has changed, they've all changed. Who's to say they'd necessarily be able to have that creative connection.

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I think it's kind of sad that Plant doesn't recognize the profound effect a brief reunion would have on his fans. Nobody's talking about a permanent thing here. A year long tour after the London show would have come and gone, and only the most selfish of fans would expect more from that. Is that really being unreasonable?

I, and millions of others out there, just can't understand why Robert just can't say "You know what? A proper goodbye tour that would bring so much joy to so many people would be a nice thing".

How is it sad for a 60+ grown man to do what he wants? You're also kidding yourself if you think following a Led Zeppelin tour after the O2 gig, "only the most selfish of fans" would want more than that. All people would bitch about is that they didn't play this city or that city, that they didn't do this song or that song, that they didn't play this venue or that venue.....and oh by the way, can they do another tour to fix all the things we're bitching about.

It's easy to understand. He doesn't want to do it. You got a proper goodbye -- it was called the O2 gig. That was a hell of a lot more than most fans of most bands get, so just be grateful, huh? There isn't a person on this planet that can't experience that show if they want to. Torrents, YouTube, copies of the show you can purchase on DVD.....even if you weren't there, you can feel like you were.

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Oh boo hoo! Get over it kiddies! If Plant doesn't want a reunion, then there will be no reunion! Period.

He doesn't give a fuck what Alice Cooper thinks! We can all just keep banging our heads and fighting and bitching among ourselves about will he or won't he and why the fuck won't he or who the hell are we to expect a reunion but the fact remains that it ain't gonna happen!

Oh and while we are all arguing and calling each other names and getting all hot under the collar, Plant is probably toasting to his own massive success as far as the Band Of Joy is concerned!

Some fans want a reunion and are not willing to accept anything less while other fans are happy with Plant's current pursuits. There is a difference in opinion. Get over it! This is a forum for the love of God and everyone has a fuckin right to have their own opinions. Period.

Edited by Emily008
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"I'm referring to their respective solo careers in response to Hoyland's thoughts about Plant and Jones' most recent solo works not being "Zeppelin-ish" enough for him."

Thanks Jahfin for clarifying. Didn't fully read the 'fine print' of your statement.

and Electrophile I have to respectfully and totally disagree with the below statement:

"There isn't a person on this planet that can't experience that show if they want to. Torrents, YouTube, copies of the show you can purchase on DVD.....even if you weren't there, you can feel like you were."

No you can't, it's just not the same. You can NEVER EVER experience the full Led Zeppelin concert experience by watching a Youtube video or any video, even on the biggest flat screen, high-def TV out there. You have to have been there. You can maybe re-live it, but not live it.

Edited by justawoman
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Communication Breakdown, its always the same, having a nervous breakdown, drives you insane!

I think you use this forum to fart in alot of people's direction.

You attack then retrack your statements. Your implications and statements made in your 1st and 2nd post in this thread will prove this. Using words like discard, music is dead to me, dreamy love affair, robert being only about robert etc etc.

You keep deflecting the core of what this thread is about and make it about you. You change the subject because as my 1st impression of you was spot on. An obsessed zeppelin fan who doesnt get it and only likes them bcz it strokes his ego and creates a self image for himself in his head.

I find it quite disturbing (a.k.a Mark David Chapman) and frankly for Robert Plant's safety, i hope he never runs into the likes of you.

If this suggestion hasnt already been made to you, then please let me have the honor and be the 1st to suggest that:

1) You are in dire need of Psychiatric care!

2) I am sure they can make a custom jacket that will fit you quite nicely.

3) Before they put you in your room, make a request that they play dark side of the moon nonstop.

Have a nice day chump!

p.s - Are the voices inside your head getting louder and clearer?

pps - I do apologize for stating that i would take my fist upside your head as since i didnt know what i was dealing with. An insane close minded bigot!

Hi Lives,

Your like a Tropical Storm, given enough time you'll blow yourself out mate.

I'll deal with you like this again.

1. "when big bad dan the man can actually act like a man" What is your definition of a Man?

2. "apologize for attacking my country" Not on your life mate, every time you stand up and sing your National Anthem and ask "In God We Trust " and say "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" I FART in your general direction, for "GOD" has forsaken you and your version of "FREEDOM" is not extended to anyone below the "RICH MIDDLECLASS WHITES" and "BRAVE" it is not, to behave in the way your Beloved Country does to "INDIGENOUS PEOPLES" Sorry but no SORRY from this "FREE BRAVE WORKING CLASS HERO" The Good people of America on the other hand I have nothing but Love and Respect for, are you one of them?

One day America will have to "Admit To" and "Stand Up and be Counted" for all the Massacres, Genocides, Rapes, Murders, Thefts, Robberies, and God Bothering that it has done in the name of "PATRIOTISM" not only to its Own Peoples but to all the Indigenous Peoples of this World and what it Still does every day, I just cant understand why any Decent Human Being, Could or Would be Party to this sort of behavior from their Country which it is Totally Guilty off, and have the Cheek and Nerve to Put Hand on Heart and Invoke God on to their side, why your worse that any Muslim Fundamentalist Country and Rival Even Hitlers Nazi Germany as the Most Atrocious Modern Country in World History. Rant Over. (And I'm only referring to your Government not your people just so we are straight on that)

3. "attacking religions"..............ME? NEVER, I just take the PISS, but there is no Malice in my Words only Truth.

4. "stop putting himself above others"............Its the way we Westerners make Love. ;)

5. " twisting not only his own words but the words of others"...........I think "YOU" have "ME" mistaken for "YOU" there matey.

6. "stop acting like a little selfish, attention starved, spoiled, whiny child"......WHY, if I stamp my feet for long enough I usually get what I want, don't it work Stateside like that?

7. "who always has to be right and have the last word."........If I'm Right then I'm Right, even if its in me own head, as for having the last word, well someone has to and it might as well be ME as opposed to YOU as I'm RIGHT and your WRONG, as Usual.

8. "So until he can drop the act"...............Its no act, or is it? as Rush said,

"All the world's indeed a stage And we are merely players Performers and portrayers Each another's audience Outside the gilded cage"

9. "he will continue to be treated with no respect from me"........."Am I bovered"

10. "Not that he cares bcz he is on top of the evolution chain"...........You got that right. ;)

11. "maybe 1 day he will grow up and respect the fact that if can critisize others then he opens himself up to the same criticism! ".......

Grow up? Na.

Respect? Always.

Criticize? Bring it on, my shoulders are wide and I will take no offence.

Regards, Danny

PS, Robert will do whatever Robert wants to do and that's fine with me, just stop the sharade and double talk yeah? if you don't like Jimmy and John Paul any more and don't want them to play in your band just say so and put it to bed, or will you keep us all on tenter hooks for eternity? :lol:

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May i add that they did the 02 concert with grace, class, pride, dignity and purpose. As to other members in this thread who feel Robert is selfish for not reuniting and touring afterwards, he took time out of his busy schedule to practice to deliver this fine performance. isnt it ironic that they played For Your Life for the 1st time as if to say this is our last musical statement as Led Zeppelin to our fans. just my thought. Anyways if that was the intention of playing that song, i thought it was a great way to wrap it up. I for one am so gratious for that show and especially in the manner they had conducted themselves in honoring the man that discovered them and became very close friends with and delivering a concert for the ages!

How is it sad for a 60+ grown man to do what he wants? You're also kidding yourself if you think following a Led Zeppelin tour after the O2 gig, "only the most selfish of fans" would want more than that. All people would bitch about is that they didn't play this city or that city, that they didn't do this song or that song, that they didn't play this venue or that venue.....and oh by the way, can they do another tour to fix all the things we're bitching about.

It's easy to understand. He doesn't want to do it. You got a proper goodbye -- it was called the O2 gig. That was a hell of a lot more than most fans of most bands get, so just be grateful, huh? There isn't a person on this planet that can't experience that show if they want to. Torrents, YouTube, copies of the show you can purchase on DVD.....even if you weren't there, you can feel like you were.

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and Electrophile I have to respectfully and totally disagree with the below statement:

"There isn't a person on this planet that can't experience that show if they want to. Torrents, YouTube, copies of the show you can purchase on DVD.....even if you weren't there, you can feel like you were."

No you can't, it's just not the same. You can NEVER EVER experience the full Led Zeppelin concert experience by watching a Youtube video or any video, even on the biggest flat screen, high-def TV out there. You have to have been there. You can maybe re-live it, but not live it.

What do you think "you can feel like you were" means? I have a lot of bootlegs from several different bands, many of whom performed a solid decade or more before I was born. How do you think I get the feeling of the concert experience, without having been there? I'm aware of the difference between a boot and actually sitting in the venue, but for a lot of us the feeling is all we're going to get. That feeling is good enough for me, considering it's better than nothing at all.

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Communication Breakdown, its always the same, having a nervous breakdown, drives you insane!

I think you use this forum to fart in alot of people's direction.

You attack then retrack your statements. Your implications and statements made in your 1st and 2nd post in this thread will prove this. Using words like discard, music is dead to me, dreamy love affair, robert being only about robert etc etc.

You keep deflecting the core of what this thread is about and make it about you. You change the subject because as my 1st impression of you was spot on. An obsessed zeppelin fan who doesnt get it and only likes them bcz it strokes his ego and creates a self image for himself in his head.

I find it quite disturbing (a.k.a Mark David Chapman) and frankly for Robert Plant's safety, i hope he never runs into the likes of you.

If this suggestion hasnt already been made to you, then please let me have the honor and be the 1st to suggest that:

1) You are in dire need of Psychiatric care!

2) I am sure they can make a custom jacket that will fit you quite nicely.

3) Before they put you in your room, make a request that they play dark side of the moon nonstop.

Have a nice day chump!

p.s - Are the voices inside your head getting louder and clearer?

pps - I do apologize for stating that i would take my fist upside your head as since i didnt know what i was dealing with. An insane close minded bigot!

Well done sir ! Your mission to bait BigDan and have him banned has been accomplished. Now if you don't mind, do us all a favour and slither back into the hole you crawled out of.

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Respectfully, Ally, I can't agree."Baiting people" and "getting them banned" is, I'm afraid, as sorry an excuse as those who said Gray and Keys were "set up". No -one can "get you banned" but yourself. How you respond to things, and the opinions you express, are entirely up to you. ("you" obviously not being "you", Ally ;) )

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Respectfully, Ally, I can't agree."Baiting people" and "getting them banned" is, I'm afraid, as sorry an excuse as those who said Gray and Keys were "set up". No -one can "get you banned" but yourself. How you respond to things, and the opinions you express, are entirely up to you. ("you" obviously not being "you", Ally ;) )

Respectfully Knebby, it disappoints me to see a person with minimum posts just suddenly show up and take someone to task. To me it stinks of premeditation. I agree that ultimately it is us as individuals who are responsible for how we react and in this case BigDan probably should have just ignored. However , that is not easy to do when a personal attack is as relentless as that one was.

I suppose it's a case of a referee seeing the retaliation instead of the original foul . Doesn't mean a foul wasn't commited

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ALICE COOPER Is Baffled By ROBERT PLANT's Unwillingness To Take Part In LED ZEPPELIN Reunion - Jan. 27, 2011



"People who have written their story -- they've gotten to the point where nothing moves. I don't deal in that, and I don't deal with anybody who deals in that."

What's this last part about?

What does he mean by people writing their own story? What does he mean by nothing moving?

I'm confused.


Also, I can understand if Robert's heart is not in it, but I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing that it was.

It's fitting that the band with the most integrity is opting out. It makes them more special in a way, but it's hard to swallow. Maybe one day. Hearts do change and caution gets thrown into the wind.

Of all the bands that shouldn't reform because it would lack integrity, this is not one of them.

Edited by guitarmy
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What's this last part about?

What does he mean by people writing their own story? What does he mean by nothing moving?

I'm confused.

Well - we don't know what that really means, or why he said it, because he didn't explain. I suppose he thinks he moves better than some other people. :P

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Two big acts I can think of "crossing over" to the country thing (which is what I ment by blugrass lol) is Def Leppard (forget who they preformed with) Bon Jovi, Jon Waite and Krauss teamed up as well. I beleve they were succesful for the most part. Im sure theres some more but I just got in from work not long ago so Im to tired to look em up right now lol. As far as Page goes he stated at the release of IT MIGHT GET LOUD the type of direction he was going music wise, the aformentioned Embyro 1 & 2 was what he stated. I'll look for the reference for the different instrument thing you mention.

First of all, "bluegrass" and "country" aren't interchangeable terms as they're very different musical styles. Secondly, citing episodes of CMT's Crossroads where rock acts have appeared with country artists doesn't back up what you were saying at all, which was completely off the mark to start with because you got bluegrass confused with country music.

Well one may buy the whole "Its the past" thing so I wont do it anymore, but it really doesnt make sense, I mean as far as this situation. Someone on this board put up a great interview with Plant, it shows his mindset as far as this BOJ goes. Also a good reference is the CD interview included on the Mighty Rearanger CD, Plant goes into a lot of detail as to why hes doing what hes doing.

If it was on The Mighty Rearranger CD then what does that have to do with the Raising Sand and Band of Joy records, both of which weren't released until after The Mighty Rearranger?

I have no idea about any safe sound, IMO Zeppelin did not have a safe sound, by any stretch of the imagination, in fact many thought it was quite dangerous! :] Its Plant who keeps talking about not wanting to take risks (Any new Zeppelin music may not be that good compared to what we did quote) or that he may faint onstage if he trys singing Communication Breakdown quote. I think another of his quotes was something like "I didnt want to get caught up again in the Vortex (Zepp), so I go to the bar( BOJ) where things make sense" something along those lines, I'll look for the exact quote. But it sounds like he feels safer in BOJ than taking the risk of doing something with the boys.

So, what you're trying to say is, a person that's known primarily as a rock singer, wasn't taking a risk by releasing an album with an artist that's mostly known for her background in Appalachian music? Most of the points you're trying to get across sound like you have no knowledge of what you're talking about. You don't know the difference between country and bluegrass, you equate a few rock bands taping episodes of CMT's Crossroads with them "crossing over" (you do know the mixture of the two is the purpose of the show, right?) and you evidently believe that Plant recording with Krauss wasn't taking a big risk. As for the rest of your "quotes", you might want to do some actual research on those first before spouting a bunch of unfounded nonsense. Plant says a lot of things in jest which you seem to have misconstrued as fact (this in regards to his age). As for working up new material with Page, Jones and Jason Bonham, I'm not sure that I've ever heard him comment on that before.

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Respectfully Knebby, it disappoints me to see a person with minimum posts just suddenly show up and take someone to task. To me it stinks of premeditation. I agree that ultimately it is us as individuals who are responsible for how we react and in this case BigDan probably should have just ignored. However , that is not easy to do when a personal attack is as relentless as that one was.

I suppose it's a case of a referee seeing the retaliation instead of the original foul . Doesn't mean a foul wasn't commited

This is very disappointing. I wish BIGDAN had ignored this whole controversy over the same old boring Robert Plant posts.

At least Otto is back so we will get some intelligent posts until the next blowup.

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Well done sir ! Your mission to bait BigDan and have him banned has been accomplished. Now if you don't mind, do us all a favour and slither back into the hole you crawled out of.

What? BIGDAN banned? No!

I think that I missed it?

That's too bad.

I do think that he was goaded into it (by looking back at this thread).

But like Knebby said, you don't have to be a willing participant in the discussion with a troll. You just end up feeding the troll by responding to them, and it ends up hurting only yourself in the long run. People, you need to just walk away from the computer in these types of situations and save yourself some grief. You will be admired for your self control in doing so.

I hope that he will be able to return again. I will miss him.

And please, stop the Robert bashing for goodness sakes!

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